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Spar with a side of spar Empty Spar with a side of spar

Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:45 am
What did the day have in store for the early 30s shinobi? Training. That’s what was in store for Jecht today. It was the same old story that everyone has read or heard about a thousand times, he wakes up in the morning before the sun even crests the horizon and trains till he is done. Then he goes about his day as normal whether that be actual work or more training, it varied on that front but its was still routine.
Today wasn’t any different and Jecht arose before the sun’s light blessed this side of the world and got ready to make his way to the training ground. He was itching for some training partner, more to work on actual fighting instead of honing techniques. He was feeling like he was growing to quickly for his own good that he needed to be able to use this strength in proper application. It had been quite some time since he had been in a fight in general and he was certainly feeling rusty in all aspects of fighting that wasn’t self-training.
You could only do so much with solo training, if you never learn how to apply the techniques you spent hours honing then it was kind of pointless to learn them. Regardless Jecht hoped there would be someone else at the training field he could bother to spar with him. He didn’t care who it was or if he won or lost he just needed the experience. So he made his way to the training ground and first went through his morning routine of stretching and basic exercise to loosen up any muscles that were tight from sleep and make sure he was ready to let loose as needed.
WC: 291

Shin of the Wind
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Spar with a side of spar Empty Re: Spar with a side of spar

Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:22 pm
Shin would find himself wandering about the village early in the morning, before even the sun itself woke up and decided to show itself this day. The pale boy figured that if he had some time, he might as well spend it training and honing his shinobi skills. He had been on a bit of a roll, taking on each and every mission that the village tasked him with and completing it as best he could. The boy knew that despite this, if he truly wanted to be an asset to the village and Goto, he needed to grow even more. Once he was a bit more capable and had a bit more experience under his belt he would likely be able to undertake even more important missions for Konoha. The thought of being an asset to the village brought a small smile to the face of the boy. 

Shin almost found himself heading straight to the Advanced Training Facility, but he had heard rumors that there was another training ground, one that was more basic and bare bones. It didn't have all the fancy training equipment that the Advanced Training Facility had, but perhaps it was where the shinobi that wanted some peace and quiet went in order to avoid the abundance of people that used the other. Shin didn't really have much issue with training around others, but his curiosity managed to get the best of him. He simply had to see what this other training ground looked like, and so he would ask around. Most tried to give him directions to the newer facility, but some of the older villagers recalled the time before the building went up. The 'good old days' as they put it, and pointed the boy to where it was that he needed to go. 

The place was indeed fairly basic, but it had the needed space and he was right. There wasn't a soul here it seemed. He would scan the area, noting the various trees and a few little pools or ponds, likely where folks focused on their surface walking technique in the past. Upon scanning the area once more, he would see one other person stretching and limbering up before what the boy assumed would be an intense physical exercise. Shin didn't suspect this for any reason other than the fact that the person he had spotted was none other than his pal Jecht. It was nice to see the man outside of official village business, and the boy would walk over and greet his friend.

"A good day to you, Jecht!" He would say, a twinge of excitement combined with happiness in his voice. Despite looking like he barely slept a handful of hours, the boy had a smile on his face. "What are you working on?"

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Spar with a side of spar Empty Re: Spar with a side of spar

Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:19 am
While he was stretching before his exercise Jecht would hear someone call out to him and upon facing the voice it would seem to be a shinobi that he had interacted with quite a bit, Shin, a young shinobi and quite a talented one in that matter. Shin was asking what Jecht was working on today and the older man looked at him with a friendly smile. “I was going to look for someone to spar with as someone of my age needs to keep his skills trained or they will get rusty.” He said with a laugh his joints creaking and popping as if to further validate his claims, he was after all in his 30s now and his body while in great shape was still aging and with the amount of physical stress and training he had gone under during his life there was certainly issues for Jecht.

“Normally I would ask someone closing to my own age but since you are here would you do my the honor of being my sparring partner?” Jecht asked the younger Shinobi out of respect for his clearly shown prowess in handling the missions the hand been on and showing an intelligence above his own age. “Obviously we would keep from any lethal or maiming strikes and use this as a chance to refine our own skills in combat, after all getting physical experience with your moves helps you understand their usage outside simply learning how to do them by yourself.” Jecht offered as he looked forward to the possible spar with Shin as he hadn’t had the chance of seeing him in action outside of missions so it would be a nice learning chance for Jecht while he hoped he could further the growth of the younger Shinobi with this interaction.

Should Shin agree to the spar Jecht would bow to his sparring partner and take a fighting stance from him at a range of 15 meters awaiting the younger boy’s first move. The field around them was clear of all trees and obstacles for about 50 meters with a pond of water to Jecht’s right on the edge of that 50 meters. They should have plenty of space to use most techniques or jutsus without damaging the wooded area surrounding their clearing.

