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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Demon teaching a Demon Empty Demon teaching a Demon

Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:51 pm
Walking out to the plains where both men had agreed to meet away from the chaos of all the other younger genin he found a flat patch of land. He had sent Xyxer a messenger letting him know where he would be so they could continue their little learning experience. He would teach Xyxer how to use earth chakra and in turn would be taught weaponry as repayment.

"He should be making his way here very soon. The messenger left directly after I told him where I would be."

The Demon paced impatiently as he waited. There was still much to do in the short period of time he had and it was being wasted on both fronts. He hadn't trained the genin yet as much as he would have liked. They only learned how to take torture, which he guessed was slightly useful. His other half still hadn't learned space time jutsu yet either, so the whole thing was just a bust.
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Demon teaching a Demon Empty Re: Demon teaching a Demon

Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:45 pm
Xyxer had meanwhile been indulging in some.. devious habits of his. That was why, when the messenger with the words of Youka came to allow the speech passage from his lips to the ears of the demon, he stopped. He had heard of what happened to people whom disturbed Xyxer during such intimate times, and he did not want to be a statistic. That was why the messenger seemed to freeze up as the stories in his head seemed to whirl around, shock and horror overcoming the poor fellow. In fact, he was much like a statue for three days as Xyxer quietly read a book 'How to Torture 101'. After the three days, Xyxer naturally stood up as he had held his bladder for a long time, hey, he could have even burst it from that amount of time, but he didn't as this is Naruto and anything can happen. Seeing the male that was still frozen and with his belly rumbling, he walked over and, gently, punched the male in the abdomen to wake him from his slumber. As soon as the wind was released from his solar plexus, the words rolled from his tongue the form of a message and Xyxer knew what must happen. Patting the poor fellow on the back for his troubles but not tipping him as he was not an american, Xyxer casually walked towards the aforementioned area.

Now being four days later than the intended message, Xyxer stood where the letter detailed, looking for any figure that could in fact be the body of Youka, as he too could have possibly died from malnutrition just like the fellow was dying. He didn't know why the messenger didn't just eat some cashews with him.
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Demon teaching a Demon Empty Re: Demon teaching a Demon

Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:08 pm
The Demon was not a moron and had not been waiting for the man known as Xyxer to come this whole time. He had been leaving every day and coming back at the exact same time he had mentioned for the man to meet him. The Demon would go back to the village for food and to sleep while waiting for Xyxer to do whatever it was he was doing.

"It only took you four days to get here to learn something you wanted to learn. How was your book on torture? I'm assuming that's what you were doing as that's the only reason you would not be here on time. You have a weird fixation with it my friend."

The Demon walked in front of Xyxer and stood looking at the man before continuing his speech.

"It was the earth element you wanted to learn right? I can teach it to you quick enough. How about we use clones for this though so we can learn at the same time? I'll make a clone that you can teach weaponry to and you make a clone that I can teach the element to."

Now he would just wait and see if this was acceptable.
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Demon teaching a Demon Empty Re: Demon teaching a Demon

Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:10 pm
The demon had proved himself to be quite capable in the feat of logic, after all, every time that he had seen Xyxer within the walls of Tengakure with no fight occurring had been in his torture room, it was true, he did enjoy his little practices there, and learning more on how to be efficient was one of his most enjoyed past times. "Aye, the book was good. I enjoy reading it again and again, adding my own little notes each time and my experiences with certain forms of it and the reactions.. The book is almost half my work now, I should find the author and demand half of the payments he's received for it." Of course, this made no sense as Xyxer's notes were only in his own book, but that didn't seem to falter the ego of the swordsman.

