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Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) Empty S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Sat May 11, 2013 12:29 pm

The mission at hand today seemed to be an urgent matter. There was no doubt that many lives were at hand and the village needed protecting, this was a task that requested his help as a member of the elite ANBU squad. He knew a few of the ANBU members personally, but he was not sure whom would be accompanying him on this mission. Hopefully the person would be strong enough to help if needed. He knew he could not waste time worrying about anyone else, other than the task at hand. He knew that he would have to eliminate the monster quickly, as he did not want the villagers to panic. Though he seemed to be too late as far as that went. He stood on a roof top and starred below. The villagers were running about and screaming. It seemed that the news had spread rather quickly. Staring at the villagers below him as they ran and screamed in panic, he began to wonder if Kiri was like thin in its last hours. Were the villagers too running and screaming for their lives? Thinking of Kirigakure and the aftermath of the situation angered Kenchi. There would be no upset today. He would protect the villagers from the monster. Kenchi quickly began to leap from rooftop to rooftop. He could see the plains up ahead. This was the place that the monster was accidentally summoned at. The question that ran through hsi mind at them moment was, what fool could be so irresponsible as to summon a creature of this size within the plains of the village? A place where families rested and had picnics and things. In away, this area reminded Kenchi of the beach in Kirigakure.

With a final bound, Kenchi would leap from the rooftop to the ground. Landing softly, he would seemingly teleport directly onto the grassy plains. He's standing 100 meters away from the monster and he could see it from this distance. It did not seem to be behaving violently at the moment. Instead it just stood there, perhaps this was the calm before the storm that was sure to come. Hopefully his partner could arrive soon before the monster decided to go on the offensive and attack the village. As he observed from a far distance away, he begins to go over his equipment. Dressed in full ANBU attire at the moment, his signature mask plain at the moment since he had yet to come up with a proper design for his mask, much less a code name. Once he looks up from checking his equipment, he sees that the monster has now just begun to move slowly, though it still had yet to show any signs of violence. Taking the correct counter measure, Kenchi raises his left arm, reaching towards his right scroll he removes a scroll from his back. He then kneels on a single knee and begins the summon rituals, once finished a cloud of smoke is formed in front of him. Once the smoke clears his Ogre friend can clearly be seen. It's massive size and strength, Kenchi was sure that the Ogre would be great help in the battle to come. "Hello Ugglok, mind helping me out a bit?" Kenchi says, nodding his head into the direction of the large monster. The ogre follows his gaze and stares blankly at it. Ugglok does not respond to Kenchi's request, but he knew that the Ogre would help him.

Now the monster seems to escape the trance it was in previously. Staring towards both Kenchi and the Ogre the monster roars loudly. Just from this simple action, a tree to the left of it is uprooted and falls to the ground. Even where Kenchi stood, he could feel the ground beneath him tremble slightly. His hand would fall onto the handle of his sword as he prepared himself for the monster to begin its assault soon.

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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Sat May 11, 2013 3:23 pm
Xyxer had received notice off a messenger boy that his services were required else where. Something about a stray dog or something? He was hardly listening as he had been too much into himself as he admired his own reflection in a pond of water. Regardless, when you're performing a task ranked for an ANBU operati- wait a minute.. a stray dog is a mission for ANBU? What the fuck has went on here? Clearly, the ANBU within the walls of Tengakure were heads and shoulders below the rest, or something was seriously up with this context at the least. Regardless, Xyxer stood inside of his apartment surrounded by the wailing of women and children.. he didn't know what happened to the male voices but that truly was impeccable. Not a single man was screaming as far as he could hear; maybe there was hope yet for this village. Slipping on a thing pair of gloves, Xyxer dressed himself in his ANBU gear, fixing his crocodilian mask at the last second as he exited his apartment and made his way to where the messenger had told him the stray dog would be.

