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Attacking a rock for no reason [p,nk,training] Empty Attacking a rock for no reason [p,nk,training]

Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:48 pm
Takeo gazed up towards the ceiling of his room. This had turned into something he had been doing for the entirety of the week. Upon leaving the hospital, after recovering from his torn muscle, he had returned home and had yet to actually leave his house since. It puzzled him as to why this was, he wanted to go outside yet he couldn’t muster enough will power to actually leave the confines of his home. A defeated sigh found itself escaping from his lips, he found himself thinking of what brought him to this current state. What was it that brought him to this moment? Was it actually deciding he should become a ninja, or was it the steps he took after he had done so. While his mind began to think of such things, his eyes lazily turned to the right to look towards his closed curtains. The last traces of light from the sun had now disappeared leaving it almost pitch black in his room. The sounds from the people roaming the streets had also died down, except for the odd drunk staggering into an alleyway for them to throw up in. So once more Takeo found himself alone, almost as if the darkness had swallowed him up and trapped him on his own. He didn’t know why, but he felt lonely. Takeo’s thoughts were brought to a halt as a yawn escaped his lips. This yawn brought attention to how tired he felt these days, perhaps he was sick? Or maybe he had simply not yet actually recovered from his injury. No, that wasn’t it. The cause of all of this still puzzled Takeo, even after spending a week thinking it over he had still not come to a solid conclusion. Once more his attention was diverted as his body reminded him that he did in fact need to sleep. Turning on to his side, he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

It was a few hours later when he woke up. The reason for this was a tiny beam of sunlight that had managed to seemingly wriggle it’s way past his curtains at such an angle that it managed to be hitting his face. It was almost as if the sun itself was telling him to wake his lazy ass up. Takeo of course being the amazingly good teenager that he is ignored the sun’s request and countered by pulling his covers over his head. Takeo was confident that this was a victory for him in this epic battle. That was until the sun called in his ally. Said ally was the wind, the sound of his curtain beings moved by the wind irritated Takeo to no end. And so the battle began a new, an epic battle of wills…sort of. Alas Takeo was on the losing side this time, with several curses being said he flew out of bed and slammed his window shut. Now he could have claimed this as another victory and fell back asleep, but his anger at the wind and sun forced energy into his body. There was no chance of getting to sleep now. Even with him being full of energy his body still felt stiff and heavy as he slumped over and shuffled towards his wardrobe. The process of getting ready took several minutes longer than it should have. Mostly because Takeo was almost positive everything in his room must have switched places during his time asleep. And so, after several days here he was. Downstairs and facing the door that led to the outside world. This door was the only thing that stood in the boy’s way from going out. And with that, another battle began. He felt a part of him scream in his head that he should go back to bed. Another part of him was yelling at him to go outside. The door was still standing there as if challenging him to try and open it. Takeo himself was stood there like a moron gazing towards the door as if it was something he had never seen before. To him it was a strange and mysterious artefact almost. Who knew what lay beyond this? Well…technically everyone did, but that wasn’t the point.

And so the third epic battle of today continued, within is mind it was as if a civil war was going on. He saw explosions, jutsu going off, kunai were flying about in all directions. Takeo closed his eyes and ‘entered’ into his own mind. He pictured himself descending down like a holy being, he raised his arms into the air and upon this action all fighting ceased within his head. The yelling stopped, the fighting stopped…well most of it. The arguing at least quietened down, Takeo was sure he could still hear several jokes about his mother being thrown at him. His eyes opened slowly and he found himself still standing in front of the door. It was his decision to make, would he be able to do it was the question. He who brought world peace…or at least ended the conflict in his head was now facing such a difficult task. His hand slowly reached out towards the door handle, time seemed to slow down for him. The door stood there, it striking an imposing figure against Takeo’s own slouched form. His hand stopped inches away from the door handle, he glanced down to it and narrowed his eyes. Takeo willed his hand to move forward but it would not. It was as if the door was in fact a basilisk and he had gazed into its eyes. The conflict in his head erupted once more, his mind was torn into two different opinions, well technically three, but the third opinion wasn’t important. Right now two battles were going on, one in the real world, and the other in his head. Who would be the victors? Would there be any victors at all? Most likely yes, otherwise Takeo would find himself standing here for a very long time.

