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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! - Page 2 Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:54 pm
Johnny notice the old man falling from the tree "How the heck did he get up there? wait this must be the tree walking skill sensei was talking about pretty cool" He then flip "Something up with this old man he shouldn't be able to do that" the man then landed on his head "Yo old man what are u doing get off of me" After that the old man transformed back into crono "This explains the odd clothing choice and you doing this Zehahah!" As crono got off of johnny head Johnny took a moment "Yo teacher now that you showed me this skills i'll be learning why don't you get off your high horse and teach me something" Johnny grin "That ramen isn't going to be open all night now is it" Johnny now noticing the skills can be useful in his everyday life he now shows the ambition to learn it "That was a pretty cool trick climbing up that tree how did you do that?" Johnny stood there waiting for a answer
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! - Page 2 Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:34 pm
This ninja liked to talk alot, crono noticed. He had shown him 3 of the 4 techniques that he was required to teach him, however, all he did was show him, he had yet to actually teach him anything. Crono would step back off of johnny allowing him to get back up. Crono would take his left hand and place it upon his swords hilt. his right hand would activate a hidden seal located on it's sheath before drawing the sword revealing a wooden boken katana. his right hand would hold the hilt behind his back vertically, the katana would be held between Crono and johnny between them.

Crono would not be standing in a traditional battoujutsu stance, this one befitted that of a fencer, but for the purposes of this demonstration, it would be adequate. As johnny would rise up, crono would lay the blade edge of the wooden sword to brush against johnny's chin. "Final rule: Ramen must be earned" he would say in a challenging tone, in an attempt to provoke johnny to attack him.

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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! - Page 2 Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:13 pm
"Whats with this guy?" Johnny said to himself "Sensei really did pick a nut cased "I understand the rules" Johnny grin "So lets stop playing around and get to work" Johnny then look at the stance Crono took "Does he really think i would fight him? I know my power isn't at his level yet so what is he trying to get me to do?" Johnny took a battle stance but didn't make a move "You must have me for a fool if you think i'll be so easy provoke Crono" Johnny then took a couple moments to think "Maybe this guy just wants some respect he seems like the type that needs that kinda stuff" Johnny then relaxed his body and started walking towards Crono "Hopefully this work" Johnny look up to Crono eyes "Crono sensei please teach me these jutsu i want to become strong so i can one day face you and beat you" Johnny smile "I wonder if he thinks i'm toying with him" Johnny action were total out of character but even Johnny knows when the odds are against him sometimes its better to step down "So what do you say crono sensei will you teach me to become stronger?"
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! - Page 2 Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:07 pm
Crono sighed a deep sigh. this kid just wasn't getting it. the blue saya swung to his right side and secured itself within the folds of his belt. Crono's right hand gripping the bottom of the wooden katana. the sunken ridges in the grain rubbing against his hand. his stance was wide. why didn't this initiate understand, that he was teaching him right at this moment. if he would just open his eyes.

Crono would close his eyes for just a moment. his chest heaved upwards as it filled with air. he thought a moment before exhaling. the air leaving his body as a new plan took precidence in his head. he drew his blade down and resheathed it inside it's sheath. his right hand feeling every nook and cranie in the sheath. his eyes opened, glowing blue with a intensity that would seem to pierce a person's soul. He stared down at johnny. "If you want to learn, prove yourself worthy of my teachings."

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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! - Page 2 Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:44 pm
Johnny face turn blank "What is wrong with this man!" Johnny said to himself as he continue to talk to me "I should have never gave in now I look weak" Johnny hands turn into a fist you could see his hands tension "I know i can't win and he knows this too" Johnny took one step back "Prove myself worthy who is this guy" Johnny then repeats what he said early "This guy he got to me I can't believe he made me look so weak I can't let this happen i won't ever bow to anyone ever again" Johnny then showed a smile "If this guy wants a fight he will have one" Johnny left hand quickly went in his left pocket and pulled out a smoke bomb he then jump back as he used his left hand to grab a kunai and throw it in the direction of crono "Lets see if this can by me anytime" Johnny then disappear within the forest "So far I've seen every move i will be learning today" Johnny then remember something before in class "Sensei showed us these moves before why couldn't i'll listen i gotta think harder and remeber what those want i need to do." Johnny waited in the forest for the smoke to clear as force on thinking back in class
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! - Page 2 Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:49 pm
with his gamma trance active, crono would easily track the student while drawing his blade to deflect the kunai he would follow johnny to the forest unseen. standing upon a branch in the shadows above johnny. slicing his right thumb on his katana he would then summon Glenn, the frog knight, to him.

"he's all yours" crono would whisper to the frog, motioning toward johnny. Glenn would nod as he leaped from above attempting to tackle johnny to the ground.

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[sry, for the short post :P]
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! - Page 2 Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:01 pm
Johnny notice a cloud of smoke appearing from above "What is this?" He then saw a giant toad coming at him "What kind of cheap trick is this guy pulling i've never seen something like this" Johnny smile "This must be another transformation jutsu" Johnny quickly dodge the toad landing on his feet he then look on standing on the ground once again "Do you really think i'll fall for this trick again teacher i know this is you so why don't you come out and teach me something" Johnny stood there waiting for the toad to respond
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! - Page 2 Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:09 pm
Crono would appear behind Johnny, using his superior speed to get there before he could react. He would quickly tap him on the shoulder. Glenn would raise his shield and leap forward attempting to clash into johnny should he allow himself to become distracted by the real crono. His strong hind legs giving him a great burst of propulsion from a moment's notice. Should glenn comence his attack crono would step out of the way, allowing the fight to continue unhindered.

[85 | 1903 ]
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! - Page 2 Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:25 pm
Johnny turn around quickly "Who just tap me!?" Johnny face showed a surprise look "but how Cro.. ?" Johnny then notice the toad leaping towards him "Oh shit!" Johnny jump up quickly and push his legs out into the shield that the toad glenn was holding he then pushed off leaving him ten feet from the ground Johnny then landed on a tree "What the heck is going on Teacher why is this toad fight me? Why would you summon him to attack me? Is this part of the test?" Johnny showed another side of him that he never like to show and that was him being nervous never has Johnny face a foe like him before and knew he know was out number "Shit this isn't looking good this toad looks pretty strong or else he wouldn't have waste his time summoning him" Johnny look at his surrounding "How can i beat this toad?" Johnny looked on waiting for some answer from crono
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! - Page 2 Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:39 am
Glenn would rebound back, easily landing back upon his feet. Crono just stood there smiling, his arms crossing his chest, he leaned back against a tree.

"Thou art a nave, I am nay a toad, but a frog" The summoned creature would say, watching Johnny's movements closely before drawing his own sword from his sheath. "It's not wise to insult Sir Glenn, initiate, he may take it personally. Glenn has trained with me for a while now, he knows all my tricks, but he has yet to know any of yours. Beat him and I'll pass you." Crono remarked to johnny as noticed that he did appear to be ill equipped for this battle.

"I'll tell you what, just to even the odds." crono would preform Hi ryu sen using the tanto sheathed above his right hip, placing a small return seal upon the hilt as he threw it. the blade would fly out at a speed impossible for johnny to react to striking the trunk of the tree just above his head, with a loud thunk sound.  "you may use that"

Glenn leaped into the air landing on a branch above his previous location across from johnny. The air sac in his neck expanding in and out like a balloon. As he waited for johnny to make a move.

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