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Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Point One Empty Point One

Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:22 pm
Birds fly and land, and when they they land, they made a mark. This mark would usually be comparable to maybe that of a trident, or maybe meant a birth of a trident somewhere. Amount of trees as usual decreases when the number of people gets bigger but it would eventually be forced to accept man and vice versa if it gets lucky enough to be one of the few. It eventually takes longer and longer rest at every intervals for rest on top of trees since the ground is full of threats so patient that it makes a small animal feels like its being watched. In the end, more and more marks were made with each rest since it would eventually learn to become more and more cautious and hopefully, made moves powerful as though a strike from a trident to be independent.

Its being months since Yuri had seen a human and let alone a living settlement, hopefully she would still be able to speak when the time comes as it gets nearer. A clear road was seemingly planned out for her as it seems better to walk on meter by meter. She wanted to wonder the outcome of the end this bizarre journey but she couldn't. A tree bark she saw a few days seems to have spoiled her. Maybe it would spoil her without the need to even take details from the tree bark seriously, just by looking up constantly gave the location away. Clouds, together with the morning sun might try to hide it making it a trap to be looked at but still, such sights are not commonly seen. To Yuri, its her first time seeing such tall buildings lying around like as though there were wonders. As expected from the rumors, this must be the foundations of Tengakure.

Time cuts her sightseeing short as she finally got to look at the lowest point of the village, a shinobi. He saw Yuri and Yuri looked back as they closed in on each other to communicate with Yuri starting first. She lost her words for a moment. Came from places pointlessly and aimlessly afar. May i speak with your leader for an important matter of a certain degree?

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Point One Empty Re: Point One

Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:51 pm
Shinji sat at his desk filing paper after paper. In the back of his mind he continued to wonder: why am I doing this? He was the kage shouldn't he have people filing the paperwork for him? Alas Shinji's silent complaining would never be heard. Signing off on a few budget things here and there he glanced wistfully outside. There was a time when he was a carefree academy student, but now he was a kage who was expected to remain serious at all times-it was a bit of a drag really. Pushing the last of his paperwork away he would slid back in his chair and sigh. Truly being kage was not all it was made out to be. Shinji's mind was worn out, but his heart want to do something spontaneous-something different. Unfortunately nothing came to mind.

In a burst of action one of his aids ran into the room and informed Shinji that someone was requesting to see him. In the back of his mind Shinji congratulated to ever vigilant ANBU of Tengakure. That group never missed a beat. It was like they were everywhere. But, on the other hand Shinji felt ever, so slightly annoyed. It felt like everyone wanted to see him. Luckily this far no one had challenged his rule, but those who did were bound to come. So, he remained alert on everyone of these meeting he was called out on. Placing his kage hat firmly on his head. Shinji walked to the window and pushed it open. Taking a deep breath and activating his tree climbing jutsu Shinji stepped on top the sheer side of the skyscraper. This was the thrill Shinji needed to break him from the mundane-running down a 90 degree building. With a soft smile on his face Shinji started sprinting down the building.

Coming to a halt at the bottom Shinji stepped back onto level ground. He got a few odd looks from a group of old ladies, but otherwise no one really cared. Taking long confident strides Shinji arrived at the gates in a matter of about five minutes-he was in no hurry; it was nice to stretch his legs. Arriving at the gate Shinji spied a girl who he assumed was the newcomer, but pretended not to notice and continued to look around. He would allow the newcomer to approach him-it would be fairly obvious he was a kage considering his clothes. However, despite not pretending to notice the girl, who seemed harmless, he still kept at least one eye on her-he did not want any surprises. As it were Shinji was about ten meters away from the girl, which would give him time to react should things go sour.
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Point One Empty Re: Point One

Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:14 am
The hat from this distance showed that her request was already accepted even when the guard surprisingly declined to speak throughout the waiting time. Respecting his way of handling matters, she shifted her attention to the obvious identity. If that were to be shown somewhere else she would have thought that this is an imposter trap. She could feel a slightly different form of presence from the man a distance away. She was thinking if that pair of eyes looking at her was bloodshot but maybe it was just natural for someone unidentified like her to prompt others into such precautions. If the earlier were to happen it would had been a pointless journey for her anyway.

