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Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) Empty New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Sun May 12, 2013 1:19 pm
It was mid afternoon and the sun was sitting over Tenga high in the sky, Kurogane had just woken up and ate breakfast which was nothing to big. Having three bowls of cereal and a large cup of orange juice, he would slowly begin to get ready for today as he walked back up to his room. The orphanage was starting to get alot more quiet as days went on, most of the ones he called brother were being adopted left and right which left him there alone at times. The peace was good and all, but he missed talking and playing with them, even his big brother had been missing from the house. Finally making it to his room he would begin to put on his Yukata on, tightening it as he grabbed his Grimoire and soon headed out to meet up with Denkiteki so they could actually do some training.

Kuro himself had not done any training in a while because of his studying and messing around with new things so today would be a good experience for him. Today he would be meeting him on the plains of Tengakure, a pretty spacious and good area for the both of them to actually go a good few rounds, and maybe even this time he would actually hit him. Finally arriving to the Plains, he would take notice of the surroundings, the trees which were at least 10 meters a part and the open grass field. Kurogane would lay in the grass and relax while he would wait for Den to show up.

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Living Clones : Isamu
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Ryo : 271700

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Wed May 15, 2013 11:19 pm
Den would seem to appear out of nowhere, the only sign that showed the young Jounin hadn't teleported being the gust of wind that followed him. He was dressed in his combat gear, having recently augmented it he enjoyed testing out the powers it gave him. His right eye was still bandaged up, it bothered him that his sharingan had not yet fully recovered. He also had his weapons and his boots on.

"Hey Kuro, you said you wanted to train?" the young Jounin would lean against a tree as he asked the question, the leaves creating a shadow over his upper torso as he waited for an answer. He already had an idea as to what sort of training Kurogane would have to do, he just wanted to see if the young boy had his own plans first.

TWC: 139

18/30 (Blindness)
6/40 (Chakra in Jounin gear)

(meh post)
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Thu May 16, 2013 12:15 pm
The small trance Kurogane was in was broken as the voice of his sensei and rival fell upon his ears. Not speaking right away, he would stand to look at Den and nodding at his words as he held the book," yes i wanted to train with you because even a genius needs to be strong, but i do not have any training ideas that would help me out. The way i see it if you want to become strong you have to find someone strong...and train under them and your the only person i know in the village currently that are of that standard and would be willing to train me," his ice blue eyes stared up at Den for a moment before he sat down.After speaking he would open the book and wait for Den's response on what he said, hopefully finding out that he had a way to train him. Training alone was boring and it gave off no real signs of progress, in a sense Kuro was being stagnant and he knew it.

TWC: 441
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Living Clones : Isamu
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Ryo : 271700

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Fri May 17, 2013 6:09 pm
Den wondered if he should train Kurogane in the same way he had trained Minorin, by putting him in Sanctuary and allowing a few years to pass in it, making the boy significantly older and more experienced while in the real world almost no time would have passed.

“What if I told you, I could give you years worth of experience before the sun set today? Would you be willing to sacrifice a few years of your life to become stronger?” While den wanted Kurogane to accept the training, he wanted him to understand that he would be sacrificing at least part of his childhood to become more powerful.

Den would wait for Kurogane to answer, still leaning against the tree. He felt his right eye tingle as he waited, perhaps it would soon be healed? If Den spent his time in the same realm he would put Kurogane, he would most certainly return to the real world with his sharingan. But Den had already lost 4 years of his childhood, to spend even another full year in Sanctuary would feel like he was waiting away his youth.

TWC: 327

19/30 (blindness)
9/40 (chakra stored)
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Fri May 17, 2013 7:01 pm
Kurogane's eyes would shift back up to Den as he spoke of a way to train him faster, but at a cost that seemed to be the losing factor. He had the option to become stronger and that is what he wanted, but at the same time his childhood would fly by. Everyone had to grow up sometime and with his level of intellect who would take a ten year old seriously.

Standing up and nodding he would sigh," A genius has to know when to make a difficult decision in their life and mine is now..i want the training so that i can become stronger. Besides being a child is kind of difficult when no one else here is my age. My foster family is gone and i live on my own so i would like this change," his answer signifies that he was ready.

Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Mon May 20, 2013 3:17 am
"Alright, as you wish." He then moved towards Kurogane, attempting to put his right hand on the boy's shoulder. After a moment the two would disappear in a white light, assuming that Kurogane allowed Den's hand to remain on his shoulder.

The two would appear in Den's lab first, an odd place for training to begin. Den would go to a drawer and pull out a container, a Byakugan eye clearly visible floating in a clear liquid as the container was made of glass.

