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Kitsunagi Kurosawa
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Let the blood spill Empty Let the blood spill

Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:53 pm
Mission details:

What is there to say in a time where time makes no sense? To be born would put you on a clock that seems to matter, but to be created through unnatural means? That's a different story. So many words can be said about the ways in which he was created. It was cheating. It was simply creating life for the sake of it. The worst of which, which parts of Kitsu believed to be true, was he was created to simply perform the tasks and Ren himself couldn't carry out and act as slave labor. It would make sense as to why he would do such a thing.

Ren wasn't particularly good at fighting. I mean he was particularly good at getting away from fights or having others fight themselves in the case of his illusions and genjutsu. But if it came down to it, Ren would likely fall to any foe that had the ability to ignore those genjutsus and illusions and truly come to blows with him. So he created two clones, each of which would carry out specific goals to ensure that these blindsides weren't taken advantage of. He had bought Kitsu a bow and some projectiles recently, which made him believe in this theory even more so.

But Ren wasn't wrong to get him a bow and arrow. The moment he touched them he felt akin to them both. He was already able to fire with great accuracy, his speed was impeccable. He truly felt as though he would be able to kill someone quite easily without them even knowing that he was there. Which was the reason why he would be given such things. He knew that this wasn't for hunting of beasts, they were for hunting of people. He was looking for help with the bandit problem, and Kitsu had just the skill set.

As sad as Ren may have been during the time of the last gathering of meteors and how devastated he was when Kitsu had slaughtered so many of the bandits. He was sure quick to start enabling his ability to kill people. Kitsu had a lot of respect for Ren for creating him, as he realized how difficult that must have been, but with the same level did he have resentment towards him. Kitsu didn't want to be created, he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to be born, but instead he was stuck here on the planet with all of these people and tasked with all of the things that he had to do.

What was left for someone like him? To simply earn for the village and send all of his earnings to anyone but himself? He didn't even truly want the earnings, he didn't want to do the work. But what he did want to do, was to spill the blood of those that the spirits deemed necessary. Hearing the cheering from the spirits as he took those lives of the bandits filled him with so much joy. He was begging to spill more of it. Internally, his body screamed for the pleasure once more.

He had communed with the spirits after they had gathered the rocks from the meteor, even though he was covered in blood he went to them with an open heart, and he was received with open arms. He sat within the soft earth and he could feel as it began to envelope him within its cold and yet enticing embrace. The spirits that surrounded him in the trees all sang his praises and rejoiced over the blood that had been spilled. He had never felt so embraced by them before. To think it only took the spilling of blood to truly allow him to commune with the spirits.

Even after the adrenaline had faded and there was nothing left of the confrontation within him, except the blood he was covered in.  The spirits continued to echo the sounds of the bandits as their skin had been cut into, the screams that they had expelled from their mouths as their last words. The air around him seemed to thrum with energy, subtle vibrations that resonated all the way down to the very core of his body and mind. As he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, he could feel their presence growing ever stronger within him. Every memory of death that he held within his mind seemed to grow as it moved him closer to the whims of the spirits.

Within a few moments, he was completely engrossed in their spiraling desires. They desired more death, to give back to the cycle of life that they had been avoiding, and he was more than happy to oblige. He had his weapons of choice, he had the armor that he had been granted. Now he was ready to simply put it all to work, and slaughter more of the bandits, then whoever else the spirits may have wanted dead. The day was passing and the night was coming to them. The confrontation that they had over the meteors on the first day was over, but now he had a taste for their blood and he wanted more.

Within moments of making this realization, he could hear the spirits whispering a name. The name was hard to understand at first, but soon it came to clarity for him. The name on the whispered tounges was that of Junko and Kurogane. Kitsu wasted no time. He accepted the task given to him by the spirits, and he readied his weapons. He began to leave the forest, some of the blood now washed away with his sweat from the heat of the sun's presence coming down upon the forests canopy. As he left, he began thinking of how he was going to kill Junko, as that seemed to be the easier target.

