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Kitsunagi Kurosawa
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A strange party emerges Empty A strange party emerges

Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:54 pm
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Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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A strange party emerges Empty Re: A strange party emerges

Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:13 pm
What a weird and fickle thing, reality. Just the mere idea of creation is odd to him. The thoughts of a god floating in the sky isn't so far when a simpleton like Ren could do something as awe inspiring as create life itself with his own chakra. If someone as dim-witted as Ren could do it, imagine what someone with actual power could produce. The thoughts would constantly run through his mind as to why he was here. What purpose did he have? Was it to kill others? Was he given life so he could simply take life from the others that wandered through the world?

He pushed the thoughts to the side for the moment, he was busy doing something else. He was given another job by that damned creator of his Ren. He heard his voice early in the morning, another damned job. It was always something with him. Every day he seemed to have more work for him to do, and for what? This bastardized village that everyone was so keen on? There wasn't much good about it. A bunch of decentralized nobodies that seem to want to rub all of their remaining brain cells together to make an eye sore.

He didn't understand the appeal of this wretched village, or the people that were inside of it. Was their purpose to simply annoy him? Including that damned Jun. He had been tasked with being her bodyguard on several occasions. She probably bothered him the least out of the bunch. All of the rest had a stick launched so far up their own asses that they simply pushed the same agenda. Everything about the village and the village was everything to them. How boring. There was a mysterious stranger living inside the basement of Junko's house that he wasn't even allowed to know anything about, which he found odd.

If there was a reason for him to hide in the basement, then maybe he was not to be trusted, damn fools. Junko seemed to be protective over him. Ren didn't seem to mind that he was there, but it never set right with Kitsu. He would be wandering through the forest, taking his sweet time to report to Junko's house to meet with most likely Ren and Jun. He had walked with her through the village when they had met that rather odd fellow at the bath house, and ever since then she had been a constant annoyance in his mind, never seeming to leave, unfortunately.

But this time Ren said he wanted to see him personally. Fucking hell. He had to clean himself up because every time he left himself covered in blood, Ren always threw a fit. There was a lot of things he didn't like in the world, but dealing with a disappointed Ren was among the worst of it all. He arrived at Junko's home, clean as a whistle, but also lacking himself a top. The only thing that he had on was his white fox fur that he had over his shoulders, revealing his bare upper body, where some tattoos and markings could be found, as well as the seals put there by Sakoshi.

He would see that Jun was standing there, seeming to wait for him. He would walk up to her, and he would offer her a halfway sincere bow, coming to his feet he would flash her a quick smile, much like a fox to a rabbit, then he would offer his arm once more for her to take so he could guide her to their destination.

Should she accept it, then he would place his left hand on her arm, going across his chest, holding his bow in place. "So..." He would begin. "Where are we going?" He wouldn't look at her in the eye, as he rarely would ever give anyone eye contact, except for when he felt the need to assert dominance. He would instead look straight ahead, curious as to what was on the agenda today. He had forgotten that Ren was even there, he would simply wave him off as they walked away.

WC: 690
Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
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Ryo : 13700

A strange party emerges Empty Re: A strange party emerges

Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:57 am
Isamu got up early that morning, hoping to finish breakfast before he had to leave and get to the jobs he’d been assigned that day. The middle-aged-looking man had been residing in the house behind the adoption center for some time, the couple who were running the place allowing him to stay with them so long as he helped repair the building from time to time. The arrangement seemed to be mutually beneficial from Isamu’s position, he didn’t mind the labor to much and he enjoyed being away from his creator. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the man or found his company to be terrible, it was just that Isamu felt he needed to provide for himself when possible.

Isamu had offered his sister Hasumi the bedroom he’d been given. Isamu knew that the young-looking girl disliked their creator more than he did, and Isamu had wanted to help her get away from the man if that was what she desired. It turned out Hasumi was resourceful as well, and had managed to endear one of the prominent figures within the country to help her find accommodations. While the two of them now loved in separate areas within the island of Moon they both kept in constant contact. The telepathy ability they had both inherited from their creator had initially been draining for them to use but as they learned the art of manipulating chakra they were finding it easier to perform. Now they used it all of the time, not just went their creator forced open a line of communication so that he could gain information.

