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Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Terror of the plains [Mission] Empty Terror of the plains [Mission]

Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:30 pm


It was another usual day for Takeo. Usual meaning starting at around 2PM. Though it was unusual in the way he was woken up. It was in fact by a bird. Indeed, once more a bird had somehow managed to hit him in the head. He had no idea why, did birds just see his head as a landing strip or something? Whatever the reason was Takeo was in the process of heating up the stove. He'd be having bird for breakfast. He was about to kill the irritating animal when he noticed something. The struggling and squawking bird had a note strapped to it's leg. Ah..that explained it. Another damn messenger bird. Takeo sighed and let the bird go, after grabbing the note of course. Said bird then tried to peck his eyes out before flapping out of his house as fast as possible. A quick read through the note and he set off. He didn't bother to take any equipment with him this time. Either the other two who were once again accompanying him, which was quite upsetting news, would deal with it or someone else probably would. He had no idea why he had been assigned the task of dealing with a giant..whatever it was. After all it wasn't like he was the one that summoned the damn thing.

He made his way through the village streets heading towards the gates. All the while silent bitching to himself about how he shouldn't be the one to deal with this damn mission. Speaking of missions he hadn't done one with his actual team in awhile. He wondered when Den would get off his ass to actually get them one. It's not like their sensei had anything better to do after all. It's not like he was the Tenkage or anything right? With the thought of Den leading the village in his mind, Takeo cheered up slightly. So by the time he had arrived by the gates he would no longer be pissed off. He wondered if he should bother to wait for the other two to arrive. It would be rather annoying. He didn't like waiting that much. Though he did enjoy making people wait, but then again they weren't Takeo. So it was completely justified for himself to turn up late. Taking up position by one of the gates, he decided to chat with the guards. Just about general things, and it wasn't like they had anything better to do. 

He briefly wondered how big the actual beast itself was, and how far away it was. So he decided to head out on his own. Giving a message for the guards to tell the other two when they arrived. The message being something along the lines of, "You guys are fucking slow, I left without you hurry your asses up." But much more..intense than that. He exited out of the gates and began to walk. A slow walk, he didn't need to rush after all. He walked straight ahead, because even if he tried going anywhere else he'd probably see the creature if it was as big as was described. And well if it wasn't then why the hell was he even doing this? Even though his eyesight wasn't exactly terrible he did have trouble seeing anything as he walked, perhaps it would have been better if he actually did wait for the two of them. Or maybe if they hurried their asses up he wouldn't have to wait. Such an annoying pair he was forced to work with.

Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Terror of the plains [Mission] Empty Re: Terror of the plains [Mission]

Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:38 pm
Haru woke up to a loud roar in the distance. Sitting up quickly, he blinked hard, looking around quickly. Was it just a dream? He shrugged, lying back slowly, until the roar resonated again. He sat up again quickly. Maybe THIS was a dream? That would explain it. He sighed, lying back once more. They weren’t designated to meet for another few hours… He could catch another 40 winks… or 80… or maybe… Ugh, god, he was tired… Just as he drifted back to sleep, he was awoken by a tapping on his window. He sat up quickly, angrily lunging from the bed to the window, before his eyes even opened. When they finally did, he saw something he didn’t expect. A messenger bird. He groaned, opening the window, and pulling the paper from it’s leg. A note…
”Shit.” He said aloud. It seemed that roaring he heard was very real. There was a… monster of some kind, roaming the plains of Tengakure. Rin, Takeo, and himself had been assigned to deal with the beast. This was exiting to Haru, for sure this was his most important mission, ever. Feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins, he quickly got dressed, pulling his robes on, pulling his hidden blades on his wrists, his sword on his back, and his kunai to his belt. Double checking his gear as he walked, he headed out the door of the hotel, taking a deep breath, and jumping off the side of the building, hurling himself from wall to wall the same way he had last time he’d been assigned a mission this high of rank. Landing just before passing through the gates, one of the guards walked up to him, with only a few words to say.
”Um… your friend says… You need to hurry up.” He said, pointing out to the fields. ”He went that way.” He said. Haru sighed, thanked him, and walked through the gates, turning on his byakugan, and catching Takeo in his field of vision. He would yell over his shoulder:
”Tell the next guy I went out after Takeo… That idiot…” He would say, shaking his head as he walked through the gates.
Once he was out, he would take his full speed, chasing after Takeo, thankful he was only walking. He would bring himself to a stop as he reached Takeo, taking a few steps to slow himself down, and ending up just in front of him.
 ”Why didn’t you wait for us? That thing could kill you!” He would say, as another roar sounded behind them. He looked over his shoulder, to look at the giant they were supposed to be fighting. And boy, it was big. Some kind of reptile or something, towering over them.  It was semi-humanoid, with arms and legs, although it seemed to have a tendancy to use its front arms like legs, it also had a tail, long claws, and sharp teeth. Haru would turn to face it, his eyes wide. ”Jesus. What would possess someone to try and summon that?” He would say, rubbing his eyes. ”We need Rin… Dammit, we should have waited… Alright, we can make do till he gets here. Do you know any ranged techniques? You could distract him for me while I get in close… If I can get to his head, I can give him a bad day…” He would say, cracking his knuckles. The giant didn’t seem to have noticed them yet, so he could use that to their advantage. He would reach over his shoulder and pull out his arm bone to use as a sword, extending it to the maximum length. ”Ready when you are…” He would say to Takeo, waiting for some indication that he was ready.


Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Terror of the plains [Mission] Empty Re: Terror of the plains [Mission]

Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:46 pm
Rin was a person who would normally wake up early, way before time he actually needed to do anything, it maybe could even be said that he liked getting up early because it gave him some time to prepare for the day. The time that he could spend meditating, using the Mind's Eye of Kagura, enjoying the nature, tidying up, enjoying some tea, or even training. It also allowed him to be fairly punctual and not wake up at the last minute, grabbing a bite as he was half way through the doors. No, it allowed him to do everything calmly, without a rush. It also took and showed one having a certain discipline and strength of will, a certain order to everything they do. This day was no different. Rin would have woken up even before the dawn, before the plains and the forests, before the city. He could not say before the nature itself, because even at night there are those who seek their pray, those who make their living, those who hunt. After all, the night is dark and full of terrors. No, Rin did not wake up before the nature, but he must have been among the first in the village. Excluding obviously those who did not sleep through the night, as it was their duty to watch over the village while others slumbered. Once up, the Senju would do his usual morning  routine, he would wash his face, have some tea, then take a walk. After that he would usually find something to do, maybe some studying into various branches of Ninjutsu, maybe look over profiles of people he would be seeing that day. But recently something has changed. He was taken into an ANBU trainee group to train and hopefully become a true member of ANBU. So, now instead of going into the field together with the sun, he would go into the training center before it, to kind of get into that theme of secrecy, you know.

Not all people liked to do what he did and ANBU was no different - there was but a fraction of people here compared to what he would have found in the middle of the day. But that did not bother him, it only meant there would be a lesser chance of him being interrupted. To his surprise in a way, he found the ANBU that recruited them there, the girl named Yozora from what he had heard. However, she was not there to train, not entirely. She would come there to get a break from all the paperwork she had to do and watch other people fight, the latter did not make much sense to Rin. How can one get stronger by watching others fight? But it seemed she used some sort of techniques while doing so, as her chakra changed whenever she would watch someone. Rin himself was actually doing the same, although for him it did not look strange at all. Whenever he was not training on his chakra control and water mastery, he would meditate using Kagura's. It was one such a break when Yozora dashed into the training center from the offices above. She looked in a hurry, but when she noticed Rin she stopped. The girl would explain there being a summoning accident in the plains and that there was a giant beast to battle now, an uncontrolled summon of high caliber. She would be sending Rin's team after it, that is him, Haru and Takeo. She also added that she would gladly go after it herself, but there was work to be done here as well, stuff like this did not go easy on the paperwork either.

