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Yama Kokoro
Yama Kokoro
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Where the men shall gather Empty Where the men shall gather

Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:58 pm
Yama had it in his heart to find his darling Akaime. Once he had arrived in the land of the Moon, his heart hadn't stopped beating so hard. His breath on his neck was enough to send shivers down his spine. The mere thought that he had come back brought him more joy than he ever thought imaginable. When he found him in the village, Yama asked him if he would like to spend the day together. Doing whatever would come to their mind. But to start their day, he wanted to see him in the hot springs. This was really for no other reason than an excuse to possibly see him naked, as that was indeed the best gift of them all.

Yama arrived later in the morning, right at their meeting time. He was excited, so he began pacing in front of the establishment, just waiting for his darling Akaime to show his beautiful face again in the village. He didn't know just what he was going to say, and he didn't know exactly what he was going to do with a whole day to himself with his darling Akaime.

The thoughts would rush through his head, and he could barely contain himself. As he paced, he would look primarily at the ground, leaving him open to his surroundings. He couldn't keep his face from showing the sheer level of excitement that he had in his heart.

While he was in the village, he had used the last of his money to buy Akaime a rather ornate-looking necklace. The chain was bright silver, but the pendant itself was crimson, very similar to blood—something that he knew Akaime reveled in just as much as he did.

WC: 288
Akaime Chinoike
Akaime Chinoike
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Where the men shall gather Empty Re: Where the men shall gather

Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:06 pm
Light silk. Still, faint shadows. A chill. Akaime blinks his eyes and takes a great breath. His tired limbs stir as his consciousness settles back into its body. That's right...He feels all of the silk against his skin—between his and the plush that envelops him beneath his weight. Soft against his face pressed into the pillow. Draped like heavy veils over his fair frame.

His eyes regain focus from the haze of slumber to see the faded and blurred remnants of those same infinite tessellations cast over the walls of the room from the previous night. They are no longer dancing, this time outlined by the faintest atmospheric glimmer of the new day that's managed to peer through all the partitions, far too diffuse to even be given form.

The second morning is easier to wake up in this place. Lying in the same bed, the same room, Akaime’s final unconscious moments had drawn to a close with unease. His mind yields to a dreamless slumber that passes like an instant. He rises within the hour of the sun lighting the horizon the following day. He eases the covers away, letting himself adjust to the room's air before stepping off the bed. Even the wooden floorboards are cold enough to prickle his dainty feet at first contact. He quickly searches for his shoes at the foot of the bed and walks over to inspect his belongings. Everything appears untouched and in order. He is both surprised and relieved that his 'host' has not taken it upon themselves to confiscate anything of his.

But alas, he considers himself grateful.

Garnering his attire and his inventory, he finds it easier to navigate this time through this home, now that there is enough light to give form to his surroundings. With every step, he commits the passageways and the doors that line them to memory. Although he feels adequately rested, his stomach begins to churn indignantly not two steps beyond the doors of his quarters, and he clutches at it as though the effort would silence its aching in the slightest. Akaime had spent most of the previous day confined within the library of Tsukigakure; study, obsessing over its archives. 

To both his astonishment and relief, he had been left alone ever since coming here a few days ago. Well, besides the meeting that he had with the Tsukikage and finding out that Yama was now in this village as well. Though short lived, he did promise the Chinoike they would spend the day together. Something that Akaime was delighted about; so much so he started to feel like he had an academy girl crush. Something he felt that hindered him but also in the same sense, has rewarded him. Thus, Akaime searched the village before his manic study session to look for a gift that is well deserving for Yama.

Yama was such a simple man; well, that is what Akaime felt. However, simplicity has never been Akaime’s forte; therefore, he supposes he had to find a middle ground on whatever present he would present to stud muffin. Thus, he came across something that was simple and yet, extravagant: A Blood Diamond Carbon Fiber Violin Bow. Even though the bow was expensive, its craftsmanship is worth the investment. The carbon fiber bow mimics the sound of regular wooden bows. Even though Senju wood has consistently been the best wood for bow construction, they wear out much faster than carbon fiber bows. Akaime did learn about what sets these bows apart is their top-notch carbon fiber. Traveling violinists love their carbon fiber bows because they are not as susceptible to humidity or weather damage as wooden bows. With that being stated, he figured it was the perfect gift for the man.

He rounds two corners before passing the familiar bathing room and continues down that corridor until he finds a set of doors left partially open to what appears to be the outside - yes, just what he was looking for. Walking out of the anteroom, his presence was graced by the light of the sun. Its beaming rays were warm and delightful as it kissed his skin. Though he couldn’t stand there and bask in its glow for a moment, he had to get moving so that he was not late to meet Yama at the hot springs.

Making his way to his destination, she passed foreign but memorable markings that he was becoming familiar with ranging from the Shinoda Springs: which was exceptionally lively today due to the sounds of metal clashing and the voices of jutsu being initiated, to Bal’s Library: which stood silent but still a prominent figure within the Moon Village’s landscape. Taking a few moments to take in the scenes, he would proceed on his initial trajectory until arriving at the hot springs located in Red Moon Resort.