As Isamu was eating a light breakfast he prepared for himself he got a message from his sister, asking if Isamu wanted her to tag along and help with the jobs he had that day. Isamu initially wanted to say yes, but quickly changed his mind and told her maybe. The missions they were doing weren’t necessary difficult but there could be an element of danger to them. Though Isamu and Hasumi were actually the same age the middle-aged-looking man couldn’t help but view the younger-looking girl as his younger sister, whom he needed to protect. Hasumi insisted for a brief amount of time, but relented when Isamu informed her that she could tag along if he was unable to form a full team. She was still a bit disappointed, as she believed that Isamu wouldn’t have much trouble with that, but it seemed she realized that she wasn’t going to get her way.

Isamu remained in telepathic contact with his sister as he finished his breakfast and began to collect his things for the day. Isamu had yet to acquire any weapons or armor, so he simply put on his robes and left the house. As he left he chatted with his sister about recent events in their lives. It seemed that there were quite a few interesting people within the country of moon. Hasu had recently met a green haired girl who had popped out of an exploding barrel, and Isamu had met a large and powerful man while working for a blacksmith. The two informed each other about the events and what had transpired, Isamu occasionally chuckling to himself as his sister excitedly told him her story.

Chatting with Hasumi made the walk into town quick, and before Isamu knew it he was looking upon a small collection of buildings. Taking a sigh, Isamu informed his sister that it was time for him to start working and that he’d probably be less talkative for a bit. Hasumi sighed and expressed disappointment that she wasn’t coming along, to which Isamu replied that he had been serious when he told her that she could come along if they needed a fourth member. Isamu smirked as his sister said that she hoped that only 2 people showed up. As much as Isamu didn’t want to see his sister in danger he did enjoy her company, and he felt there was no one else in this world he could rely on more. Perhaps that would change as he and his sister met new people and gained new friendships, but for now the two of them viewed each other as the only reliable people in the world.

Isamu sent one last message to his sister, informing her of his location. As he made his way through the streets his sister sent him one last message in return, she would be traveling to the village herself. If Isamu ended up not needing her help she would hang out in the tiny settlement and try and meet some new people, and once Isamu was done she’d meet up with him and they’d hang out until the evening drew late. Another smile found its way on Isamu’s face at that. While he didn’t feel much gratitude towards his creator he did appreciate that he had someone to relate to, that he wasn’t completely alone as he tried to find his way in this world.

Leaving the mental conversation behind and focusing on the world around him, Isamu quickly found the white haired man he had been sent on missions with before. He didn’t seem as likeable as the other fellow he’d been traveling with, but Isamu wasn’t concerned if the man was sociable at all. The artificial man remembered that the white haired fellow was effective, if a bit aggressive. During one of their last missions their target had been quite maimed.

If Jun was next to the man than Isamu would notice her too, mentally remarking that the color of her hair was quite unique. He’d wonder if she was the green haired woman that Hasumi had told him about, it would make sense seeing as Hasu had met the woman at the same time as Junko.

Making his way over to the white haired man and his possible companion, Isamu would give a wave and introduce himself. “Are we working together again? My names Isamu by the way, can’t remember if I mentioned it the last time we worked together.”

-20 Ap for Telepathy

Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

A strange party emerges Empty Re: A strange party emerges

Mon Mar 18, 2024 11:45 pm
Recently Junko had been assigning more missions to Jun in hopes that it would “clean up her act.” Instead of doing that, however, Jun was slowly becoming sleep-deprived and exhausted from her nightly endeavors at or around Daiki’s bar. She recently had fallen into a few bad habits with a young man named Kut, a frequent customer at the bar, and hasn’t been doing the things that Junko had asked of her. Though the day prior Junko had managed to convince Jun that she desperately needed assistance, and even offered to send Kitsu along with her. She would think on this for a bit but would eventually agree only because she had been warming up a bit to Kitsu.