But as he was on his way, he was stopped by his creator Ren. Ren would ask him what he was up to. To which Kitsu would of course lie and say that he was simply going out for a stroll. Ren would ask him to get cleaned up and get ready. When Kitsu would ask why and for what Ren would respond by telling him that they were going back out to gather more of the meteor rocks because they are quite valuable. He shrugged and said that he would go, but he would stay covered in blood. Just in case there was more bandits. Ren reluctantly agree and the two of them joined with Sakoshi and they all teleported over to the area with the meteors.

They would arrive at the craters, and the spirits would begin whispering to him, their voices a moaic of feelings and impressions. They spoke of the natural order, the balance that governed all things. Guiding him to do what is right, and to spill the blood that needs spilled. He didn't try to fight it, instead he let the voices guide him. He sprinted for the rocks, but he could already see more of the bandits coming over the hillside and heading directly for his position. He relished in the fact that he was going to get the chance to spill even more blood for the spirits of Moon.

They would come in as a steady stream. One after another they would fall in line, ready to be executed by the ashen-haired clone that was set on the path of destruction for all those that opposed the divine spirits that dwelled within the forests and the entirety of the island of Moon. He would ready his bow, grabbing an arrow from one of the back pocket seals to have an arrow pop into his hand, he would draw the arrow back on the bowstring, and he would begin to let them fly. One after another he would shoot the arrow, and one after another they would find their mark, impaling a sorry good for nothing bandit, killing them on impact.

He felt that this way of killing was more efficient, but far less emotional. There wasn't as much pleasure, but the spirits seemed to enjoy it either way. They continued to ring out in praise. The bloodlust grew stronger and stronger, with a complete desire to fire each of his arrows until every one of the bandits no longer could move, no longer draw breath.

After a while, and with the rest of the group joining in to the fray, the bandits were once again thwarted in their attempts to take the materials. He began to grow quite territorial over these materials, not because he felt entitled to them, but because he saw that the bandits also wanted them. He just wanted to make sure that the others didn't get what they wanted. Instead he wanted them to be dead. To die a needless death over some rocks that they all found in the ground. For it was the spirits that deemed it necessary, and they are the ones in which he aimed to please.

The death meant so little to him, the bandits would try to run once again. But this time, Kitsu had a much longer reach with his abilities. He would run after them, going over the ridge and he would take aim at the fleeing bandits. There were a dozen or so, he knew that he wouldn't be able to take them all, but he was going to relish the amount of bodies that he was able to take, rather than be sad about the ones that he couldn't.

He let a handful of more arrows fly, firing three at a time, taking down his targets. All but one bandit had been killed, which Kitsu was glad for. He wanted that poor miserable wretch to tell his leader just what he had seen today, the bloodshed that Kitsu and the others had caused. He wanted fear to be instilled upon those that dared come across him. Their deat was a needless one, at least that's what he believed at first. It didn't become apparent to him until he thought about it for a few moments where he realized that their deaths, were simply a medium for him to commune with the spirits that he held so dear.

He would gather his arrows, counting the numbers of dead bodies that had fallen in their conflict. His smile grew wider when the number got into the double digits, then wider when he reached 20. He would press the arrows against his skin, allowing their blood to cover his own face. He could hear the spirits singing, dancing within the wind that blew across the battlefield. The very ground beneath them thanked him for watering the grass with the evil blood that had been spilled.

He thanked the earth and the spirits that surrounded them. With each arrow he pulled out of their bodies, he would speak another prayer of thanks to the spirits, for allowing him to kill so many today, and only relent on the fact that he didn't get to kill more today. He knew that he had a goal. He had a target. The first would be Kurogane, then the next, would be the dearest leader of their little troupe Junko. She would bring upon the next ruinous age of the island of Moon, and the spirits couldn't allow this to happen.

But for now, he would wait. He would bide his time and allow the work to be done. He no longer resented the work he had to do because every job that he does, brings him just that much closer to his final goal. Ren and the others would lament her death, but he would only relish in it. There was so much that he now knew that he wouldn't dare share with the others. But for now he would keep quiet, and he would coil like the serpent that he was becoming. Awaiting, for his time to strike.