He takes one step inside and upon entry, he sees Yama. Pacing back and forth as if he had something dire running rampant through his psyche, but with the expression on his face made it seemed he was exuberant. A small but well-defined smile grew upon Akaime’s face as he came fully into the establishment. Slowly approaching the taller individual, his thoughts drifted into a question, ‘when have I ever been this sincere and caring towards someone’. Perhaps a time before the subjugation of Ketsuekigakure. All that trauma had riddled him with trust issues and paranoia. Even after coming into contact with the members of the Kintsugi, he still had the prospect of keeping up his guard. But with Yama, he has seen the blood wielder for who he is and has accepted him fully. Perhaps, that is what he needed all along and that is where these romantic ideas have stemmed from.

“Yama, dear…” Akaime’s velvet filtered off as he placed his palm against the strong man’s arm, slightly nudging him to turn and focus his attention upon the Chinoike. Once he finally turned towards him, Akaime would gracefully place both hands on the sides of Yama’s face, caressing the defined cheekbones with his thumbs. “I’m sorry if I kept you waiting,” he said as he leaned up, shifting his left-hand further back over his ear and placing a gentle kiss upon his cheek before reeling back down to being flat footed.

Moving his hands, he retracted his left one to his side while his right, specifically index finger, found its place on Yama’s lips. “Before you say anything,” he said with a seductive laugh, knowing Yama was eager to sprout off anything that was coming to his mind. “I figured I would show you my appreciation with something materialistic before the act of something…more physical.” He spoke out as he reached up to undo the strap from his shoulder that wielded the case to the newly purchased bow before offering it to Yama. “I hope you like it,” he said as voice faltered into something more genuine and sweeter.

Whatever the reaction and conversation had will be explored in the future, but after that Akaime led himself and Yama into the secluded depths of the hot springs. The geothermally heated water and constant release of steam had shaped the environment around the spring into a smoothed rocky wasteland. The trees were lush with greenery providing some isolation from views, and the continuous flow of water had carved out a small crater in the land and had been conveniently filled with hot water. The hot water would be constantly pumped into the pool from a small crevice on the side of the mountain this spring rested on. The pool however had overflown and given the water some vigorous movement creating a natural Jacuzzi. Whenever the pressure rose in the mound, a jet of steam would be violently spurted out, which would then lightly descend on the pool, increasing the temperature further but still keeping it bearable.

Akaime would take his garments off one by one, neatly folding them and placing them on top of each other, with the small pouch of rose petals resting and a bottle of the most potent sake that Tsukigakure had to offer. He’d then advanced slowly into the crater. He’d test the temperature with his toe first and then put a whole leg in, with his body flowing suit. He had experienced other hot springs before but this one, it allowed him to completely free his mind, but – yet again – he found this time it was different. He was restless. His mind kept thinking, even while his body was massaged by the gently flowing water.

Steam burst out from the opening in the mountain and descended on the pool, giving the temperature a momentary boost. Missing the signs around him, the young Chinoike would rest his head back on the rocks that lined the edge of the pool; giving it more of an aesthetic feel and making it even harder to believe that this place was created by nature. As his thoughts raced, he lifted his head back up to find wherever Yama had settled into. Shifting his body, he began to wade over to the man. “Are you finding the hot springs to your liking,” he said as he flowed into a seating position, allowing their thighs to touch. “I find this one, particularly, quite magical. Maybe it has something to do with the lunar-kissed stones, but it feels much more rejuvenative.” He said as shifted his head so it could be laying upon the broad shoulders of the Kokoro. 

As moments passed between them, whether seconds of minutes. Akaime would move from his position to mere meters in front of Yama so they could make direct eye contact. “You know what is interesting. I can hold my breath underwater for such an extended amount of time, it's almost like I can breathe underwater. Wanna see?” Akaime said as his body began to submerge completely under the water; however, his gaze and cryptic smile never faltered because the experiences at hand shall be newly found.

WC: 1,673
Yama Kokoro
Yama Kokoro
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Ryo : 500

Where the men shall gather Empty Re: Where the men shall gather

Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:38 pm
He paced there for what felt like hours, even if only moments had passed by when he would hear the door open to the hot springs and the proprietor beginning to greet someone as they walked in. He was far too busy with his nerves to even think that it could have been his darling Akaime. Pacing would continue until he felt a gentle brush of a hand go against his arm. His senses began to become erratic at the feeling of such a familiar skin, it was his darling Akaime he knew it. His voice rang through the walls that surrounded them both, enrapturing him in a heavenly embrace that would be fit for only an angel, or more appropriate, a devil to hold in such perfect lungs.

Yama turned around abruptly, desperate to see such perfection in the flesh, when he felt his two glorious hands caress his own face, feeling his thumbs gently brushing against his cheekbones. His heart would flutter, his lungs would heave to the best of their ability, only to be met with resistance from the rest of the body desperately trying to panic. But he gazed into his stunning crimson eyes and immediately Yama wanted to start speaking.

His darling Akaime had considered this, placing his dainty finger upon his lips, quieting him immediately. Akaime would present a beautifully ornate case, being rather slim, but also rather long. Yama hadn't received a gift from someone since time memorable, so he was unsure of just what to do in this situation. He stuttered for a moment, attempting to look away from Akaime's calm and kind look, but failing as he was far too stunned to see such a kindness being given to himself. He reached out with a shakey hand as he intercepted the package.