Listening to Youka's repetition of their aforementioned deal to learn different abilities from one another; Youka was to learn weaponry from Xyxer, and Xyxer was to learn the element of Earth from Youka. He nodded. The clone idea was quite smart, it allowed for them to learn their feats much quicker than they would alone without having to focus on two things at once like a pair of shmux, instead, they just had half the concentration, half the work, but double the memory. Man, clones were great, he should get some more at another point in time. Forming the hand seal that was required to summon a clone, he nodded his head as the poof of smoke appeared to reveal the handsome male that was Grim- Xyxer. A fellow Wrath of Tengakure. Was it the Wraths of Tengakure now? He was not sure, perhaps one could be the Wrath of Tengakure and the other could be the Wrath of Kirigakure, hell, maybe even maintain the Demon of Kirigakure title. Regardless, he had his clone move away from his body towards Youka and summon his sword into his hand, the armour also forming over his body to show he was prepared for battle. Xyxer himself, however, awaited Youka's training on the new element he was to be learning. So much to do, yet such little time..
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Demon teaching a Demon Empty Re: Demon teaching a Demon

Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:58 pm
The Demon watched as Xyxer understood that this would increase their productivity ten fold this way instead of having to learn one thing at a time and take turns. They weren't in kindergarten ninja school anymore. Performing the hand seals necessary for his own clone jutsu another Youka appeared next to him in a puff of smoke. The Demon nodded at the clone and it walked towards the Xyxer with the sword to learn its secrets in weaponry.

"Alright I'll be teaching you the all to basic ways of the earth element. It's not the hardest thing to do, if you can destroy things you'll get the hang of it fairly well. The basis of it is to always be firmly grounded in everything you do. Once you have that down it's simply a matter of being able to funnel your chakra into the earth properly."

The Demon would make the seal of confrontation and focus his chakra into the ground. The earth would begin to rumble and crack around him causing the plains grass to sing downward into the earth around it. Once he released the seal the earth would stop shaking and calm down as he would look over to Xyxer to see if he understood the method.
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Demon teaching a Demon Empty Re: Demon teaching a Demon

Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:27 pm
Watching the familiar flick and the training go underway, Xyxer listened keenly to the missing shinobi with whom he seemed to have developed a bond with. It was somewhat of a friendship, although Xyxer's mentality still would not allow him to believe he could make friends, after all, he was a demon, the first of an elite set of ANBU that were to undergo experiments to make them completely emotionless.. Regardless, listening in to what the clone was saying, Xyxer planted his heels deeply into the earth, a noticeable pit being dug under each of his heels as he seemed to decrease in height somewhat. Closing his eyes, he envisioned the element of earth and soil. Soil, of course, had to be damp in order for the best crops to grow.. With this concentration, Xyxer had seemed to forget any form of hand seal and instead continued to pour his own chakra out from his body, allowing it to seep outwards in a brazen display of his power. Of course, however, it did not have the intended effect he had desired as the chakra that flew outwards did not shake the ground.. It instead seemed to swirl around the male in moist whips, sprawling out violently as snakes of water threw themselves around the body of the Wrath of Tengakure, threatening to behead even him, although his natural skill with suiton was not to be underestimated. After a few seconds of getting made damp by the whips, he opened his eyes to see the water swirling around himself before dropping his chakra levels, the suiton falling from their tendril apparitions and splashing on the floor, seeming to disappear shortly afterwards, most likely from the earth below absorbing it for it's yummy nutrients! Regardless, Xyxer looked up to Youka with his eyebrow perking upwards, his shoulders repeating the same action as a sign of humble defeat by the powers of nature, though of course, Xyxer did not believe he could be affected by nature, he was after all.. The Evolved!!!

The clone of Xyxer, whom could possibly be Xyxer #2 or Xyxer Numero Uno, prepared to teach his once opponent the secret of the weapon that beat him in a fight. It was a good idea, really, to learn the weaknesses of a move that had overwhelmed you and could have potentially ended your life. The clone nodded his head affirmatively, speaking in his armour. Inside of the armour, I should mention, the voice of the user seemed to darken much more and become slightly deeper, giving the impression that a demon truly was inside of the armour, even if you sounded like Veigar or some shit. Regardless, the clone took a step forward with his left foot, planting the ball firmly on the ground before heaving his arm around in a gigantic hurling arc, the sword acting as an extension of his arm as it hit the ground a short distance from him, cutting through the earth as if it was nothing before Xyxer Numero Uno lifted the swords once more and repeated the arc movement, his left foot darting forwards to find solid ground, his arm throwing the hulking cleaver of men through the air into the ground and his right foo hopping forwards to keep up with the motion. That however, was not to be the end of the small visual display as when the sword struck the earth the second time, Xyxer turned the sword instantly and fell down to the ground via the weight of the sword and his own forceful movement, lifting the blade out from the ground that acted as a temporary burial plot for it, he then threw his entire arm forwards with the sword following suit in the lurch, by now, the distance they have covered would most likely be near Youka. If the real Youka had not moved, he would find himself impaled on the end of a rather large metallic stick, or rather, he would if this had been a real fight and Youka had marveled at the show Xyxer had put on. However, as this was a training, Xyxer would instead thrust the sword above the shoulder of the opponent if he had not moved, and if he had, he simply shoved the weapon into the air.

