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Eiji and Lybris: C-Rank Uh oh Empty Eiji and Lybris: C-Rank Uh oh

Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:46 pm
Mission Name: Uh oh
Rank: C
Type: Intel
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 900
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 1000 Ryo

Task: The village hasn't been receiving shipments of resources from the farmers not too far from the village. The village shinobi are unable to make any contact with the farmers, your job is to go and find out what the trouble is, and make sure the village receives the shipments soon.[/quote]

Eiji woke up to a stormy morning, but that was ok, Eiji loved rain. To Eiji rain was a blessing from the Gods, but deep down he knew he only like it because it gave him an incredible advantage in battle making everything around him wet giving he resources for repairing himself if a limb was cut off. That made him think back to the time where Mack had chopped off his head and there had been a puddle underneath him so he just absorbed it and regenerated his head. That wasn’t the only reason he like it though the little droplets bouncing off of him gave him a sense of relaxation and made him feel good. He was so gleeful today that he couldn’t even get annoyed if he had class full of academy students attempting to attack him. Well after some though and lying in bed Eiji remembered he had a mission to do today. He had looked at the mission’s board the day before and had seen that the village hasn’t been receiving any shipments of resources from the farmers not too far from the village and it was his and his partner’s job to find out what the troubles were and make sure the village receives the shipments soon. He slipped out from under his sheets and walked over to the kitchen where he made himself some toasted bread and butter, “Mmm… This is delicious,” he thought, even though it was most likely a very cheap breakfast. After he ate he went to the bathroom to take a shower and use the restroom and once he was done doing all of those things he went to go put on some fresh clothes. “What should I wear? I’ll just where the usual. There’s my black shorts, there’s my blue sweater and I think I’m good to go,” he talked to himself as he did all this. He rushed out the door to go meet his partner at the usual meeting place and hoped his partner would actually be here this time.

[TWC = 344/900]
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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Eiji and Lybris: C-Rank Uh oh Empty Re: Eiji and Lybris: C-Rank Uh oh

Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:22 pm
Was already up as he would be running through the village doing some hardcore stamina training early in the morning, where he would arrive into his backyard and go through the back door heading straight to the bathroom. After taking a nice hot shower he would put on some new bandages, first over his right eye, then onto his arms and legs. His clothing of black pants and a black shirt on top of his chuunin gear would soon follow. Tying his head band on to his forehead he would go downstairs and finish the rest of his orange juice, throwing it away as he fixed him a small sandwich containing lettuce, tomato, ham and mayo. Sitting down on the ground he would begin to eat it just sitting there enjoying his peace and quiet for the moment. As he finished his food the usual knock would come to the door, as he got up and answered it. Looking at the messenger ninja,” don’t you have another job you could be doing at this point in time or are you satisfied,” looking at the ninja’s face. The ninja shrugged as it handed him the mission scroll and poofed away in a ploom of smoke. Closing the door he would read the scroll and sigh,” not this shit again I am almost tired of these dam missions but ehh, gotta do what I gotta do to keep this hell hole,” as he left out of the house and went to the mission destination. He would be walking through the pouring rain still as it danced around his body; his sword on his back beside his bow as his hands was in his pocket. He would arrive at the described area where his partner was looking at the man who was his partner, he remembered him from his other missions so this should go fast,” Yo I am here so letd get this over with,” as he walked up to him.

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Eiji and Lybris: C-Rank Uh oh Empty Re: Eiji and Lybris: C-Rank Uh oh

Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:25 pm
Eiji would see his partner arrive and say, "Yo I am here so let's get this over with." Eiji appreciated the kid's enthusiasm as he wanted to get the mission done quickly too. This was the last mission Eiji had to do before becoming a Chuunin he was incredibly excited. Eiji then said, "Alright let's go," rushed off knowing that the kid would probably follow behind him. As he was running he yelled back hoping Syaoran could hear, "We're going to go to the farm and see why the farmer's aren't sending the goods to the village, if we keep this pace up we could be there in a matter of minutes!" Just like Eiji had said after a matter of minutes they had reached the farm. This farm looked just like the steriotypical farm, a red and white barn, stables, and a mediocre sized farm house. Eiji would go up and knock on the door. There was no answer, but he waited a moment then knocked a again and after a couple minutes of waiting a lady maybe around her mid forties answered the door. She had brown eyes, long black hair and pale white skin. Eiji asked if he could speak to the farmer. The lady replied that the farmer had been sick for sometime and if they were here for the packages they hadn't been able to come in contact with anyone who could transport them. So Eiji took a couple of the boxes and hauled them back to the village. After going back and forth a few times Eiji would be done with the mission and would go to receive his reward.


[TWC = 950/900]
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Eiji and Lybris: C-Rank Uh oh Empty Re: Eiji and Lybris: C-Rank Uh oh

Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:36 pm
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