It was quite interesting really; Xyxer was known as "The Abysswalker" or "The Shark" when he was not wearing a mask, but when he wore it he was instantly transformed into "Operative Crocodile". He had often pondered himself why he had not just became Operative Shark, but then again, that would have been a major blow to his undercover identity if everybody knew about his rank. Nodding his head as he thought about that as he went about his relaxed pace to the area the dog was supposedly in. It didn't take long for him to see a looming behemoth of a monster in the plains of the village.. that was one fucked up dog. Sending one hand down to his side, he unsheathed his ANBU sword simply and performed the minds eye of the kagura, focusing on the area. He saw two other chakra signatures not too far away from him, how queer. They would probably be on his side, and if not, he would force them to move. As Xyxer was not one for caring too much, he walked calmly past the beast, a few inches away from it to be exact, straight over to Kenchi and the ugly creature next to him. Standing in front of them a few feet, he looked between them for a few seconds before he spoke, "You really do get your looks from your mother, Penguin."

A slight quaking of the earth alerted Xyxer that he had quite possibly offended the beast.. and that was not always a good move when that beast was almost as tall as a bijuu. Running his free hand through his white, spiked up hair, Xyxer let his single eye rest on the boy in front of him before he spoke, "Kill the beast and have a great BBQ later tonight, you in?" As he said that, his free hand dug down into his cloak and he threw a Soul Amethyst towards Kenchi, speaking casually, "Walk the Abyss and come out alive." Obviously, Xyxer was hinting about revival, but just as he had said that he felt the wind alter at the side of his head.. it took him a few seconds to realise that a tree had just been thrown through either sheer wind pressure from the monster or an intended attack had just took place, either way, Xyxer was not happy about it. With a single flick of his wrist, Xyxer had unsheathed a single shuriken and threw it behind himself towards the monster before rapidly forming hand seals; after which, that shuriken appeared to multiply into a hundred of the same equipment, which would most likely pierce the back of the monster, possibly grating the spinal cord of it and making it bleed, but serving no immediate life threatening situation for the creature.
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Sat May 11, 2013 7:14 pm
To his amazement a person was heading towards him walking directly pass the beast with little to no worries. Soon he realized the person was none other than Xyxer himself. Kenchi gave himself a slap to his forehead mentally. He should have realized sooner that no one else would have the balls to take a calm stroll past a terrifying beast. Even though he was on a mission a smile would appear behind his mask. Assuming that the man was speaking to him about the penguin reference, Kenchi took little to no offense by the comment. In fact he figured that Penguins were pretty chill animals. He then took upon Xyxer's offer allowing him to embark on the feast of BBQ, something he could not turn down. He would catch the item that his comrade through towards him, apparently the item had something to do with s revival of some sorts, Kenchi places the item into his pocket. "Thanks." He says to Xyxer, regarding the item he had just gifted him, but something in the back of his mind was telling him that he would repaying the man for the item. Something he was not looking forward to doing. For a second he began to wonder about his chances of fleeing away from the man as soon as they were through with the mission, which would result in him keeping the item without having paid a single thing, but this thought left his mind just as fast as it had entered. He knew better than to try to pull a quick one over the head of Xyxer, he did not want the man after him over the ryo. So he would most likely be paying the man back with the funds collected from the mission.