After the short display, Xyxer moved back to standing normally and rested the weapon on the ground, speaking simply to try and illustrate the efficiency of weaponry in the modern ninja world, "As you have found out, weapons are versatile and the means of a swift demise for your opponents, they can contain many tricks and bolster your own strength, maybe you could even become so well versed in this form of combat you would find your jutsu to be of complete irrelevance.. You can use heavy weapons, light weapons, it's all the time. Fighting.. is an art. You can dance. You can paint. You can repeatedly smash a plank against a Bijuu. Weaponry is a form of very painful expressions, and hopefully, the dirge of your opponent if you become so skilled your sword speaks it's own words." Xyxer nodded to affirm what he had said, allowing the male to start small, he simply summoned Heavens Sorrow Ninjato into his hand and heaved his arm forwards, acting as if he was going to throw it because he is a bit of a dick, but instead passing it to Youka, handle first. Taking a few steps back until he was five metres away, he nodded. "Show me what you can do."
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Demon teaching a Demon Empty Re: Demon teaching a Demon

Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:01 pm
What the hell was this relationship that these two had? They weren't friends, they didn't share in anything that would bond two people together. They had simply tried to kill each other and now they were in a field sharing secrets. This was not supposed to be the order of things and how nature works in the world. If anything this field should be littered with blood from both of them attempting to take the life from each other again. Luckily the Demon was level headed, a lot more than Youka was and knew how to use someone for their knowledge. It had to be the same thing that Xyxer was doing, soaking up anything he could learn from the Demon while they still had a rocky but firm relationship. Controlling the element of earth was like taking a breath to the Demon so when he saw the outcome of Xyxer's attempts at the same thing it caused him to chuckle slightly. It seemed the man had a very deep understanding of water however as it showed in his manipulation of the element when trying to call forth earth.

"Ok, maybe you'll have better luck with this. Try envisioning it as you see water running and coursing through your body. Then switch that to earth rolling beneath your feet and flowing back into you just as water would. Just exert it outward more so as a crushing wave just as water would but instead of calm waves make it more forceful like the earth."

With those words he hoped for it to be much easier for Xyxer to grip it once he tried again. He had the chakra molding correct, he just needed to change the element. Switching over now to the clone teaching the clone they were in the middle of their own type of training. This Xyxer seemed more serious than the other as he was cloaked in his armor with his signature sword out and ready. He began warping the blade by swinging it around him before tossing it at the ground causing it to tear it apart as easily as if it were paper. He did this twice more with the third moving in the direction of the real Youka who had moved in a opposite direction after the first act. The Demon was not stupid and knew Xyxer would try to show off as best he could even if it was just the two of them outside. This was a little too advanced for the Demon as he had not handled a sword once in his time being in this body. So most of this show was lost on him, he did however watch the motions and stances the body took when wielding the weapon. That was the meat and potatoes that he was looking for, wielding the weapon would do nothing for him if he didn't have proper spacing and body movement.

" I barely use my ninjutsu as it is so this will effectively cause me to get rid of such a useless specialty. Hopefully rendering me perfect in my own style. I don't think I'll be using something as overtly noticiable as your sword though. I prefer to still rely on my hand to hand combat but adding maybe gloved swords to that would benefit me more."

