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Rokuro Masamune
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Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Ryo : 59500

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Tue May 28, 2013 9:49 am
Kurogane had spent the greater amount of his time studying as he continued to further his knowledge on the many aspects of Fire based Ninjutsu," It seems that Fire could be used on so many levels besides what i can do currently. I wonder if i can ever learn to combine Fuuinjutsu with my ninjutsu to further my abilities, and what is Den up to these days," chuckling to himself as he closed yet another book and sat it on the table close to him. It was not long before he stretched and yawned, feeling like he needed to go back and get to his training," Well...maybe i should go and start on my jutsu training...i feel a little rusty after only training my body. I need to go and train my mind as well, because without both i can not be balanced," he said with a small smile.

It was then that he would go and return to his training room, one of which had a couple of training dummies and weapons although he would rarely use them. Nodding he would slow his breath and open his book, one of the pages setting ablaze as he raised his hand into the half tiger hand seal and a series of fire balls would shoot from the middle of the book and head towards one of the training dummies hitting it where the arms, legs and head would be setting the whole dummy on fire. Smiling at the results he would soon try and extract the flames from the dummy and form them within his right hand. At first it would work until the flames disappeared," Dammit...where did i go wrong in my was supposed to extract the flames and then form them in my hand. it seemed simply enough and yet i cannot seem to ever get this to work, so where exactly did i go wrong," he scratched his head for a moment as he sighed and closed the book, scratching his head he would go back to thinking of the process in which he could for his flame manipulation. He wanted this to be a skill in which he could use when he did not have the book in his possession and could also implement it in a way to get the book back if necessary.

With the idea's fresh in his mind he would chuckle and tap the spine of the book on his forehead gently as the idea came to him. Flipping the book open he would perform the single half seal and bring forth them flame spheres and launch them at the dummy and with a one handed dragon seal draw the flames back into his hands. He focused on calling the flames forth then condensing his chakra into them to stabilize the process. Within seconds the flames would appear in his hands," yes...i finally did it now to apply this to an attack," closing the book he would flick his wrist and launch the flames forward creating a small dragon like head that launched forward and exploded upon the dummy. With only a little of the flame left he would clench his fist as the flames disappeared.

Satisfied with the results of the new implementation of his abilities he would go into the x2 training room and begin his true test. Even being accustomed to such an increase of gravity after so long, he still needed to coordinate his attacks to perfection and this place was perfect for it. The same six clones were there waiting for him as he stepped in and the fight was initiated from there. The book flipped open as his hand ran over it the half tiger hand seal being made quickly as six spheres of fire launched forward at 25 speed aiming for the middle of the chest and the appendixes, legs and arms of the first clone to come within 30 meters of Kurogane. Knowing this was no breeze in the park he decided to use his right index and middle finger to guide the fireballs to their target as the clone dodged the initial three, but failed to dodge the others.

Smiling the book would soon be closed as the half dragon seal would be performed, causing the flames to extend from the clone and and dart towards the second clone that was to his right, the jutsu worked but was half a second off as he merely hit his arm," Crap...the timing was slightly off but it is still a success so i can make this work," smiling as the flames returned to his hand as he moved it backwards. Leaving one clone incapacitated and the other five in a suitable fighting condition, he would wave to them to bring it on.

The clone that was hit in the arm by the fire would quickly run at Kurogane closing the gap quickly, although these clones were used to the gravity just like he was, their speed was still greater than his. Tapping the book, his crimson wings would sprout from his back and allow him to take flight, barely dodging the clones attack. Now 10 meters in the air, Kurogane would open the book and perform the half tiger and then the half dragon as a veil of flames covered his body, not burning him of course but making a cone like effect over his body as he flew towards the ground at a fast speed, aiming to crash down onto the clone.

Within seconds Kurogane slammed down onto the clone and slid to safety at the last moment, landing with minimum burns and scrapes," A dangerous jutsu with a pretty good drawback but i need to fix the flying rate and also add a little spin into that," chuckling to himself he would dust himself off and look at the remaining clones as he nodded them off before walking out of the training room. Although he had done what needed to, he still felt as if he needed more training before he left here, but for now he would be contempt with taking a small break. Challenging the mind and body takes a large toll and being a genius is hard work as it is. Deciding to go to his room for a bit, Kurogane walked inside of it and plopped onto the bed staring up at the ceiling. He imagined it as a clear midnight sky to help with his thought process but then again any night sky would do for him.