He snaps back into reality upon seeing Xyxer begin to move. His pal flips a shuriken out and throws it behind his back towards the beast. He would begin to laugh mentally at Xyxer. 'There's no way that one shuriken will have any effect on that thing.' After he thinks this the single shuriken is now accompanied by many more, all of them flying towards the beast they impact it on the back of the monster. The creature lets out a powerful shriek. It's arms attempt to reach its back and remove the items, but to no avail. Seeing that its actions were futile the beast begins to move towards them slowly. Its movements slightly hindered due to the multiple amount of shuriken lodged in its back at the moment. Kenchi looks towards Ugglok and nods towards him once. The Ogre begins to drool, this was its first time in seious combat and the thought of being able to use its full abilities excited it. Ugglok breaks out into a sprint past Xyxer. As it ,Ugglok, runs he releases a horrifying war cry. The Ogre was not too fast, but what it lacked in speed it more than made up for in strength. The Ogre stops running after reaching a distance of ten meters close to the monster. Ugglok reels his right fist back lifting it into the air he slams it towards the ground. His fist impacts the ground with enough force to create a miniature earth quake. The gap in the ground quickly spreads towards the feet of the monster, faster than it can react to avoid it. Once the gap reaches the monsters feet it begins to open. This causes the monster to fall off balance, its feet now stuck ten meters into the ground. This was to prevent the monster from moving towards them even further. For the moment things were going smooth.

Looking towards his Ogre Kenchi sees that he has prevented the Ogre from moving for the moment that is. He did not know how long the monster would be kept in this predicament, but he knew that he and Xyxer would finish this mission quickly. The two of them together made a dangerous duo.

{WC:1993/7000, We should probably add in some dialogue to make the WC easier.}
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Sun May 12, 2013 4:33 am
With a small nod of his head to acknowledge the reply from Kenchi, he noticed the huge chunk of meat that stood next to him had just begun sprinting.. rather slowly, but it was sprinting none the less. Wanting to see what this creature had in mind, he turned his head around and just watched as the events unfolded. It didn't take long for the Ogre to perform it's task, and Xyxer knew immediately.. that ogre was powerful. He'd have to look out for that since he knew that creatures like.. those, could be a temperamental. Talking behind his body once more, he'd give a brief plan, "We'll distract it at first and lure it away from the village, we don't want any of them getting in on our special feast. When it's far enough away, we'll collect our prize." He continued to watch as the beast struggled to get free, it was an interesting view but he knew it would not last for long, but it should give him and kenchi all the time they need in order to "retrieve this stray dog". Making a single hand sign again, two clones of Xyxer appeared either side of him and begun to flank the back of the creature as Xyxer darted out ahead of them, simply running up the back of it, avoiding any shuriken that remained tucked into the muscle and skin of the soon-to-be-corpse, before planting his hand down onto the flat of the head of the monster, allowing a surge of chakra from his hand to burn a mark onto it's head before he flipped off in front of it, landing on the ground.

It appeared that he had successfully angered the monster as it now started it's approach on him, breaking the earth from which it was previously snared in. It was quite a frightening thing really, seeing such a giant thing intent only on the death of you. He was not worried too much though, he was sure that Kenchi would have his back if anyone was to go drastically wrong, but he was sure that wouldn't be the case today. Xyxer started to shout, a slight bit of humour in his voice, "Just like the good ol' days in Kirigakure, eh?" Just as he had done that though, a flume of spit hit the ground next to him. Normally, that would not alert him much.. but the ground next to him was now melting and frizzling.. this summon secreted acid.. that just made the situation he was in that much worse, and that was just... terrible. He could actually die if he didn't pay attention, even if the creature was as slow as a turtle tied to the ground. Jumping a little bit to avoid another flume of acidic spit, he continued to move backwards at a slow pace so that the monster would not immediately lose interest and start attacking Kenchi, that would defeat the whole purpose of the plan after all. The two clones that Xyxer had flanking behind the monster would serve only to make sure the beast kept moving, because of course, if it stopped for whatever reason, they would immediately explode, sending the beast into most likely a fleeing state due to the sudden pain it just experienced. Xyxer did not want that to happen though, oh no.. he didn't want to see his prize blow up right in front of him, or even in pieces for that matter. He'd leave that job to himself or Kenchi, not their minions.

