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Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Focus : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru) Empty return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru)

Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:00 am
Drenched in rain the bright red headed missing nin entered the gates rather hurriedly! Her rain drenched cloak billowed out despite the rain because she was running so fast! Since aging to 14 she noticed her hair was longer and brighter red, she was slightly taller and she had developed slighter larger boobs and she was a little thinner. Wet leather makes certain things noticeable! She had no time to worry about this now, she was in a hurry! 
"Why did I have to leave stuff? " she said to herself. It wasnt safe to even be going anywhere alone, she was a missing nin now. The rain starting coming down harder!
"Damn it." She muttered.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru) Empty Re: return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru)

Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:54 pm
90% of the time, on a day like this, Haru would be inside, relaxing, leaving the unpleasant job of guarding the village to some unlucky chunin. But today, he just felt the need to be outside. Sometimes you just wanna go out in the rain, you know?
He saw the girl enter the gates, her bright red hair causing her to stick out in the dark, dreary atmosphere like a sore thumb. She looked like she was in a hurry, in fact, she didn’t even wait at the gates. Wasn’t that proper procedure, even in weather like this? He figured either way, he had to stop her, but he could probably make it easier on her, given that the weather.
”Hey! Over here!” He shouted over the rain, before realizing his voice didn’t carry enough over the downpour. He placed two of his fingers in his mouth, letting out a loud whistle that actually would carry over the rain, towards the girl. He would beckon her towards him, flashing the Tengakure headband he wore around his neck.
If she approached him, he would shout over the rain, leaning in towards her so that she could hear.

”Are you from the village? I don’t recognize you from around here.”
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Focus : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru) Empty Re: return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru)

Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:12 pm
Tori heard mumbling over the rain but blew it off, then the whistling was loud enough to startle her! Stopping she heard the voice. Sighing she turned towards it. Damn! She had been spotted!  She walked over to the guy, who she figured had to be a chuunin or higher considering Genins weren't allowed to stand guard at the gates. 
That question!  Yeah that was a tricky one! She can't give her name, thats an instant give away, and Akki or Megamis names would probably end up in the MN files. Wait. ..maybe Volcano was safe to use. And she could just use her first name.  She could say she didn't have a headband because she wasn't a genin yet. 
"My name is Tori, I am from Volcano. I was just revisiting. I was here a few days ago and left some stuff in my hotel room." She looked up at him hoping that was enough information. Maybe her picture wasn't out yet and they didn't know any different it had only been a couple of months,  or three. 
It wasn't apparent she was an uzumaki,  I mean anyone can have red hair and sky bue eyes right?
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru) Empty Re: return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru)

Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:24 pm
Haru sighed. The girl said her name was Tori, and that she came from the Volcano village. It seemed almost too convenient that he had just recently met someone from the same village. Apparently Tengakure was a popular tourist attraction to people who lived there? She was apparently just here to recover some things she left behind on her last trip. That would be fine normally, but it didn’t add up to him.
”Well, Tori, if you left something behind, why didn’t you just send for it? I’m sure the hotel would return it to you.” He inquired. Why would she come all this way, on foot, in pouring rain, just for some personal items she forgot. They were either very valuable, or very important to her.
”Especially in this weather. Come on, let’s get out of the rain.” He said, pointing to a pavilion a block or two down the road. If she followed, he would lead her there, hopping up and sitting on the table top.

”Alright, Tori, when did you come to Tengakure? Do you remember where you stayed?” He asked her. ”Because you came here on foot in conditions that most people wouldn’t travel in with any sort of transportation. I’m guessing this is important.” He said.
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Focus : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru) Empty Re: return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru)

Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:46 pm
Damn it! He didn't believe her! She sat on the table gazing at him. Hmmm, he was kind of cute. Being questioned by a cute guy made it worth it. 
"I was here a couple of days ago, I stayed here for a month. Wouldn't that kind of make me a resident?" She asked with a smile on her face. Yeah way to go Tori, make a fool of yourself cause he's cute. 
"I was staying at some hotel by the park down the road from a rather nasty pizza place." She remembered. "Um, its just some letters and clothes and a scrap book. I kind of need those things." She hopped off the table and looked at him eye to eye. He was a lot cuter up close. She made puppy dog eyes at him. "Please let me go, I'll be quick and out of your way."
She held up her arms and wrapped her chakra chains around them chaining her hands together. "See I am chained up I can't do any harm this way." Suddenly her eyes went wide as she snapped the chains. Shit!  She was busted, she gave away who she was.

Last edited by Tori Uzumaki on Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edited my horrifying spelling)
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru) Empty Re: return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru)