"Do you want this? I can also give you the DNA of a Hyuuga, so you would be able to use the eye just as well as one of them. This eye could help you become more aware of your surroundings if you mastered it. By the time you leave this place you would most likely have grown accustomed to the eye, and be able to see for miles in any direction." If Kurogane said yes, and allowed Den to begin, he would get started on performing surgery on Kurogane.

He would a syringe and got some blood from the Hyuuga corpse, making sure to of course revitalize the cells using his decay reversal technique before taking a sample. Kurogane wouldn't see the corpse, Den would have teleported into another room in which the body was kept in order to acquire the DNA. He would then replace the needle and use his power to transform the sample into a serum, one which he could then use to give Kurogane the DNA of a Hyuuga if he wanted it.

If Kurogane allowed Den to inject him with the DNA, he would then attempt to begin the surgery. Kurogane would have to be unconscious for a little bit, a sDen would have to remove his left eye and replace it with the byakugan. This would not take long, and after being unconscious for only an hour Kurogane would awaken with his eye bandaged up. It would feel slightly painful, but not enough to be unbearable.

If Kurogane had any objections or questions, Den would of course stop with the above actions.

(If you don’t want the eye, for some reason, or want to rp out all of this just timeline manip the post to be right after we enter Sanctuary or even before if you want to. Just want you to be able to have the eye so we can get the blindness done by the end of the thread lol.)

TWC: 680

(250 used to create serum)
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Mon May 20, 2013 10:38 am
Kurogane nodded and stood up as Den moved towards him, watching as he put his hand onto his shoulder. Although Kuro was unsure of what was about to happen his vision would soon be engulfed with a white light, appearing in a room. He took the time to look around before Den spoke to him, finding it to be a lab of some sort. He remembered from their first encounter that Den was a master medic of sorts so having a lab would be expected, but this one seemed bigger than what he would imagine. Kurogane turned to Den and looked at him confused at first, but then he saw the eye and was asked if he wanted it. Of course Kurogane wanted an explanation of what the eye did and its positive aspects, all of which were answered in rapid succession. The ability to see his surroundings in a better prospective would allow for a variety of new tactics and attacks, all of which he would like. Giving up one of his eyes for it was a small price to pay to become stronger. Setting his book down beside him he would look for a place to sit and lay down," Sure lets do it...the ability to see further will greatly help my strategies and tactics, just make sure you save my eye," it was a small joke but he was ready for the operation. After feeling the needle go into his arm he would sigh and close his eyes as he soon slipped into a state of unconsciousness. After an hour of being knocked out he would wake up and feel his left eye, the foreign eye felt weird but it wasn't to bad. He looked around for a moment and laughed," at least now if i had glasses i would have an excuse not to wear them right now. So den tell me a bit about this place, where we are i mean," he yawned for a moment before slowly reaching for his book. TWC: 924 1/30
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Wed May 22, 2013 11:38 pm
Den put Kurogane's left eye in the jar before putting it in a drawer.

After the surgery, Kurogane asked where they were, it seemed his apprentice was as curious as he always was, "We're in a dimension known as Sanctuary, an entire world created by my chakra. This is the lab I built within it. Don't worry, soon we'll be leaving and you can begin your actual training. How does the eye feel?"

As he asked the question, Den began to build the room Kurogane would be fighting in. A hollow box with white walls on the inside appeared in one of Den's other Realms, one where time moved much faster than it did in the real world. Den also created a few people for Kurogane to fight as well, a few physically powerful men that were perhaps Genin level. There were about 6 of them i ntotal, more than enough to challenge Kurogane when Den would teleport him in the room.

The room also had 2x the gravity of earth, so everyone, including the clones, would be moving at half of their normal speed. It would also make other physical actions difficult. The point of the increase in gravity was to force Kurogane to become stronger, he knew the boy was studious so he wanted him to become physically fit as well.

Other rooms were made as well, all with normal gravity. A study was created, filled with replicas of every book Den had read. Most of them were medical books, but books involving theories on space time and ninjutsu would also be present in the study. A bedroom, bathroom, and a kitchen that would constantly restock itself were also in this newly created building. A few other rooms were made as well, such as one with dummies for when Kurogane didn't want to spar the 6 men, and a room filled with weapons he could practice with. The weapons in that room would be the same as those found in the ninja shop, with the same capabilities.

"When you are ready, I'll teleport you into the room in which you will be training." He reached out his hand, if Kuro accepted it he would be transported to the building, which he would be spending the next couple of years of his life in. Den would remain in the lab however, he had his own form of training he needed to finish.