Ten minutes later and he was still standing there in the same position as before, his mind and body had gone numb from the lack of movement. His family who had been watching him since he had come downstairs wondered if he was in fact dead and were already making arrangements for his funeral. But then, after ten minutes of struggling a hand finally managed to clasp onto the handle of the door. It’s just a shame it was not his hand. In fact it was his younger sister who had opened the door for him. In an almost robotic like fashion Takeo turned his head and stared blankly towards the short female. She grinned back to him in return and he simply stepped outside numbly. The door was quickly shut and locked behind him, those sly bastards, they had planned for this. It was then that the sun and wind had their revenge on him. He was assaulted by the two of them almost instantly; the sunlight went for his eyes which were not yet used to the morning sun. The wind went for his hair. This barrage was rather effective, until his eyes grew accustomed to the sunlight. The wind as if sensing the plan had fallen apart, died down also.

Now then, Takeo was outside. He had finally done what he had been trying to do for the past week. He could now do what he had planned to do. The question now was what had he planned to do? His mind ceased it’s fighting; it laid down its arms and came together as one to tackle this new problem that was presented to him. However the combined might of his mind was not able to find an answer to this question. Now this was indeed a terrible problem Takeo was faced with, it seemed he would be faced with a lot of them today. But then, a tiny voice yelled out from the back of his mind. The suggestion it gave was genius. How did he not think of this sooner? This was the kind of idea that came around once every century, it was that great. The idea was, to go for a walk. Takeo felt quite proud of his mind’s achievement. He made a mental note to reward himself later for this excellent piece of problem solving. He willed his legs to begin moving and as if they obeyed his every command, which they technically did, his legs began to move. After the first few shaky steps Takeo found himself getting into the rhythm of it all, so this is what it was like to walk. He had almost forgotten the feeling completely. He continued to walk aimlessly down the street for what seemed like days, though in actuality it was more likely around two minutes. Takeo frowned as he felt his legs begin to ache and stopped dead in his tracks. He took in several gulps of air as he stood there in the middle of the road confused as to why this was happening. Did it take a week for a person to get out of shape so easily? Not that he had actually been in shape in the first place, but that was a minor detail.

Despite his aimless wandering through the streets and back alleys of Tengakure, Takeo did in fact have a destination in mind. As he walked through the streets he glanced upwards towards his target destination. It was nestled amongst the other large black towers of Tengakure that dominated the skyline. Despite most of them looking similar from this distance Takeo still knew which one he was heading towards, at least he thought he knew, his memory was failing him rather badly today. He walked silently for five more minutes, cutting his way through the alleyways and a few times opting to take to the roofs several times on his journey. Another ten minute passed and Takeo was now positive of one thing, he had once again found himself lost within the village. This was not the first time this had happened to him, and it probably won’t be the last time either. Takeo let out a frustrated sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. How hard was it to walk towards a tower? “I suppose I have no other choice.” Another sigh escaped his lips; it seemed that it was time to go to extreme measures. He didn’t want to have to do this, his pride as a man would be crushed completely upon doing such a degrading act. Yes it was that act, he was going to have to ask for directions.

After such a humiliating act of having to ask the nearest person for directions, which turned out to be someone who had a worse sense of direction than Takeo himself had. Takeo had somehow ended up at the village gates, how he managed to pull this feat of he didn’t know and he didn’t bother to question it either. Perhaps it was simply fate that brought him to this moment, or maybe it was simply the fact that Takeo was amazing. The former seemed like the most legitimate option. He took a few steps out from the village gate and took in a deep breath of air; it felt no different from being inside the village. He frowned in confusion, he was sure that he would feel a sense of freedom upon being outside the confines of his village. He glanced upwards towards the sky and frowned once more, even the sky looked the same as the inside of the village. Takeo shrugged this off as a coincidence and began to go for another stroll through the plains. Suddenly he was set upon by a pack of crocodiles. Takeo supposed it was some surviving members of the pack that swarmed Tengakure several days ago. He stopped momentarily to wonder if it was in fact a pack or something else, perhaps a herd of crocodiles. Takeo shook his head as he stepped a few inches to the right as a crocodile went rushing past him. Then maybe it was a flock of crocodiles? He was snapped out of such random thoughts when he found himself almost getting caught by the jaws of one of them. He opted to do the manly thing in this situation, and that was too run away….so he did.