So, before the letters containing the mission details were even sent to the others, Rin was already at the wall, investigating the monster over the distance with his sensory technique. He would not go through the gates as the target was a bit away from them and it would have costed him time, which unfortunately meant the guards never seeing him leave and making the others think he was late. Instead he would climb the wall and after making sure where exactly the target was, he would jump down and head closer for a better look. The young Senju would use cover of lone trees and small bits of forests in the plains to not get the monster's attention. Lucky for them, the monster was busy with whoever was dumb enough to try summoning it and then failing controlling it, so it was not going for the village just yet. But the orders were clear, it must be dispatched before the threat it poses becomes real. Getting close enough Rin would now see that the beast was some sort of giant lizard, it had a lean body, but was standing on four legs, it had long armored tail, huge claws and some very impressive jaws with razor sharp teeth. If this baby was his summon, he could easy go nuking villages. Of course he would not be doing that, even if he could control such a thing. As Rin was looking at it, the other two went through the gates and were now approaching the monster. The Chuunin would wait to see what would happen until Haru pulled out a bone assumed his stance, it was now clear they intended to launch a surprise attack on the yet unaware beast. It would be in his best interest to support them and provide an opening if his own wood would be unable to restrain the lizard. He would hop in into range and clap him hand activating the magical trick that would win them this fight. Almost immediately giant roots would start emerging from the ground around the target, in an attempt to bind its strong legs. Rin would try to go further as to grow big trees that would later be collapsed on the target in order to do some damage. But at that point the beast would shake off surprise and break free from his bindings. He could already hear the wood cracking...

1021 w.
[I'm coming in with Suiton Mastery unless it does not get approved for some reason]
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Terror of the plains [Mission] Empty Re: Terror of the plains [Mission]

Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:07 pm
Takeo frowned as Haru finally caught up with him. It looked like Rin had yet to arrive, quite surprising really. Then his fellow Genin felt the need to try and give him the worst lecture ever about how the beast would of killed him. Takeo only rolled his eyes, though then he took notice of the giant god damn lizard which was in front of him. Takeo stopped mid step for a moment. He knew that sometimes he wasn't the most observant of people but how the hell did he not notice that thing? Whatever it was there now..or it always had been there but he had just noticed it not. Either one of those works. Haru then suggested something about Takeo distracting it, regardless of what he just said about it being able to kill him. Boy was this guy strange. Even stranger was when he pulled what seemed to be a bone from his shoulder. Takeo immediately repressed that memory into the darkest corners of his mind. That was way too creepy for him to be remembering. Though he simply nodded in response, not really caring in Haru could actually see the nod or not. A thought came to his head, what if he didn't distract the beast? Would Haru be eaten by the giant lizard thingy. While the image of the Genin being eaten whole was incredibly amusing he decided it wouldn't put Takeo himself in the best light. So with that pla-thought out of mind he began to think of a way to distract the thing.

