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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Thu May 22, 2014 11:49 pm

(This is for not keeping track of your recovery posts, you lazy shit!)
Haru absentmindedly noted to himself that although stats are considered equal for this fight, there’s no point to using a taijutsu technique like Lariat that boosts speed if you ignore the speed boosts. But for the sake of teaching Altar an important lesson, Haru would refuse to ignore the speed stat for the duration of this assault.
Haru was satisfied with Altar’s blocking abilities, as his own strikes were deflected, and Altar attacked with a flurry of his own. Haru racked his mind for a way to counter that attack without actually manually countering, mostly because he was too lazy to type out every area that Altar listed in his attack at the time of writing- I mean fighting… I mean… He wasn’t typing… He was fighting… but typing his actions in his mind… Yeah. Fourth wall breach averted.
Anyways, Haru slapped aside the attacks made at his face, neck, chest, hip, and stomach like a motherfucker.
”Here’s a tip, kid...” He would say to the boy as they fought in the air. ”Never…Once Altar’s attacks were blocked/redirected, Haru would see Altar’s muscles tighten as he began to reach for his arms. He imagined that would be for some kind of throw, which he wasn’t gonna allow. What was he gonna do before to stop the punches? Oh yeah…
Both of Haru’s legs and arms would snap downwards/upwards, onto both of Altar’s arms, using the intersection method with both of his arms and legs. The strikes would, luckily, not crush bone, but would definitely hurt for a bit. Mostly to add insult to injury at this point, Haru decided to chain some hits on Altar before he allowed him the luxury of touching the ground. using Quickly, Haru spun in the air to create a dome of chakra around himself, striking Altar and blasting him away before he could make a follow up attack.
As Haru descended to the ground, Altar would still be rising from the momentum of the hit he had just taken. As he fell to the ground, he made a set of handseals, very quickly.
Ox → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Boar → Bird → Ox → Horse → Bird → Rat → Tiger
And with that, water would be drawn from nearby puddles, forming a large dragon’s head. The dragon would surge towards Altar, coming up from under him to knock him higher into the air.
”…Go into the air…” He would continue if the strike hit, making another set of hand signs.
Tiger → Ox → Dragon → Hare → Dog → Bird → Rat → Clone seal → Dragon → Ram
A Shark would erupt from the water used to create the dragon, as it fell back to the earth after striking Altar successfully. The shark would swerve through the air, moving upwards towards Altar, before striking him in the back, propelling him parallel the position where Haru, who had at this point in time landed, was standing.
”…Under ANY circumstances…“ He would continue, making yet another set of hand signs. He was straining his chakra pool, but he wanted to make a point here.
Ram, Horse, Dragon
The hand signs complete, a Dragon’s head sprouted from the earth, spitting three balls of mud at Altar, which would juggle him in the air while Haru prepared his finishing move…
”…Because when you’re in the air…”
Haru would get a running start, using his powerful legs to hurl himself into the air, up with Altar. At this point, Altar would most likely be sick of getting pummeled, and weakened to all hell. Haru would fly upwards, past Altar. For a moment, this may seem confusing to the boy, unless he looked up. If he were to look up, he would see Haru thrusting his palm downwards, towards Altar, which would send a vacuum blast at the boy, sending him crashing down to the ground, with Haru following close behind. As Haru descended, a final set of hand signs would be made.
Ox → Rabbit → Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey
Haru’s hand would begin to flicker with electrical energy just as Altar connected with the ground. At this point, Haru would be but two meters above him. Haru would collide with the ground, slamming the chidori into the ground, directly next to Altar’s head, so that the sound of the lightning rung in his ears, mere seconds after the boy himself landed from the all out assault.
”…You can’t dodge.” He would finish, falling back and huffing to catch his breath. None of the damage done to Altar would be major, Haru would tone down his chakra use and make sure not to hit the boy hard enough to injure him throughout the assault, merely shake him up and maybe leave a few bruises… err… battle scars, to show for it.
(15/30 posts Altar’s recovery)
(TWC: 3366)

(70 AP remaining)
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Fri May 23, 2014 7:48 pm
Altar would smirk, glad that he had gotten at least a few hits in during their mid air clash of sorts. However, as he went for the grab, Haru used intersection, snapping down on his arms. Oh...okay then. Altar would make note of the lack of major damage as Haru's combo continued, a dome sending him flying back and further up. Altar tried twisting around in the air, just in time to see the giant dragon coming straight for him. He braced himself the best he could and caught it to the stomach, as well as catching the shark at around the same area. Both hits sent him flying further up, in his seemingly never ending rise. He wondered at what time he'd reach space, as he gave in to a giant desire.

