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Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) - Page 2 Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Wed May 15, 2013 5:41 pm
The tail slams against the lower legs of the monster, the monster falls to the ground and Kenchi stands onto his feet, raising his hands above his head he takes a victory pose. For a moment Kenchi had forgotten that he was standing on top of a cloned beast. The acid had already ate through its skull, causing the 'monster' below him to disperse. Kenchi falls towards the grounds swinging his arms wildly in an attempt to fly. He can see the ground below him as it became closer and closer. Closing his eyes Kenchi braces himself for the deadly impact of hitting the ground, but instead he lands in the arms of his Ogre friend, Ugglok. He smiles and thinks for a moment about giving the Ogre a big kiss on the cheek, but his chances of doing that and surviving wee slim to none, so instead he would climb out of the Ogres arms and straighten his clothes. "I guess this means Xyxer won, again. It's alright though, I'll get him next time for sure." Kenchi says to himself mentally turning around he can see his friend staring towards the original monster. The once strong chakra signature of the beast was now nonexistent. "I guess it's dead." Kenchi mutters under his breath as he begins to walk near Xyxer.

His comrade seemed to be showing remorse, but this was not a bad thing. It was great to see that the man was actually human, something Kenchi had been suspicious of since he met him. "What do you want to do with it?" Kenchi says, asking Xyxer seriously the playfulness in his voice gone. He did not like to see someone he looked up to greatly, upset. Emotions were for Kenchi, he's supposed to be the one crying about like a girl. While Xyxer calls him unmanly. For this moment and maybe this moment only, their roles were switched.

Playing with the monster was definitely fun and it killed the time. The ryo gained from this mission was not bad also. Though Kenchi did indeed bond with the monster in a way, but maybe from the monsters point of view it was not seen that way. For they had played with it like a doll and once it broke they were going to throw it a way now.


Last edited by Vergil Hyuuga on Wed May 15, 2013 5:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) - Page 2 Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Wed May 15, 2013 5:51 pm
The hand of Xyxer continued to gently stroke the head of the creature as he started to reminisce about his own pets. They had all disappeared somehow.. and when he had actually paid attention to just one creature, he had been the cause of it's death. Inhaling deeply so that his voice would not crack from the pain he was feeling he spoke slowly, "We'll bury the mons-.. we'll bury the animal." and with that, Xyxer did not mess around. Summoning his sword as he stepped away from the body, he'd begin to dig it deep down into the dirt before using it to shovel out the earth. It was the least he owed the creature for taking it's life in such a joyriding fashion. He would simply disperse his clone from before without an explosion as he believed the creatures burial site deserved hard, manual work only. He would not cheat the creature of a burial site that it deserved.
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) - Page 2 Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Wed May 15, 2013 6:03 pm
A silence rises among the two ANBU as they begin to dig a grave for the carcass of the animal they had just killed under orders. Kenchi began to think that the monster was not too violent. Thinking back, the monster had barely even fought back during the altercation. It also had a few chances to attack the village, but it never tried too. A feeling of regret over loomed, Kenchi as he began to question their decision. Had they just killed an innocent animal, that was summoned by mistake and assumed to be evil? This question lingered through his mind.

Kenchi would use the edge of his ANBU sword, digging it into the earth and lifting it out. Throwing the dirt over his back he stares towards the Ogre in hopes of it helping them out.

Ugglok begins to walk off, away from both Xyxer and Kenchi. "You two are wasting a prized meal in my home land. I do not understand why you humans are so emotional, but I'll let you carry on with this foolishness alone." Ugglok walks away a distance and stands while watching them dig.

If they continue with the digging of the grave site, soon a large hole will be created next to the animal. All that would be needed from this point onwards is for the animal to be placed inside it.

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) - Page 2 Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Wed May 15, 2013 6:08 pm
Naturally, Xyxer was not one to back down from an insult, and so when the ogre had presented one he simply retaliated, not skipping a beat of his shoveling, "And yet you see that a human is the master of you, Slave." Of course, the boy did not care much for the ogre and was only holding back because he did not want to strain Kenchi with the effort of finding another summoning, so he finished the digging of the land before he went to the other side of the animal, preparing his hands on the torso of the creature. If Kenchi was to join him, he'd send all of his weight into the push, allowing his suiton mastery to form a blanket around the creatuer in order to ease the descent into the grave. After all of this was done, naturally, Xyxer would begin to fill the grave up once more in a somber mood.
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) - Page 2 Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Wed May 15, 2013 6:18 pm
Kenchi readies himself to leap into the path of the Ogre just in case it was tempted to attack Xyxer. His comrade had done something he had been unable to do and that was stand up for himself in front of the Ogre. This reminded him that he would have to train Ugglok and teach him how to behave respectfully around others.

The Ogre tense up for a moment, but continues forwards. Unwilling to try its luck against the person it had just met.

Kenchi joins Xyxer in the push, he shoves the monster into his grave with all of his strength. He now joins Xyxer in the burial process of the animal.

{Mission Complete}
Wuwu Inazumahi
Wuwu Inazumahi
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) - Page 2 Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Wed May 15, 2013 8:00 pm
I don't see anything wrong, approved for appropriate rewards.
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) - Page 2 Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Sat May 18, 2013 11:52 am
[3008 WC]


+7 stats
+12 JP

+11,000 ryo (Agreed by Kenchi)

24 posts of eye recovery
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) - Page 2 Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Sat May 18, 2013 12:15 pm


+5,000 ryo (Gifted Xyxer 3,000)

+12 Jp
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