Xyxer had soon got what he deemed "far enough from the village" which really, wasn't that far. He was just irking to get some of his prize sliced and diced and ready for the night ahead. It'd make a nice lay up to the Kage Summit; the land of relentless hugging from the Kages. That was still the most terrifying idea he had ever concocted.. regardless, Xyxer stood there with the beast in front of him, keeping it's attention on him so that Kenchi and the ugly dude could do whatever they wanted to the beast since he trusted in the ANBU's judgement.
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Sun May 12, 2013 8:23 pm
"Alright. It does seem best that we get that thing away from the villagers.", Kenchi says agreeing with the plan that Xyxer had some up with. It was best that the villagers not get in their way, but it was even more important that they keep them out of harms way, villager casualties were sure to not look good on his resume. He watches as the plan commences, Xyxer summons two clones near him and they begin to lure the monster away. He tokes note that the creature is capable of emitting an acidic liquid from its mouth. That was more than dangerous, and Kenchi bet that it would be a very painful death if he were to get spit on by that. "It's my turn,I guess." He mutters to himself, seeing that the beast now has its attention focused on Xyxer. Even though tit was great to have Xyxer on his side, Kenchi did not like the fact that he was doing the majority of the work so far. His competitive nature urged him to show his friend that he had improve drastically since their days in kirigakure no sato not too long ago. Kenchi would motion for Ugglok to come by his side, he had formed a plan which he believed would need the help of his Ogre friend to do it successfully. In a few seconds the slow, well slow to Kenchi, Ogre would return by his side with an annoyed grunt. "Throw me towards that thing over there will 'ya?" He says to Ugglok, who lifts him up without complaining, though he seemed to be a little bit too eager to toss his master into the surroundings of a terrifying monster. The Ogre then throws Kenchi towards the tail of the beast, Kenchi draws his ANBU sword from the sheathe at his side while he is traveling towards the beast, midair. The tail now in striking distance, Kenchi then performs a flip while still in the air. He raises his sword above his head and changes the momentum of his body from forward to downward. The tail of the monster now in his path, Kenchi slams his sword into the tail of the monster cutting it clean off (Strength is 130 during motion). Kenchi lands on the floor of the grassy plain the tail slams against the ground next to him too.

Of course the monster did not take to its tail being cleaved off too well. In fact it seemed piss. It turns its head around away from Xyxer and spits. Thinking that the monster is aiming the acidic spit towards him Kenchi leaps backwards avoiding it. Though he finds that the creature was in fact targeting something else, its own wound. The monster seemed to be smart, probably smarter than Kenchi, as it had quickly figured out a way to heal itself. By spitting the acid onto its tail, it would begin to cauterize the wound, this would stop it from bleeding to death for the moment. The monster was certainly interesting. It was strong, smart, and terrifying. There seemed to be no easy way to fight the beast. Though Kenchi figured of he and Xyxer truly wanted they could kill the damn thing right now, but the adrenaline rush Kenchi gained from fighting the monster certainly enticed him to want for more. It was almost like playing with the meal before cooking it. You have to tenderize the meat first, otherwise it would be too hard to bite in, but when the meat became tender enough that is when Kenchi would end the toying around, but until then he wanted to see what else the beast had to offer as far as competition went, hopefully they had not seen the full capabilities of the monster, just yet.

As if on que, the monster would respond to the thoughts of Kenchi. Its body begins to shake and rattle slightly. Towards the left of the monster a complete copy appears. "Give me a break." Kenchi says, muttering underneath his breath. It was already bad enough that they had to fight the big thing, but now there were two of them. Looking around, Kenchi could see that they were a little ways away from the village, far enough that they could go all out without having to worry about damaging any property.

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Mon May 13, 2013 1:52 pm
If there was one thing that was well known about Xyxer, it was his tendency to exact as much pain from his victim before ending their life, hell, even sometimes he didn't end their life.. he left that choice to them. People in agonizing pain tended to be more easier bent into a certain mood than the healthy and fit. Observing his friend being thrown like a log by a jolly lumberjack, he couldn't help but smirk under his mask at the rather extravagant display of brutish power; in one swoop the entire tail of the creature had been dismembered and was almost immediately cauterized.. that was interesting. Very interesting indeed. Another giant creature was created right next to the original, an exact copy almost.. Double the fun! Xyxer was now practically squealing at the amount of fun he could have and so he acted quickly.