The two new jutsu that he had just developed worked better than he anticipated but of course he would need more practice with them if he wanted to use them outside of this place. Overall he had spent most of his time studying and training, although he wished he could sit in an open meadow and relax without having to go and train...wait now that he thought about it maybe he could do that...but he needed to go and find Den to see if his hypothesis was true. Standing up, he would grab his book and walk out of his room and traverse Sanctuary to find his mentor to ask him the question that was on his mind.

Unaware of where he was going however if he were to bump into anyone else besides Den he would have to ask them the same question before going back to do what he planned on. Although he had not seen another person inside of this dimension he wondered what all encompassed this place, although as it was a dimension it could holster a plethora of different and vast things, some of which Kurogane was getting curious about.

TWC: 3134

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New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Tue May 28, 2013 4:35 pm
Den would continue to train the lightning element for a few more days, slowly but steadily improving his skill with the element. His father, who enjoyed spending time in Den's lab and sometimes stayed in Sanctuary, visited den in the meadow sometimes, giving him pointers. His father had helped him learn the Wind element a few years ago, and was also the one who tried to teach Den the element of fire.

He occasionally gave Den pointer's as to how to alter his chakra flow, and that Lightning, like wind, was a completely different element from earth. He had Den try to manipulate his chakra in a similar way that he did wind, except instead of focusing on sharpness to focus on power. The size of the lightning bolts Den could have pass between his hands grew in size. He was starting to get the hang of this.

While Den was practicing, Yuudai flew around in the realm that Kurogane occupied. He had grown to be quite a large creature, though he was still not rather fast or strong. He would be one day however, he knew that to be true. He had seen the other dragons that Den had created, and was in fact the son of the first dragon, Ichiro. He would be flying around the building Kurogane would be exiting. Realizing that he was going to keep walking in hopes of finding Den, the young dragon would attempt to land in front of him. He was colored red, his shoulders a little bit above the waist of the boy in front of him, "You can't really walk to Den, he's in a separate realm. They aren't connected, so until he teleports you out of here. If you are done, I'm sure Den will be here in a moment to take you back to wherever it is you want to go, be it home or to train somewhere else." He would then wait for Kurogane to respond.

Den, who was aware of everything that happened in Sanctuary, would teleport Kurogane to whever he said he wanted to go once he told Yuudai what it was.
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 59500

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Tue May 28, 2013 7:09 pm
Kurogane was continually walking around to look for the path to Den, although he was unaware that he could not physically reach him. His walk was silent until he heard the beating of wings and at first he ignored it, but gradually his mind would slowly wander what the hell it was that was flying overhead,' Are there animals in this place...or is it a figment of my imagination," he thought to himself as he stopped to see what appeared to be a dragon in front of him. Smiling he would walk closer to the dragon and overlook it for a second, smiling at the way it was built. He had never seen a live dragon before and even now he was amazed at how it looked.

Shaking his head he would smile to the dragon and chuckle sheepishly," Sorry but i am not used to this place as i thought i once was. I thought if i could walk around a little i could find him, but that apparently does not work here. Thank you for the help...ummm what is your name," he scratched his head for a moment before waiting for the dragon to answer him. Once he did Kurogane would smile and nod," Nice to meet you, i am Kurogane and i didn't really want to leave, i simply wanted to know if i could create my own room and if so i wanted to create an open meadow with an open view of the midnight sky. It helps me think whenever i look at it and its also very relaxing," he smiled to the young dragon as he waited for an response.


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New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Thu May 30, 2013 10:48 am
"I'm Yuudai, son of Ichiro and Denkiteki-sama's chosen companion!" The dragon had a very excited, up beat tone to his voice that betrayed his youth. If he was a human, he would be smiling as he spoke. The dragon and the young boy would be about 50 meters away from the building Kurogane had left. About 10 meters behind them, and 10 meters away from the building a small meadow appeared, circular and 30 meters in diameter. Den, who knew everything that went on in Sanctuary, 'heard' the boy's request and made the meadow appear.

"See, you just have to say what you want so he can know what it is." The dragon would point behind the boy towards the meadow that just appeared as he spoke, using his front left foot to do so.

