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Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) Empty His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:41 pm
Makussu was still very shaken as he slowly walked back towards Kasai's location. He had maimed, likely killing at least one of the men on board that ship. Oh what had he done? His hung in front of his head completing his bedraggled blood spattered appearance as a deranged killer. Was that what he was turning into? Was just spending time around Youka corrupting him? Oh he needed counseling, bad. Eventually reaching the half buried Kasai he attempted to shake him awake yelling "Kasai! Wake up!" If Kasai woke, he would see a blood spattered Makussu in the middle of the still ashen clearing.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:08 pm
Kasai yawned, and stretched before opening his eyes, and standing up. Kasai hurt all over from the previous fight, and his left arm felt terrible, but he was alive, and happy to be so. 
As he stood, he looked to his friend who had woken him, and paused. He was covered in blood, and looked terribly shaken. Had Kasai been asleep for so long that such a fate could have fallen Makussu?
"Friend... it appears that time has not been kind to you. Tell me, what has befallen while I lay slumbering." He said, in a very serious tone. His friend had come to him, and it must be important.
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:23 pm
Kasai had indeed woken woken up, how lucky. Still that did little to dispel the anguish in his heart. "Well Kasai," he'd begin, "I got a contract with the birds, broke into a casino, ran around the country on a duck, probably some people and robbed the dead. Yeah, I think some things have happened while you slept." He would flop to the ground as he said this, visions of the bodies flashing before him, the moans and cries of the was too much, too much! Why did he do it! "You got to tell me Kasai, was it right? They were killers, so did they deserver to be killed? Am I the same? Worse?" He would look at Kasai pleadingly for a response.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:47 pm
Kasai stood, staring deep into the sun, feeling the rays blind his eyes as he watched the flares of the immortal brilliance. It was quite a lot to take in all at once. He paused for a moment to think of what was all said. 
"I suppose it is the robbery you are asking me of, for I have no way to cast judgment on birds or ducks," he said, closing his eyes. "Though, to steal, and from the dead. You said the man was a killer himself? And it was not you who did the killing? If so, then this is not a question which I can answer. Only you may decide for yourself upon your actions. However, I may give you insight and what wisdom, little as it may be, that lies behind this mask, if you wish," Kasai said.
Kasai would tell Makussu what he could, but he needed a bit more information before going off on a rant.
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:00 pm
Ok, so perhaps Makussu had blurted out too much at once for Kasai to understand. "Ok, so here's what happened.," he would explain to his friend. "I was riding my summon friend Aoi when I came across a was drenched in blood. Innocents just participating in some stupid event were all slaughtered for the artifact that now rests on my next." As he said this he would indicate the item in question. I didn't kill the innocents but the bandits, I stabbed them all, holes through their bodies. I couldn't even heal them. I literally just left them to die! There's no way the medics would be able to get there in time to save all of them! Then I took from an innocent as I left in order to prevent fighting over it..but it just feels wrong. I feel....nothing and thats what I'm afraid of. That I've done equally bad and good, so it shouldn't matter. ......I don't want to become like Youka." Does this act push me towards his path?" with each word a small weight lifted off his chest now in the air. His deeds, his actions, his was known now. Now that Kasai understood the situation, he would to him for any "words of wisdom" on the situation.

~I have no way to cast any judgement on birds or ducks-Kasai Senshi (lol)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:51 pm
(a beautiful quote, thank you)
"I see," Kasai said, thinking deeply to himself. "This is very troubling indeed, and even harder to answer. You say you wish to avoid the path of Youka, however, I believe that Youka would have done the very same. Yet, as it may surprise you, a hero and savior may as well. The entire situation revolves around your perspective and your emotions at the time."
Kasai then sat down again, realizing this may be a long talk. 
"I believe that, in order for one to take a life, they must be fully accepting that they will lose their own, and are willing to die when that day comes. Innocent or guilty the dead, the killer must accept this," Kasai said, bowing his head.
"If you have accepted that fact, then perhaps you were not in the wrong. Perhaps a story will help.
"There once was a little boy from a very proud family. His name was Kibo, or Hope in the common tongue." Kasai paused, wondering if his point of the story would get across. "He was very small, and a perfect, innocent child. He never hurt a soul, and always wanted the best for everyone. 
"Now, it just so happened that within his family, there was a treasure. Closely guarded and held in the highest standings, this treasure was the family's pride, joy, and honor. Every generation, this treasure was passed down to the youngest child to watch over and guard it. The youngest child just happened to be Kibo, and when he heard that it was his duty to guard this treasure, he took his role very seriously.
"Now, this family had a tradition of traveling every year across the ocean to meet their brother clan. Kibo was accustomed to this, but now he had a responsibility. He believed that it was his job to bring the treasure with him so that he could protect it with his life.
"However, it just so happened that in their crossing, the family appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time. A band of vicious killers happened to out and about. Pirates, mercenaries, the most brutal and terrible of people. Those who kill for sheer joy. They happened to see the boat of the family, and chose it as their next target.
"Poor Kibo, the little child. When the pirates boarded, they spared no one. Kibo immediately ran for the treasure, seeing that people were being hurt. He cried, and he screamed, watching his family slaughtered before his eyes, however, when the pirates came for him, he did not offer them the treasure. The tried ripping it from his grasp, but he did not let go, he never would.
"Being the soulless humans they were, however, they soon lost interest, and killed the boy. Yet, in his dying vision, Kibo saw a figure. A figure filled with rage and terror and sorrow. The figure fell upon the pirates like a raging storm, destructive and brilliant. He then resolved that, this figure was a friend, an enemy of those who had killed his family. Silently, he prayed for the figure to take the treasure, the weapon, the artifact, and protect it more than Kibo could. He knew the figure to be a killer, and yet, he knew him to be a friend. He wished that, if the treasure would fall into anyone's hands, that it would be that figure. That savior."
Kasai paused and looked up, thinking to himself, and gazing at Makussu. He wondered if the boy would understand him. Kasai knew his ways were strange, and hoped they were not too strange for Makussu.
"That, my friend, is my answer to your killing."
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:28 pm
(thanks for the new bird summon name, Kibo the Pygmy Eagle)