While opening the case, his eyes would light up with glee as he saw what was inside. It was a carbon fiber violin bow, exactly what Yama had wanted for so long but could never bring himself the ability to get himself. The nervous feeling that filled his lungs, the terror that filled his heart seemingly melted away in this moment. It was all replaced by two things, first was excitement. He hadn't been given a gift in such a long time, let alone such a thoughtful one. The second was a primal desire to 'have' this man, to enact the very dreams that he had of him since the moment they had met.

He wrapped his massive arms around Akaime and he would lift him off the ground. With the large, but gentle embrace, he would hold him in his arms for a few moments. He breathed in his essence, the very scent that came off of the man was enough to cause Yama's knees to weaken and his core to tighten. Upon setting him down back to the floor. Yama's face was permanently affixed with a grin, as if nothing could bring his cheeks back down to a neutral position. He grabbed Akaime's hand and walked with him to the hot springs, without a word he imagined what this man would look like naked, and he couldn't bring himself to think of anything else in this moment.

They arrived at a rather secluded area in the springs, surrounded by beautiful rocks and they had both become submerged into the water. Yama watched the man undress, in awe to another degree with every article of clothing that was removed. Many thoughts would run through his mind, but none of them were something he would dare speak to another individual in public.

Akaime lowered himself into the waters, at first he was slow to enter, but then the rest of his body followed rather quickly. Yama didn't take his time when it came to his own ritual to get into the water. He simply pulled off his pants, and when he went to throw them to the side, he saw Akaime neatly fold them and place them down, he realized that that was likely the right way to do things. So he would follow in suit and place the pants to the side, somewhat folded, but mostly crumpled up into a heap.

When they were in the water together, he tried to play it somewhat cool and didn't immediately go next to Akaime, despite him desperately wanting to. Instead he was to the side a little ways, still easily within speaking distance. He was trying to play coy, he wasn't stupid after all, nothing would be better than to see the most beautiful man in the entire village completely naked. But it wasn't long before Akaime would move his way over to Yama, and it was shortly after his heart would begin to race once more.

Akaime asked how he was liking the Hot Springs, and immediately his mind went to try and answer, "I am liking them quite well. I have honestly never been to one, which I find strange. But the fact that my first time at a hot springs is with the god of beauty himself seems to be quite the blessing to me." Yama spoke as he felt his shoulder become weighed down with the beautiful head of Akaime. Sweat would begin to form on his forehead, not just from the steam of the water, but from the sheer desire that he held within his heart for this man beside him.

Akaime spoke on how he liked the hot springs, which Yama would nod his head and agree. "I do find them to be quite magical as well. The water seems to be of the perfect temperature, almost unbelievable this is a natural phenomena." He would lean in against Akaime's weight, before he lifted his right arm and went to wrap it around Akaime before he waded a little ways in front of him. The crimson-eyes god would speak of his ability to hold his breath underwater. Yama would smile as Akaime asked if he wanted to see. "That is quite the interesting ability. Yes! Let's see it!"

Yama watched as the man began to sink slowly into the water, the damned smile of his never waning. Yama never knew just what that man was thinking, and it drove him crazy. He did try to keep himself, especially some appendages from getting too excited, even though he was completely failing at the job. He was just thankful that the water between them wasn't perfectly clear, lest he be exposed to this beautiful man before him. He watched and counted the seconds in his head, actually curious how long he could hold his breath underwater.

WC: 1109
Akaime Chinoike
Akaime Chinoike
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 77500

Where the men shall gather Empty Re: Where the men shall gather

Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:36 pm
A shifting silhouette. The cascading aqua extends ripples into the outermost borders. The sweet aroma of cherry blossom petals. The unexplained but all too familiar sensation of utter bliss. However, those perceptions were just things lingering above the crystalline waters. In the depths, it would tell a different story as it was much more venereal. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into the peak of a heightened experience. Looming out of the water, a figure rose that broke the weighted tension the water provided.

Blond hair as bright as the first light of the breaking dawn protruded first; soon followed by skin so fair it could resemble an apparition. Bright scarlet markings could be seen running across his body. They ran up the sides of his well-defined and unblemished body. As for lower, the water would make it unseen but one could tell that they extended past the waistline. Shifting arms rose out of the water as they extended upwards. Droplets could be seen descending from his elbows back to their home as his hands raised up, wiping away the water and slicking his hair back out of his face.

“Ahh, you see. Impressive, wasn’t it?” He spoke with a sense of seductiveness as his eyes completely focused upon Yama. “Oh, and the holding the breath part too,” he said as started slowly walking towards the violinist. A sly smirk crossed his lips as waded through the waters until he was standing a few inches before the man’s legs as they sat against the naturally sculpted rock. “So, how about a drink?” Akaime asked as leaned forward, placing one leg on the ledge that was submerged underneath and his right hand on Yama’s shoulder for support. Leaning over, their chests were centimeters from touching as he reached for the bottle that was next to his clothes. It was a lingering moment, but Akaime softly breathed a breath of hot air from his mouth onto the Kokoro’s ear as he clasped the bottle into his hand.