He had his strange ways and odd mannerisms, but who didn’t? What do their creators expect to happen when you bring a new consciousness into the world? She felt a bit of a kinship with him since both Kitsu and herself were seen as the “rebellious” ones by their respective creators. Though the two were vastly different in personality, their mindset was a bit similar. Though she was a bit more relaxed when it came to “hunting” as he called it, she had her ways of indulging in her rebellious side.

Jun, the night before the mission date, was spending her time as she usually did at Daiki’s bar. She had grown quite close to Kutari and often lamented to him about her terribly boring days. Like usual she would tell him that her darling sister was sending her off on some borning mission, to run security detail for some important merchant. As she sat on his lap with one arm wrapped around his shoulders, and the other hand would be fondling some jewelry he wore around his neck. She would explain that she was worried about going even near the ruins since she’d heard some rather horrific stories about the encounters Junko had there. Jun then would tell him that Kitsu would be joining, which sort of put her mind at ease, but if it came down to a large fight she was concerned she’d be easily overwhelmed. She’d give him a sweet peck on the cheek before sheepishly asking if he’d be willing to join them in their mission the next morning. If he agreed, she’d request that he meet with the rest of the group just outside the nearest settlement.

The morning of the mission would come and as expected Jun would be late for her briefing with Junko. She awoke to the blankets being pulled off of her, the shades being pulled open, and a nearly sickeningly sweet demeanor from her creator. Jun could feel her head throbbing from the night before as she pulled the blanket over her face and grumbled slightly. However, Junko would persist, even going as far as using one of her medical jutsu on Jun to remove the hangover from her body. Though Jun was thankful for this, she still wasn’t excited about having to spend the rest of her day out in the hot sun.

Once up and out of bed Jun would usher Junko out of the room while telling her that she would meet her downstairs. After she was able to remove Junko from her room, she would begin getting dressed but would ensure to take her time. Soon she would finish her morning preparations and she’d make her way downstairs to find Junko and Ren both waiting on her. Junko would offer her a recently baked muffin as the two of them began to inform Jun about her missions for the day. It was quite hard for her to concentrate as she was really enjoying the taste of the muffin. Eventually, she would focus on the task at hand as it was actually somewhat important. She couldn’t believe Junko was tasking her with taking the lead in such an important mission and wondered why this wasn’t given to Kiko and Ren to deal with. However, it wasn’t her position to question her creator, so she would just accept the job for now.

Junko would excuse herself after giving Jun the briefing, and after exchanging a hug and a kiss on the cheek with her “sister” Junko would return to her room once more. Now left alone with her muffin and Ren, Jun would feel a bit awkward. She wasn’t very good at keeping secrets, but she knew of a big one that had been hidden from Ren for a little while now. Though she didn’t know the intricate details of the memory alteration plan, she at least knew that Ren was once obsessed with Junko. However now, like a light switch, he had instead become infatuated with Kiko. She was unsure of what happened but decided not to question the poor man on the matter.

Thankfully soon Kitsu would arrive to save her from a potentially awkward situation with his creator. She would notice his clean and proper-looking appearance and couldn't help but blush at his physique. Admittedly she loved it when he showed up to the house covered from head to toe in bandit blood. She would salivate slightly as she remembered the metallic smell that permeated off of him from their previous encounter. If he examined her, he’d see that she was casually dressed. She wore a green bralette that matched her hair and was maybe a bit too revealing for Junko’s taste. Her midriff would be exposed, showing off a belly button piercing that she had impulsively gotten. For pants, she wore loose-fitting brown shorts that hugged her waistline generously.

Upon entering the home he’d find her in the kitchen with Ren and then he’d greet her with a bow, which she happily reciprocated. As he offered her his arm, she would then immediately accept and intertwine hers with his. Before leaving the kitchen she’d give him a quick peck on the cheek before then heading out of the kitchen. As they exited, she’d give a small wave to Ren and a bit of a wink. Once out of earshot and out of the home, she’d turn to face him as he asked her where to. In her normal melodic voice, she’d speak up cheerfully.