As he looked at it he couldn't help but think that the creature was rather cute looking. It was a shame that it had to be put down, he wouldn't mind keeping it as a house pet. Though he wasn't sure that the other villagers would be too happy having to put up with the massive summon. Maybe he should try and tame it? What an amazing plan that was. All he needed to do was feed it Haru then it would calm down and fall in love with him. This plan couldn't possibly have any bad repercussions at all. Once again it seemed this guy wanted to be in charge and make the plan. Takeo didn't really care that much, it just gave him less work to do. He was about to say he was ready when he saw something quite interesting. And also something vaguely familiar, roots growing from the ground. From his short fight in the Chuunin Exams he recognised this as a sign. It was time to go in. "I'll take it's legs out, you do whatever." He said already running forwards by the time he spoke the first word. He had to hurry however, the beast wouldn't stay trapped like that for long. His arms extended out to his sides, from his fingers extending the lightning blades he had become so fond of. He decided on the front left leg first, changing his direction slightly in order to get as close as possible. He could hear the splintering and cracking of the wood as the creature began it's struggle to freedom. He didn't bother to check if Haru was actually doing something, he just hoped the dumbass would actually be helpful and not leave Takeo to die. No time to dwell on the chance of the boy screwing him over. Instead Takeo focused on the task at hand, the blades from his finger's extending out to a length of a couple of feet. Plenty in order to give the beast a wound. He continued to run to the back of the front left leg and once there span around. As he spun he swung his arm forward, the scales/skin/hide/whatever it is showing no real resistance to them. The beast roared loudly, possibly in pain as the blades cut through it's...heel? Though Takeo didn't revel in his amazing precision cutting as more cracking was heard. Best get out from under it before he gets himself crushed like a dumb ass. But first he needed to deal with the other front leg. He wheeled around to face it, darting across the floor to close the distance quickly. A wild slash with the blades and another roar confirmed that he had hit. Not that he was paying attention to it, he was in quite a rush to finish the job. He continued on his run, running towards the back of the lizard creature. It was then that there was a kink in his plan, a tail. He didn't remember that tail being there just now..but whatever. He'd ignore it for now and focus on the task. Darting left then right he slashed two similar cuts into the beasts hind legs. By now the wood bindings would probably have been broken, he wasn't really paying attention to them though. Time to deal with the troublesome tail. Running towards it he decided it would be best not to actually try and run by it, so instead he Body Flickered. Appearing a bit away from the tail he spun and began to admire his amazing cutting skills. Damn they were fine.

Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Terror of the plains [Mission] Empty Re: Terror of the plains [Mission]

Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:32 am
Haru watched as the roots wrapped around the reptile’s legs, the roots moved unnaturally, as if commanded by someone, and he knew only one person who could do that… It seemed Rin was there, at last. Double checking with the byakugan, he saw him now, creating the roots that bound the creature. Still, it wasn’t a perfect weapon, and the roots were beginning to crack from the resistance the creature was putting up. They had to take him down quickly. Haru began to move, running around to the front of the creature.
While Takeo ran off to cut at his feet with some kind of blade, Haru focused on the target that would cause the most damage: The head. As the beast threw down a hand to stop it’s fall from Rin’s roots, Haru hopped up onto the hand, running up his arm, towards the head. As he ran, he used the tree walking technique to give himself a better grip, allowing him to run without fear of falling, even after the creature lifted his arm back up. Looking down below, Haru saw that Takeo was cutting at the legs of the monster, while Rin seemed to be trying to attack him with his trees, collapsing them on it. Naturally, this diverted a good bit of it’s attention from the giant monster equivalent of a bug crawling up its arm. Which was a big mistake. He reached the beast’s shoulder, holding up his bone sword and jabbing it into the thing’s neck, where the skin was softer and more vulnerable. It cried out in pain, snapping its head over in Haru’s direction, which naturally smacked into the boy and sent him falling to the ground. He managed to catch his sword on the thing’s back, using it like an icepick and digging into its flesh. It didn’t seem to notice him at all, figuring he was gone… What was that stab in the neck to him? A bee sting? He stuck his feet to the scaly back of the creature using the wall walking technique to stick his feet to it, pulling himself upright, and running back up to the neck. Pulling himself back onto the lizard’s shoulder, he slashed at the side of its face with the sword, hopping into the air, on top of its head, when it swatted at him. He tried to bring down the sword on the beast’s head, ending the fight there, but the sword broke, supposedly from repeated abuse, or maybe this thing’s skull was just too strong? He quickly reached over his shoulder, pullng out his spine with one hand, and another arm with the other. Jumping down from the things head, he sliced at the front of its face, tearing into the skin as he fell. The monster caught his spine whip, pulling him back up, as Haru hurled the arm bone at the monster’s eye. Sadly, the fast movement from being jerked up caused his aim to be thrown off, with the bone sword sinking into the skin just to the left of the eye, not even in the right direction to make contact with the brain. He flew through the air as the beast held its eye and pulled the thing out like a toothpick. Haru shook his head, twisting in the air to avoid landing right into the beast’s mouth. Instead, he flew down the side of his back, pulling out two more bones as he fell, and shoving them into the monster’s back, leaving large cuts running down its back, and slowing his momentum greatly. He landed near the tail, turning to face the thing again, wiping a bit of blood from a scrape made by the scales.
”I’m going to kill this ugly bastard!” He shouted, reaching over his shoulder for another bone weapon, and searching for another route back up to the thing’s head.

Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Terror of the plains [Mission] Empty Re: Terror of the plains [Mission]

Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:55 am
Almost as soon as Rin's wood hit the beast, he would see the other two move out. Takeo dashed at it first, Rin could sense quite a decent amount of chakra being focused at the boy's hands. It seemed like lighting release, but Rin could not be certain at this range, without being able to confirm it with his eyes. The white haired genin would target the beast's, for the moment, restrained legs, cutting them and hopefully disabling its movement or at least limiting it. Yet again, at this range Rin could not confirm how deep the cuts were and what extent of damage the boy inflicted. He would linger for a moment and then make a decision to get closer and hopefully draw some attention from his new team mates. As he was getting into his position, which was at the side of the beast I might add, a bit away, not exactly in the direction of the gates from which the Genins arrived, as he was getting there he noticed Haru start his attack too. Wielding his bones the boy would start climbing up the lizard's body, inflicting some damage to the front section. Yet again, Rin could not be certain, but he was inclined to believe the damage was minimal, based on the beast's reaction and movement. The damage done by Takeo was must more threatening to it.

About at the time Rin arrived at his desired spot, the beast would finally completely break the bindings of wood, making huge crashing sounds, sending splinters and wreckage flying everywhere. The Senju would slap his hands once again, activating his newest ability, the mastery of water element, while still maintaining focus on his wood technique, which was now about to made a hit. As soon as the restraints were broken, two giant trees that had taken shape at the sides of the beast would suddenly lean away from it and then come crashing at it with considerable force and mass, in an attempt to shatter its spine, both hitting at about the same time. On top of it, Rin would add an extra bonus, as soon as Takeo was out of the under of the beast, he would grow a big stump, which would hit it at the stomach in synch with the trees, making it into a major hit to its middle body. Debris and stuff would come flying again due to such forces breaking the wood almost immediately. Once the hit was landed, both trees would lose balance and integrity, breaking apart only to cover the beast in their remains, the parts would slowly slide away from its body into piles of damaged plant life and wood on the ground.

At some level Rin himself was surprised he would be making such colossal attacks on such a titan. But it was right in front of him and there was no time to admire his own power, which actually was not the best idea in any situation. Unwilling to spend a chance on confirming the damage inflicted, Rin would use his seal-less body flicker to appear right in front of the beast, basically in its face and start sending bolts and bursts of water at it, disabling its vision, hopefully smell too. And that is on top of the pain it would feel after that last hit. He expected it to provide an opening for Haru, while making the beast also oblivious to Takeo at its rear. All while this was happening Rin would make new plants grow, new roots gripping the feet of the beast, making it unable to use those monstrous claws against them. He obviously expected the beast to be starting to tire by now, with all the damage they did to it, and be unable to break free, but just to be on the safe side he shaped some small trees at the ground to have sharp pointy ends and sent them down impaling the front legs, or were they hands, and nailing them to the ground. The roar that followed it did not reach Rin's heart. A normally soft and gentle soul would turn dark and oblivious to all pain in combat - a perk Rin had developed from growing up in probably the most dangerous and merciless village, the Hidden Mist. And he did not know if it was a good or bad thing really. One thing sure - it had and continued to save his life until now.

