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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Teaching the kids Empty Teaching the kids

Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:48 am

An envelope containing mission information hit the table and was slid towards the eager Genin. She snatched up the envelop just as she had done the last several days.

“I’m sure I’ll be seeing you later. Have fun!”

The mission NPC lady would say to Fu, waiving her off on her mission. Fu gripped the envelop and exited the building. Once in the sun light, she would open the envelop and read the form that was inside.

Ugh. Not again. When are these E rank missions going to end?

Fu had spent some time mingling with some of the other Genin that she had met at the hospital on one of her previous missions. The ones hurt on their C-Rank mission. They told her that once she completed at least 4 E-Rank missions they would begin giving her some more challenging ones. Fu sure hoped that they were right.

Fu’s mission today was to go to the Ninja Academy and teach some of the younger students some of the Jutsu that she knows. She had to perform at least 2 jutsu in order to fulfil the requirements of today’s request. Fu headed towards the ninja academy, a place that she did not spend much time. Despite her fascination with swords and fighting with her hands, Fu was actually more adept to using chakra-based techniques. She learned the preliminary academy jutsu faster than anyone in her class and proceeded to graduating to be a Genin. Of course not every student in the academy had been trained by Anbu..

Fu arrived at the academy shortly after she left the mission HQ. She entered the academy and went to the front desk where she handed them her orders. The secretary made a quick phone called and then assured Fu that the were ready to see her now.

Fu was slightly nervous and a little annoyed. She hadn’t got to fight a single thing since she ranked up and she was beginning to think that it wouldn’t change anytime soon. Fu arrived at the correct classroom and proceeded to knock on the door with two knuckles before entering. The instructor would open the door and invite her into the classroom. It was the same classroom that she had sat in not too long ago.

“Alright class give Fu a warm welcome. She is going to be sharing with you guys 2 jutsu of her choice. Make sure you all pay very attention and ask any questions if you have them!”

Now with Fu at the center of attention she would take a deep breath and scan the room.

“This is one of my favorites and its not to hard to learn. Just focus your chakra into the soles of your feet!”

Fu would say, her feet starting to glow as she began to walk up the wall of the classroom.

“This one is cool too. Dog, Boar, Ram!”

She would say in unison to weaving those hand seals, thus changing her appearance to match that of the other instructor in the room.

The classroom would erupt in cheers and Fu would be on her way to get her money.


Twc: 525
525 towards Wep = 1,526/2k
600 ryo = 2,400
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