Retracting back, he slowly sank himself down into the waters and nestled upon Yama’s thigh. “I hope you don’t mind. I only brought the bottle; not any glasses for it. Classless of me, I know. But I’m sure we can make do.” He chuckled ever so slightly as he shifted the bottle from one hand to the other, while his newly free hand snaked its way across the taller male's shoulder to hold on for support. Using his index and thumb, he twisted the corkscrew from its place and flicked it on the edge of the spring.

“I’m sorry if you don’t like genshu, but it is my favorite. Although I prefer it chilled, this should suffice.” He chuckled as he brought the bottle to his lips before he imbibed. The warming sensation slowly trickled down into his abdomen as if it were setting a small piece of kindling aflame. “So, question. What do you think of this village, thus far. Personally, I have been growing quite fond of it. It’s seemingly ethereal. Plus, it has another Chinoike running the place; so, it is obviously in great hands.” He said as he let his legs float amongst the water in front of him.

Akaime has never thought about settling down before; always on the run, always on the move, never staying in one place for too long. Though, he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss his sanctuary in the Wicked Grove. But…this place feels oddly like what a home feel like. Perhaps it is the surroundings; maybe, it was relative leading this place. Whatever it was, he didn’t know if he wanted to leave. Even if Kakushin wanted to. Maybe this is the place he was always meant to be that is why Jashin led him to meet Kakushin, and presumably Yama.

However, Akaime considers his promise made to his love, that he would never leave his side. There are such extraordinary feats he alone has performed. Miracles he has made happen by his own will and power. But this—he has never been met with a trial so worthy of his labor. Never known an aspiration, a longing such as this. A thing that he can’t articulate even to himself in his own amalgam of words and images. So, if Yama were to leave, would Akaime leave with him? Perhaps, a question for a different time.

“Here, have a drink.” Akaime said as he offered the bottle to Yama.

WC: 748
TWC: 2,421
Yama Kokoro
Yama Kokoro
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Where the men shall gather Empty Re: Where the men shall gather

Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:17 pm
The seconds turned to minutes, and Yama counted them in excitement. Still, he did find his mind beginning to wander to other aspects of how this skill would be helpful in different realms of their being together. Still, the thoughts would quickly exit his brain as the pale man would rise from within the water, his beautiful blonde hair bursting through the tension of the water in a forceful motion. A line of beautiful markings lined his side, etched into his perfect alabaster skin that caused Yama to pause and marvel at such handiwork.

The water would block his view of his lower half, something Yama was disappointed by. He hadn't seen his lower half when he entered into the hot springs as he feared that he wouldn't be able to hand such a sight just yet, not to mention it added to the excitement and thrill of everything to him. Akaime would speak in such a way that it caused Yama to truly be at a loss for words with a mixture of both excitement and desire. Closer the man would approach asking if Yama would want a drink. Yama would nod and speak with a bit more confidence within him. 

"I think everything about you is truly impressive, but yes the breath holding was in fact one of them. I would love a drink." Akaime would raise one of his legs above the water, and place it against the rock, his hip bones were visible, but before he could even reactively look down to see if he was exposed, his body came across Yama broad chest. They were so close together, close enough that Yama would hold his breath, unsure of just how he should react in this situation. He could feel the hot breath funnel into his ear, causing his eyes to close and his shoulders to raise ever so slightly as he gasped for a desperate bit of air. 

The bottle was received and Akaime repositioned himself to where he was resting on his thigh. The positions that this man would choose caused Yama so much struggle. He couldn't bring himself to be too excited, lest he become fully exposed to the man that was now resting his head directly beside a rather particular appendage. Akaime explained that he didn't bring glasses with him, just the bottle of sake and that they would have to make do. Yama would laugh and speak, attempting to sound calm and collected, even if he wasn't. 

"Oh that is just fine. I haven't had a sake in so long. I must warn you, though. When I get drunk, I tend to do and say things that I rather regret. So do excuse me if I don't partake too heavily. Would hate for you to see me in such a way." He was speaking a truth. There hadn't been very many times in his life that he would have gotten drunk with others on purpose. He had a tendency to become handsy, rather forward with his advances. So he decided that alcohol wasn't particularly smart for him to dabble in too much.

The beautiful voice of the man lying on his lap rung true once more. The question on his lips was about the village that they were in. He was asking how he felt about it. He spoke of his own feelings on the place and how he was feeling rather happily about the village as a whole, especially with the leader of the village being a Chinoike, similar to himself. He placed his rather large right hand onto Akaime's perfectly sculpted chest and spoke.

"I believe this village beats the hell out of sleeping on the floor in random places within the wilderness. I've never really been in one place for more than a few days ever since... I was a child honestly. So I have been thinking about possibly staying here for a while. That was my plan when I first came out this way. Then I heard about the tournament, and there was even a man here that I think could make a mentor for me. He is just as strong as me, believe it or not, and he seems to be exceedingly light on his feet. He was in the tournament as well, but he was already a qualifying contender. I have been trying to find him ever since the qualifying matches, but he hasn't been anywhere that I have found within the village." He looked down to Akaime's perfect face, moving his hand up Akaime's chest and to his chin, caressing it lightly before he spoke again. 