745 (1766) w.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Terror of the plains [Mission] Empty Re: Terror of the plains [Mission]

Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:02 pm
Takeo stood back and watched for a bit as the trees went to town. Quite an impressive ability, yet Takeo knew how annoying they in fact were to deal with. The sight of the poor lizard creature being tortured like this sickened him slightly. In the short time that he had been around the creature he had grown attached to it. He had even given it a nickname. One that he thought was rather fitting, Godzilla V5.0. He sighed sadly as he thought upon all the good times that he could have had with the creature. It was quite a shame that it had to end like this. He hopped up onto the tail to avoid being swept away by it. Balancing himself with such amazing skill he lay down onto the armoured appendage. Resting his arms behind his head he let out another sad sigh. He stared up to the clouds, calmed and soothed by the wild swinging of the tail. The swinging was unfortunately a bit too wild for him, and so to prevent himself from getting thrown off he had to switch his pose up slightly. Removing one of his arms from behind his had he stabbed into the beast's tail with his fingers. Though not really his fingers, his lightning blades really. With himself now sort of firmly kept there he thought back to the good times him and Godzilla V5.0 had. Feeling saddened at the pained roaring as the wood screwed the beast over he felt a tear beginning to well up. Though maybe that was just due to the wood debris that was flying everywhere kicking up dust or something. Yeah that was probably the most likely reason for this tear. It was not because he was sad at the soon to be loss of his best friend. Best was strange to think of Godzilla V5.0 in such a way. But Takeo was sure of it, this littl-giant lizard was the best friend he'd ever had. Well that isn't really entirely true, but for the sake of the dramatic and emotional moment Godzilla V5.0 is the best friend he'd ever had.

Another roar ruined the moment. So Takeo de-bladed himself from the tail and stood up. Luckily he managed to remember to use that tree walking jutsu thingy. And while this tail wasn't exactly a tree, it worked just the same. He walked up the tail towards the damaged back of the creature. He felt kind of sick from the constant movement. It was kind of like being on a theme park ride, except Takeo has never been on one. So perhaps it wasn't like being on a theme park ride. After briskly moving his way up onto the back of the creature he stopped. He wasn't really sure what he was planning on doing right now. He could either wait for Haru to actually be useful and do something or kill steal. Deciding he didn't feel like listening to Godzilla V5.0 roaring all day he went for the kill steal option. So he strolled on up the back of the lizard. Disregarding the cries of pain and the sound of wood piercing skin. He made his way over to where the head of the beast was, and simply stabbed down into the top of it's head. The lightning blades from his finger tips piercing straight through Godzilla V5.0's skin just to make sure that he did in fact pierce the brain he let the blades extend. Keeping it there for a brief moment he retracted the blades, them dispersing away as he simply leapt off from the beast's head. He didn't really care what happened to it after that. "I'm heading back." Was all he said as he touched down onto the ground with the grace of a retarded pterodactyl that was hit by a shower of meteors. Which in case you have never seen a retarded pterodactyl that has been hit by a shower of meteors before is surprisingly extremely graceful.  Not bothering to look back, and half expecting a dramatic explosion to go off as he walked away. He simply sighed sadly and mourned the loss of his brief best friend. Before recovering almost immediately when he saw a bird fly by. He followed the bird with his eyes as he continued to walk, turning and walking backwards as he watched it fly overhead. Quite an amusing thing was about to happen to poor Rin, who had apparently shown up late, and it involved the bird. Let's just say Rin's day was about to get real shitty. Takeo almost laughed to himself at how witty he was. Turning back away from the scene he simply made his way back to the village. As much as he disliked having to get up early and also getting assaulted by birds for no reason he supposed that this thing wasn't half bad. At least it got him out of the village and doing stuff, sort of anyway. 

And so Takeo arrived back in his home, deciding to take the rest of the day off. Mostly because of the huge amount of work he did today. Yeah, he was probably the hardest working guy in the entire village right now. Yep totally no one did more work than he did.