”Well good morning to you too dear. We hopefully will have a rather easy day, we’re just running some security for a merchant looking to distribute some of his goods to a settlement near the ruins. We’re going to be meeting up with Kut and another gentleman that Junko asked that we bring along, I think she mentioned you had worked with him before”

Soon they would find their way to the meeting spot where a middle-aged gentleman would be seemingly waiting for them. As they approached the man would ask Kitsu if they were once again working together, then would introduce himself as Isamu. Jun would offer him a bow and a cute wave before responding to him in an alluring voice.

”Oh how lovely it is to meet you Isamu, my name is Jun! It’s a pleasure to be working with you. Junko mentioned that she’s heard some great things about you from some of the community members, so if you ever need anything at all please come find one of us. You must tell me more about yourself as we walk!”

She would hold out whichever hand wasn’t wrapped around Kitsu’s arm, offering to shake his. Should he take it, she’d squeeze his hand gently before releasing it and returning her arm to its original position. Jun would then inform Kitsu and Isamu that they were waiting for one more member to arrive, and just as she spoke of him, she would spot him walking towards the group. After detaching herself from Kitsu she began to approach Kut as she called out his name and altered him to the group's location.

Once she closed the distance Jun would leap into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. She’d hug him tightly for a few moments before releasing him and returning her feet to the ground once more. The two of them would return to Isamu and Kitsu, and once they were all together Jun would explain what their expected mission would be.

”I’m so excited to be working with you all on this, and think we’ll make the best team! Today we have a relatively safe but potentially dangerous escort mission to see through. We need to meet with a merchant caravan in the nearby settlement and ensure that it safely gets to one of the villages near the ruins. Now as some of you may know we have had some rather nasty run-ins with some of the mutated bandits nearby, so it’s best to be on your guard at all times! Other than that, we shouldn’t have any issues. Any questions?”

Jun would wait for questions and would honestly answer them if anybody brought one up. If nobody had any inquiries she’d motion for them to follow her. While walking she’d position herself in between both Kut and Kitsu since she was somewhat familiar with their combat abilities. Though she’d never seen them actually in a fight, she figured it’d be safer for her to be in between them.

Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A strange party emerges Empty Re: A strange party emerges

Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:19 pm
The night before was hazy at best. He wasn't entirely sure just what actually happened, and what was in his mind, but either way, he knew that today at some time, he was supposed to meet Jun somewhere in the village to do something. Pretty much all of the other information was jumbled in his brain and he didn't really know too much as to what they were nor did he care to actually try to remember. He would largely blame it on Jun, she was far too distracting when it came to pretty much every single thing on the planet to him.

When she was drunk, she was wild and crazy. Ever since their first night together, after what had turned into a three-night bender of nothing but drugs, alcohol, and other rather familiar activities, he had been on a several day long streak of getting completely wasted day in and day out. It didn't hurt that Daiki was way to sweet to actually keep track of his tabs, and the fact that he was pretty much always staring at Jun that he was able to keep his cup filled without him noticing. It wasn't that he liked stealing from people, except for that was exactly the case.

But he did remember her asking him to meet him around this area, so he was wandering, meandering through the streets until he would hopefully just run into her. He was sure that he was late, as he generally was, but if they truly needed his help, he was sure that they would be just fine to wait for it for a little while. His hopes were answered when he heard his name called out by a familiar voice. He took a quick look around, and there she was, in all her glory, sprinting directly for him.

Kut thought for a moment, staring at her revealing top, watching her chest bounce as she ran. He didn't think about much, just two rather peculiar items in his mind. She jumped and collided with him, to which Kut would react instinctively by holding her up by her butt, intentionally squeezing as he felt it was the right time to do so. He would kiss her passionately as she collided with him, stroking her lips with the tip of his tongue, tickling the roof of her mouth before taking a break and sucking on her lower lip. This would go on for a few moments before she would get down. Kut wasn't entirely sure who the other two guys were, and he was going to soon forget them after they had all left, so he wasn't too concerned with their names.

He followed behind Jun, looking her body up and down, fantasizing about the woman as they walked, until they reached the others. He would casually lift a palm in the air, not really waving, more so just acknowledging their existence before he would look around. Jun would begin to explain the mission details, but he was far too busy checking out what her clothes were revealing to pay too much attention.