"But honestly Akaime, I would go anywhere with you. I would stay here, I would go to the depths of whatever hell there may be if that's what it took. I just want to be with you." The feelings within his heart were strange, he felt calm, but anxious. He felt excited, but terrified. He knew that this man had only been in his life for such a short period of time, but he already felt that without him, he was lost. Akaime was sweet, very sweet, perfect even. But Yama couldn't quite tell if he was just as sweet to everyone else, or if there was truly something special about the affection that he received from him. 

Surely the man couldn't think the same of Yama, not in the way that Yama had felt about Akaime. The very thought of it brought a rush of adrenaline to his chest. But he reminded himself that this man was likely looked upon by so many. The thoughts would be pushed away for a moment, attempting to focus on the man in their present moment and not allow his self-conscious tendencies to ruin the perfectly good moment. He longed for every moment of his day to be surrounded by this man's presence. There was a natural charisma about him that seemed to have already consumed his own psyche, but it was in this swirling of emotions that he had remembered the gift that he had gotten his beloved.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" He reached over to the pants that he had thrown beside the hot springs, and he grabbed the small ornate box out of the crumpled pile. He handed the small black box to him and spoke with nervousness in his throat, "I almost forgot. I got you this, I figured that it would look perfect on you. I mean most things do so it was an easy decision, but still I hope you like it."

He finished speaking and let go of the box in Akaime's hand, trading him for the bottle as he offered him a drink. When Akaime would open it, he would see a beautiful necklace with a shining silver chain, and a crimson red pendant hanging in the center. The gem was carved and cut ever so perfectly to resemble an octagan. It was clear, with small imperfections within the center, looking like small pockets of blood within the pendant itself. Yama waited with bated breath as he prayed that he would like the gift that he had given him. He did decide to take the edge off by taking a rather large swig from the bottle that had been handed to him.

WC: 1219
Yama Kokoro
Yama Kokoro
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Ryo : 500

Where the men shall gather Empty Re: Where the men shall gather

Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:06 pm
Mid thread Claims:
+2616 towards mastering Crashing Thunder Charge (2720/3750) (Previous Progress)
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
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Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Where the men shall gather Empty Re: Where the men shall gather

Fri Mar 29, 2024 4:07 am
Yama Kokoro wrote:Mid thread Claims:
+2616 towards mastering Crashing Thunder Charge (2720/3750) (Previous Progress)

Akaime Chinoike
Akaime Chinoike
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Ryo : 77500

Where the men shall gather Empty Re: Where the men shall gather

Thu Apr 04, 2024 5:04 pm
The topic of love has been circulating around the deepest parts of his spectator unconsciousness for the last couple days. The feeling and the motion that has completely caught the Chinoike off guard. For the longest time, he didn’t believe it to be real. Yes, he knew the paternal and maternal love that experienced from his parents when they were still alive; but the love that someone could have that pushed past the boundaries of platonic and friendship, was something unknown and foreign to him. All in all, although he enjoys spending this time with Yama. Getting to experience this part of a life that has been offered to him.

Turning his focus upon the man he was sitting on, he watched him fidget ever so slightly as he tried to keep his composure. Akaime couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle as he began to speak about not wanting to delve too much in the drink as he makes regrettable choices. The Chinoike understands where he is coming from, but Akaime tends to be selfish at times as he wants to see Yama in his raw and unfiltered stage, seeing what the mountain man had to offer.

“Oh, Yama. Are you nervous because you think you will hurt me,” Akaime let out a seductive laugh before raising up and bringing his mouth mere centimeters away from Yama’s ear. “Don’t be cautious with me, I can take it,” he whispered in Yama’s ear before softly nibbling on his earlobe. Pulling away after a few short seconds, he secured his spot once again on Yama’s thigh. “So, yeah, nothing to worry about with me,” Akaime shot a seductive smile towards his lover before taking another drink from the Sake.

Bringing the bottle down, he felt the large warm hand be placed upon his chest. Akaime could feel his heart begin to rapidly speed up and his cheeks flushed in a tinted shade of feverish pink. A fire was lit in his abdomen as Yama began to speak. Akaime’s feelings were flaming at this moment. He talked about his tournament and his introduction with a newfound friend. Yama expressed that this certain individual is as strong as him. A mild chuckle found its way out of Akaime’s throat at that thought, ‘it's adorable that he thinks he is someone with supreme strength. I suppose I can encourage that idea for a while.’

Akaime was so distracted by his own amusement and thoughts, he didn’t feel the large hand that snaked its way up to caress his chin ever so gently. Focusing into Yama’s eyes as he spoke with such serenity about how he would traverse any realm to be with the blood manipulator. Akaime felt his heart skip a beat at those words. Would Yama really do that or was he just saying what Akaime has only dreamt of someone expressing those sentiments. Whatever the case may be, the Chinoike didn’t hear any faltering sound in his tone; Akaime believed the words he was saying, and thus, that reassuring feeling was felt again. Those emotions that he thought were dead and dormant have only been reignited by the presence of this man.