Makussu listened on like a little preschooler, hanging on to every word as Kasai spoke of Kibo and his treasure. A sad little story, amazing that Kasai had been able to think of one like that so fast. So Makussu was the figure, he assumed. A being of sorrow and rage, channeled all into the personification of justice for the innocent. Feeling slightly better, he regained his dignity and brushed himself off before talking. Hey, at least that would be a start to getting rid of the deranged killer look for now. "Thanks Kasai....I needed that. It was just...well isn't killing supposed to be difficult on the mind? Whatever, thanks for helping." He would then shake his head as though to clear out bad thoughts before getting off the current gloomy track to hopefully generate a slightly warmer atmosphere. "Well besides the whole stabby stabby on the bandits thing, I did manage to get a pretty special technique. Here, I'll show it to you. Just promise me you won't go insane." With that he would slam his palm on the ground if uninterrupted as he yelled out "Summoning Jutsu!" from which Navi would appear coughing and spluttering about 3ft in the air before fluttering up to face level, a bird version of indignance on her face. Hey! Hey listen, listen! I was eating! You know how it feels to be teleported while eating? Huh, huh?" Already he was starting to regret the summoning of the summon head's daughter and ignored her in favor of looking towards Kasai for any reaction.

(-30 for summoning Navi so 270/300 left)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:50 pm
(haha, the pygmy eagle!)
Kasai bobbed his head at Makussu's first comment. "It is when killing someone does not disturb you that you may start to worry, but not before."
He then listened as Makussu continued talking, and chuckled at the comment of sanity.
"Oh, do not fear, I won't be losing my mind any more than it is already gone, friend."
he then watched intently, as a bird was summoned. A talking bird to be more specific. Seemingly out of thin air, just as Youka had summoned him. Yet, the bird seemed to like Makussu to an extent. It knew him as well. Had his friend mastered an element of nature unknown to Kasai?
"This is... very interesting indeed," Kasai said, and then bowed to the bird.
"Hello, feathered one," he said softly, and then looked back to Makussu. 
"Tell me friend, how have you achieved such? A contract with the forces of nature? A sacrifice? Divine intervention? This truly fascinates me, that you are able to call upon birds at will, and no ordinary birds at that, but speaking wonders."
Kasai gazed at the bird through the holes in mask, wondering if he too could achieve such a thing. He thought about this deeply, awaiting his friends response.
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Ryo : 161300

His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:06 pm
Makussu and the snooty one listened on the Kasai as he responded. Meh, it was true that if Kasai was himself there really was no need to worry about it. As he pondered this Navi would have fluttered up to his head and made herself comfortable, once again creating a temporary nest out of his hair. "See! This is what I call appreciation! He calls me a force of nature, you call me annoying! See the difference? Huh, huh?," oh Log how Navi annoyed him so, but he could really do nothing about it seeing as he needed to maintain a good relationship with the birds. "Well Kasai," he would begin if no comment were made, "She's a summon. They're basically extremely intelligent birds that grow to the size of buildings. You can only summon one by finding them and asking their permission for a contract. I barely did so without getting out alive, thankfully this one is the daughter of the summon head" As he finished his mini-lesson he would indicate the bird atop his head. Once Kasai had spoken his understanding, he would then speak again if uninterrupted. "Well I know that you're pretty interested in this, but finding a summoning contract is a thing one does their own, it would be a grave insult for me to help you. Do you want to spar instead, at least for a bit?" He would look towards Kasai for a response to the request.

(280/300 left)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:20 pm
Kasai bowed deeply again after Makussu was done explaining.
"I do understand friend, and royal daughter. This is truly fascinating. Perhaps I too will seek out friends of a sort."
He then listened as Makussu suggested a spar.
"An excellent idea. I fear Youka will be coming again soon, and another deadly 'training' may commence. So, yes, we should be prepared, and strengthen ourselves," Kasai said, taking a step backwards to allow them to prepare.
"Do not expect a painful experience, however. I do not believe in Youka's harsh methods, and rather a more... friendly learning may be beneficial."
He bowed his head, signifying that he was ready for what would come. 
He, however, would refrain from using his fire jutsu as much as possible. Kasai had no intention to maim his friend at all, and he knew that fire could easily do so. It would also prove a challenge to him to find different ways to fight, rather than creating an inferno again.
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