He got the idea that they were supposed to do something about a caravan, some bad people were involved, and overall just make sure to burn anything that moved in an aggressive way towards them. If he was wrong, well then he would cross that bridge later, or something. She asked if there were any questions, to which he would respond, "Would any of you be interested in some mushrooms before we leave? It makes these longer trips a bit more bearable, if you know what I mean." He would pull out a small bag from his jacket pocket, and he would offer them to the other party members, should anyone take it, he would smile and tell them to enjoy, if they declined he would shrug his shoulders.

He would take a couple into his own mouth and chew on them, then swallowing. At first there would be no effect. He knew that these things took just a bit of time. But it was during their walk that he could start feeling the effects take hold. The sun shined a bit brighter, there were colors flowing through his eyes that weren't there before. He no longer had authority over his words, he couldn't quite manage them. Jun looked more like an amalgamation of skin and flesh, rather than a true person. The others took on similar shapes, and he knew that what he did, the decision to eat these mushrooms right before they left for a very important mission, was a good one.

Immediately the trip became a lot more tolerable, enjoyable even. He would be glad that Jun had his arm wrapped around her's, because he would certainly get lost without her guidance. He knew that if combat came underway, that he would be fine. Surely the drugs wouldn't hinder him too much. But after a while of them walking, they would arrive at the caravan that needed protecting. He would simply stand and stare at them, letting the others do the talking for him as there was no way he would make a clear and concise statement in his current state.

He would then climb aboard the caravan and wait for the others.

WC: 884
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Village : Vagabonds
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A strange party emerges Empty Re: A strange party emerges

Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:42 pm
As they left Junko's home, Jun would lean over to Kitsu and kiss him on the cheek, a gesture that surprised the pale faced Kitsu. He would think very little of it at the time and he would be off with her. When they arrived at the other man's position, Kitsu would nod his head in his direction, acknowledging his presence. It wouldn't be until he would speak about them working together before that he would realize who he was. "Oh... I had forgotten. Yes, it seems that we shall be working together once again." The man would speak his name. "Isamu, hello." He would push his way through the conversation through pained existence, "My name is Kitsunagi. But you may call me Kitsu, as most do."

Shortly after the introduction was made, Jun would start barreling away from them both, sprinting through the street to what looked like a bum on the street. The man was wearing clothes that looked like were dirty yesterday, a pale gray jacket with a dingy white shirt. Some black jeans that already had holes in them. His hair was slightly greasy and overall his appearance was pitiful.

He watched as both Jun and Kut would make out for a moment, her legs wrapped around his waist as they embraced each other. Kitsu would immediately grow annoyed, not due to any jealousy, he couldn't care less and he knew that she was quite "affectionate" towards the men in her life. But more so the fact that this bum of an individual was going to be a part of their situation. He already didn't want to do a job with any of these people, but he felt in his heart of hearts that this individual was going to become a nuisance.

The two would pull themselves away from each other for a moment and walk back to both Isamu and himself. Kitsu would look to Jun, disappointed and slightly offput by what he had just witnessed and ask that they get the details on the mission. She would oblige and give them all the details. When she was done, the bum would begin to go into his jacket pocket and offer them all mushrooms. Kitsu teeth would grind together slightly at the notion. His scowl would be apparent. He would disrespectfully decline before he watched the man take some himself. His grip tightened around his bow at the sight of such unprofessionalism.

But after a few more moments, they left and were on their way to the job's first destination. They walked, and the bum would be completely entranced by his little habit, and he had Jun holding his arm, guiding him to the caravan. His thoughts would include this man's death, in many ways. But for now, he would stay as calm as he could. When they approached the caravan, the group would load onto the carts and off they would all go. The bum would be staring off into space, but Kitsu would try to stay aware of their surroundings, being sure that no one would get the drop on their payload.

After they traveled outside of the village, they did see a rather large group of bandits beginning to close in on their location. Kitsu would stand from the wagon and knock an arrow on his bow. He called it out to the rest of the group. When the fighting was just about to begin, the bum would laugh heartily before standing up, asking someone to point him in the right direction, which Jun would do for him, then when they got close enough, he stood on the edge of the wagon and he unleashed a torrent of fire that engulfed the entire group of bandits.