"I'M STILL IN THE AIR!" Altar would shout, hoping that Haru would get that reference...I mean...what 4th wall? Anyway, Altar would look to see Haru flying past him, over and well past him, before pushing his hands downwards and sending a vacuum palm towards Altar. Altar took the hit like the manly man he was, and crashed back to the ground shortly after. He then would look up, seeing Haru coming down at him with the chidori. Altar wouldn't flinch as the chidori struck the ground right next to him, the sound of chirping birds erupting in his ears.

Staying as still as possible, and not needing hand signs, nor near as much effort as before, Altar would form the chidori and pierce Haru's stomach before he could move off of him to catch his breath. Altar would then be all badass

"And here's a tip for you. Don't taunt your prey" Altar would say, pushing Haru off of him and pulling his hand out and away, scooting slightly back to take another break, as he guessed Haru would need to after his flurry. It was now that he took notice of the light drizzle coming down, and Altar guessed it was from the explosion of the dragon and shark water jutsu.

~16/30 Posts for Recovery~
Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Tue May 27, 2014 8:57 pm
Haru watched Altar soar through the air, and suddenly had the urge to strike him with a plane. Whatever a plane was. As the boy was juggled through the air, Haru thought to himself.
That was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my life… He thought to himself.
As his own chidori faded away, Haru saw the boy’s hand forming another chidori… shit, since when did he not need hand signs to do that? No matter, he could avoid this, it just wouldn’t be as clean as he might have hoped…
He would begin by leaning to his side, away from the chidori. At the same time, he would bring up his knee and bring down his elbow. Once again, he would preform the intersection method. Because of the changed angle that he would be granted due to leaning to his side. This would prevent him from simply cutting his arm and leg on the lightning blade. The attack would clamp down around the boy’s forearm, where the chidori’s chakra was not present.
”Here’s another tip. Don’t fall for the same trick twice.” He would mutter, gritting his teeth. He didn’t intend to stay like this for long. He would roll to his side, maintaining a firm grip on Altar’s arm, before letting go, which would send him flying a few feet into the air. Now on his back, Haru would snap his foot upwards quickly, kicking Altar and sending him flying a few meters away from himself. Haru would then thrust his elbows back, pushing himself upwards, before catching himself on his right hand, twisting as he pushed off the ground with his hand, getting him back on his feet quickly.

God, he was starting to regret that barrage of attacks… His chakra pool was dangerously low, and although he knew he could keep fighting without using jutsu, it still made him feel rather foolish for wasting so much of it. He would stand there for now, waiting for Altar’s next attack.

(WC: 3700)
(Recovery posts: 17/30)
(40 AP remaining)
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Tue May 27, 2014 9:18 pm
Altar would sigh as his chidori was caught by an intersection, again. It seemed strange that Haru could move so swiftly considering the situation, which should've left him physically exhausted. But, still, he found the energy to fling Altar to the side. It appeared he was gonna try to push Altar away, maybe hoping to gain some breathing room. Well, that couldn't happen. If Altar was going to win, he needed to exhaust Haru.

As such, when Haru went to swing Altar to the side, Altar would force down his arm, locking his hand on Haru's arm. It hurt like a sunuvabitch, but at least he'd stay close to Haru. He really couldn't afford to give him breathing room. After locking his hand, Altar would attempt to ground himself and push his upper body off the ground, bringing Haru with him. After this, Altar would swing around Haru, just after getting fully off the ground, and wrap his arms around his waist. Tightening his grip, Altar would lift Haru off the ground, bring him up and over him, bending his back to keep steady, and german suplex Haru like a cool guy. After that was done, Altar would release Haru, moving swiftly to grab his arm and swing him around, throwing him blindly and hopefully into something other than air. After the throw, Altar would start charging at Haru, planning his next attack.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Tue May 27, 2014 10:05 pm
(Side note, this is my 1000th post. So yeah. Confetti and shit.)

Haru felt Altar grip his arm to keep himself from being thrown… Was this kid trying to wrestle him? Fuck no, that’s just gay. It was frustrating that he couldn’t get a break, but he had one last trump card to get out of this situation. As Altar attempted to pull Haru into the air, Haru would begin to spiral his arms and legs, since Altar’s arms were now around his waist. The result would be a dome of chakra, which would blast Altar away from Haru a few meters. Haru would drop to the ground after finishing the rotation, panting.
”Didn’t I… Just tell you… Not to fall for the same trick… Twice?” He would ask in between breaths. He supposed it was time to start playing evasively, let himself recover a bit before exerting himself again. ”And don’t ever try to use a wrestling move on me. That shit is gay.” Haru would add after catching his breath, reassuming his fighting stance.

