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Johan Uzumaki
Johan Uzumaki
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Time to Tavel! [P, NK] Empty Time to Tavel! [P, NK]

Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:12 pm
Johan yawned as he put the final shirt into his backpack. The boy had already started to pack from over night, way too excited to just wait until the next morning. He was going to leave his village for the first time, who wouldn't be excited about that? The chuunin zipped up his backpack, put it onto his back, and walked out of his room. The boy quickly made his way into his tiny kitchen and raided the fridge. Johan grabbed all the food he knew wouldn't spoil fast and stuffed them into his bag before zipping it up once more. On his way out, the Uzumaki grabbed an apple for a quick snack since he ate breakfast after waking up. He walked out of his home with the same apple sticking out of his mouth.

"Time to explore!" he shouted, though it was muffled from the fruit in his way. Johan jogged past all the civilians in the village, accidentally bumping into a few but saying sorry after he did. The teenager took a large bite into his apple as he ran, getting closer and closer to the gates. It took a few minutes, but he finally made it to his destination. The chuunin stopped and looked back at his village. He wasn't going to be there anymore for some time, but it wasn't like he was leaving forever! 'I'll see you later Shimagakure!' he thought. Johan took out his small map before taking another step and thought about where his first stop should be. "Well.. by the looks of it the closest village is Konoha.." he mumbled, taking another bite of the apple.

Guess that's where he was traveling to first! The Uzumaki put the map back into it's original place and walked out of the village gates.

(Don't worry, I shall return.. one day o-o)
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