WC: 2002
TWC: 2002

Completion of a S rank mission
+20000 Ryo (doubled from beloved Presence)
+2 Meteoric Iron (One from mission, one from Mining Skill)
+100 AP (Doubled from Beloved Presence)

WC Claims:
+1869 towards Archer's Calling (Complete) (Previous Progress)
+133 towards Flower Garden (133/1500)
40 AP from word count (2000 / 10 = 20 * 2 = 40)

Current AP bonus: 456
AP bonus after this is approved: 596
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : (1) Daiki
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Let the blood spill Empty Re: Let the blood spill

Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:30 pm
Daiki stood on the edge of a cliff, his gaze fixed upon the night sky ablaze with the brilliance of a meteor shower. Each shooting star left a trail of shimmering light in its wake, painting the heavens with a tapestry of cosmic wonder.

With his notebook in hand, Daiki scribbled furiously, capturing the fleeting beauty of the celestial spectacle. His words flowed like poetry, a testament to the majesty of the universe unfolding before him.

As he watched the meteors streak across the sky, Daiki felt a sense of awe wash over him. It was as if he were witnessing a celestial dance, choreographed by the gods themselves.

In the silence of the night, Daiki found inspiration, his heart swelling with a deep appreciation for the mysteries of the cosmos. Each shooting star seemed to whisper secrets of the universe, beckoning him to unravel its mysteries.

Lost in the enchanting display above, Daiki felt a connection to something greater than himself. He was but a mere mortal, gazing upon the wonders of the heavens with reverence and awe. And yet, in that moment, he felt as though he were part of something infinite and eternal.

As the last of the meteors faded into the darkness, Daiki closed his notebook with a satisfied smile. He had captured the essence of the celestial dance in his words, immortalizing the beauty of the meteor shower for eternity. Now, it was time to embark on his quest to find the fallen star that had ignited his imagination.

With a sense of purpose ignited by the celestial display, Daiki descended from the cliff, his footsteps guided by the memory of the shooting stars that had graced the night sky.

The landscape stretched out before him, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. Each shadow held the promise of discovery, each rustle of leaves a whisper of the meteor's hidden location.

As he ventured deeper into the wilderness, Daiki's senses sharpened, attuned to the subtle signs of the meteor's presence. He scanned the horizon, searching for any anomalies in the natural landscape that might betray the fallen star's location.

The night air was crisp and cool, carrying with it the scent of earth and pine. It was a stark contrast to the fiery spectacle he had witnessed moments before, yet equally enchanting in its own right.

With each step, Daiki felt a sense of anticipation building within him. He knew that the meteor held untold secrets, waiting to be uncovered by those brave enough to seek them out.

As he pressed on, Daiki's thoughts turned to the poem he had written, a tribute to the celestial dance that had inspired his quest. It was a reminder of the beauty and wonder that awaited him, a beacon guiding him forward on his journey.

With determination fueling his every step, Daiki continued into the night, his eyes fixed on the horizon as he searched for the fallen star that would shape his destiny.

In the quiet of the early morning, Daiki found himself standing before the meteorite, his mind buzzing with inspiration. As the first light of dawn began to illuminate the sky, he felt compelled to put pen to paper and capture the beauty of the moment in verse.

With a deep breath, Daiki began to recite his poem, his voice carrying softly on the morning breeze.

"O celestial wanderers, descending from the heavens high,
Your fiery dance across the sky, a spectacle to the eye.
In the velvet cloak of night, you paint the darkness bright,
A symphony of light, a wondrous cosmic sight.

Each streak of light, a tale untold,
A journey through the cosmos, a story to behold.
With every shooting star, a wish we make anew,
Hoping for a glimpse of magic, hoping dreams come true.

And here beneath the open sky, I stand in silent awe,
A witness to your majesty, a humble devotee in awe.
For in your fleeting brilliance, I find a sense of peace,
A reminder of the beauty in this world, a moment of release.