The heat was so intense that it caused even Kitsu to sweat immediately, but when the fire was done, the bandit threat was neutralized. Kitsu rolled his eyes and sat back down, annoyed that the little bum had done something actually useful, but at least he didn't have his own arrows incinerated by the bastard's hell storm.

But it was then that he would get a telepathic transmission from Ren. There was a development within the heart of the village that called for both Jun and Kitsu. Without a word, he looked over to Jun. Grabbed her arm, and they leaped off of the wagon. He carried her in his arms, like a bride would carry a groom, and they would sprint off into the distance towards the village.

WC: 755
TWC: 1445

Completion of 1 B rank mission, failure on the others
+12k ryo
+30 AP

WC Claims:
+898 towards mastering Rupture for Speed (898/1875)
+547 towards Sky Shredding Dragon (Complete) (Previous Progress)

Last edited by Kitsunagi Kurosawa on Tue Apr 02, 2024 4:37 pm; edited 2 times in total
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

A strange party emerges Empty Re: A strange party emerges

Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:07 am
As she finished speaking she’d look to the group around her for any questions or concerns. Thankfully it seemed like nobody had anything to say before Kut offered a bit of mushrooms to any who wished to partake. Jun would take a small amount since she knew that she needed to be able to actually focus on the task at hand and not in a different dimension. If Isamu spoke up, she’d of course answer any question he may have too. Soon though, the four of them were off.

Once they arrived at the destination, Jun would take the lead as she could feel herself become unburdened by normal anxious thoughts. After discussing the terms of the mission, the four of them would load up into some carts. Jun would opt to sit with Kut if he allowed as they were on a trip of their own. She liked being around him, even more so when he offered her such things. Since the bar opened, they had been spending time together hanging out with Daiki as well.

As they exited the small village where they had joined the caravan, Kitsu would call out to the group and alert them to danger. He had noticed a group of bandits making their way towards them, and she began to panic. She wasn’t ready for combat, she didn’t even have any offensive abilities. Her internal freak-out would be stopped as Kut requested to be pointed in the direction of the threat. Jun would do as he asked and directed him to his targets. Without warning flames would spit out from him and Jun swore she could feel the hairs on her eyebrows burn just a little bit.

After the flames died down, there were no bandits remaining and Jun would let out a sign of relief. She’d give Kut a brief kiss on the cheek before leading him back to the position they were in before. As she loaded back into the caravan, she felt Kitsu grab her arm as he decided to leap from it. This caught her a bit off guard so she tripped up a bit before beginning their descent. Thankfully Kitsu seemingly was aware of this as he caught her, and began rushing off in the direction of home once more.

As they left, Jun would call out to the others and apologize for not being able to see the mission through. She hoped that they could complete it, but knew that it was rude to have left in such a hurry. Jun would hold tightly to Kitsu as he ran with her in his arms, not wanting to be dropped.


WC: 442
Total WC: 2001

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Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A strange party emerges Empty Re: A strange party emerges

Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:00 pm
The caravan approached the village; under swirled colors and a sense of heightened perception from the mushrooms, Kutari's reality was a second layer over the top of a dream. It was fear and companionship and protectiveness all at once, and it was something he was utterly unprepared for. Suddenly, the world around him was surreal and bright, the colors too vibrant to be accurate. They all lurched forward into the confrontation in the wilderness. Kutari's memory was chaotic, and his actions were almost instinctual.

In the midst of it all, tapping into a part of him that was perhaps deeper and more primal than he had hitherto known he had, he unleashed a massive firestorm from his mouth, a power that was something unique to him and that the mushrooms had amplified. It blew through the bandits with unfathomable power, knocking them to the ground, flinging some into the air to wander away from the caravan, their attack rendered into disarray. The performance somewhat took aback the members of Kutari's caravan, but they set out for the village with a new fire and willingness in their hearts.

