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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Sun May 18, 2014 11:02 am
Haru’s Sharingan swirled into activation, keeping careful track of the hand signs. Ox → Rabbit → Monkey or Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey… What a complicated set of hand signs. Haru’s body moved on auto pilot, copying Altar’s hand signs in synch with him, and charging the boy down, his attack mirroring the boy’s own attack. The distance between the two of them would close quickly, Haru aiming his own Chidori at Altar’s, blocking the blow to his stomach. If the two blades collide, here would be a flash of blue light as the electrical attacks blast against each other. The chirping sound that was the chidori’s namesake would echo through the plains, as the two were forced away from each other by the raw electrical energy. Haru would fly backwards, smashing into the ground. He would recover quickly, rolling to his feet, and sliding backwards a few more feet.
”Holy fucking shit, that was awesome!” He would shout, getting up to his feet slowly. Wanting to keep Altar on his toes, Haru tried to think of a way to keep him busy. Oh yeah… The mud dragon that he formed in the ground, still active, would shoot three more balls of mud at Altar, one at a time, while Haru recovered.
(4/30 Posts for Altar’s recovery)

(540 Stamina counters remaining)
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Sun May 18, 2014 11:51 am
Altar was streaking towards Haru, as he noticed the chidori gathered into his hand as well. That seemed a bit overkill, but then again, it WAS Haru. Altar kept going at Haru, as he also charged him. When the two collided, there was a giant flash of blue and electricity. The chirping from the two became near deafening, and the sheer power and electrical impulse sent the two flying away from one another. Altar went flying backwards, tumbling in the air. He would flip around to land squarely on the lone tree, catching his balance. He'd then find Haru, quite a ways away now. The dragon would shoot three more balls at Altar, who would push off the tree to the right, dodging the first, then he would jump up and over the second, and shift slightly left to avoid the last. After the dodges, Altar would begin running towards Haru.

Altar would make no response to Haru's comment, only grin and silently agree.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Sun May 18, 2014 8:22 pm
Haru watched Altar dodge the mud. It seemed like Chidori was the boy’s only form of attack... did he have any other tricks?
”Hey, kid! Do you know any other jutsu? The chidori is cool and all, but it’s not gonna help you at long range…” He would ask Altar, deciding to take a moment to see what the boy did. Besides, he didn’t wanna tire himself out too fast, the exertion from his recent operation to implant the byakugan into the boy had worn him out to quite some extent. So he would wait and see what the boy knew. If he replied by saying he knew no other ranged jutsu, Haru would sigh.

”Have you unlocked any other chakra natures? I can teach you water and earth jutsu.” He would tell him, folding his arms. His own library of lightning jutsu was limited, which was strange, considering that was his primary chakra nature.

(WC: 1704)
(6/30 posts Altar's recovery)
(550 Stamina Counters)
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Sun May 18, 2014 8:41 pm
Altar watched in anticipation of Haru's next attack, which seemed like it wasn't coming. In fact, it seemed they were taking a break. Altar sat down, a bit exhausted. He wasn't much for stamina, as much as he hated to admit it. It was then that Haru decided to speak up, asking if Altar had any other attacks other than chidori. Well, he knew of a few, but he hadn't exactly gotten them perfected yet. He guessed he could use them, once he had gotten his breath back in him. Actually...Haru was a medic nin. Altar wondered if he could somehow restore his stamina.

"I've got a few other tricks up my sleeve, I just get tired easy, especially with this incapacitation now.  Speaking of, since you're a med nin, is there any way for you to, like, refuel me a bit?" Altar said in response. In truth, Altar only really knew one true ranged attack. He wondered if Haru could teach him some water or earth jutsu, but quickly put that thought to rest. He refused to give up his lightning nature. Sacrifice wasn't something he willingly excelled at, after all.

With that, Altar waited for Haru's response, hoping he could get off a few more tricks before their little spar was over.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Sun May 18, 2014 9:08 pm
Haru nodded in satisfaction at Altar’s answer.
”Good. In combat situations like this, you need to be versatile.” He would tell him, walking towards him. ”And yeah, just a second.” He would say, walking towards Altar. Once he reached the boy, his hands would begin to glow green, as he applied them to the bandaged area on his face.
”This’ll help the healing process with your eye, and it should rejuvenate you a bit.” He would explain, removing his hands from the boy’s eye after a few moments.
”Now…” He would mutter, quickly moving to grab the boy by the collar. ”Back to the fight.” He would say, spinning and throwing Altar about ten meters away. The chidori clash had entertained Haru to no end, and he was eager for more action. And that reminded him… He quite liked that jutsu… Perhaps he should try it again…
Ox → Rabbit → Monkey or Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey…
The hand signs completed, the lightning charged in Haru’s hand yet again. Haru would hold it there for a moment, smirking as he looked up at Altar.

”Y’know, I think I like your jutsu… It’s pretty badass.” He would say, before moving to strike Altar. He would charge the boy down, thrusting out his arm, aiming to strike the boy in the stomach with the lightning blade.

(370 Action Counters Remaining)
(WC: 1941)
(8/30 posts recovery for Altar... You keep track too, you lazy shit!)
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Sun May 18, 2014 9:40 pm
Altar grinned as Haru recovered his stamina, saying that it may help the healing process as well. All in all, his vision didn't seem to be effecting him that much, actually. In fact, he was growing more and more used to his tilted sight. With his stamina renewed, Altar felt ready to jump back into the fight, and had anticipated Haru grabbing him and throwing him away. He had landed about ten meters away, rolling to his feet to find Haru in the midst of throwing hand signs. Altar stood straight, feet spreading slightly apart, arms slightly bent and ready for anything. It was then that Altar noticed the familiar handsigns, and no sooner had he noticed that then Haru held the chidori. He looked up at Altar, smirking, and complementing on how badass the jutsu was.