So let the stars fall like rain, let their light fill the night,
For in their shining splendor, we find hope in the darkest night.
And though they fade into the dawn, their memory will remain,
A testament to the wonder of the universe, a celestial refrain."

As Daiki finished reciting his poem, he felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. It was a tribute to the beauty of the meteor shower, a reflection of the awe-inspiring spectacle he had witnessed in the night sky. With a smile, he tucked his notebook away and prepared to continue his journey, carrying the memory of the falling stars with him wherever he went. Though not perfect, it captured the essence of the moment, earning a solid 8 out of 10 in his own estimation.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Daiki carefully examined the meteorite that lay before him. Its surface was rough and pitted, evidence of its fiery journey through the Earth's atmosphere. He marveled at its otherworldly appearance, tracing the contours of its surface with a sense of wonder.

With practiced hands, Daiki began to gather samples of the meteorite, carefully chiseling away small fragments to take with him. Each piece held a story, a glimpse into the vast reaches of space from which it had come. He imagined the journey it had undertaken, hurtling through the darkness of space before finally finding its resting place on Earth.

As he worked, Daiki couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the meteorite. It was a relic of the cosmos, a reminder of the immense forces that shaped the universe. He felt a connection to it, a shared bond with something that had traveled across the vast expanse of space.

With his samples collected, Daiki packed them away carefully, ensuring that they would remain safe for the journey ahead. He knew that they would be studied and analyzed, adding to humanity's understanding of the universe and its mysteries. And as he prepared to leave the site, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to witness such a rare and extraordinary event.

As Daiki made his way down from the cliff, the weight of the meteorite samples in his pack served as a constant reminder of the incredible experience he had just witnessed. The memory of the meteor shower lingered in his mind, its beauty etched into his memory like a masterpiece painted on the canvas of the night sky.

As he walked, Daiki found himself reciting the poem he had composed in his head during the meteor shower. Each word flowed effortlessly from his lips, a testament to the inspiration he had drawn from the celestial spectacle above.

"O celestial wanderers, born of fire and light,
Your journey through the heavens, a wondrous sight.
With trails of stardust, you paint the night sky,
A dance of cosmic beauty, as you gracefully fly.

Each shooting star, a fleeting spark of grace,
A glimpse of eternity in the vastness of space.
We watch in awe as you streak across the night,
A celestial symphony, a breathtaking sight.

Your silent descent, a celestial ballet,
Leaves us breathless, in wonder we stay.
For in your fiery trail, we see our dreams ignite,
Guided by the stars, we embrace the night."

As the final words of his poem echoed through the air, Daiki couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had captured the essence of the meteor shower, distilling its beauty into verse for all to enjoy. And as he continued on his journey, he carried with him the memory of that magical night, a reminder of the boundless wonders of the universe.

Descending further down the rugged terrain, Daiki's steps were purposeful yet cautious. The night air was cool against his skin, and the distant echoes of wildlife added to the serene atmosphere. With each step, he felt a sense of anticipation building within him, eager to find the meteorite that had captivated his attention.

As he navigated through the rocky landscape, Daiki's thoughts drifted back to the poem he had recited earlier. Despite his efforts to capture the essence of the meteor shower, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. Perhaps it was the challenge of translating the awe-inspiring spectacle into mere words, or maybe it was the fleeting nature of the experience itself.

Nevertheless, Daiki remained determined to uncover the meteorite and complete his mission. He knew that the precious fragments of space rock held the potential to unlock new discoveries and insights about the universe. With each passing moment, his excitement grew, driving him forward in his quest.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, Daiki spotted a glimmer of metallic sheen amidst a cluster of rocks. With a surge of excitement, he hurried towards the source, his heart pounding in anticipation. As he knelt down to examine the object, he marveled at its otherworldly beauty, the surface shimmering with an ethereal glow.