WC: 383
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Spar with a side of spar Empty Re: Spar with a side of spar

Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:43 pm
The pale youth would listen as the elder warrior spoke, the man making claims that he had to be careful or else he would get rusty. To this the boy would just offer a light laugh before replying with, "You look to be in pretty good shape. Physically you are quite the specimen, and I find it difficult to think that you are not at absolute peak performance." The boys spoke the truth, for Jecht had muscle on muscle and it would be hard to find another that matched his physique in Konoha. "At least physically you look to be in peak performance. If you came to this deserted training field in search of a sparring partner, I fear for your mind though." A light joke designed to poke at the older man who had seemingly come to an otherwise abandoned area. "I will practice with you though." Shin would offer with a great big smile, nodding at the warrior as he provided his terms. They were very agreeable. "I would hope that we wouldn't try to kill one another. We are friends after all." It might have been a bit forward, but the boy enjoyed working with the elder shinobi and had considered the man to be his friend, though whether or not that feeling was reciprocated might have been an entirely different story. "I hope that you can teach me a great deal. I've been looking forward to seeing what all that muscle is capable of." He would offer a return bow to his elder, a sign of respect between the two. 

Shin would take a look around the battlefield, noting that relative spacing of everything as they each moved towards what would be their starting position at a distance of 15 meters from one another. The battlefield was relatively clear, minimal obstructions in the immediate area all they way out to seemingly the 50 meter mark. The ground was comprised of dirt, the very most top of which was loose with rocks and other bits intermingling and dotting the field. It was a bit surprising, though if this was an area designed for training much like this had been, he could see large open spaces having been preferable to practice ones techniques. He might not have known everything his sparring partner was capable of, but he did know that the man was a practitioner of taijutsu. He would have to be careful allowing the man to get too close. 

Once they had found themselves at the starting point, a mere 15 meters from one another. There was a brief moment where the pair simply seemed to stare one another down, each waiting on the other to perform the first move. There was a tension in the air, neither wanting to open. His hands only inches away from his sash, the boy would swiftly ready himself into a battle stance by drawing two Kunai simultaneously, one in each hand. There was now a look of focus now on his face where a happy go lucky smile had been previously. 

Despite his better judgement telling him that he should avoid getting in close with a Taijutsu martial artist, the boy's curiosity started to get the better of him. He wanted to see the man's talent first hand, and if he kept his distance the whole time how would he manage to see any of Jechts interesting techniques. So, Shin would quickly begin walking in the direction of the large warrior standing directly in front of his current position (at a speed of 95), keeping watch on Jecht as this was done. The lack of obstructions in the immediate area meant that there was little chance of him tripping up with his footing as he performed this. He would continue this path until he moved forward about 3 meters from his original position. If Jecht stood there doing nothing at all and remained completely motionless, young Shin would stop there to see what he would do, curious as to what the man was planning and offering a, "Everything okay?"

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Spar with a side of spar Empty Re: Spar with a side of spar

Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:57 pm
“Of course no killing. I like to fight but I ain’t gonna kill our child prodigy.” Jecht laughed with Shin glad the young one saw him a friend and could call him as such. Jecht considered all fellow shinobi’s comrades and brother or sister in arms but he thought favorably on the younger shinobi. They were smarter then most adults that Jecht had met and was highly talented with a bright future in front of them as long as they continued to progress like they had been.

Jecht would laugh at Shin’s comment on seeing what all his muscle was capable of and once the younger shinobi took his spot Jecht’s mood would change from jolly carefreeness to a stern serious expression. He would give the younger shinobi the chance to start the fight and Jecht would face him with full strength well as full as he could give without maiming or killing the boy.

Jecht watched as Shin “speed walk” towards him at an immense pace, Jecht having already been in a fighting stance with his right hand and arm in front of him quickly and suddenly pulled that arm back with as much force as he could using the Technique “World in Sleeves”. This would cause a vacuum cone of air pressure spawning a wall of air pressure 3 meters behind Shin and 15meters from Jecht. With a vacuum of air being created the wall of air pressure would push anything from 15 meters away towards Jechts open hand at a power and speed of 105. The cone has a width of 15 meters at the wall of air pressure.

Should Shin be caught by the wall of air pressure he will be subject to a Strength Stat check of 105 should he fail he would find himself immobile and unable to move his body as the air pressure sucked him in. While he made the pulling back motion with his right arm Jecht would tense up his left hand and ready it to grab and grip left arm elbow planning on using Jotun Grip to dislocate the arm and render it useless for this spar. Jecht was confident he would be able to heal and fix up Shin of any injuries the boy may get during this spar.

