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Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Waterfall on the Island [P] Empty Waterfall on the Island [P]

Sun May 18, 2014 2:29 pm
Chrollo wipes away the wrinkles from his coat after exiting Kaede's office. A look of determination is on his face, as he walks through the village. The news of the attack on Yukigakure had hit him like a ton of bricks, he was shocked to believe a village could be claimed so easily, and through intuition he believed the people responsible for the invasion had to be quite skilled. Since if there was a battle like his, then the news would have been sure to reach him by now. Shrugging, he casually walks pass a free fruit stand, and snatches away an apple. Biting into it he continues to walk aimlessly through the village, until he finds himself walking along the trail Naoki had led him on his previous visit. Walking on the beach, he can only see a few people in the area scattered about a great distance away from him. Lifting the apple he would sigh, and bite down into it once more. His eyes focused on the waves as they clash against the shore rhythmically.
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Waterfall on the Island [P] Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Sun May 18, 2014 2:44 pm
Taiga was walking by a large beach leading down to the vast oceans, but to his surprise Chrollo was standing there. He would begin walking down the beach headed towards his illustrious leader, but he tried to seem inconspicuous so he would not be noticed. Taiga began to suppress his chakra as he walked up behind Chrollo and placed his arm around the back of Chrollo's shoulders pointing out to the ocean beginning to speak "Hard to believe Takigakure is so far away, huh?" a smile slipping up on to his face as he awaits his leaders response.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Waterfall on the Island [P] Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Sun May 18, 2014 2:53 pm
A cold chill moves throughout Chrollo's body the moment Taiga places his arm around his shoulder. Smiling he nods, "Just finished talking with Kaede, the leader of this village, and he informed me of an attack on Yukigakure No Sato. It was invaded, and is believed to be under complete control of the intruders...I have strong reason to believe that they are responsible for the attack against Takigakure." He steps forward out of the grasp of Taiga, and tosses his apple into the water, before it can touch down, a fish like creature reaches up, and snatches it, pulling it underwater. "Apparently they have a close connection with Iwagakure, the invaders that is." He turns around, and looks at Taiga his signature smile vacant from his face replaced by a serious glare. "You do know what this means, Taiga. We have to get back to Taki, and settle in, after that we must head to check out Yukigakure, and Iwagakure..."
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Waterfall on the Island [P] Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Sun May 18, 2014 3:04 pm
Taiga looks at his leader as he speaks, walking away from Taiga relieving himself of the apple he had been eating. As the smile left his leaders face Taiga's vanished as well, the tone of the conversation had turned. He then continued on speaking with the leader, "Well we will do what we have to to avenge our fellow Takigakure civilians, we need to learn all we can to see things through." He then smiled a little brighter and continued to speak even more "Well let's not waste time standing around, how bout a little training?" He would continue smiling awaiting his leaders decision.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Waterfall on the Island [P] Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Sun May 18, 2014 3:45 pm
Walking pass Taiga he places a head on his shoulder, and nods. "That would be a very good stress reliever." He continues to walks slowly through the sand, deep in thought, he would place a distance of ten meters between him, and turn around to face the boy once more. "Ready when you are." He forces a smile after saying this. His body now fully alert, his eyes scanning for even the slightest of movements from Taiga that would initiate the spar.
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Waterfall on the Island [P] Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Sun May 18, 2014 7:00 pm
Taiga smiled at the opportunity to spar with his leader again, he leaned into a stance preparing to train and combat with his leader. His smile remained as he began running at his leader, his right hand on his katana which was strapped to his left side. His black eyes readied to fight the man as he broke the seal between the hilt and sheathe without drawing the blade out, he then began increase his speed covering more ground. He then would attempt to flat palm hit his leader in the center of the chest, if he made contact the force and strength would be enough to knock the leader down. In which case Taiga would backflip away from his leader allowing him to return to the stand position. If Taiga was interrupted he would use his reaction abilities to block whether with his hands or his katana.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Waterfall on the Island [P] Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Sun May 18, 2014 9:31 pm
The young leader watches closely as Taiga maneuvers towards him, waiting for the boy to enter striking distance before acting. Though he could attack from afar if he wished to, but he wanted this spar to serve as a learning experience for both of them. Not to mention due to recently teaching the boy Ninjutsu, Chrollo was sure that he could possibly perform ranged attacks as well. His eyes look down at the boy's left hip as he sprints towards him, the sword catches his attention, and places him on an even higher alert. Seems he would have to be careful when in a close proximity with the boy. Once the boy closes enough distance between them, Chrollo watches him raise his arm, and attempt to slam it against him. If he could say so himself, the boy was pretty fast, but luckily his experience, and natural reflexes could help him out a bit. Side stepping away from the attack, to the left, he lets his swing fly pass him, underneath his right armpit. He encases his right arm in earth.Thanks to the Earth Release: Fist Rock technique, he would be able to increase his feeble strength, therefore increasing the power behind his punches. Reaching towards the boy with it, he would attempt to slam his fist against the boy's left rib cage, using enough of his strength cause minor bruising at the most.