Having one of his clones dive directly at the now stumped tail, an ANBU sword in it's hand as it sought to drive it straight into the melted flesh, carrying it's own body in a little bit before the still dripping acid would obviously get to it. Getting it's head in and it's shoulders, the clone immediately exploded in a bright show of bloody fireworks. Ligaments and burnt muscle dripped from the sky and the creature appeared to be screaming in agony, as much as a monster could scream anyway. As it turned out, the explosion had caught a bit of the spine, somewhat incapacitating some of the creature's movement. Xyxer had just made a hulking behemoth of a monster into a paraplegic.. weird stuff always happens in the places where the shinobi from Kirigakure were. That was not the last thing he was going to do however, as he still had another clone free. The clone sprinted towards the almost destroyed monster, jumping onto it's back before running all the way up along the spine, sitting on it's head as the armour of The Abysswalker was summoned onto him. After that, the clawed fingertips of the armour would be pushed downwards in two circular motions, impaling the skin and muscle on the scalp of the creature. It was great because the clone now had full control over the beast due to the amazing amount of pain it could inflict on it with a mere twist of his thumb. He was however, still unable to understand how to control it, so he simply stumbled around with the beast in his control. What an interesting scenario indeed.

Looking sideways to the other giant monster, Xyxer rubbed the bottom of his porcelain mask for a few seconds. He wondered what mighty pain could be inflicted on this beast. However, an even better idea came into his mind. Turning immediately towards Kenchi, he'd shout towards him, "Oi, Penguin! Do what I did with the monster! We'll have a monster battle, the winner gets wine and dined!"
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Mon May 13, 2013 3:01 pm
It was not a surprise that Xyxer would begin to capitalize on the wounded monster. In fact he expected him to do so. One thing he did not expect was the gory fashion in which the man executed his techniques. The clone exploding seemed to be a little drastic. However the Ogre beside Kenchi did not think so. As a piece of muscle lands beside it, from the explosion, the Ogre lifts it up to its nose. It sniffs it a single time, a pool of drool escaping its mouth, it then bites into the raw flesh. Chewing loudly, Kenchi could hear the juices of the muscle being squeezed out of it as the Ogre chewed, blood seeping from the corners of its mouth the Ogre smiles slightly. Kenchi looks away from the brute and stares towards the monster, which Xyxer seemed to now be in control of.

"Watch this!!." Kenchi shouts across the plains towards Xyxer. Starring towards the second beast that was unharmed, not a scratch on it. He began to think of ways to show his artistic side, should he remove a limb or perhaps there was another way to make the poor creature suffer. Kenchi runs towards the monster which swipes at him defiantly, in an attempt to keep him at bay. Kenchi flips over the hand of the monster without any hindrance in his movements as he lands and continues to run forward. The beast sweeps at him once more with its opposite arm, Kenchi avoids it again, though this time instead of landing on the ground, he lands onto the forearm of the beast. Annoyed the monster hurls a batch of fresh acid towards the boy as he runs along its arm. It seemed this monster seemed to lack a little intelligence compared to the original one. Kenchi easily avoids the acid, causing the monster to have spit onto itself. The acid begins to eat away at its flesh and the monster begins to thrash about until finally tumbling over onto the ground. Kenchi leaps into the air and lands onto the belly of the beast as it lay on the ground still screaming, though its voice was beginning to grow faint. It was only a copy so it was sure to be weaker than the original to some degree.

He continues to run along the body of the beast till he reaches the head. He calls for Ugglok to come over and the Ogre agrees, but it is moving even slower due to its recent digestion of a meal. He requests for the Ogre to lift the monster from the ground and back onto its feet. The Ogre complies with the order and does as requested. It walks over towards the head of the monster and presses its fingers into its scalp. The Ogre then begins to lift the Monster, as he does so pieces of its long, whip like hair begins to fall from its scalp.