Carefully, Daiki collected the meteorite samples, handling them with the utmost care. In that moment, he felt a profound connection to the cosmos, as if he were touching a piece of the universe itself. With a sense of reverence, he secured the samples in his pack, ready to return them to the scientist who had commissioned his aid.

As he continued his journey, Daiki couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to witness such a remarkable event. The memory of the meteor shower would stay with him forever, a reminder of the boundless wonders that awaited discovery in the vast expanse of space.

The journey back up the cliff was arduous, each step a reminder of the rugged terrain he traversed earlier. Yet, Daiki pressed on, fueled by the anticipation of delivering the meteorite samples to the awaiting scientist. With each passing moment, the weight of the precious cargo in his pack served as a reminder of the extraordinary experience he had just witnessed.

As he ascended, Daiki couldn't shake the feeling of exhilaration that coursed through him. The memory of the meteor shower lingered in his mind, a vivid tableau of light and motion against the backdrop of the night sky. He found himself reciting lines from his poem, the words echoing in his mind like a whispered prayer to the stars above.

Despite the physical exertion, Daiki's spirits remained high, buoyed by the sense of purpose that drove him forward. With each step, he felt a renewed sense of determination, eager to complete his mission and share the wonders of the universe with those who awaited his return.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Daiki reached the summit of the cliff, the twinkling stars above casting a soft glow upon the landscape below. With a sense of accomplishment, he gazed out at the vast expanse of sky, a silent witness to the infinite mysteries that lay beyond.

In that moment, Daiki felt a profound connection to the cosmos, a sense of belonging that transcended the boundaries of time and space. He knew that he had been touched by something greater than himself, a reminder of the awe-inspiring beauty that existed in the universe.

With a contented sigh, Daiki continued on his journey, his heart filled with gratitude for the opportunity to witness the meteor shower and carry a piece of its magic back with him. As he made his way back to civilization, he knew that he would forever cherish the memory of that night, a testament to the enduring wonder of the cosmos.

As Daiki reached the end of his journey, the weight of the meteorite samples in his pack seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of fulfillment and wonder. He stood at the threshold between the wilderness and civilization, a solitary figure bathed in the soft glow of dawn.

With a final glance back at the cliffside where he had stood just hours before, Daiki felt a pang of nostalgia for the fleeting beauty of the meteor shower. Yet, as he turned to face the path ahead, he knew that the memory of that night would stay with him forever, a guiding light in the darkness of the unknown.

As he made his way back to the awaiting scientist, Daiki couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to witness such a rare and awe-inspiring event. He knew that the meteorite samples he carried held the potential to unlock countless secrets of the universe, each one a testament to the boundless wonders that lay beyond the reaches of human comprehension.

With a smile on his lips and a heart full of gratitude, Daiki continued on his journey, eager to share his discoveries with the world and inspire others to look to the stars with wonder and awe. And as he disappeared into the horizon, the memory of the meteor shower lingered in his mind like a cherished dream, a reminder of the beauty and mystery that surrounded him at every turn.


Specialty to ST 2,000/2,000
188 Lost
+20 Vigor
10,000 Ryo
Meteoric Iron+1
+50 AP

Last edited by Daiki on Sat Mar 02, 2024 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Let the blood spill Empty Re: Let the blood spill

Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:50 pm
A small way to start a day is through a means of communion upon the awakening of your body. Each step is a pilgrimage to your next destination, especially when you have no real goals in life. Ren had been doing what he could to teach him about the art of Fuinjutsu. The seals that allow shinobi to do things that they would normally not be able to do. But it was interesting enough for him to give it a shot. He had been learning of the seals that allow folks to speak to each other from across the world, that seemed that it would be immensely useful.

Not only would it be useful because his creator was going to be traveling the world, but also because if there was a threat to the village that they were trying to create, it would be good for everyone to be able to respond to everyone without having to be in the same place. There were other means to communicate, but everything seemed so slow to him. Instead, he was going to push the idea that they could speak to each other from different parts of the world, as if they were sitting directly beside one another.