“Yama, you don’t know the things you do to me. With you, I feel like I can see life as what it truly is. Sentimental and precious; just how I see you. Long have I walked this earth bound by the chains of trauma of the past and the whisperings of utter revenge. It has been dark for so long, but you have brought the light back into me. Something I can never repay you for except by staying by you until the end of time. You are the only one I want, and the only one I have ever wanted. I…I,” Akaime’s face flushed a bright scarlet shade as announced how he feels the man, “I want to start to live again. I want a home to come to; that I share with the one I care about most. I don’t want to live in the wilderness anymore. I want something, somewhere where I can protect. Somewhere I can experience having an actual family is like…I suppose what I’m trying to say is that would you want that with me?” Akaime looked down, too embarrassed to look Yama in the eye. Every word he spoke to was true, he wanted to experience all that life had to offer. He has already dealt with every worst thing possible but wants all the blessings that come with it. But, with whatever Yama would say, Akaime would move on as if he didn’t just pour his heart out.

“But someone as strong as you!?” Akaime exclaimed as he raised his backhand to his forehead to give his performance a solid gesture. “That can’t be possible, can it!?” He sorrowfully expressed as he retreated back to his normal position, “but nonetheless, if you're looking for this man to mentor you, perhaps with a fresh pair of his could help you in tracking this certain individual? Did you ever get their name?” Akaime questioned before taking another drink of the burning liquid. The answers that were soon answered, the conversation picked up into something more sentimental again.

Yama shifted from his position to retrieve something from his heap of clothes, a decorated box. Yama would go on to explain that he has gotten a gift for him. Sitting the sake on the edge of the rock, he was handed the box. Akaime blushed once again as he proceeded to open it to view the contents inside. It was a beautiful and most extravagant silver necklace that was adorned with a red octagonal-shaped jewel at the center of it. Imperfections could be noted within the accessory that give the impression that droplets of blood were made into its very idol.

“Yama, thank you. No one has ever given me a gift, well, in a long time. I love it,” Akaime expressed his sentiments as he leaned forward to place a kiss upon the larger man’s lips. A soft and gentle gesture lingered for a moment until Akaime retracted from his sweet embrace. “Help me put it on?” Akaime said he took out the necklace from the decorated box and handed it to Yama before placing the box on the rock. Turning his back towards Yama, he offered his neck to the man waiting for him to place the gift around him. Once that would conclude, he turned his focus back onto the man.

“You’re the greatest person I have ever met, thank you again.” Akaime spoke as his hand placed itself upon the pendent while still looking at Yama. If he said his feelings for this man were alight, that would be an understatement now. “Yama, I want you. I want all of you.” Akaime's voice spoke out with a full force of seduction now. A shifting body positioned itself on the one that is sitting. A new experience, new feelings, and a new love is beginning to be forged with one another. As this new avenue is explored, the lights would dim into this most intimate moment.

WC: 1,194
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Yama Kokoro
Yama Kokoro
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Where the men shall gather Empty Re: Where the men shall gather

Tue Apr 09, 2024 2:41 pm
What was this feeling that he felt within his chest? It felt as though his heart was burning the framing within his chest. It wasn't lust as that didn't seem to last as long as this, not to mention this feeling had caused him to run away from the man at first, shameful in his waning strength against him within his dimension. It was more than a platonic feeling of love that one would feel towards even a good friend. Love? That word hadn't encroached within his mind since there was still a heart that genuinely felt for others.

Every day, he brought a new set of challenges. Just the idea of living through yet another rotation of the world was seemingly impossible for the mountain of a man to desire truly. He had given up on life in so many ways. The idea of loving another individual was easily within that lineup of failures that had aligned with the heart that now beat so strongly for this man. He knew that he felt something for him. He knew that whatever this feeling brewed within his body and mind was more substantial than anything he had felt. But even then, he couldn't quite pin the feeling down.

His heart wrestled with the idea of loving this man. Would he genuinely love him back? Would this god of a man grow bored of Yama? Toss him aside like a horse that outgrew his usefulness? So many concerns fired within his chest and filled his mind with worry and doubt. But even then, even with this concern, his actions stayed the same. He rested his hand on the man's chest, feeling Akaime's heart beat harder and faster, triggering a smile on Yama's face.

Akaime told Yama not to worry about hurting him. Which, of course, he wouldn't worry about. Akaime was far more potent than Yama was, at least in the feats of battle. He didn't need to be taught that such a difference in power existed, for it was so apparent in how the man carried himself. Yama was simply a minnow in his ocean, but there was something comforting about that. For years, Yama spent his days wishing he could breathe, not worrying about what was waiting over his shoulder, not pining for a time when he could feel safe. But this feeling was something that felt possible with Akaime around him.

The power gap was welcome as Akaime's power within his body felt enveloping him. He felt this from the first time they had interacted, that short time ago within the caravan in the land of Key. Yama had never felt so small, but even in that insignificance, there was that very feeling that Yama had been pining for so long. He didn't think that he had to look over his shoulder. He didn't feel that he needed to fight for his life any longer.

The only thing that he felt within his body was a feeling of calm. Maybe this was why the mountain felt so strongly for the Chinoike; he felt safe for the first time in Yama's life. But the following words that were uttered from Akaime's perfect lips were the words that would break Yama down entirely, and he didn't even know that it was coming.

His words were unbelievable, and the feeling in Yama's chest was indescribable. A relationship was brewing within the secluded area of the hot springs, and Yama couldn't even believe that he was actually on this planet. Suddenly, he felt his body, ensuring that he was actually awake or even alive. Tears would form in Yama's eyes, and he would mention that he had done something so helpful toward what he believed to be his true love. There that word was again. Was this the one thing he was waiting for? Was Yama waiting for validation from this absolute god to deem him worthy of something as vital as affection, let alone the idea that he would have been the one to bring his light back within him?