As they neared the town, the attack became more likely. Smoke curled up in dark columns, and screaming alerted them to the village's plight, predated by a bandit gang different from the one they had encountered while leaving the last town. The caravan grew close, shrinking its ranks somewhat as it prepared to attack. Kutari felt the world around him take on a life of its own. Everything seemed to pulse with energy, and the thin line of hallucination blurred the faces of his friends and foes from his eyes. In his mind, he found the rage and desire to protect the village and dispatch the invaders.

As they reach the village, they witness a calamity and resistance. The villagers, some equipped with tools and improvised weapons, have determined expressions on their faces. In contrast, the bandits, invigorated by the intensity of their numbers and the element of shock, appear bold and hurry ahead with looting and destruction. Brunell, on the other hand, guided by the adrenaline rush and the comprehensiveness of mushrooms, begins to step closer. His combat fire, rested from the previous event, set ablaze inside him as he pulled from one deeper within his character and prepared to release another gale of fire, this one aimed not at the adversaries but to cut a path between them and the village without causing harm to the villagers.

With a roar, incarnating the tempest entombed deep within his frame, the fire spewed from Brunell's mouth once more; still, it was not the disorganized maelstrom of pure heat and violence but a blast of fire that sprang from his gaping maw in a twisted, controllable wave. Upward, over the villagers, and downward to the antagonists. Startled, disorganized, and caught off guard, the bandits scattered as the amalgamation of surprise and adversary division fractured their orderly imposed comradeship. Then, the villagers oriented and gave chase. The camper united and contributed. The bandits ended up chased off, their belligerence flared by the villagers, the van, and Brunell's unwilling motherly lenience. Smoke waved over the fallen and the destroyed, an echo of their assault finally pursued.

Begrudgingly descending from the electric heights of the mushrooms, Kutari takes in the survivors and the village that was their bloody canvas. The villagers' thanks and relieved smiles brought him down from the high, back to reality, showing him the value of their words. As his gut wrenches, pure reckless actions from instinct and drug-induced strength have saved these people from certain oblivion. Excitement and shock flood Kutari – relief? He made his choice and was given a chance to fight back when encountering the bandits, yet he was put into a stupor, which was just a reminder of what lies in his grasp. As the village slowly recovers and rest is finally cherished, Kutari is left to query his long whining journey to this moment; he now believes that death will release him from this freedom.

After the battle, Kutari provides a helping hand for the villagers to recover from the raid on the bandits. The cloud above them seemingly shifts with an oncoming storm creeping down on the recovery efforts. What began as a few stray clouds darkening the far horizon erupts into a budding storm. The first few drops of rain patter down lightly as a gentle nudge of the omnipresent force that is nature. The rain is not letting up, however. Kutari moves from one front to another, shoring the walls and blocking holes in the walls. The wind gently picks up the scent of the oncoming downpour as the villagers hasten their efforts, their faces drawn in disbelief at the physical damage and the hardships of the upcoming events. The rain takes a turn, holding no remorse as it beats down to the earth below.

Heavy, loud raindrops hammer down the roofs incessantly as an isthmus song urges those below to scurry. Kutari does his best where he can. He is a mere outsider in the village, yet the authority over the inhabitants feels heavy upon him. A natural lust drives his action to erase the vestiges of horror experienced by the villagers. The storm continues to grow; the lightning forks across the sky, followed seconds later by thunder's rumble. The villagers, too, are doing their bit, resigned to the mercy of the storm and the heaven itself. They secure doors and windows. They shore the walls and ceiling hole damaged by the marauder's diabolic assault.

In the heart of the storm, Kutari becomes soaked to the bone and continues to assist in restoring a particularly damaged dwelling. The wind slaps him from all sides, an untamed beast that whips his clothing and rattles his Falx whenever he attempts to secure it in the wreckage. If anything, this weather is becoming increasingly aggressive, much like the unruliness the bandits left in their wake. It is a constant assault on individuals who have already been pushed to their breaking point. Yet, there is likewise solidarity. The villagers work petitioning heavily against the gale, all with the trusting leader of Kutari at the ready.