In the realm that Den was currently inhabiting, he still continued to practice using Raiton. He had begun to use Sanctuary however, to help better understand how lightning worked. Dark clouds cast large shadows upon the area in which Den sat, the young man watching as lightning began to fly downwards from the sky, striking the ground with amazing force. Den's eyes couldn't track the raw energies speed as it traveled to the ground, it moved so fast. As he watched, he attempted to create a stream of lightning chakra in his hands once more, it was something he was now capable of doing with ease.

He would soon be capable of learning Lightning Release techniques, this he knew to be true. Once he was at that level, he would teleport to Kurogane and return him to the plains where they had met up. Then the two of them could spar, to see how powerful Kurogane had become.

TWC: 2014
24/40 chakra stored
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Fri May 31, 2013 3:45 pm
Kurogane had studied Yuudai for a moment before smiling and setting the book in between his armpit," It is a pleasure to actually meet a dragon such as yourself Yuudai and thank you for explaining how this works. I was wondering if you would like to join in meadow over there, of course its merely a spot to relax and have a little fun but i would also like to talk about a couple of other things," smiling as he slowly made his way over to the room.

Providing that Yuudai actually followed Kurogane he would continue to talk to him," so what is it like living here...and what is it like to actually have wings and fly," he was curious to hear Yuudai's outlook on the questions he had asked him, but he was also curious to find out what he could do. After arriving to the grasslands, Kurogane would plop into the fresh grass and smile as he stared at the nighttime sky," this is just like the sky back in Tenga, it is so beautiful and helps the thought process go by so much faster. Hey Yuudai...what do you think of the nighttime sky. Does it make you feel at peace or curious about what else is out there besides the sun, stars and the moon," Kurogane was curious about this dragons outlook on many things considering that dragons were known to be some of the wisest creatures in exsistance and if he could he would like to learn some of their wisdom.

For now he would wait for Yuudai to answer his questions and from their make the appropriate responses unless of course he was just looked at with a blank expression.


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New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:54 pm
Den was nearly complete in his training, it was only a matter of time before he mastered this element and would be able to add Lightning Release to his arsenal. He wondered if he would ever be able to learn a fourth element, though he knew this would most likely be impossible for him. He was not that dedicated to Ninjutsu, and he had never heard of any shinobi to master any more elements than 3. Well, there was the man who possessed the jutsu known as Earth grudge fear, the man who was the first to be hit by Naruto Uzumaki's Rasenshuirken. And the Rinnegan would also grant people the power of all 5 elements.

That is true, if I were to gain the Rinnegan then I shall have the power of all 5 elements at my disposal. Den wished he had gotten Minorin's DNA before she had left to wherever she decided to go, his theory was that he needed Senju DNA as well as the Uchiha DNA he already possessed in order to obtain the power of the Rinnegan.

While he tohught about the Rinnegan Yuudai would follow Kuronane to the meadow, wondering why he had so many questions for the young dragon," Um, wings are really fun. They also make moving around easier. I really like living here, Den can make cool things for me and we have a lot of fun. I can't wait until he decides I'm ready to help him fight though, I really want to go on adventures and things like that!"

Yuudai wasn't sure how he should answer the question about the moon and the other things in the sky, "Well, I like the sun more than the moon because it's really warm. But the moon does make me relax I suppose, I feel tired when it's up. Um, is there anything other than the stars and the moon and sun? I know sometimes rocks fall out of the sky, but I don't know where they come from."


27/30 chakra stored
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 59500

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:35 pm
Kurogane sat there and listened to the young dragons words as they walked into the meadow and relaxed. He found his point of view interesting on alot of things and felt as if he could be a good friend. Smiling he would look up into the moonlit sky," Adventures can be fun, its like making your own story and its even better with friends. Maybe you can come on adventures with me and take over the world," he laughed for a moment as he sighed and felt the cool grass tickle his skin. Talking to an actual dragon was the best thing next to reading about them because you could actually get a good standpoint of how they are, and they were pretty friendly for the most part.

As he continued to talk to Yuudai he would begin to explain the question that he asked," There has been speculation that their are numerous other planets like ours out there in space, although we cannot prove it yet. Asteroid are just like boulders here except they are ten times bigger and with a big enough size destroy a planet. Luckily those never come near our home and stay in the recesses of space where they belong," he laughed for a moment because of the small joke he made in between.


