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-Mission- Tour guide Empty -Mission- Tour guide

Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:15 pm

Yes! Sanada had finally been given a mission where he could show off all his laziness to the max. He had been tasked with showing a bunch of tourists the lay of the village and all the cool chill spots. Luckily for all of them he had taken the mission without a second word and he knew all the best relaxation spots by heart. He spent most of his time ducking his boss and the other ninja that were sure to tell on him if he ever got caught, so he knew every nook and cranny of the island by heart.

Waiting for all the tourist to finally get their act together and show up he thought of all the places he would take them, there were a ton of nice bars in the area and the food at each one was astounding, so much so that it made him hungry right now. Maybe no one would notice if he just didn't give the tour and went on his own to go eat. They were tourists he was sure they would be fine on their own, some might get taken for questioning as to why they're roaming without a escort, but hey that was the price to pay.

He wiped that thought from his mind as he came back to reality with a nice group of what he counted as 15 people standing in front of him. There was also a very cute blonde in the middle of the group that caught his eye this day just became worth waking up for ten times over. Now listen here guys and the pretty woman in the blue sundress, I will be leading you guys through the village today showing you everything that Shima has to offer in the form of entertainment and relaxation follow me and be amazed. The woman in the sundress blushed as Sanada pointed her out, he would make sure to get her name at the end of this tour, but for now all business.

He began walking the meandering group first through the trade market where he would point out the best shops to purchase gifts for the family from he allowed 15 minutes for shopping. Those 15 minutes were more for himself so he could take a quick smoke break, making sure to still keep his charges in his eyes to ensure no one was a spy trying to break away from the group. That would be such a hassle having to deal with that and god all that paperwork Sanada shuddered. Ok guys, moving on, I'm going to show you guys our famous restaurants and take you to a personal favorite of mine so we can all dine.

Reaching the restaurant that had the best burgers in the village at least to him they did he escorted all the tourists inside holding the door and bowing when the woman in the dress walked by him god she was cute. He instructed them on what he liked to order from the menu but encouraged them to pick what stood out to them most. As they ate and socialized Sanada stood by the bar tipping a glass of soda back, he was on duty so he couldn't cut loose like he usually did on Wednesday nights for karaoke. After about an hour and half of everyone eating and talking among st themselves he figured it time to show them the best part that he had been saving for the last moment alright everyone it's almost time to end this tour but I have one last treat for you guys, follow me.

As he walked everyone to the beach the sun was setting perfectly allowing it to reflect off the water in a vibrant display of a color an amazing orange being cast over everything and hearing the refreshing sound of the water crashing the beach gently. He could hear the sighs coming from the crowd as they took in such a beautiful picture of nature. The woman in the dress had walked over to his left side place a small kiss on his cheek almost as to say thank you for the day. As the sunset finished and night fall took over he escorted everyone back to their respective hotels, hoping he had done a good job, it was as much a break for them as it was for him. With that he walked to tell the higher ups he was finished and to receive payment for the day

(TWC 754)
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-Mission- Tour guide Empty Re: -Mission- Tour guide

Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:45 pm
Approved, next time provide the link plz for legitimacy purposes lol.
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