Total Wordcount: 2354/2333

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+8000 ryo
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Terror of the plains [Mission] Empty Re: Terror of the plains [Mission]

Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:12 pm
(So yeah, the last bit of this post is just CD... don't mind me...)

Haru watched as Takeo strolled casually up the lizard’s tail, looking slightly uncomfortable from the constant motion of the tail. He was surprised the creature didn’t try to whip him off his tail, because clearly these three were a threat to it, and one of them casually strolling up it’s body like he had all the time in the world was kind of a red flag that they were pretty confident that they can beat him. Still, the beast didn’t try to whip him off, maybe in acknowledgement of defeat? Haru doubted it, maybe it just couldn’t feel him walking up the tail. Still, the way Takeo was going about this seemed odd to Haru.
”-The hell is wrong with this guy?” He would mutter under his breath, wondering why he would walk up it so casually. While he was all for “Giving the glory” of the kill, he could not wait on Takeo to casually stroll up the creature’s back like that. Not only that, he’d just been tossed aside like he was nothing, andhe could not stand for that. He would launch himself into the air, catching his feet on the creature’s back using the tree walking technique, and running up it at his top speed, bypassing Takeo. As he ran, he would yank yet another spine from his back, dragging it against the creature’s skin, leaving another gash as he ran to the top of the beast. From the lizard’s shoulders, he would hurl himself high into the air, above the creature, doing a flip in the air as he extended the spine as far as it would go, before coming down hard on the beast’s head with both hands on the bone, driving it into the brain of the beast, with only a small piece of the bone remaining. He would then jump up a small distance into the air, bringing his foot down on the bone, and pushing it the rest of the way into the creature’s head. Haru would look over at Rin, panting slightly. A grin would then cross his face. Not too long ago, Haru would have been disgusted by the merciless attacks they had just launched, essentially crucifying the creature, but not anymore. Murder, blood, and death fazed him very little, and it appeared to be the same scenario for Rin. ”He’s done. We killed him” He would say, leaning over and looking down at the creature’s face. The expression would be blank, it’s eyes void of life. Haru would struggle momentarily for balance as the chreature shifted forward slightly, sinking into the spears that Rin had made. What a way to go… Haru looked over at the creature’s back, as a slight smile crossed his face. He would jump down the back of the creature’s head, sliding down the thing’s back, and to the end of the tail, where he was launched into the air slightly. Landing with both feet thankfully on the ground, Haru would look back at the creature one last time. He was tired once again. ”Time for bed… again.” He would say, beginning to walk home. That was easier then he expected. Well, there were three of them, and they all qualified as ANBU trainees, so maybe they were better then they thought? He also saw just how much Rin could actually do with that wood release technique of his… He’d only seen it on three occasions in his memory, and twice it had been directed at him. All this time, it seemed Rin had been holding back… Or maybe he had just gotten really good very quickly? Haru shrugged as he walked through the gates. He headed to the ANBU headquarters to turn in their mission, possibly with Rin.  After turning the mission in, he would head back to the hotel, walking casually through the streets, to the front entrance of his hotel. He yawned as he walked up to the receptionist, booked the roof for another night, and headed up the stairs to his floor, walking down the narrow hallway to his room. He pulled the key from his pocket, unlocked the door, and stepped into his room. What a day this had been. He pulled his equipment off, tossing aside his bracers, sword, kunai, all of his ninja gear, and slumping into the bed. He had a lot of sleep to catch up on, and he was trusting in the fact that he would have to wake up just as early tomorrow. For some reason, he neglected the fact that it wasn’t even noon yet. He felt like he’d done a full day’s work. After a few more hours of sleep, he sat up, and pulled himself out of bed, pulling his shoes back on. He felt like he at least needed to tell his sister what was going on, he owed that to her. He couldn’t exactly sneak in without his grandfather noticing, however. He decided to just walk over there and check if his grandpa was home with the byakugan. If he wasn’t, he would come in and quickly tell his sister and grandmother where he was and what he was doing. If he WAS there, he would just walk away. Realistically, he could check from his hotel room, but he honestly wanted to get out and walk a little. He headed out his hotel room door, heading down the stairs to the main floor, and out onto the streets. He sighed as he walked, feeling weary of the world. He walked up the stairs of the apartment building, through the door to the hallway that lead to their house. He probably could have used the elevator, but he wasn’t feeling all that efficient today. He activated the byakugan, to see his grandfather sitting on the couch, with aryll sitting in his grandmother’s arms, in the armchair across from them. It looked like Aryll was crying… He walked towards the door slowly, debating whether or not he should go in…
He stopped at the door, shaking his head. He could find a way to do this another time. He really didn’t want to talk to his grandfather at the moment, nor even see him. He could probably catch his sister on her way to training or something. He sighed, turning and waling back to his hotel room, heading down the stairs, through the streets, and back to his bed.