I had come from nowhere and wishes to be a part of this village and to contribute to it. It would be the greatest ease to ask the head of it. Given her identity, Yuri does not expect too much since its as good as no having one. As she awaits reply, she is well prepared for the outcome. On the other hand, if this man with this original hat had already appeared in front of her, she wouldn't see why she would not be looking towards the brighter side.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Point One Empty Re: Point One

Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:00 am
It seemed Tengakure was turning into a halfway house of sorts. Shinji had fielded the large influx of refugees and wander ninja over the past few days seemingly without end. However, the girl who showed up did not ring any bells-to the best of Shinji's knowledge she was not a missing ninja. Relaxing a bit Shinji heard the girl speak as he approached her. In a rather kind and comforting tone Shinji spoke-he assumed he needed no introduction yet again courtesy of the cloak and hat he was wearing: "First off let me welcome you to Tengakure. However, before I can allow you into this village may you please tell me about yourself and what you can bring to this village. And of course how you came to be here. After that you will naturally be put through a security screening." Honestly Shinji saw no real reason to not allow her into the village, but first he wanted to hear more about her. For example, he would be interested to find out where this girl came from. Seeing as she came seemingly out of the blue and alone no less, which was rather odd for a girl especially with the missing ninja that roamed the borders.

{Sorry its kind of short.}
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Point One Empty Re: Point One

Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:41 am
Yuri can heard herself prompted to explain herself but to be welcomed exceeded her expectations. While seeing no need to hide her past, its also ironically irrelevant. Not because it would not made any sense telling others but because there is too little about herself. But as far as she could remember, ninja villages had brought some sad memories into her, even though she could not remember which are the ones. But back then she did not have a choice for choosing a side. She could find out further but that wouldn't be pretty out of sense since time had reduced her past to bits that mostly didn't matter. She paused for a moment.

Few called me Yuri, i originated from a decimated mercenary group by the name of Yamikumo. I had been a wanderer ever since their demise. Upon completing the sentence, it made sense, since this is about all the info anyone would need to know. There are just too few of them who knows of her due to the events and the roles that she played in the past.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Point One Empty Re: Point One

Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:22 am
Shinji nodded as the girl spoke-she seemed trustworthy enough. However, he would still have an ANBU check her out and be watching her as she progressed through the village-it was never safe to be too comfortable. Furthermore, Shinji would have an ANBU put her through screening. Snapping his fingers an ANBU appeared seemingly out of the woodwork. This was one of Shinji's favorite ANBU-this was the case for a few reasons. She was about five feet and ten inches tall with long black hair and a nicely built body-hourglass shape. On her face was the mask of a cat that seemed to peer into the very soul of whomever looked into those eyes. Speaking to Yuri Shinji prepared his farewells: "Well Yuri. Once again I welcome you to Tengakure. Please allow my ANBU here to run you through a quick screening. You will then be given a headband if you pass the screening. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to come and see me in my office." SHinji pointed up to the highest skyscraper and continued talking: "Top floor. Now I must be on my way." With that Shinji blurred off to his office in burst of speed. Honestly he did not relish the idea of going back to face the huge wall of paper work, but alas he had no where else to go.

{Exit, You can control the ANBU's security test-you will pass, welcome to Tengakure and please do not cause trouble}
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Point One Empty Re: Point One

Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:53 am
A sense of being comparable fell to her when the man gave the green light to allow Yuri of her to be part of the rabble. Yuri could feel that the gap of power before her presence could match his. To be one of the supporters of the high pillars that lies ahead of her. She is still following the path she wanted to embark on. However, this time is risk is higher. Yuri brushed off her thoughts of herself in the long run as she knows that she is safe from the roaming horrors outside of the village walls for quite a period, in the least hopefully enough for her to gain the strength to stand strong. She shifted her focus back to reality again as she is required to pass a screening for security purposes, which is more advanced of what she used to care for the same purpose back in her childhood days. The ANBU is big enough for her vision without even looking at it. But ironically, there was nothing much left in her except for her specialized extenders and a katana, the rest were just clothing. She could even show it without passing through the test but choose not to prevent a hassle and let the ANBU did her part in protecting the village.

When the ANBU finally had her fill after a walk into the academy followed by a full check, she took a headband from her pockets and hand it to Yuri in silence. There was no expression on Yuri, as this was the beginning of a quick route to power in her mind. She will never wonder if a leopard will ever change its spots.

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