Night has begun to fall at this moment, but the storm shows no indications of letting up. The planet rumbles above Kutari's head where it has previously bumbled apart, and the pellets descend with such intensity that the devastated remnants of their attempts to salvage what has been done grow slick and hazardous beneath their fleets. At that moment, as he attempts to assist everyone somehow, Kutari recognizes that the conflict against the marauders was hardly the first of the villagers' hardships. The villagers will have to battle the elements within the storm together, with their spirits exhausted but not shattered. With the storm in whole minutes, thrashing gales, and an internal torrent, the villagers and Kutari are prepared to encounter the night with determination, fully aware that struggle for whatever is thrown at them is the accurate evaluation of tough, their efforts stronger than the actual faculties.

The night is tumultuous, but Kutari is there with the villagers, unyielding in the storm's face. They work tirelessly through high winds and rain to secure houses, people, and whatever they can, their spirits untouched by the chaos surrounding them. Additionally motivated by duty and compassion, Kumari matches the villagers' ardor, plowing through the storm-bound and the rain-soaked, devoting themselves to their cause. When the sun eventually emerges over the horizon, bathing the freshly cleansed world in dawn's illumination, the storm recedes for the first time, its blight revealed to all. Puddles form all around the floor, branches and debris scatter over the landscape, and destroyed homes frighten their inhabitants.

Nevertheless, there is a sense of goodwill and celebration. Each deep breath of fresh air heralds a new day and life. As the village slowly awakens, Kutari watches from his seat, too tired and replenished at the same time to move. They stumble upon them when they exit their homes: their eyes wide open, their hearts loaded with what they must do. But there is also a joy in their eyes: the joy of their family's safety, the joy of a morning sun that has not risen in vain, and the joy of unexpected companionship found amid disaster. The village begins to rebuild when the storm becomes a shadow of a memory. Kutari, now a friend rather than a stranger, assists in every way he can. The work is endless, from shattering debris to rebuilding destroyed houses to ensure everyone has enough to eat and drink. But every little bit helps, and every effort is a victory in the face of hatred.

And soon, the morning on the Island of Moon arrives. It is the time for a fresh start amid the storm's remnants. As the sun rises over the village, Kutari knows it is just the beginning of the day. But it is the beginning after the night that showed the fury of the elements and the kindness of those enduring the hardship. The village awakens to the sound of work and laughter, and Kutari realizes the new life is returning to the Island of Moon. I think our protagonist remembers the path that led him here – the storm that has shaken the island has revealed a unity and growth that would never be there otherwise.

Helping the villagers, Kutari not only gave them his strength and himself – he received a purpose, a place where he belonged, and the memories living in his heart. And as he looks at the panorama, unchanged and yet renewed with the light. That reveals both the damage and growth; he knows that he is ready even as more days bring changes. The journey in the heart of the storm has only just begun, and soon, he will continue it as the sun of his resolve shines upon his soul, bringing a long-forgotten hope. He couldn't quite explain the change in his heart. But something just clung onto his heart and soul. The desire to help others was vital for a moment. He felt good to actually help those that required it. He would leave the group with a wave, on to his next adventure.

He said goodbye to the man that he was with, understanding his name to be Isamu. With a bow and a wave once more, he would leave. He would thank him for all of his help, especially with the fact that the original "leader" of the group was supposed to bring them through this set of missions. He didn't care that much that she had given up so easily, but he did feel that this island deserved a better leader than such a woman. She was hot, damn was she good looking. But when it came to her being a leader, he felt that there was far too much left to be desired with her.

WC: 1832
TWC: 2716

Completion of 3 B rank missions
18k Ryo
90 AP

WC Claims:
+1094 towards Sharingan: Perfected (Complete) (Previous Progress)
+966 towards Pheasant Hunter (966/1125)
+54 AP
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

A strange party emerges Empty Re: A strange party emerges

Mon Mar 25, 2024 11:56 am
Jun Tsukiko wrote:

WC: 442
Total WC: 2001

Reserving WC claims for pending approval

Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

A strange party emerges Empty Re: A strange party emerges

Mon Mar 25, 2024 4:35 pm
WC Claims
Starting WC: 2001
+20 Vigor
4000/4000 Ketsuryugan Developed. Previous Training here
1401/6000 Ketsuryugan Matured
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