Yama could barely contain himself but couldn't bring himself to speak. He let Akaime continue as Yama attempted to include what was left of his composure. This composure would be destroyed by what was said next. The tears that once formed now freely fell to his chest from his face. The mere thought of having a life worth living seemed impossible before he met Akaime, but now he was hearing the words that Yama felt were only said in his dreams, aloud from a man he couldn't believe was touching his body.

Yama thought momentarily when Akaime asked if Yama would want that with him. His soul was filled with what he believed had died so long ago. But now, there was love within his heart for the first time in ages. A wild love that could burn even the hottest of suns and decimate the coldest winters with a single beat of his heart. He couldn't contain himself, nor did he let the man continue speaking about the man he had met. Yama wrapped his large arms around Akaime's body, and he pulled him closer to his body, embracing the man in what he felt was not just a loving embrace but an embrace filled with desperation. A love so raw that it felt nearly dangerous.

"Akaime." He began with his face buried deep into Akaime's neck. "I couldn't imagine a single day without you. Since we have met, you have been the only thing on my mind. You make me forget about everything that has happened to me. You make me want to become someone better than I am. I want nothing more than to live with you, day in and day out. To experience a family with you seems like the grandest of adventures and the most joyous thing I could ever dream of." He paused momentarily, letting the tears fall into the hot spring below.

"I know I'm not as strong as you—not yet. But I vow that I shall grow strong enough to help you protect this land or whatever land you want me to protect. I will do everything I can to make you feel protected. But in the meantime, I will show you that you are loved, cared for, and cherished. I will give you everything I have and whatever else I can muster. I will become worthy of your admiration if you just give me time. Thank you for your sweet words. I promise that every feeling you have is reciprocated, I will do everything in my power to show you what you truly mean to me."

He picked his face up and he allowed his love to breathe without Yama's neck hindering the process. He grabbed the box and handed it him. Akaime would ask for Yama to help him put it on, which he would do happily. He opened the clasp and disconnected the chain, his hands shaking with excitement and joy. Then he wrapped the chain around his love's neck and clasped it into position. When Akaime turned back to him, he noticed that it looked absolutely perfect on him.

His admiring eyes looked into the crimson shade of the Chinoike's as Akaime spoke sweet words to him, saying that he was the greatest person that he had ever met. Yama couldn't breathe for a moment when their eyes locked, his passion growing to new heights with every passing moment. "Akaime you are not a person, you are above the rest of us. I thank you for even acknowledging my presence."

There seemed to be something within Akaime's eyes, something primal when he spoke his next words. To say that Yama had been caught off-guard would be putting it lightly. Honestly to say that he was completely taken with his words would also be putting it lightly. "Akaime, I want nothing more than to give you all of me. But I want all of you in return. Every single piece of you." His breath was barely noticeable as it was so shallow, his eyes were filled with desire, his heart was full of excitement. He went from feeling completely alone in this world only a few months ago, to now he felt like he didn't just have a companion. But he had a god wanting to be with him. There were no words to describe the level of joy that was within Yama, there was no metric to measure what he felt. It was a feeling that transcended simple words, and now the time had come for his infatuation, his complete adoration of the man before him, to be realized in a passionate event that they would share.

He placed his hands on both sides of Akaime's perfectly sculpted face, then while leaning in he brought Akaime's lips to his own. Interlocking them passionately, hoping that this first step, would lead to something that would last for the rest of both of their lives.

WC: 1504
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Akaime Chinoike
Akaime Chinoike
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Where the men shall gather Empty Re: Where the men shall gather

Sun Apr 14, 2024 5:42 am
Song If You Want to Listen to While You Read:

Reckless abandonment. A whirlpool of pheromones and ecstasy. Shifting bodies pushing forward into the depths of utmost pleasure. The strings of fate begin to intertwine like a puzzle coming together between the two silhouettes as they close the gap, the distance, and explore this new phenomenon. The peak rides high as shaky breaths fill the empty void of the sound of swirling waters. Within a moment of pure bliss, the vigorous tension is shattered as a sigh of relief escapes into the atmosphere. With fever-kissed skin radiating that deep glow, Akaime soon found himself lying on his back still having flashbacks to all that had just happened.

Akaime felt like he was falling into the depths of a wonderland. So much so, he doesn’t know if he can crawl back to the surface; or even if he wanted to. Everything seemed to start to slowly fit together in this little rabbit hole of the world. Illuminating madness in all its serenity seems to flourish in the ever glow of the Moon Country. But is that all this was? A slow, succumbing nature into insanity. But that couldn’t be right, could it? There was no toxicity; just the unfathomable connection like when the breaking dawn's first light kisses the crimson sky. Shifting enigmas constructed such an enchanting portrait that in all the wonders of the world could not come close to the obelisk of their desires, their hearts, and their souls.