After they both finished talking Xyxer pulled a sword from no where and handed it to the Demon to test out his own stance. Grabbing it by the hilt and pulling on the blade, it was now his turn to show what he learned. Taking a ready stance or a really really shitty stance to be exact, his feet were standing not apart but directly next to each other and he held the blade with one arm. What happened next was nothing but a spectacle of sheer brilliance and awe inspiring amazingness. The Demon began flailing around like a mad man with the sword making the noices the metal would make if it collided with more metal and pretended to be fighting a invisible man. You see Xyxer hadn't told him how to swing properly or anything like a starting form, he just handed the man a sword and said have fun pretty much. So the Demon decided to make it overly noticibale at the lack of tutelage by pretending he was in a star wars movie by rolling across the plains and cutting the grass with the sword. This would continue till Xyxer was more precise with his teaching lesson.
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Demon teaching a Demon Empty Re: Demon teaching a Demon

Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:21 pm
It seemed to Xyxer, the one before him that was called Youka was indeed not trusting the individual all that much. After all, he had shifted his own body away when the impending threat of Xyxer's Tidebreaker, well, breaking his tide, but since he is not a tide, it would be breaking his bones, but we're using some pretty hefty words here. Watching the male after he had received the ninjato just seem to throw it around, he nodded with a grin now beginning to start.. Just as he had hoped. "Very good, now continue that." After a few seconds more of watching him, Xyxer himself would then lunge towards the fellow, closing the distance quickly before landing roughly a meter from him, all the while Tidebreaker had been in an arcing motion from his right shoulder towards his left pelvis, being half way through the journey by the time he would land in front of Youka, seeking to continue his destructive motion, even if the male remained in front of him during his motion, entrapped by his own little play time. After all, the best way to learn something was in combat, it's a life or death situation after all and so if the male got used to being attacked and defending with a small weapon, he should be capable of finding weak points in a males fighting stance to take advantage of them and overcome the superior foe.

The real Xyxer, however, the original version of the Wrath of Tengakure and not just a mere copy of the Tenkage, was still being taught how to mold his chakra into the element that was desired. It was true, Xyxer's affinity with water was extremely powerful and as such it often found a way into his normal techniques, in fact, the boy could not even recall a time where he had used a jutsu that did not involve water.. Had he ever done that? Perhaps earth would change his stance on this situation. Listening once more to the words of Youka, he nodded his head when he heard him speak of imagining the molding a bit different.. Xyxer did not truly grasp the element of Earth, it did not seem too defensive, nor was it too offensive, it was a very peculiar mix, nor was it fluid like suiton. However, he did understand that he could utilise the element as if it was suiton with the words of Youka echoing through his ears, he brought his hands towards his chest and closed his eyes, exhaling as his hands pushed out from his body to try and regain the concentration that was lost. Forming a particular hand seal, the male then began to exert his chakra out into the surrounding environment once more, this time truly channeling it downwards and not just around him. He imagined a destuctive tsunami underground, rolling over and crushing all of the debris that acted much like obstacles on it's way to drown a village filled with people whom did not call him their leader. He wanted power, and in order to get the power that he sought, he planned on using his lust and desire for such a thing. Aspirations are a powerful thing, Xyxer had noted down in his head the day he had became an ANBU purely because he had strove for it and had succeeded with very little difficulty.

As the chakra exerted itself down into the ground below the body of Xyxer, it did seem to cause a slight shift in the earth, a small tremor if you will. His proficiency in this element was very shaky, much like the earth at the moment, if you get the joke. Continuing to concentrate, the tremor remained very miniscule as he attempted to build up on his chakra levels, frowning in his form of concentration with some anger now being directed towards the chakra that was being flown underground. As his fury increased, so did the frequency and the magnitude of the tremor that was rocking the earth around the two, most likely making the fighting moment for the clones of both Youka and Xyxer quite interesting. After a few minutes of making sure he could maintain the element, he opened his eyes and allowed his chakra lose it's effect on the surrounding environment, allowing nature to return to it's natural state with his hands now also falling by his sides, awaiting the next command from Youka, after all, just because he knew how to shake the earth didn't mean he knew how to use earth to his advantage, nor it's usages.
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Demon teaching a Demon Empty Re: Demon teaching a Demon

Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:31 pm
While the Demon was busy making a mockery of Xyxer and his attempts to teach him how weaponry works Xyxyer was making his move. The movements were nice and smooth and if the Demon had been paying attention he would have been able to mimic them. However he hadn't been and he had just enough time to notice that Xyxer was making his decent from the sky and avoid it by rolling slightly to the left and forward. The roll would close the distance that Xyxer had attempted to create, the sword would be in his left hand with his right on the hilt pointed towards Xyxer. With that he would spring forward in a spearing motion to cut through the mans center if he didn't try and deflect it. While this was going on the other two were still going through the roles of teacher and student going through the trial and error of learning the earth element.

