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Puppetry's False Greatness (Rain; Spar:NK) Empty Puppetry's False Greatness (Rain; Spar:NK)

Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:44 pm
With only three days passing since the rise of true darkness in the hearts of the mist ninja and the crucifixion of the suna ninja, the man, which spread it like an evil plague, made his way to the plains that surrounded the village of skyscrapers. Like any other man on the run, he wouldn't enter the dreaded village, but would watch from the top of a hill. Sitting on a rock dark gray rock, no back to it just for the pleasure if sitting. The man would speak as his voice silently slipped out. "Sad.... Still too weak to take on the Tenkage and his dreaded village." The wind picked up a pile of leaves only to teach them how to dance in the sky. Right past Gawain, as he would feel the breeze and his pitch black hair would rise up only a tad bit though his dark eyes wouldn't make a movement.

(so not good with first post and you know that)

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Puppetry's False Greatness (Rain; Spar:NK) Empty Re: Puppetry's False Greatness (Rain; Spar:NK)

Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:12 pm
With the sounds of the wind came the sound of an unfamiliar voice. Unlike him this man had been more social. Turning to look in the direction of the voice he saw what had seemed to be a Human, of the village he hated. A ninja from the village of skyscraper. Maybe an Anbu sent to take me out. Couldn't be though unless they found out about the killings already...... A fucking trap and I haven't even reached the village itself. Cunning he said as he simply laughed a little. Standing upon the rock and slipping his hands into his pocket Gawain looked around a little for anything strange. "Quite disgusting it is. But being a ninja of that village you call disgusting. There must be something corruptive about it. Why do you hate it?." Gawain said as he opened the latch that kept a large scroll on his back. Grabbing it and grinning at the man. The markings on his face which appeared to stop close tithe tips of his mouth and his black listick made his form seem a bit evil in a way.

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Puppetry's False Greatness (Rain; Spar:NK) Empty Re: Puppetry's False Greatness (Rain; Spar:NK)

Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:53 pm
Gawain simply stared at the boy as he talked about trash and the state of the kage of the village. Waiting to answer with a new response he heard a threat that seemed to be filled with coward's pride. "from my.... Pocket." He said with his deep voice as his hand pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Shaking it and stickin on into his mouth, Gawain lit it and began to smoke it. "Afraid of a cigarette are we?" If you think your so good and that it's not really you who is the trash in the village, then show me something. Impress me!!!!" He said as he moved from his original spot within the moments of a snap. His reappearance came with a group of puppets in the numbers of ten and his scroll floating around him. Now being about 7 meters from the skyscraper boy. The puppets floating around him, his favorite in front with her large cleaving swords. "My ten puppets.... Their name isn't relavent to you at this moment..... Death does no own this realm as we fight and the only thing that will enter into you is me, and fear!!! Can you fight fear?" He said as the movements of his fingers indicated the movement of 11 figures, one being himself as they scattered and the red headed girl came into closer contact with the boy, of about 4 meters.

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Puppetry's False Greatness (Rain; Spar:NK) Empty Re: Puppetry's False Greatness (Rain; Spar:NK)

Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:25 pm
Reaching a considerable distance from the boy, that being 30 meters only the Forrest, Gawain watched the boy and his movements. Each being analyzed. Gawain smiled as his middle finger made a movement and the red haired girl dropped to the ground. "Shitty ninja." He would utter as another puppet would appear. His head bald and filled with holes. From those holes came what had been cords which stretched from the 10 meter spot to the boy. This being from the far right of the red headed puppet. The cords spun and twisted as they made their way to the two clones, leaving the original be. As they reached the red puppet they left a distance of about 1 meter over the puppet that laid on the ground. Directed at the clones ten of the cords split from the original group and attacked the ground which the clones ran on. The other ten flew into the sky then came flying down upon the clones. (Short and shitty)
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