WC: 381

Tech Stats and Costs:

Last edited by Jecht on Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added WC)
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 500

Spar with a side of spar Empty Re: Spar with a side of spar

Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:50 pm
It would seem as though Jecht would perform a move of his own, which brought a flash of excitement to the boys face. The buff man would draw back his arm in aligning the timing with Shin reaching that three meter mark, and since the man had reacted, Shin would press on. His "speed walk" would become a rapid dash (95 speed) moving from his position at a distance of 12 meters from Jecht to a position a mere half meter from the man but on his left hand side. The man's stance and position held moments earlier was that of his left foot forward and drawing his right fist back, generating the vacuum pull of the technique used. The technique would draw in stones and other such loose debris that was scattered about the field in the area of the technique, loose dirt and small stones creating what seemed like a dust cloud tailing behind the pale youth towards Jecht's right side. Shin right hand would offer a horizontal slash at the large man's exposed torso, likely catching an arm realistically if it managed to connect since the martial artist had quite large arms and they were between Shin and the vitals encased within the chest and ribcage right below them. (Speed 95, slashing damage is half that I think, so like 42)

Should the attack land, Shin would continue the side step while keeping the same distance between them, remaining on what he expects to be Jecht's weaker side and lunging once more. If the blade did not connect, Shin would find himself now in close range with a taijutsu expert and his curious nature and excitement of seeing just what his friend was capable of would dominate his thoughts. Eagerly awaiting what he figured would be a powerful counter, the boy could feel his own excitement pounding within his chest. 

OoC: World of Sleeves just wasn't quick enough it would seem. It moved faster than me, yes. But it was a ratio of 105/95, which means that roughly every meter I move, it moves 1.1meters. That means it is closing that 3 meter initial gap only 0.1 meters for every meter I move. Since we are both going in the same direction in the time it would take for me to move those 12 meters it would have only traveled 13.26 meters, so still over 1.5 meters from where Jecht is/was at initiation of the tech. Always happy to discuss my thoughts and reasonings, so feel free to reach out if you think I have made an error. That goes for the whole topic btw. Open door policy.
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Spar with a side of spar Empty Re: Spar with a side of spar

Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:54 am
As Jecht had been pulling back his right arm to use World in Sleeves he smiled seeing Shin commit to the charge forward as this is the response he desired an actual dash towards Jecht not that weird Speed walk he was doing, Jecht stopped his arm pull just before it was completed and instead pushed his fist back out returning to his initial fighting stance by this time Shin would have traveled another 1.25 meters due to their speed difference bringing him to 10.75m. Jecht would then do two moves, One he would dash towards Shin at a speed of 70. When Jecht had moved 3 meters he would stop and Jecht would unleash a growing sphere that built from him and quickly rushed out at a speed of 100 intending to grow to max range of 20m with Jecht’s current spot at the center, If Shin continued his dash forward as he had been he would have moved 4 meters compared to Jecht’s 3. Putting him just at the 3.75m range.

As the sphere was growing should Shin come in contact with it he would be subject to a strength check of 100 should he fall he will be pushed back to the max range of the tech and be subject to a debuff of -50 to his Speed. If Shin doesn’t get hit by this technique then it will simply remain on the field creating a perfect 360 degree bubble till Jecht stopped maintaining it or duration ran out.

Feint: D-rank
Ap cost: 9 [10-1 ap reduction]
Red Oni: Hinder: A-rank
Power: 100
Speed: 100
Health: 100
AP Cost: 34 [40- 6 ap reduction]

On Cooldown:
World In Sleeves: 1 post
Jotun Grip: 1 post

WC: 252

Last edited by Jecht on Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
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Spar with a side of spar Empty Re: Spar with a side of spar

Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:20 pm
The pair would close in on one another, Shin having no issue with the large man getting closer. He actually wanted to witness just what Jecht was capable of. Once the man stopped and began surrounding himself with a large mass of fiery red and orange chakra, Shin wasn't sure if he should avoid it or not. Part of him wanted to step into it just to see what would happen. In fact... the boy's curiosity would get the best of him and despite his better judgement, he would run into the attack, just to get a better idea of what it could do. 

He would feel the force of the fiery chakra, which surprisingly did not burn him despite its warm embrace. Shin would be pushed back by the sphere, his feet dragging across the ground as he attempts to resist the push unsuccessfully. 

"Well that is interesting." He would offer aloud, noting the sluggish response of his own limbs as he is being moved.
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Spar with a side of spar Empty Re: Spar with a side of spar

Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:58 pm

TWC: 1307

+1307 towards Dance of the Tranquility Rose 363/2063 (Learned here) >  1670/2063
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
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Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Ryo : 2500

Spar with a side of spar Empty Re: Spar with a side of spar

Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:27 pm
Jecht wrote:[Exit]

TWC: 1307

+1307 towards Dance of the Tranquility Rose 363/2063 (Learned here) >  1670/2063

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