The training was picking up and going fairly well it seemed that Xyxer was getting the hang of it very well. It only took him one more explanation and he grasped it quickly able to replicate it on a very decent scale. He was taking the advice and trying to use the element of earth just like he would use water element. The Demon wondered if Xyxer had much practice in using anything else besides suiton because from how things were turning out he only used water. It was at this time that the Demon noticed that the earth was starting to shake. Xyxer was putting his chakra into the earth causing it to shake and rumble all around them. Naturally Youka pushed his own chakra into the ground to stabilize his own footing.

While this was happening Youka's clone was trying to keep his footing while still trying to defend himself. He had to do the same thing while protecting himself from any counter attacks that would come from the man and his sword or doom. All the while the Demon was thinking of ways to make this style his own. He also needed to think of which weapon he could use that would best suit his own fighting style once this entire thing was done. After Xyxer allowed his chakra to die down and the ground started to stop shaking he looked rather pleased with himself

"Hmm well you picked that up rather quickly actually. It only took me explaining it one more time for you to understand everything. Would you like to try to learn an actual earth jutsu, it might do you some good to have a starting earth jutsu for you to learn. Even if it's just for this session you can try your hand at it."
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Demon teaching a Demon Empty Re: Demon teaching a Demon

Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:39 pm
During the ascension of Xyxer with the hefty blade held over his right shoulder, he made a mental note to make a thin, regular katana that was sharpened by the whetstone of the greatest smith in the entire land, after all, monstrous, destructive swings could only get you so far, but quick, precise slices could end a fight before it had even begun. Perhaps he would have a sheath on his hip with the large weapon used for cleaving Bijuus on his back, leaving him a variety of options for killing. As of right now, however, the hands of Xyxer clenched the neatly wrapped cloth that bind the hilt of Tidebreaker, allowing for him a good grip and reactive movements, it was hard to control such a weapon with extreme precision, after all, it was often quite encumbersome, but it looked pretty cool and it was the first sword of the remade seven swordsmen of the mist, so he had to carry the weapon to ensure he was the embodiment of Kirigakure No Sato, the greatest swordsmen and murderers in the entire nation. When he had landed, he noticed a rapid roll from the clone of Youka, moving towards his right, which was.. where his primary hand would be holding the sword, so it was a queer choice since it would naturally make his movements to that particular area quite efficient and rapid. That was why, when the male was mid way on his roll towards his desired location, Xyxer had reacted by simply swing his sword back from his left pelvis towards his right one, aiming to either completely obliterate the body of Youka with the back of his sword or to scare the opposition off from his currently form of attack, which was quite an interesting one to say the least considering he had dared to come so close to his body. An interesting tactic considering he had used no former distractions, perhaps the Wrath of Tengakure should demonstrate to his new friend how a distraction could work quite well.. Moving close to Youka, regardless of what he did to defend from the current attack that was happening, Xyxer flicked his foot forward onto the ground and dragged it upwards, kicking dirt towards the face of Youka which would most likely obscure his vision. If he was not to move and his sight was truly blurred, then the Wrath of Tengakure would finish off by simply smacking him around the head in a punch, not aiming to destroy the shadow clone with the attack but merely to teach him a lesson, like a caring sensei training his student to not be an idiot and charge at missing shinobi with no actual plan in mind. After all, sword fighting was like making love, you could either be as gentle as the breeze sifting through your hair playfully, or as aggressive as a ginormous tsunami crashing down upon buildings, wave after wave after wave. Xyxer was most likely the latter, because well, he was obsessed with freaking water and he was supposed to be an inherent genius when it comes to suiton and it's mastery.

As the real Xyxer did not have much else to do, he merely nodded to the question posed by the real Youka, allowing words to fly from his mouth much like a sparrow flying head on into a car window, "Well, I suppose so, otherwise it would be useless to learn the element of Earth wouldnt it? I mean, I could just have kept lightning and have never used it or have any expertise in the field."
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