900 Actions

Earth Release: Fist Rock technique- 20

880 Actions Remaining.
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Waterfall on the Island [P] Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Mon May 19, 2014 8:48 pm
Taiga's eyes widened as he saw the fist covered in rock begin to head for a slamming blow to his ribs, but he couldn't think of a counter action so he endured the blow by slamming his arm down into the way of his ribs causing his left arm to take the shock. The obvious power would be presented in the way pushed away by the blow, he could hopefully react by landing firm footed into the ground and pushing off towards Chrollo with his right hand still firmly gripping his katana's handle. His feet tapping the ground at quick rapid sounds so his speed growing as he covered ground between them.

He signed the tiger seal with his left hand which was hard because it had become bruised and stiffened by the previous blow, but upon signing the seal two clones appeared around Taiga. One of the to his right and one to his left, all of them running with their right hands on the katana's they were wielding. If able to they would separate now surrounding Chrollo and preparing for the fight to come, each of the Taiga's smiling with a plan in their minds.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Waterfall on the Island [P] Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Tue May 20, 2014 8:49 pm
Staring coldly ahead as his blow connects with the body of Taiga, he begins to withdraw his fist allowing the boy the opportunity to distance himself. He lets his hand fall back to his side, the earth around his hand, responsible for the forth he had dealt to the boy, crumbles away falling to the ground beside him. Shaking the remaining earth from his hand he looks at the boy as he begins another charge, this time he uses the Ninjutsu Chrollo had recently taught him. The moment the clones begin their charge alongside Taiga, Chrollo raises his hand, to form the ram seal. With this, he body flickers backwards a total of twenty meters, at a speed of 200. After this, he forms two hand seals, boar and tiger, both simultaneously as fast as he can muster. After the completion of the seals he drops his hands to their respective sides, and speaks his voice serious, and stern. "Earth Style: Swamp of the Underworld." The ground beaneath Taiga, and his clones would begin to change softening, it would now take the form of mud. The ground around the clones changes at a speed of 75, expanding ten meters around them, the range of the swamp would only grow, continuing until it becomes 30 meters wide, and long. The swamp is exactly 12 meters deep. Chrollo would occasionally backpedal to distance himself safely away from the swamp, placing himself 12 meters away from his previous location. Chrollo's eyes would continue to stare at the clones, as he waits to see if the boy would fall into his trap. To him it seemed very likely, due to momentum playing a key in their movement he doubted they would be able to stop their charge quick enough to escape on foot, something he knew they were capable of, but in this case they would be prohibited from doing so. Should they fall into the swamp, then they will find themselves stuck. The swamp with a power of 75 would continue to pull in the one's Chrollo believed to be the clones, dragging them underneath the swamp until they are completely covered in it, in which case the clones will 'die' dispersing. If Taiga were to be trapped, then Chrollo would cancel the jutsu immediately, literally saving his life by doing so.

Swamp of the Underworld -40

840 AP remaining.
Leonardo Montague II
Leonardo Montague II
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Waterfall on the Island [P] Empty Re: Waterfall on the Island [P]

Wed May 21, 2014 8:03 pm
Taiga watching the seals being formed thought fast and his two clones grabbed the original throwing him forward, him now airborne flying at his leader he could hear the clones disperse as they were broken down by the mud behind him. Taiga would reach in his pouch with his left hand forming the tiger seal with his right, now he would be disappeared and moving at his full speed through the body flicker jutsu (110 Speed). Appearing behind his leader if uninterrupted he would have his three pronged kunai touching the leaders shoulder, the sharp part facing his throat knowing Chrollo could trust Taiga to not do anything rash and dumb. If the action were complete he would speak softly "So, improving?" but if he was interrupted he would be preparing to further a defensive maneuver.
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