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Mission "Clean up that Damn Sand" Empty Mission "Clean up that Damn Sand"

Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:25 pm

Sighing, Kiru carried a broom over one shoulder, and had a bag slung over the other. Even if the mission was a bit of a waste, it still needed to done, and needed to be done efficiently. Spinning the broom in his hand with a bit of skill, he began his sweeping. His broom swaying from side to side, knocking dust into a neat little pile. He sighed, almost sounding as if he was in some sort of pain. "If I could do Shadow Clones, I could easily get this done in two seconds." He said out loud, not quite caring if anyone heard. He imagined himself copying into ten thousand versions of himself, and blowing the sand away with a powerful wind jutsu.
"Pfft. Yea. Then i'd probably get yelled at. I wouldn't have to do this if everything in life simply came free."
He didn't really think of any implications to such a world, and continued his sweeping at a slow pace. Every now and again he would spin the broom around as if it was a weapon, simply to relieve the boredom of all this sweeping. At least he would get money. Then he could buy some more Kunai, and go on a real mission.

Kiru was about halfway done. If he had done less imagining, and more cleaning, he would probably be done. Currently, he was lost in imagination, his bag mostly full of sand. Once he came back to his senses, He carried it down to his self made deposit area, which was basically where the sand went anyway, the beach. He only had a little more to do before he could collect his money, and go home, he just had to get through this monotonous job. After finishing dumping his bag, he returned to the walkway, determined to get this done as soon as possible.

The boy smiled as he realized he was almost done. The walkways were mostly clean, and he still had a single shop. He quickly swept along the walkway, eager to get this done. His progress was ever slowed by the need to dump out his sand bag, but even that he did quickly. He had already been chastised for simply running across buildings to achieve his goal, as apparently people didn't appreciate him stomping on their roofs. Finally, he got the last of the walkways cleared, and entered the last shop. He zoomed around the place, sweeping in a whirlwind. Saying his goodbye to the owner, he dumped out his last bag, and happily went to collect his pay.

Words: 430
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Mission "Clean up that Damn Sand" Empty Re: Mission "Clean up that Damn Sand"

Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:27 pm
Approved for appropriate rewards
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