So now Takeo’s adventure had taken him across Tengakure, into a herd of crocodiles and now here he was, sat down on a rock in the middle of the plains. To his right was a small patch of water, one could call it a pond though it was more like a giant puddle than anything else. He had found this place by sheer luck after running for half an hour to get away from the flock of crocodiles and had decided that it was a nice place to rest for the time being. Luckily the rock was the perfect size for his body to lie on and was surprisingly comfortable. So that is why he had spent the last twenty or so minutes on his back staring up towards the sky, watching the clouds lazily glide through the air. In his relaxed state he had forgotten the actual reason he wanted to go outside in the first place, but he did remember another reason that he wanted to go out. That reason was to get back into a training regime. Or rather to train at all, a regime right now didn’t seem like it would be a good thing for Takeo to be doing. After all he was still recovering from his terrible wound that he suffered during his mighty battle with Xyxer. Ah yes, the greatest battle to ever happen in the history of the planet. The battle between the mightiest person in existence…and Xyxer. Said battle was quite a spectacle indeed, it was back and forth for a bit before Takeo decided that he should spare Xyxer the pain of losing to him. That was when the evil Xyxer had unleashed a sneak attack upon good guy Takeo’s self. Takeo grinned slightly at his own interpretation of the spar. It hadn’t been that grand at all really. He pushed himself up from the rock and dropped back down onto the grassy floor. It was time to actually do something other than pissing about.

He raised his right hand up and gazed into the palm of his hand for a brief moment before pointing his index finger over to the rock he was previously sat on. After a brief moment a blade made out of what appeared to be lightning shot outwards from what seemed to be the tip of his finger. The blade extended outwards at a rather steady rate and pierced through the rock rather easily. With a slight bend of the finger the blade would follow the movement slicing diagonally downwards to the right. After doing that the blade would seemingly just retract and disperse leaving behind only the damage. Takeo looked over the rock that had been hit by the blade; a deep gash had been cut through the hard object. His face was impassive as he stared at the rock for around ten or so seconds before turning on the ball of his feet his body turning with the movement. He took a few steps forwards before once more glancing towards his right hand. What was happening in his mind at the moment was yet another ‘civil war’ this time it was other the decision of which hand he should actually use for the jutsu he was about to perform. And once more it seemed like it was Takeo who had to make the decision. Though that was to be expected Takeo unfortunately did not have someone to make decisions for him, though he would rather like if he had a person who did. The decision was made in the next moment and he held his left hand up to waist height. He closed his eyes for a moment as he took in a deep breath and began.

His hands met each other and began to slowly perform a set of hand seals. He process took around a minute due to how slowly Takeo was taking this. He needed to concentrate or he might just mess this up and end up back in hospital. Once the final hand seal was finished he concentrated the chakra built up into his left hand. He felt the raw power manifest itself in his hand and he glanced down towards it. An almost deafening noise filled his ears as the lightning chakra took a physical form. It was almost as if he was inside a bird store, if they even existed. Takeo stare in awe at the jutsu in his hand, the Chidori, the amount of power he felt rushing through him was insane. His eyes were wide and he felt like he would just burst out in a manic laugh, though he didn’t actually know why. He turned once more and dashed towards the cut boulder. His arm kept down to his side, his elbow bent so his hand was still at the level of his waist. As he arrived at arm’s length with the rock he would thrust his hand forward and the result left Takeo laughing.

The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon was the youth arrived back at the village gates. He let out a yawn as he began the trip back to his home. His legs felt heavy and stiff from the sudden exercise that he had performed after a week of doing nothing, but other than that he felt great. Arriving home and collapsing onto his bed with a loud thump he closed his eyes and began to drift off. His mind was filled with thoughts of his plan for what to do with the new additions to his arsenal of jutsu. But these thoughts were ceased when he finally succumbed to his tiredness and fell asleep.


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Attacking a rock for no reason [p,nk,training] Empty Re: Attacking a rock for no reason [p,nk,training]

Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:53 pm
I don't even....

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