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Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Waterfall on the Island [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Thu May 22, 2014 7:58 pm
He smirks as the boy devises a plan to bypass his oncoming attack, once he saw him perform the seals. It was to be expected. He felt reassured in the boy's intelligence, seeing that he did not chose to preserve the clones he had just created. Had he been captured Chrollo would have been disappointing to say the least. As the boy flies over the air between them, via a clone throw, Chrollo doesn't care to look at the clones as they disperse, swallowed by the swamp he instead stares at the boy. Remaining still he is confident in his own prowess, and doesn't feel the need to act immediately, instead he raises his hands in front of him, and prepares for a fight. When the boy appears behind him, he smirks, and listens, "A bit.," he chuckles while saying this his hands reach out to touch the boy's halting arms, moving at full speed. If he were to pay closer attention, then Taiga would notice the chakra layers around his fingers. Hopefully this would be good enough of a sign to cause the boy to retreat. If not, then his arms would continue forward, and touching Taiga the boy would pass out instantly, falling unconscious on the beach.

Five Elements Seal -40 AP

800 AP remaining.
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Waterfall on the Island [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Sat May 24, 2014 7:16 pm
Taiga was smiling at the comment 'a bit..' but he had sensed the chakra concentration on the mans finger tips and with a smile he would use his quick reactions to dodge the attempt, if he was successful then he would have maneuvered behind Chrollo who would most likely have been going in the direction Taiga had once been standing. He then jumped back from his leader and preparing for a next set of moves to combat with, he then signed the Tiger seal allowing two clones to form once more. Taiga then began to sign multiple different seals while being protected by one clone, the other clone however would be charging after Chrollo to engage in the fight they had began.

[Sorry it's short, and took so long]
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Waterfall on the Island [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Tue May 27, 2014 3:01 pm
[Same here]

Chrollo watches the boy back away as thought, and as the boy creates more distance between them, he raises both hands, and begins to form three seals in said order: Ram, Horse, Dragon. After completing the seals, the head of a dragon rises from the mud behind Taiga, ten meters away from him. Acting instantly with a target in mind, the dragon fires out three balls of mud at the young Jounin from behind. Each aiming to slam into his body. They all fly through through the air in a horizontal manner, a single meter in a half from the ground. A total of three, the one in the middle aims to slam into Taiga's back. The two on the opposite ends, each aim to slam against the back of the clones. An attack so subtle had been planned the moment he had made the mud swamp earlier. He had never planned on pulling the boy within the swamp, instead, his true intention was to somehow get the boy near it afterwards. Now, he had accomplished. As a clone rushes towards Chrollo, he remains still not wanting to give the clone any reason to move from its already set course. The clone would at this point be beginning to pick up speed, however the mud ball did not have to do so. The clone moving at a speed of 60, the mud ball behind it travels at a speed of 75, intending to destroy it. If the clone were to somehow be alerted of the presence of the impending attack from behind, then Chrollo would enter a defensive stance, and wait for it to attack. Dodging the mud ball if it were to be headed towards him do the clones movement.

-30 AP Earth Dragon Bullets

810 AP remaining.
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Waterfall on the Island [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:16 pm
Taiga was looking at the leader as he seemed to begin signing different seals and he knew something was going to happen, and he was right as he heard the mud being hurled at him from the dragon shaped cannon he had created behind Taiga. He knew he had little time to react but there wasn't much he could do but then the plan of action sunk in, The clone to Taiga's left grabbed him along with Taiga's grabbing the clone to his left jerking one another into a perfect line in front of only one of the giant mud balls. When the other two mud balls flew past the the third crashed into the clone who pushed Taiga and the clone he had a hold of outward to the solid ground below, just outside the mud but the clone who took the blow exploded into the white smoke cloud which dissipated ever so quickly. He smiled he almost got beaten there but he knew it wouldn't be long till he fell to his leader, The two began to charge Chrollo separating nearly 2 meters from Chrollo placing him in line with the center of the two.

Taiga was to Chrollo's right and the clone to his left their minds set and the katanas were drawn, when they reached a certain distance and spun stopping at the throat of Chrollo if he wasn't able to reject the blow. If the leader didn't react the blade would stop before drawing any blood at all as smile on his face would occur, he would then attempt to kick both knees out with him and his clone. They would then sheathe their katanas and back away allowing him to rise again, He would then speak if the process had gone underway "So... You enjoying your little stress relief?" He would release a small chuckle as he waited.

If Taiga had failed then him and the clone would start defending themselves with the drawn katanas.
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Waterfall on the Island [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:38 pm
( Going to use this account to reply to ya again)

Chrollo would sigh, with his right hand, he would signal to call the spar off. " Alright man, let's quit for a bit, I need to tell you something." Chrollo stated. Walking over to the bench, his chakra would be lowered due to him taking a small break. " Aye come here Taiga, I must share this information with you real fast. I want you to take Takigankure, I'm pretty sure you can do better than I can, I was only able to put up the good fight with my time being, but I think it's time for me to retire. Perhaps you understand?" Chrollo would then stand from the bench and begin to speak again. " Listen man, walk me over to Takigakure, I need to gather my things, I'll be a missing ninja until I find a home." The man stated, heading over for Takigakure, he already had his things packed at his apartment, all he had to do was give the throne to Taiga and this retirement would be over with. Though this was a huge step for taiga, he hoped the boy was ready, Chrollo did work with him in a lot of ways. Removing his head band, he would toss it to Taiga. '" Something for leaders, all of your information and other awesome stuff is in the office good luck man."

OOC: Sorry for the rush post

+ S-rank missing nin
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Waterfall on the Island [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:48 pm
Taiga stopped the spar the clone disappearing and his katana being sheathed, he figured it was important and followed Chrollo to the bench listening. He looked at him listening intently as he heard Takigakure no Sato was now his, but he was excited as becoming the village leader was his life ambition. He caught the headband and smiled speaking to his former leader, "I will lead Taki with great strength, I give you my thanks." he turned and exited along side of Chrollo he knew now he was to lead the village.

[Exit/Leader Of Takigakure Now/1228 Words/ 6 Stats]
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Waterfall on the Island [P] - Page 2 Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:58 pm
Kay...So Taiga is approved for his rank and Saiga the best you can get is Wanderer since you did not do anything to warrant being a Missing ninja
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