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Austin Nara
Austin Nara
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) Empty Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:34 pm
After Such a long journey I finally found tenga and how to get in as I walk into the village every thing seems different like what a poor person would do when he sees a mansion. As I walk inside everyone looks at me like Im crazy trying to find my friend all I see is a big building with a symbol. So this is Tenga huh looks upperclassed I probably wont fit in. As I walk I see a building that looks weird as I look in the window I see a teacher give a lesson. As I watch the lession I smile and watch the kids that look like they are having fun. If only I could've had fun. As I say to myself.
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:05 pm
Kei walked through his village, both hands shoved in his pockets. There didn't seem to be anything he could do at the moment. His academy day was over and going back to his apartment didn't sound too entertaining. 'Hmm, maybe I can torture another one of my classmates?' he thought, 'Nah, they would expect.. I need to find someone who wouldn't be able to tell what my thoughts might be' The academy student stopped walking for a moment and observed the area he was in. Apparently, he was at the village gates.. how come he didn't notice that? Keisuke continued to look around the place and spotted someone looking into the window of a building. The boy darkly smirked, "And here is the victim." He silently made his way behind the stranger and cleared his voice.

"Hey, yo.
 What are you doing here? Cause I know you ain't my peer.
 You look kinda perverted, also a bit introverted. Word!"

Kei crossed his arms in an 'X' formation with his finger formed into peace signs. A smirk would still be planted upon his face as he waited for this guy's reaction. 'But seriously.. what is he looking through there for?' he thought to himself.
Austin Nara
Austin Nara
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:17 pm
Austin quickly took out a kunai and pointed it at the stranger. Who are you and why would you sneak up behind me for. As Austin examines the stranger he sees that his appearance is kinda strange. Austin not caring kept his kunai at he stranger just in case he was going to attack.
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:34 pm
Keisuke took a simple two steps away from the stranger and gave a crooked smile. "Easy there pervert, I was just wondering why you're in my village. I've never seen you around before," the boy's smile grew wider as he continued to speak, "And it's polite to mention who you are first before asking another person." Kei put his hands down and let them dangle at his sides. He took a moment to observe the guy standing in front of him. He was obviously shorter than him.. and the kid looked older than him as well. Keisuke cleared is throat one more time, taking on a fake intimidating tone. "State your business within this village."
Austin Nara
Austin Nara
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:43 pm
My name is Austin and yours? As Austin puts the kunai back in his pocket he looks at the kid wondering why he keeps smiling. My business in your village is that I need a sparring partner someone strong and will give me a challenge do you know anyone? As Austin looks back into the window he sees that the people inside left. As he looks around he sees that everyone is looking at them wondering whats about to happen Austin just keeps looking at the kid.
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:00 pm
"You can call me Kei, pervert." he replied, the smile on his face growing larger and creepier. He could tell the guy, supposedly named Austin, his full name after he had learned more about the foreigner. He eyed the holster that was on Austin's leg after the kunai was put away. It was strange, how jumpy with guy was. Maybe it had something to do some sort of bad history? He didn't quite know, but it was possible he would find out soon. "Sparring partner huh?" he questioned silently, his gaze set back onto Austin's face. Keisuke didn't know anyone who would want to spar randomly. In fact, if he asked anyone anything they would most likely say "no" and ignore him. Sometimes, he dislikes his personality. But what was he going to do about it? That was him after all. "Maybe I could spar with you? I do deem myself as a skilled opponent," a the smile that was on Kei's face slowly turned into a dark smirk.

The boy didn't know how strong Austin might be, but this could be the perfect chance to find out. "Oh, and let's make this a Taijutsu only fight. As you can tell, I don't have any weapons on me at the moment."
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:14 pm
Toma, the most bad ass ninja in all of Tenga, spotted a gathering of people. Activating his Byakugan, he saw two guys with meh-ish chakra signatures gathering a crowd. Toma never managed todo that! He'd have to steal the show. The clone of Denkiteki, that looked like a young boy around 10, but was dressed as a Jounin, would quickly jump down towards the boys, landing in between them.

As he fell towards the grohnd he heard something about a Taijutsu only fight. That wouldn't be any fun though.

"Hey hey hey hey hey! No weapons equals no fun!" It just so happened that Toma had 'borrowed' Den's really sharp sword, and now he found a great use for it.

He threw the katana to the kid that said he was unarmed, still sheathed of course. He was in a good mood, so he threw it rather slow (10 speed) so that the kid could catch it instead of get thrown back from the weapon hitting him in the chest.

"You gotta weapon? If so pull it out! We're gonna have a death match!" With those words Toma would jump onto a nearby one story building, to fast for either boy to even see him move. "Let's begin!"
Austin Nara
Austin Nara
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:22 pm
Austin pulls out his dads dagger being his only time using it for a fight. As he trys to look for the person that gave the guy the sword he watches the guy carefully. A fight to the death huh all right I like the sound of that. As Austin jumps back and keeping his eye straight on the guy in front of him he watches curious. He doesn't know how to use a wep so why even try. Austin gets in a attack stance waiting for his opponent to attack.
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Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:42 pm
Keisuke looked curiously at the small boy who landed in between him and Austin. It didn't look like one of the kids from the classroom, so he wondered where the boy came from. The academy student was a bit annoyed once the new arrival commented on a Taijutsu battle being "no fun." 'It isn't my fault I don't have some sort o-' Keisuke's rambling was cut off once he swiftly caught the sword coming his way. Luckily, the thing was still in it's sheath so he had nothing to worry about. He watched the strange kid jump onto the building not too far away from the duo. "... Apparently it's not longer only a taijutsu battle.." a twisted grin formed on Keisuke's face one he eyed the sword in his clutches, "I honestly don't enjoy killing too much... I'll probably just make it so you can't move."

The academy student quickly calculated the distance between him and Austin, which was approximately 1 meters. Keisuke quickly unsheathed 'his' sword, the sheath in one hand and the blade in the other. He then tossed the sheath towards Austin's right side (Throwing speed of 7) and closed the distance between them. Keisuke would have horizontally slashed towards his left side, meaning if Austin dodged to the left he would head straight into the attack.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK) Empty Re: Finnally At Tenga (Private) (NK)

Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:57 pm
Toma watched the kid with red eyes, who he now named Red-Eyed Guy, throw the extremely durable sheath of kaze no ha at the other boy. Hm, well depending on what happened that could prove bad. The guy could have actually wielded the sheath and used it to block the other boys sword, but Toma guessed that the boy had no clue how awesome the sword he wielded was.

Still, he liked how Red-Eyed kid ran towards Other Guy after throwing the sheath, he wondered if the strike would connect. He was sorta conflicted as to whether he wanted to stop him before he landed the blow, but he decided to wait and see how the other boy would try to react.

The crowd seemed a bit worried, a few of them had left, maybe to get authorities or something. Toma hoped not. The rest were looking between the two fighters and Toma, some excited, others worried.
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