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Yoshida Uzumaki
Yoshida Uzumaki
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Another day of training {private} Done Empty Another day of training {private} Done

Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:41 pm
Yoshida was inside his apartment with a smile on his face he then grab all six of his exploding tags and his folding sword with his kunai and his bang shuriken he then walked out the door with a smile on his face heading for the tegakure plains yoshida saw how the anbu ninja stop him asking were he was going yoshida then told him he was going to the plains to get some training in.The anbu then let by looking around yoshida saw nobody on the streets of tengakure as the wind blew pass all he could see is the trash blowing across the ground he then went to the groun grabbing all of the trash he then put it inside a basket that he saw looking around for more trash he saw on a house he then grab all of that after yoshida did all of that he then got started to run around the village trying to get some of his morning work outs in after he got down with all that running he then went off for the plains of tengakure, as the wind blew by swaying yoshida hair to the left he arrived to the plains looking around nobody was there so he got started on his training. Yoshida then took out his folding sword as he got started to push chakra down to it with another quick wind that blew by he then aim the folding sword right and the middle of the tree after yoshida did that he then flip his kunai inside his right hand and he threw it at the tree after yoshida did all of that he then saw two academy students coming right at him sometimes yoshida will kill academy ninjas but he kick all of that a long time ago he then walked up to the ninjas asking them what was they reading and then the kids ask yoshida if he wanted to train with them? Yoshida just turn around asking both of the ninjas to come at him he then look and the side of his eye as he saw both of the ninjas coming at him yoshida then hit a backflip with both of his leg's coming at the academy students after yoshida hit that backflip and he saw how his attack was good he then ran up to the tree grabbing his folding sword out and he threw it at the first academy student leg he then saw how he hop out of the way and he then hop into the air throwing a kunai at the other ninja leg but they just dodge it one of the academy students tried to do an jutsu on yoshida but he just ran out of the way picking up his folding sword and yoshida then push chakra down to his body with a smile on his face he then flip it inside his hand aiming it for the young ninja shoulder trying to get him to calm down with a smile on his face he then ran to the right as the wind blew his hair to the left he then saw how the ninja aim a punch at the yoshida head knocking him to the ground yoshida knew that ninja caught hiom with a sneak but yoshida just got back up with a kunai inside hand that had chakra all over it with a grin on yoshida face he thenthrew at the young ninja leg seeing him go to the ground yoshida then picked up both of the ninjas throwing them to the side..."You boys show can train" Yoshida said as he pick up both of them watching as they left yoshida then went back to his training working on his chakra... He then went to the ground pushing chakra up to his body with a smile on his face he then push harder with the chakra all over yoshida body he then close his eyes and he was and full chakra training as the wind blew by then the rain started to fall yoshida then took all the chakra off his body and he stood up working on his strength he then went to the ground doing some pushups/setups after yoshida would do 500 each os those he moved to his pullups which wasn't going to take him long he then ran up to the nearest tree he saw and he got started to pull hisself up after he did 500 of those yoshida then went to the ground taking out an book and he then flip his folding sword inside his hand with the rain falling on yoshida book and on his hair yoshida then went back to training his chakra the young uzumaki then close his eyes again pushing the chakra up to his body as the wind pick up bigger yoshida then stood up walkign up to a tree with water everywere yoshida then got started punching on the tree with agroin under his mask he then hop back coming right back up with a folding sword that had chakra on it making the sword sharp yoshida then got started to cut up the tree after yoshida get done with that he then went right back to the ground working on his everyday work outs as the rain stop and the wind started to clear up a little yoshida then got started on his pushups/setups after he did 1000 each of those he then ran up to the tree doing 1000 pullups after yoshida got done with working on his strength he then hop of the tree pushing all the chakra he got up to his body he then got started working on his fighting skills as the wind went by and yoshida just kept punching the tree with all of his strength after he would get done with that he then walked back with a grin unde his mask as the blood went down yoshida hand he just stood there looking at the tree and he then grab all of his things and he headed for his aprtment were he would fall asleep...
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Yoshida Uzumaki
Yoshida Uzumaki
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Another day of training {private} Done Empty Re: Another day of training {private} Done

Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:04 pm
Yoshida was inside his apartment sleeping he then woke up from hearing the sound of his alarm clock go off with a smile on his face he then stood up with a lazy face and he open up his blinds he could tell that the weather inside tengakure was going to be sunny... He then walked inside his bathroom were he would wash his face and clean his teeth after Yoshida got done with all of that he then grab his long dark jacket and his folding sword that drop inside his boots and his kunai that went inside a case for it, and then he grab all six of exploding tags and his bang shuriken then Yoshida walked out the door ready for war... Looking around nobody was there all he could was the sun shine on him and the wind blowing across the streets he then walked onto the plains of tengaure he did some training there before yesterday but he wanted to do something again then Yoshida heard somebody behind him asking were the hell you thing you're going Yoshida then ran back to his anbu telling that he forgot all about him "I'm just going to get some training in" Yoshida saw how the anbu let him off he then got started on his training. with a smile on Yoshida face he then pull out his folding sword that was inside his boots as the sun went down that was when Yoshida got started on his training with the folding sword inside his hand he aim it for the middle of the tree he spotted he then shot it out of his hand looking at how his hit was great he then pull out his kunai and he push chakra down to it after he waited for an while he then shot the kunai out of his hand looking at how the kunai was going full speed Yoshida then hop to the side running up to the tree aiming an punch for it looking around he thought somebody was there so he stop training he just stood there asking for whoever is there to come out but there was no reply until he saw three academy students walking up to him asking if he wanted to train as bad as Yoshida wanted to kill all three of the ninjas he just said yes they can train with him. As a quick wind blew by Yoshida then hop into the air throwing a punch at the first ninja head looking at how he hop out of the way Yoshida just aim a kick for him until another kid came from behind him aiming a kick for his back Yoshida felled the hit and he just went to the ground as the ninjas hop unto excitement Yoshida just stood up running up to all three of academy students doing a roundhouse kick for the first one that kick him and the back the round house kick will knock the young ninja out cold after Yoshida saw how his attack was great he then ran up to the second ninja aiming a punch for his head that will knock him out then Yoshida saw how the ninja dodge it so he had to put them hard he ran to the right of the ninja and he kick on his mouth as the blood came out Yoshida drop the boy the shirt of the other ninja that was out cold on the ground "Here lean yourself up I have to beat up your other friend" Yoshida said as he ran after the ninja that was trying to run away he then stop him by pushing to the ground and Yoshida slep him and the face he then saw how he made the young ninja cry so he feld bad for him then Yoshida saw how the other ninja stood up from being knock out he then grab all three of them and he told he was sorry for what he did then Yoshida push them away and he went back to his training. As the wind blew by one more time yoshida then hop into the air pushing chakra up to his body and his hands everything became chakra then he crust his fist together looking at the tree Yoshida then ran up to it punching the tree as hard as he could he could fll the blood going down his hand but Yoshida didn't care he just kept on punching after he got done with that Yoshida then got started on his everyday work outs he went to the ground doing some pushups,setups after he would do 1000 of those each he then ran up to the tree and he hop on it doing 1000 pullups. After he would get done with all of that yoshida then hop down off the tree and he went to the ground pushing the chakra up to is body with a grin on hus face he had all of his chakra up to his body and he just looked around beore he close his eyes he just got started with training his chakra the young uzumaki was and full training with his chakra... He then stood up with the chakra still all over his body and he got started opn working with his cutting skills he grab the sword and kunai out of the tree and he he waled back aiming it for the middle of the tree again and after he did that he then got started on his speed he ran around the plains for an long time after he got done with that he then grab his folding sword and kunai and he went to the ground pushing chakra up to his body with all of the chakra all over his body yoshida then stood up leaving the plains heading for his apartment were he would get some rest...