The monster now back onto its feet in a somewhat dazed trance. Finally Kenchi comes up with an Idea he believes to be effective against the monster, or the monster battle to come between him and Xy. He requests that the Ogre tosses him the strings of hair that fell from the monsters scalp earlier. The Ogre tosses the strands into the air and Kenchi catches them, now standing on the head of the beast. The hair of the monster was definitely durable, they seemed to be as hard as steel, but with the flexibility of a whip...interesting. Kenchi tosses the strands behind hios back still holding onto the ends of them. The whip like strands of hair slam into the back of the monster, instantly a whip like sound is heard. "Gitte up dere boy!!" Kenchi says in the accent of a cowboy. The monster charges forwards, to stop directly in front of the beast Xyxer is in control of. The two monsters face each other off. The monster battle between Xyxer and Kenchi should be in the works of beginning very soon.

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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Mon May 13, 2013 4:13 pm
Xyxer watched with his lips slightly perking upwards at the events that were unfolding. His foe had now secured his own mount and it was time for a fight of a lifetime.. it was a shame that he was not the one fighting Kenchi, and he knew that was the real Kenchi on the beast as he had not made any sort of hand seal. That was worrying indeed. If things were to go terribly wrong then he could possibly injure his friend, so he would have to be as careful as is humanely possible for a man whom was forged in a place with loose morals.

The clone of Xyxer twisted their fingers as soon as Kenchi's beast had stopped, forcing the monster it sat on to charge with a roar towards the beast that Kenchi himself was sitting on. The beast, not wanting to be killed through impact would try it's best to protect itself which would also coincidentally work with Xyxer; the beast lifted it's two arms upwards, claws sprouted outwards and curled so that if they were to impact the creature they would dig straight into the flesh and would most likely break the "bones", if it had any, of the monster, and drag out entrails like confetti. However, if that attack was not to be as much of a success as Xyxer had hoped, then the creature would spit out acidic bile onto the distracted mount of Kenchi. As all of this was happening, Xyxer looked on with a proud smile. It felt like he was watching his own child fight on a giant beast.. man, these clones were fantastic. Xyxer himself walked backwards from the area in order to avoid becoming a part of collateral damage. Sitting down next to a rather nice tree with most of it's leaves nestled around it because of the mighty roars of the beast, he simply rested his back against it and folded his arms behind his head to watch the event. Truly, the blood that would be shed would give the earth many years of fertility.. well, actually, the most likely event if that was to happen would be that it'd melt the crust, but hey, it's always good to be optimistic.
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Tue May 14, 2013 11:54 am
Kenchi could tell through the use of his chakra sensory that he was not fighting the real Xyxer, he was instead fighting a doppelganger. He knew that instead of leaping onto the beast himself he could have created a lightning clone of his own to match off against Xyxers, but Kenchi was enticed by the real of riding such a large beast in person. His personality prevented him from watching back calmly, when he knew he was more of a hands on person. He knew that the was a possibly of getting injured, but he was not too worried about it. At this point the beast he sat on top of was his shield and he would use it as such if the time ever called for it.

The action began. The monster that the cloned Xyxer was in control of takes off towards him with a ferocious roar. Kenchi's pet beast roars in response, but holds its ground. Kenchi knew that there was a good chance of him winning this battle of monsters. Due to Xyxers property being more damaged, missing tail, shurikens imbedded near its spinal cord, it was only a matter of time before the beast he was in control of gave way. However, the beast Kenchi was in control of was just a clone. Meaning that if it took any serious damage it could disperse at that moment, hopefully his Ogre would be kind enough to catch him if that moment were to occur, instead of watching him fall to his death. The monster raises its claws, mimicking the movements of the original so that they clashed without either one taking any damage. Unexpectedly a bile of acid is launched towards Kenchi. He leaps backwards, falling for a moment before grabbing onto a few of the monsters intact, strings of hair. The acid would land onto the head of the monster and slowly begin to eat away into the skull.The effects of the acid causes it to go in a rage. Writhing about the monster turns its lower body around, its intact tail slams into the lower legs of the original monster. After this movement the monster aims a bile of acid for the heart of the original monster.