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New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:39 pm
Yuudai didn't want to take over the world, though maybe it would be fun. But he was Den's partner, so he wasn't going to go fight things with one of Den's underlings unless Den told him to. The young dragon didn't understand what exactly was funny though, perhaps the idea of taking over the world? It seemed like something difficult, so maybe that was why it was funny to say to do that? Yuudai didn't know, and just sat there awkwardly as the boy laughed. He wasn't used to these kind of jokes he guessed.

"Maybe Den will take us both on adventures with him at the same time, that could be fun." the dragon still managed to be cheerful despite being confused. The boy seemed nice enough, and if Den was helping him train he had to be at least somewhat talented. He was probably more powerful than Yuudai, but once the dragon hit his next growth spurt he would become one of the most powerful beings to ever exist! Or at least he hoped that would happen anyway. His father was fairly powerful already, perhaps he could kill a number of ninja if Den were to ever try and attack a village or something.

The boy began to talk about weird things in the sky, Yuudai was a dragon, a warrior creature created by Den to become his companion, and a member of the race Den created so that he could leave his mark on the world when he eventually died. He didn't know about astronomy, so again he was confused when the boy was talking about things in space and what not.

"Yes, I suppose that would suck if we got hit by one of those things." he looked up at the sky, wondering if Den knew about those things and if he made Sanctuary's sky like that, or any of it's sky's. Maybe sanctuary's sky was just lights and stuff.

In the other realm, Den was still practicing with his lightning and what not.

TWC: 2691
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:43 pm
Kurogane smiled as he nodded to his new friend as he chuckled a little," It would be awesome to go out with you two and have some adventures together, maybe we could even learn something from each other. Besides fighting alongside a dragon could prove to be both fun and a good source of inspiration," sitting up slowly he would look into the sky and think about something.

Thinking of something for the both of them to do he would smile and stand up," How about we go for a little flight. It would be interesting to see how exactly your wings work and how fast you could go. It would also allow me to try out my own wings, just so i can become better acquainted with flying," after hearing yuudai's response he would stand up.

Concentrating the chakra into the points in his back, a pair of crimson wings would appear on his back as he began to flap them. Although made of fire, their construct were as stable as the real deal. Using the Henge Technique he would transform them into something similar to Yuudai's wings. Now that he had taken off into the air, he would slowly float there," Well don't be a slowpoke come on and let's fly," smiling he would already started to fly around the nighttime sky.

Although this was an artificial sky, it made him feel like he was at home for the moment. The thought of flying through the night sky back at the orphanage was something even he thought of from time to time, but now he was doing it.

4185 wc.

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New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:54 pm
Unfortunately the two wouldn't get to fly together, Den had just finished training his lightning release, and decided Kurogane had been training for more than enough years. He would appear in front of the young man before he even activated his wings, using the power of Sanctuary to move from one realm to another. Yuudai looked at Den when he arrived, happy to see his friend and master.

"Kurogane, I think you're ready to return to the real world now. I'll get together the rest of the team, then we shall prepare for the Chuunin Exams. Now that you've been aged a few years, you should be more than experienced enough to compete, same with the rest of the squad. I just want to makre sure the 3 of you are as prepared as possible, so that when the exam is over I can hopefully see you all again as Chuunin of the village." Den had hoped that there would be enough time for the 2 of them to spar, but he felt an urgent desire to get his entire team ready for the exams. 

Den would extend his hand, as though asking for a hand shake. If Kurogane reached out with his own hand and grabbed it, Den would teleport them both back to the real world, to the exact same place where they had left. Yuudai would be alone in the meadow once this happened, watching the bright white light that had engulfed them disappear. 

"Such an odd guy, I guess he's a better fighter than a thinker." Yuudai was far to young to understand what ever it had been that Kurogane had been talking about, so he just assumed he was crazy or something. Jumping into the air, Yuudai flew off towards his little home, where he woudl go and sleep, it was getting to be around his bed time. 

TWC: 3003

Lightning Release learned
15 stats=750 Ryo
30 JP
Den's Jounin Gear is has now stored 40 chakra (30 from this topic, and 12 from 2 others)

15 stats
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