Mon Sep 08, 2014 5:07 pm
Haru raised an eyebrow.
”You stayed here for a month? That’s a pretty long vacation, miss.” He said, folding his arms skeptically. Her story was definitely an odd one, and he felt like she was withholding information from him. He was half tempted to head down to the ANBU headquarters and look up the records, but… Eh, he was off duty, and he was a sucker for a pretty face. He’d just have to see what he could get out of her. He really didn’t like drilling people like this.
”Look, Tori, I can’t just let you go. I’d lose my job. Just be honest with me, are you hiding something? Because the way I see it, leaving your village for a month and coming back so suddenly with such urgency doesn’t exactly hang a halo over your head.” He told the girl, meeting her eyes as she spoke.
He was just about to question her about her surname, which might shed light on who exactly she was, before she offered to chain herself up, and right before his eyes, created chakra chains to bind herself. Haru stared at her, wide-eyed. He had only seen one other person use chains like that… Shinji Uzumaki, the former Tenkage.
Tori Uzumaki… The name didn’t ring a bell, but the girl acted like she’d just revealed something that screwed her over. He decided he’d roll with it. Improv was something he enjoyed thoroughly.
Shortly after her own eyes widened, Haru mimicked her actions, widening his own black and white eyes, though not to the extent that she did. Best not to oversell it. He readied himself, as he was fairly sure she might try to make a bolt, standing up so that they were face to face. This was a long shot, but if it worked, he could solve this without all the hassle.
”Hmm… Tori Uzumaki, right?” He began, making it clear that the chains had given her away. ”Look, on a normal day, I’d bring you back to base for questioning. But I like you, Tori. There’s no need to deal with all that paperwork, if you were to just tell me why you’re here with such urgency..”
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Focus : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru) Empty Re: return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru)

Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:10 am
Tori's heart was racing even more. As a missing nin, you listen for certain words in sentences.  Now so far, it was his day off, and he mentioned back to base, questioning. ANBU! !! She was shaking slightly. Calm down, at least he is cute and he , likes you. 
"I am ... Tori Uzumaki.  I am originally from Konoha. I was an orphan adopted by my clan head. When Arashi died, I stayed at my house for a while until my sensei Primrose Uchiha went missing. I made the mistake of going to look for her alone. In my eyes, I had nothing left to lose. I lost my boyfriend,  he died suddenly,  I had lost a person I considered my older brother, my clan head and my sensei, I was determined to find her. I was confronted by  two missing nin and I put up a fight, but I....lets just say I ended up going with them and never went back. I have nothing really back in Konoha. I am a missing nin. I don't have my  headband anymore. I am guessing I am the only clan member left, I don't really know. I haven't seen to many others. My twin sisters dead, my older sister and parents are deceased.  And thats my life in a nut shell...." she pulled her eyes away from his fighting back tears.  No one knew her full life story. 
"I was in Volcano visiting a friend of mine from the oorphanage. So have I condemned myself yet?" She asked still looking away fighting back the tears!
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru) Empty Re: return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru)

Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:16 am
Oh, wow. She cracked wide open. It was like a dam had just been broken, because she explained everything, as if she had been wanting to get it off her chest.[/i] She said she was a missing ninja, but he didn’t think she really had the stomach for what that really meant. She was, technically, a missing ninja from The Leaf Village, not Volcano. That made things a bit more complicated. Technically, he could play dumb and say that he never learned this information. Her status was not, after all, well known. Heck, her village probably didn’t even know she left, they probably thought she was dead. He would reach forward, putting a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.
”Tell you what, Tori…” He began, his tone softening now. He had gotten what he needed, no need to make this any harder. He activated his byakugan for a moment, making sure that nobody was around, listening. Once he was sure there wasn’t anyone, he would begin speaking.
”You’re no threat to the village, so I don’t see a problem with letting you in to get your stuff.” He told her, hoping it would cheer her up. He had used his chakra senses to check her power level, and honestly, it wasn’t nearly enough to pose a problem, should she be withholding information.  ”So I’ll let you stay. Let’s pretend you never told me all that. Just don’t cause any trouble, because I’ll be keeping an eye on you.” He told her. And just in case she was in a hurry for something, he decided to trap her there, so to speak, at least until he could figure her out.
”But this storm is pretty bad, and I don’t want you running off in it again. I think you should stay here for a night or two, at least until this awful weather blows over. Is that alright?” He would ask her.
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Focus : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru) Empty Re: return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru)

Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:59 pm
Tori smiled and wrapped her arms around him. And feeling over joyed and safe for the first time in months she kissed his lips. Pulling out of the kiss, if he allows her to kiss him, she looked into his eyes and spoke to him sincerely. 
"I have a feeling,  considering your position in this village, and everything you said to me that you are technically not allowed to release me. I listened for some key words when you were speaking to me, you are not just an average ninja on guard duty. I have a feeling though, you would not to do anything to hurt me." She smiled staring into his eyes with her arms still around him.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru) Empty Re: return to Tenga (P/IO/Haru)

Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:00 pm
Haru was a little surprised when Tori hugged him, which caused his arms to be awkwardly pulled down, stiff at his sides. He didn’t think she saw him as a friend in this situation, given he was questioning her and all. What came next gave another good shock to his system. She kissed him, full on the lips, and, well... He didn't exactly fight it. In fact, he kissed back. Once she pulled away, he bit his lip as she spoke, revealing what she had figured out. She also told him that whatever happened, she was sure he wouldn’t harm her. She trusted him. He thought about that for a moment. Could he trust her? Especially after that kiss, he wondered if she might just be trying to trick him into going easy on her. No… She gave away her story awfully fast, it was clear there was some level of trust there. He’d give her a chance.
”I… I trust you. Look, Tori, I’m putting my neck on the line here for you. Don’t mess this up.” He warned her, before wearily hugging her back.
She was right, after all. He didn’t plan on just letting her go. Her saying this reminded him that he still had a job to do here. He formed a few tracking seeds in his hand, maintaining eye contact with her, before sticking them to her clothing, along her back, the action would likely not even be noticeable. Just a little added security, so he could still say he was doing his job right.
”Are you staying at the same hotel, then? I need to know where you’ll be.” He told her, pulling away from the hug. ”I’m also going to have to check in on you every so often.” He added, leaning back shakily against the table. Wait… were his hands shaking?
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