(Wc: 2337)

+5 stats
+12 JP
+8000 Ryo
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Terror of the plains [Mission] Empty Re: Terror of the plains [Mission]

Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:39 pm
[Finishing the final few words because Yousei is a retard.]

Takeo was walking on his merry way when he noticed something. It seemed Rin has somehow been caught in a daze. A daze that made him be still for a very, very long time. Takeo decided he would wait for the Chuunin until he decided it was time to move. To Takeo it felt like he was waiting at least for days for this dumbass to do something. Though fortunately it seemed to only be a couple of minutes. With a sigh he walked back, it seemed the shock of a bird crapping on the guy had frozen him on the spot. Perhaps in shock, or just in shame. Perhaps he had died from embarrassment. It was hard to tell from this angle. So as Takeo approached him with a frown on his face he wondered how Rin would react if he suddenly began to simply drag him away. Regardless of how the Chuunin would take this Takeo did it anyway. Grabbing onto the back of the boy's collar and tugging on it. It seemed that the bird crap had done even more damage than he first thought, the boy was in a state of complete shock. Takeo shook his head sadly as he began to drag the boy along the ground by the collar. The sooner he got the two of them back to the village the sooner he would be able to go home and go to sleep. From the looks of things Haru had already left the two of them. Though Takeo was as always unobservant, and as such failed to notice if the boy was still there. It seemed unlikely though, unless the child wanted to help him in his difficult task. Boy did this guy weigh a lot. Perhaps Rin should go on a diet, the fat bastard. Takeo struggled to drag the heavy body of Rin along the floor. With one last look back towards the dead body of his former best friend Godzilla V5.0 he felt a tear well up. This was quickly wiped away though, he could not be seen crying over a giant lizard like this. After all it would damage his reputation as a manly man. And no one wants to be have their manly reputation shattered over the loss of a simple lizard. Takeo decided that he would simply get a replacement lizard for himself. Yes..Godzilla V6.0 would be a true monster. Much better than that pathetic beast he had slain. Or rather Haru had slain, that damn kill stealing scrub. How dare he steal Takeo's kill. It took the boy awhile to drag the limp chuunin back to the village. And by the time he arrived it seemed to be about mid-day. This confused Takeo greatly, he didn't feel as if he had been gone for that long. Time sure flies when your single-handedly saving the village from a giant lizard. All the while of course carrying his team mates through the battle. Heck he was so amazing that even after the battle with Godzilla V5.0 he was carrying his team mates. With a tired greeting to the guard he had been talking to earlier, he simply leant Rin up against the gate. Someone would probably tend to him any minute now. Takeo nodded glad in the fact that he had helped the poor paralysed Rin. He would of course go report his noble deeds to the higher ups. Whoever they may be. Then he would go to bed.

[Exit for me and Yousei]
[Total Wordcount: 7042/7000]

+8000 Ryo
+7 Stats
+12 JP
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 73000

Terror of the plains [Mission] Empty Re: Terror of the plains [Mission]

Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:40 pm
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