Akaime shifted and slowly found himself wherever Yama would be. Sitting on the edge of the heated pool of water, he would trace his fingers along the edges of the man's chin. Yama was a simple man in mind, but everything else about him is the epitome of what all the men, before and after, strive to be. Kind, passionate, strong, supportive, and protective were all the things Akaime could say about him. In fact, he could go on and on about what personal details he has found fascinating about Yama, but still the word ‘simple’ kept coming to his mind. It has lingered in his mind for a moment now, and Akaime has a feeling that is what he needs in this life. The facts about the Chinoike’s life were anything but pleasant. It was filled with bloodshed, despair, harrowing acts, and darkness. All Akaime could see through the darkness was blood that seemed to shimmer everywhere he looked. But when Yama appeared, it was almost as if he started to paint mystifying splotches of colors on the canvas of his dark, ruined soul.

He brought life back into his heart and decorated his life.

“Yama, my dear. I know that this has been a surreal moment between us, but I can see the slight hesitations in your eyes. Are you nervous that you might get tired of you, and leave you behind?” Akaime paused as a sorrowful smile presented itself upon his mouth while he took Yama’s hand into his lap to begin tracing the lines on his palm. Brushing over all the imperfections and calluses, he continued, “I wish you would not think like that. But I presume that you cannot help that, I understand it. However, you must know that I truly care about you. More so that I most likely care more about you then you care about me.” He spoke in such a solemn tone that you could almost hear the faintest sound of a heart string being pushed to its breaking point. The Ketsuryugan wielder's facial expression slowly faded into something that exuded grimace. “You talk as if I’m this powerful deity, but in reality, I am not. I journeyed down a shadowy path and you saved me from it, you saved my life,” he said quietly as his voice faltered and cracked from the emotion weighing down on his vocal cords.

A single tear sorrowfully escaped his eyes as he continued to look at his lover's palm. How long has it been since he has let a tear fall? Ten years or more it seems. During that time, he was just a fractured vestige of what he used to be, but now with all these emotions swirling back into him. He could not help but let it out. “I can’t lose another person…I can’t lose you. Promise me, you will not put your life on the line for my sake. I don’t think I can handle it if something were to happen to you; so, will you promise me that? Please.” Akaime said as he rose his head up to look into Yama’s eyes all the while his own had rivers cascading down his cheeks with an ever so present broken smile sat perfectly on his face.

There would have been a time when Akaime would have laughed at himself for sounding so desperate, but that is what it is. He was desperate. Desperate of someone to show him unconditional love. Someone that he could stand beside. Someone that he could consider his equal. Now that he has found that person; his heart aches for them not to abandon his distressed being with the cold calling of death. Especially, if he were the reason behind it. Akaime knows the life they live there's a chance that they will not see their elder years. But still he pleaded with all his heart even though he knew that Yama was stubborn and would do anything to protect him, even if that meant his own life was the cost. But for Akaime, he had the slightest hope that Yama would listen to him.

Moments passed with the sands of time; whatever Yama’s answer and reasoning was, Akaime slowly stood from his position. “Well, enough with that. I’m starting to get hungry from that workout you put me through; how about we go get lunch at this eatery I saw on the way here. It smelled delicious from the outside and now I’ve been wanting to try it.” Akaime chuckled as he motioned his body over to where his towel was folded up and began drying himself off. Making sure he got every part of his moisturized body dried, he started unfolding his clothes and sliding them on.

Once his attire was completely on, he waited for Yama to dress his person and gather his belongings. “So, the Tsukikage is a relative of mine and has offered me houses within the Kage Tower. I was wondering if you would want to stay with me for the time being. It would be nice, don’t you think?” Akaime said as his voice finally returned to normal but with a hint of affection overlapping his sound. He hoped that the man would say yes because Akaime wanted to experience what it was like sharing a place with the person you love…love? His thoughts began to race with turbulence. Love, was that what he has been feeling all this time? How did he not see all this time when it was right in front of his face. Even when the topic has been on his mind recently, he didn’t believe that he could feel it so soon, but yet he has. Especially when he first laid eyes on the man and threatened to kill him. ‘It was love at first sight, wasn’t it?’ He thought to himself as he finally began to make sense of it all.

‘Yes, I do, in fact, love this man.’ Akaime spoke in his mind as the realization hit him full force. Love was such a fragile yet rewarding thing. He could only hope that Yama feels the same way about him. Akaime’s chest and throat aches just to scream ‘I love you’ to the man, but he knew that saying such things too early could lead to disappointing reactions. Thus, for the time being, he will keep it locked up inside his mind. “Alright, shall we get going.” Akaime said with a smile before turning towards the exit-way and proceeded in that direction.

Exiting the hot springs, Akaime interlaced his fingers within Yama’s. A pure display of affection was something that he always wanted to present to the world, but also something he never thought he would get. “So, what are we?” Akaime blurted out as his cheeks tinted red as his sudden question. “I mean, we expressed our feelings to one another; so, are we still just friends or are we something more?” He asked and waited patiently for an answer. 

To give the conversation some leeway, he would lead them through some mildly filled pathways that wind through the nearby park which was lined with neatly manicured trees and shrubs. Paper lanterns, swaying lightly in the breeze, already lit, casted a warm and inviting glow along the walkways. The occasional bench, strategically placed to provide a perfect view of the area, waits patiently for visitors who are currently absent. The park's decorative elements, from playful sculptures to themed lamp posts, add a touch of whimsy to the surroundings. Bright signs, normally guiding visitors, now create a vibrant but simple tapestry of colors against the greenery.

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