Word count:1001
+5 stats
+10 jp

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Yoshida Uzumaki
Yoshida Uzumaki
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Another day of training {private} Done Empty Re: Another day of training {private} Done

Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:17 pm
Yoshida was walking around his village making sure everything was okay he then went off for the plains were he would get some training and. As the wind blew by yoshida he was walking with a crazy look on his face, he then went down to the ground fixing his shoes he then saw a guy standing over him smoking yoshida knew he was going to be a mean person so he stood up taking out his folding sword with his dark sunglasses on his eyes he saw how the guy made the first move yoshida then saw how he threw an punch at him he hop to the left and he push chakra down to folding sword he aim the sword for the ninja head then he saw how the folding sword worked it killed the man on the spot. Yoshida left him there bleeding out, yoshida didn't have much time to stick around and see what happen to the guy he walked away heading for the plains. As the wind got stronger yoshida then arrived to the plains were he would get some training and. With a grin on yoshida face and his sword across his back he then got started with his training as he push chakra up to his body looking around he then went to thje ground doing his morning work outs which was pushups,setups, and for the last thing it was pullups. After yoshida did 500 each of all those he then stood up training his chakra he fold his legs and he push the chakra up to his body. As the wind blew faster yoshida then had chakra all over his body, his eyes was close and then yoshida open up both of his eyes even the one that was blind with a smile on yoshida face he was able to look out his eyes but since yoshida never took off his dark sunglasses before and like he just kept it them on.
With a smile on yoshida face he stood up off the ground walking over to get some water he then took out an cigar smoking it. While he was doing that yoshida then took out an book and he went to the ground taking a break, as time pass yoshida was still inside the plains still taking a break. After his break time was over he then stood up off the ground and he went back training as he walked up to the tree with his cigar inside his mouth he then got started punching the tree as the blood went down his fist he then flip out an kunai aiming it for the tree as the tree was getting weak yoshida kept cutting up the tree.
As he slow down from all of that yoshida then went to the ground again doing his morning work outs which was pushups,setups,pullups. He got started and he was able to do 500 setups, and pushups + he was able to do 1k pullups. As the wind blew by yoshida he then went to the ground again training his chakra he had an smile on his face that was big while he was on the ground he fix his dark boots and he got started with his chakra again.
He had the chakra all over his body and his eyes was close he then saw four ninjas walking up to him they was watching him as he train his chakra very well. All four of the ninjas was academy students, he then stood up off the ground looking at the ninjas asking what the hell was they doing here messing up his training. "Hey!!!! what you damn kids doing here I was training my chakra and you punks mess me up but owell let me tell you guys about me.... My name is yoshida uzumaki and I live inside this village, I love to smoke cigar's and killing other people knowing that I didn't kill nobody but my parents that's it but anything other than that we is good to train you young kids" Yoshida would say as he stood there with a grin on his face looking at the ninjas with a crazy look on his face he then flip out his folding sword and he threw it at the first ninja head th ninja was able to dodge it just and time yoshida then hop inti the air aiming his kunai the ninja leg he saw how it work and the ninja went to the side with yoshida kunai inside his leg he then pull it out knocking the ninja out with a punch. As the wind went by yoshida still had three other ninjas to fight, he then ran to the side picking up his folding sword pushing chakra to it aiming the sword for the ninja chest he saw how the ninja dodge to the right and he then kick the young ninja and the face that also knock another out. With a smile on his face he then had two more ninjas to fight those two was genin's yoshida then ran to the left aiming a kunai for the ninja arm and his folding sword for the other ninja leg after yoshida saw how his attack's was good he then put up all of his weapons and he went back training with a grin on his face he saw how the ninjas stood up walking away with pain all over them. Yoshida then went to the ground after he got done with all of those ninjas and he got started training chakra again as the wind blew by yoshida he then push chakra up to his body and after he got done with that yoshida then stood up walking away heading for his apartment were he would fall asleep with a cigar inside his mouth as he was walking away and the wind blew by him with a grin on his face and his long dark jacket blew back he then took a walk around the village before he went down for his nap making sure everything was ok like he did before....

+10 JP
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Another day of training {private} Done Empty Re: Another day of training {private} Done

Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:39 pm
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