He knew that there was a way to do it, but he was going to need to get in touch with people's senses to be able to make that happen. Today he was dedicated to starting the journey required to have this become a possibility. Through a dark room, he began his day. The snoring from Takeshiyama was percussive as always, but he was beginning to get used to it. Luckily for Ren he didn't have to deal with listening to it anymore as he was able to go into Kiko's room. He was beginning to think about moving out and finding his own place.

He walked through the common rooms, and he saw that there were some of the people already walking about the house. Ren being one of them. The poet Sakoshi bowed slightly to the sight of Ren. To which Ren would walk over to him and give him a hug good morning. Sakoshi would gently reciprocate, not really loving the physical touching, but dealing with it. He would then sit at the table, and he would wait there while Ren made him breakfast. Ren would ask him about what he was going to do today, to which he responded that he was going to do some studying on those seals he was interested in.

Ren would speak on his appreciation of this, but then he would ask if he would mind joining them to go back to the meteor site and grab some more of the iron. Sakoshi shrugged his shoulders and responded with a few unintelligible words and a grunt. Ren took this to mean that he would go, which is how Sakoshi intended it. He didn't really care about going back to the area of the meteor crash. But if that's what he was asked to do, there was really no reason not to go with them.

He thought that maybe if he was lucky enough, that he would get to see his fellow clone Kitsunagi start murdering a bunch of bandits again. He still didn't really have the means to take anyone down. Most of what he had been doing as of late has been walking about the villages and settlements, just observing. There was a lot of things to look at on the island, and he could appreciate that. The other day he saw a group of locals gathering around a shrine and dancing. He wasn't sure just what was going on, and he didn't really feel the need to ask. Instead he just decided to watch for a while.

The locals' culture was something that fascinated him. He thought that it was interesting to think that these people could believe in such a different set of beliefs to the world, at least that is what Ren had expalined to him. Ren had talked about all kinds of beliefs that surrounded the world, different spirits, the forest having their own set of worlds wtihin it. Different beliefs from different regions always caused Sakoshi time to pause and think about which would be the one that was true, unless they all were.

Ren would sit with him for a minute, and Sakoshi could tell that there was something weighing on Ren's mind. He was bothered by the recent activities of Ktisu, the murderous tendencies and the bloodlust that he had exhibited the last time they were out gathering the meteor pieces from the craters in the plains. Sakoshi didn't really seem bothered by it. He would simply tell Ren, "At least it's aimed at the bad guys, right? Could be a lot worse. Could be coming after us, or the leader of the soon to be village Junko. So it's not all that bad."

Ren would nod in agreement. He wasn't completely moved by those words and was still concerned with what he had seen. But Sakoshi would leave Ren to his devices and start heading to leave the house. But that is Ren would tell Sakoshi to not go too far as he was planning on taking them to the crater once more to gather more of the pieces as they were valuable and could have some good uses once the village was put together.

He nodded and he walked out of the door to Junko's home. He would wander for a little while about the village, with nothing in mind in particular to do with his day, or at least his time until he was called back to go to the plains by Ren. He didn't really feel like going back to the plains, it seemed a bit like a drag to go all the way out to the plains, just to grab some rocks and bring then back to the village. But then again who was he to say no?

He would only get to wander for about half an hour before he was called back by Ren as they were going to be leaving. He saw Kitsu, and he looked to be a complete mess. His clothes were all covered in blood, and the blood had all dried to his face, except for the places where his sweat had helped by just turning it into a sludge on his face. He smelled absolutely awful, which Sakoshi was sure to chime in at the moment. Kitsu seemed to ignore the comment and say that he was going to stay like this for the mission that they were about to embark on.

Ren didn't like the idea, asking him to clean himself up, to which Kitsu would simply decline. Ren would sigh, then ask for all of their hands to go into the center of them. Sakoshi offered his hand, as did Kitsu. Then when they had finished putting their hands into the center, they would teleport directly to the craters that were in the plains. To nobody's surprise, there were already bandits surrounding the area of the craters, all trying to get their hands on some of the materials.