Altar smirked as Haru began charging at him, running him down with the chidori. Altar waited until the opportune moment was there, with Haru closing in. He couldn't allow him time to react. So, he bided his time until...there! With Haru closing in, Altar shifted to the left, pushing off the ground slightly in a dashing motion, as a lightning leash formed in his hand, and the hound soon followed.

"Feeding time!" Altar would say. Using his momentum to swing his arm around, he'd smash the electrical hound into Haru's left side, hopefully sending him flying off to the right.

~10 Action Counters Remaining~
~9/30 Posts for Recovery~
~Fuck You Haru <3~
Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Sun May 18, 2014 11:28 pm

Haru would see the beast that Altar created and smirk, holding his chidori strong as he moved to collide with it.
”Nice dog! What are you gonna make it do, hump my leg?” He would taunt as he closed the distance, finally colliding with the beast, which would let off a huge blast of electricity.
(If you would, switch to slow motion for this paragraph, for your own viewing pleasure)
Haru would be blasted backwards a few meters, as he was before, rolling in the air as he flew, so that he was facing Altar. As he flew backwards, with his incredible reaction time that was boosted by the sharingan, he would have time to think about and execute the incredibly complicated action of flipping off Altar as he flew backwards, with both hands, swinging his arms wildly back in forth in the air as he akimbo one finger saluted Altar, flying backwards through the air, and rolling so that he safely on his feet, sliding back a few meters from the momentum
(End slow motion)
As he recovered, he decided, hell, let’s just keep charging him down. Plus, this would look really fucking cool.

”Lllllaaaaarrrrriiiiiaaaaat!” He would shout, holding both of his arms out and charging the boy down, aiming to clothesline him at the waist.

(WC: 2238)
(340 Action Counters)
(10/30 Recovery Posts for Altar)
~Fuck You Altar <3~
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Sun May 18, 2014 11:50 pm
Altar would take his time to appreciate the intricate action Haru pulled off in the air, flipping and landing safely. In response to this, Altar would raise his own middle finger, accompanied by him mouthing the incredibly sincere words 'Blow me'. Altar then looked to see Haru charging him down once more, this time aiming to connect with a Lariat. Well, there was no real dodging this, and he couldn't use another justu for a while, so Altar took notice of his surroundings. Somehow, amidst all this, he had not moved from the tree. He was only a small bit away from it. So, he would back up, not wanting to turn his back to Haru, and put his back against the tree.

Once Haru was almost within striking distance, Altar would jump, hopefully up and over him, and land on his back, kicking off of him and sending him face first into the tree. If that worked, he'd twirl in the air, land a good distance from Haru with a flourish, and turn to wait for his next attack.

~20 Actions~
~11/30 Posts for Recovery~
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Thu May 22, 2014 10:12 pm
Haru watched Altar totally bs a dodge by ignoring the speed stat entirely… but whatever. Altar had broken a fundamental rule of close-ranged combat, and Haru was going to show him his mistake. He knew what was coming; He could read Altar’s muscle movements to tell he was going to try and springboard off of him. Normally, he wouldn’t allow that, but it actually benefited him, so he allowed Altar to get himself further into the air.
Now for the kicker: Altar had brought himself into the air. In close ranged combat, Haru knew from experience, this was a horrible idea, because unless you can fly or something, there’s no way to stop the ensuing attacks. So, Haru would begin his clusterfuck combo of awesomeness.
Altar had allowed Haru to continue running for long enough to build up his full speed, meaning he would likely disappear from the boy’s sight completely, running towards the tree, which he would run up, then push off so he was level with Altar. As he flew towards the boy, he was leaning forward from pushing off, with his left hand ahead of his body. He would begin his attack with a superman punch to Altar’s face using the hand that was ahead of his body, before twisting himself in the air to preform an uppercut to the boy’s back with his right hand. This would level the boy with him, so that they were face to face in the air.

At this point, Haru’s hands would begin to glow blue, as his eight trigrams attack began. He would strike at Altar with a flurry of blows, aimed at the right shoulder, chest, neck, and left hip, in that order. If any of these strikes hit, the resulting stamina loss would knock Altar out. Luckily, Haru was pulling punches so the boy could block them. Mostly, he just wanted to have a midair battle.

(WC: 2557)
(12/30 posts Altar's recovery)
(320 Actions)
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Rain (P, NK, IO)

Thu May 22, 2014 10:40 pm
Altar was totally gonna fuck shit up, but Haru had to ruin the moment by bringing up and using stats to his advantage. He could've sworn stats were basically foregone here...but whatever. Altar launched himself in the air, aiming the kick for Haru, to find that it had only propelled him further up the the tree and towards him. He turned to catch a fist to the face, splitting his lip and flushing blood into his mouth. Haru then caught him with an uppercut, launching him in the air.

Altar would cough out the blood from the force of the impact, more slowly filling up again, his mouth tinted a dark crimson, and the sharp taste of iron following close behind. He'd smirk and swallow, relishing the warm feeling slide down his throat. Now, as Altar and Haru finally met in the air, Haru would throw several jab attempts at Altar, his hands glowing a faint blue. He absent-mindedly wondered if he'd soon be able to harness that power, given the attention, training, and resolve.

Altar would block the strike to the right shoulder, knock away the hand sent for his chest, move away from the jab at the neck, and shirk away from the strike for his left hip. Altar would then attack with his own flurry, with punches aimed at the face, neck, chest, hips, and then stomach. Regardless of whether or not the hits landed, his next move would be to grab Haru's arms, and pin them, grabbing Haru and aiming him towards the ground. He'd then launch off of him, sending Haru speeding to the ground, and sending Altar higher up. If this worked, he'd land and assume another charge at Haru.
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