Kenchi slowly begins to pull himself up climbing back onto the top of the monsters head. He avoids stepping on the flesh that was effected by the acid. Now on top of the monster he crouches in a bent position. His hand digging into the flesh of the beast for support.

Meanwhile on the opposite end of the plains. Ugglok, the ogre, stood watching this all unfold. "Eqwrb wruiblr wruuir." The monster says aloud muttering to itself in its native language. It seemed to be angered and bored. It walks towards Xyxer, near him lies parts of the tail of the original beast. The Ogre raises the piece onto its shoulder with little effort, it looks towards Xyxer a mug planted on its face and large amounts of drool escaping its mouth. It walks a little ways away and takes a seat. noticing two branches near it the Ogre places the tail onto the ground and lifts up the large branches. He begins to scrape the two against each other causing a large amount of friction to be created. As a result of this a fire begins, the Ogre drops the fire burning branched onto the ground and lifts up the tail once more. It raises the tail slightly above the fire, and begins to cook it. Soon the tails becomes crispy and a slight burnt color. For any normal human the tail would be hot to the touch and need to cool off, but for the ogre it was not like that. Its rough hands grabbed onto the hot tail raised it towards its mouth and began to bite into the flesh. The Ogre walks back near Xyxer and eats its meal, while watching the spar continue.

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P) Empty Re: S Rank: The terror of the plains (Mission;P)

Wed May 15, 2013 3:57 pm
It was quite an interesting spectacle to watch from sitting down. The two beasts seemed to be waging war on each other, not just trying to kill the people whom were attempting to manipulate the poor creatures. The bile of acid he had previously directed at the other monster had impacted and so he knew it was only a matter of time until the brain of the creatures was fried, all the monster that Xyxer had had to do was to hold out until then. But, that seemed to be unable to occur as an unexpected sweeping tail attack was now aimed directly at the monsters clumsy legs, which connected with ferocity causing the beast to fall downwards, twisting in mid air. However, that proved to not be such a bad event for the creature as the intelligent creature had pivoted in such a way that the acidic bile that was fired at it had now hit the stump of a tail it had from before, sizzling the flesh lightly but not causing as much damage as was done on Kenchi's mount.

However, a rather bad effect had resulted from the fall.. the shurikens from earlier had now become fully embedded into the spine, completely hindering the movement of the monster and incapacitating it completely. That was an unfortunate event, he was actually starting to grow quite attached to the beast he had used to dominate.. another beast. Cupping his hands over his mouth, Xyxer would shout at Kenchi, "I'm calling dibs on the win! My creature was spoiled before the fight!" But of course, that wouldn't matter too much as the matter of fact would be that Xyxer had won. Due to the damage that had been caused to the clone, the other body was already gone from sight in a poof of smoke. Xyxer did not like this ogre much, but he tried to pay him not too much mind or else another fight would erupt. He did truly hate people doing things he did not give permission for. Regardless, he'd stand back up from the tree and wipe himself down before walking over towards the slowly dying beast, looking into it's eyes. Looking back at him were the once rage filled eyes.. but they now appeared to be bars on a cage.. it was at this moment that Xyxer truly ever felt guilt. Stroking the creatures forehead a little to try and comfort it, he was finding it quite hard for what he was about to do; five pillars of lightning erupted from the finger tips of the boy, piercing straight through the skull of the creature and frying the brain, killing it instantly. He spoke slowly as the new feeling rushed over him, "Change of plans.. we won't be eating it." Instead, Xyxer planned to bury the creature.
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