It interested Haru to know how Altar would have been able to preform a German suplex, now that he thought about it. Partially because Germany did not exist in this universe, and partially because the boy lacked the strength to lift Haru into the air. Perhaps he had some sort of strength boosting bracelet? He’d have to buy a pair of socks to help him keep up with such an item… Eh, he didn’t have the money for stuff like that. Some Gucci socks will do.

(WC: 3950)
(Recovery posts: 19/30)
(10 AP remaining)
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Tue May 27, 2014 10:23 pm
Altar cursed Haru and every Hyuuga for inventing that stupid was just annoying, there was no offense against it. was interesting. It made him wonder of other forms of chakra could be applied to the same use. If so, he could create some form of dome of lightning, or perhaps a circular area attack with the chidori, or Raikiri, if he could ever get it, that is. Damn thing seemed unattainable at this point. But whatever.

Altar was flying backwards, tumbling through the air, when he heard Haru call wrestling gay. OH FUCK N-okay yeah, it's pretty gay. Coming to this realization, Altar twirled in the air, landing on his feet, low to the ground. Altar would stand up, brushing himself off and speaking too Haru

"Yeah, you're right it's pretty fucking gay. And I can't necessarily do anything against that dumb twirly bullshit, now can I? Speaking of...can that be mimicked, or is it exclusive to the Hyuuga lineage? Cause I kinda need something offensive that doesn't completely drain me. Altar would say, hoping to get a small rest. It seemed Haru needed to recover, and so did he, to be truthful.

~20/30 Posts for Recovery~
~40 AP Remaining~
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Thu May 29, 2014 10:03 pm
Haru, recovering his breath, looked up at Altar.
”You could not give me freedom of movement, eh? I couldn’t have done anything until you let my arms and legs go free.” He retorted to Altar, before hearing the rest of what he said. He wanted to learn how to preform the rotation? Or, something similar, at least.
”Umm… Well, I don’t know if you can control your Tenketsu as well as required to preform a rotation.” He would say, glancing at altar. ”You have to be able to control all of your Tenketsu, which, without a byakugan, is pretty fucking hard. I can try to teach you, but it’s probably going to take time for you to acquire that level of control.” He would tell Altar, taking in a deep breath. God, he was tired.

”Or did you mean a version of this? It’s not a kekkei genkai, but you can’t preform it without a byakugan.” He would explain to Altar. ”You’re not thinking of copying my signature move, are you? He would ask the boy.

(WC: 4126)
(21/30 Recovery Posts)
(20 AP)
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Sat May 31, 2014 5:48 pm
Altar would sigh, somewhat disappointing by Haru's response. That sucked. Did you really have to have control of all your tenketsu? That seemed...over doing it a bit, but whatever. Shaking his head, Altar would pace around a bit, trying to sort through things in his head. For the first part, it appeared, then, that he wouldn't be able to perform the move he was after. Secondly, however, he did have a byakugan, so an alternate of it was possible? He was guessing that was what Haru had meant, after all. At least, that's the way he heard it.

"Well, here's the thing. I was hoping it would be possible to use a rotation, but expel a different form of concentrated chakra nature, such as for me, lightning. Or, if combined with another attack, say chidori, then could I use rotation and chidori to add more lethality to the original rotation, seeing as I have a byakugan now?" Altar would say, putting his idea to completion in his head. In all reality, it seemed like a pretty smart idea, at least to him. Altar also noticed that the small drizzle had turned into a more heavy rain. He really hoped no one obsessed with origami and orchids would come and murder him...

~22/30 Posts for Recovery~
~50 AP~
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:22 pm
Haru shrugged.

”Well, if you want to preform the rotation with a different form of chakra nature, you probably will need to learn to preform the actual rotation first. It’s much easier to preform a jutsu using raw chakra, rather then elemental chakra.” He explained to the boy. ”As for combining it with chidori… Well, it seems like the chidori is too offensive to have very good synergy with a defensive technique like the rotation. I can work on creating a technique like that, since ration is my primary chakra nature, but you need to work on basic chakra control first. The chidori is far too basic when compared to the chakra control required for gentle fist techniques. I would explore some more complex techniques, develop your skills, then worry about making crazy hidden jutsu.” He told Altar informatively.

(WC: 4265)

(30 AP)
(23/30 posts recovered)
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:42 pm
Altar sighed, kicking gently at the ground at his feet.

"Well, if you say so. But if that's the case, then you're teaching me how to do rotations once this thing kicks in." Altar would say, waving a hand in front of his newly acquired eye. He really did need new techniques, and not just ones that were lightning, and used by others. He needed a different element. Something that would suit his fighting style, and work with his chidori, and other jutsu once he mastered them. Something like...

"Hey, by the way, I might have you teach me water jutsu, along with the element. I need something other than, y'know, mighty Zeus powers, and water would go along well with them." Altar would say, hoping Haru would oblige.
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