15/40 chakra stored
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Goof Troupe

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Fri May 24, 2013 12:26 am
After standing up and trying to get used to not having the use of his other eye for the moment, Kurogane would smile for a moment," So you created this whole place by this is amazing and a scientific marvel how long did it take you to make this whole dimension. Oh my eye feels pretty good, although i cannot see out of it yet it feels oddly good," he looked around a second time as he soon tried to figure out what exactly how he did this within the time. Seeing as this lab was not where he was training then he wanted to know where he was going to be training.

Grabbing his book he would soon try and walk over to Den, seeing as his hand was outstretch to him,' Well if it is time it is time, and when i come back i am want a rematch Den. No if and or buts about it. After i spend my time training i want to have our rematch," grabbing his hand he would be sent to the other room where the gravity would instantly effect him dropping his speed my half. He fell to his knees as he looked up at the six men and smiled," A couple of disappointing factors are against me, but the odds are also against you...for i am a genius," smiling he would try and stand to his feet although as he began to he started to strain his body.

One of the six would step forward, it could seemingly walk surprisingly well even in the currently enhanced gravity room. Kurogane however could only stand so he was at a slight disadvantage. The clone proceeded to run at him, although it was slow he was still running at him as it threw a punch at him. Kurogane tried to dodge but with his speed hampered greatly he could only try. As he was hit, his body stayed in place as he coughed," Fuck...that hurts alot. What can i do to change this situation around, come on Kuro your a genius. You can do anything and break the impossible so look at the current situation and come up with a solution to it," mentally snapping himself into a fighting style.

He now knew what to do as he as he began to open up the book and and smiled as a vortex of fire enveloped him and shot towards the first clone and the rest was history. A couple of days went by as his body slowly got used to the gravity until his body was conditioned and toned. His hair was now to his back, still covering his right eye as he smiled and looked at the men through his left (Byakugan is still in recovery i just sped up the events a bit). The men came at him with with a barrage of punches and kicks," this is childs play and you are all done," and with a quick movement his body would move to the right in a 45 degree angle, hitting one of the clones in the stomach of the first clone to get close, twisting his fist to push it back.

The next clone was smacked in the face with the book with enough force to break someone's neck," Next one come on up and get your smack down," laughing as he flipped over its body and kicked the third one in the face, using it as a platform to launch into the fourth clone knocking it onto its ass as he punches it in the throat. With the fifth and sixth clone sitting there looking at him, Kurogane smiled and stopped the session and walked into another room where the gravity would be 3x, just for extra training. He began to do some push-ups, his body perfectly aligned into a perfect L as he went up and down slowly, the gravity having the intended effect that he needed. Kurogane soon arrived to twenty as his body continued to move up and down, the straining on him," Come on a little more...i can do it," as he moved faster trying to get to at least 50, his last number being 30.

Completing his goal he would fall to the ground and laugh for a moment feeling accomplished that he was getting stronger. Once his body had recovered he would go into the library, a vast place full of knowledge as he walked up to a shelf and grabbed a book pertaining to space-time. He was fascinated with the whole aspect of the ability to mend time and space to your will. Kurogane wanted this skill to further his ability to use fire and even use it in his inventions. Something that he missed the most was messing with a new invention. Wondering if he could actually get the chance to actually make a new invention that he wanted to make. As he read the book multiple ideas came into his mind as he moved his hair over to the left side where the eye was simply normal for the moment," so Space-Time as a whole can redefine how i use my jutsu...i just need to learn how to perform the techniques," he smiled as he sat the book onto the shelf and walked out of the room," take a damned shower because i fucking reek," his voice was now the voice of a sixteen year old and now he was ready to go and smell like he was actually waking up.

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Living Clones : Isamu
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New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: New Forms of Training (P/IO/NK)

Mon May 27, 2013 9:30 pm
Den wondered how strong thee boy would get, would he be able to fight Den toe to toe after a few years of training? Perhaps, it would be interesting to see how powerful he would become when he finally left the realm in which Den had sped up time. While Kurogane trained, Den had his own work to do. He had recently given up on learning fire release, it seemed that he was unable to master it. So instead he would attempt to learn The power of raiton, and interesting element that hopefully would be just as useful.

Den teleported himself to an open meadow where he could focus, the blades so long hey touched the upper part of his shins. As he sat down, he began to concentrate chakra into his hands. Come on, I read how this works. I can do this! He focused for a moment, holding his hands up with his palms facing each other. A small spark jumped between his hands, barely anything. But it was enough. Den sat there, his hands still held with their palms facing each other, a smile on his face. In a few days, I'll have this element mastered. Then I'll know as many elements as my father, and will be one step closer to surpassing him.

In this short amount of time, Kurogane had already lived out 6 years of his life, Den slowed down the time difference, so that he would have more time to train while Kurogane was in the realm. Now it would take a few days in Den's realm for a month to pass in Kurogane's. Alright, now to continue.

TWC: 1364

18/30 chakra stored
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