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Ryuki Uchiha
Ryuki Uchiha
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Ryuki
Mission Record : Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Learning The Ropes Empty Learning The Ropes

Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:51 am
Mission Details:

The Uchiha's in the past have been known to do atrocious things but theft wasn't one of them. While Ryuki was in his bathtub, thinking about his future, he heard a few knocks on the front of his door. Ryuki wasn't expecting any visitors thus he was very confused. Nonetheless, "I'm coming" he shouted from his bathroom and began changing into his clothes. As usual, his clothes consist of a neat long sleeve black suit with open collar white shirt inside while wearing black pants and matching dress shoes. The Uchiha was a very organized person. Once he was changed, he walked up to his front door and opened the door and he saw a few members of the shinobi force. "How can I help?" he asked them, to which they responded saying that the Uchiha was accused of stealing a valuable item from a nearby village and they were tasked to bring him back. Ryuki didn’t have any weapons on him at that moment and going to retrieve something would put him under arrest and they might restrain him which would immobilize him and his plans of escape would be a failure. Luckily he had a few senbons in his pocket which only he knew.

Ryuki could see that the shinobi in front of him were pretty strong and he couldn't simply escape. He also knows that being an Uchiha, his eyes were a prized possession and if caught, they may kill him for it. The blonde haired Uchiha was furious, but kept a cool face in front of them, like a facade. His intentions were very crystal clear, when there is some sort of distraction, he would immediately escape from them. Since they surrounded him, he didn't have any plans to escape from them at that moment, he complied with their request with a smile and walked into the carriage that was supposed to hold the team. He entered into the carriage, escorted by the team of shinobi. He began to analyze the carriage, it had two windows and the seat had a small hole that connected to the wheels below. He thought of an idea to somehow puncture the tires or stop it in its tracks, so the carriage would stop. As the carriage was led by a huge horse, he also wanted to simply cut the rope that was tied to it, so some of them would be distracted in finding the animal.

As the carriage began moving, he kept his calm composure in his cross handed posture. By making minimal movement, he slowly began moving his right hand downwards in a slow motion, so that his actions would go unnoticed. It took him about two minutes and by this time, his right hand was very close to his pocket that held a couple of senbons. He kept an eye out on the rocky road and knew that they had to somehow come across a rock that would shake the carriage a little bit. That would be the right time to throw the senbon into the hold of the seat that would hit the wheel, making it stuck. A few minutes passed by and just like he predicted, he saw oncoming bumps of rocks. Just as the wheel hit one of the rocks, he would immediately throw the senbon down the hole of the seat which hit the wheel. The senbon stuck to the wheel and with the rocks in the road, it came to a halt. Ryuki was ready for the upcoming action and he knew that he didn’t have much time in that period of time. As the shinobis got down to check on the wheel, one of the shinobi stayed with the Uchiha.

Once the shinobi team was out of their sight completely, Ryuki silently took a senbon and stuck it in the throat of the shinobi who was sitting beside him. This made the attack completely silent. As the shinobi task force was on the right side of the carriage, the Uchiha carried the dead shinobi out of the carriage into a nearby bush. Thanks to his lightweight frame and lean muscular build, he was able to move quickly and without making a sound. He went back into the carriage and weaved the Ram hand sign and performed the Clone Technique. Next he weaved the Dog hand sign and performed the Transformation Technique to match the appearance of the shinobi who was sitting beside him. The transformed Ryuki went out to inspect the wheel and informed the team to get into the carriage while he fixed it. Since there wasn’t any suspicion, the shinobi task force trusted the words of their comrade and went into the carriage and saw the cloned Ryuki inside. As they began getting into the carriage, the transformed Ryuki threw a senbon at the rope that was tied to the horse. The horse, seeing that it was set free, made a ruckus and began running away from the carriage towards the forest. Seeing the chaos, the shinobi team rushed out in order to get the horse while another shinobi stayed with the cloned Ryuki.

This was the perfect opportunity, the transformed Ryuki went into the carriage and stuck him with a senbon in his throat. With his chakra being low, the clone dispersed. The transformation on Ryuki was also over. The Uchiha immediately bolted from the location and went into the opposite side of the forest. At the speed that he ran, he knew they wouldn’t be able to catch up with him, especially when they were confident with just one shinobi looking over him. Finally, Ryuki was free. He had no bad conscience as he didn’t steal anything and killing them was the only option in his eyes. It all seemed like a plot for the shinobi team to capture an Uchiha just for their eyes, the real prized possession and he would never hand that over to anyone else. The only thing left was to find his brothers.

WC: 1002

Exit Claims

Mission Reward
- 1,000 Ryo (500 > 1,500)
- 5 AP into Bonus AP (0 > 5)

Stats Claims:
- 10 Stats in Vigor (50 > 60)

Jutsu Claims
- 500 WC Towards Sensory Deprivation [No Handseal]
- 500 WC Towards Cat Eyes [No Handseal]

AP Claims
Strength of a Hundred - [20/600]

Rank Up to D-Rank Vagabond
- Vagabond Headband
- Grifter's Mark
- 100 Bonus AP (5 > 105)

Rank Up Requirements
- Stats & Techs Gained HERE
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Learning The Ropes Empty Re: Learning The Ropes

Mon Apr 01, 2024 11:39 am
Ryuki Uchiha wrote:
WC: 1002

Exit Claims

Mission Reward
- 1,000 Ryo (500 > 1,500)
- 5 AP into Bonus AP (0 > 5)

Stats Claims:
- 10 Stats in Vigor (50 > 60)

Jutsu Claims
- 500 WC Towards Sensory Deprivation [No Handseal]
- 500 WC Towards Cat Eyes [No Handseal]

AP Claims
Strength of a Hundred - [20/600]

Rank Up to D-Rank Vagabond
- Vagabond Headband
- 100 Bonus AP (5 > 105)

Rank Up Requirements
- Stats & Techs Gained HERE


Footnote: For future reference, when making claims related to Milestone Rewards, these should be made separately on the PC's Stat Page with a link to the thread as evidence of the occurrence.
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