Sakoshi was slow to react, knowing that he could do very little help fight off the bandits, so he would instead just sit back and watch as his fellow clone Kitsu began firing arrows at them all. He was quite impressed with just how good his accuracy was with the thing, seeming how he had only been handling the thing for a day or two. But deadly was the aim as one by one the bandits began to fall to the ground upon their impalement with the arrows. Sakoshi would clap for him, enthusiatically as he saw the crazed maniac murder more and more of the bandits.

Ren would stand there, seeming to have just given up on the idea of trying to stop him from doing anything else. Sakoshi would laugh, as there was nothing he could do at the moment. He knew that if he got on the wrong side of Kitsu, then he would just be the next individual with an arrow sticking out his neck and that didn't seem to be particularly interesting to him at the moment. So instead, he decided that he was just going to watch the carnage unfold.

Ren would attempt to stop some of the madness by putting the bandits under a genjutsu, but it was for no real reason. The moment any of them would become paralyzed through the illusions, they would sooner have an arrow sticking out of them almost immediately after or before. The speed was also something to be impressed by Kitsu. He wasn't sure just how he was doing things with such speed. He thought to himself, "Maybe I am just that behind in the training. I mean this guy is seriously murdering dozens almost at a time. I can't really do anything in this situation. I am about as useless as someone can be right now."

The thoughts would quickly fade from his mind as he realized something. If Kitsu was capable of handling these guys with no real issue, then what was he even to do in the situation. He was doing just find knowing very little. Besides, if Kitsu planned on being part of the village, then there would be little reason for him to have to do anything more than to simply learn more about the fuinjutsu stuff. Who knows? Maybe there is stuff in that specialty that would help someone become more powerful, or maybe I could help others become more powerful.

Ren had some studies on the subject, but most of what he knew was pretty basic, which he figured wouldn't be such a bad thing to have some basic knowledge of the specialty, certainly wouldn't hurt. Sakoshi saw the bandits running away, and much like last time Kitsu would run them down. But this time, Kitsu would simply stand on top of the ridge and fire arrows from afar, bringing them to the ground from a distance. Sakoshi would take another moment to appreciate the speed that he was exhibiting.

"Bravo Kitsu! Bravo!" Sakoshi would say in a rather sarcastic tone. He didn't really care about the bandits, nor did he really care that he was killing them. He wasn't entirely certain just why it bothered Ren so much, but he knew that it certainly did. Ren didn't really do much at this time. He simply stood there and waited for Kitsu to gather his arrows from the bandits' bodies. They could see one more bandit that had gotten away. Sakoshi would ask why Kitsu didn't kill that one, or run him down. Kitsu simply turned over to him, and with a murderous eye he responded.

"I want the last one to live, to tell the others that we aren't going to be dealing with this pathetic nonsense any longer. If that bastard Kurogane wants to deal with us. He's gonna have to do it himself." He then left the ridge and started collecting his arrows from the plentiful corpses that now lie dead on the floor, with their blood covering the grasses of the plains. Sakoshi would shrug and say, "Fair enough." Then he would walk over to the meteors in the craters with very little worry in his mind.

When he got to the craters, he would gather a few of the rocks and put them in a knapsack for their teleportation back to Junko's home. There was much he didn't do during this fight. There was much that he would continue to not do for these types of fights. There was very little that he understood about the world of combat. But the more he went on these little trips with his creator and the murderous Kitsu, the more he realized that he was going to need to start learning a bit more about this realm of the world.

When Kitsu was done gathering the arrows from the dead bodies, he would return, grab some of the rocks as well, then they would all gather around in a circle and place a hand on Ren's robes. Then just as Ren was ready, they teleported back to Junko's home once again. When they would arrive. Kitsu would do his normal thing and seemingly vanish into the woods, to do whatever he would normally do within the woods. Ren would go into the house and probably go whine to Kiko. Sakoshi had other plans.

He instead decided that he was going to go out into the village and explore some more. He had the meteor in his sack, and he realized that he should probably leave that in the house, rather than simply walking around with it on his person. He walked into the house, and sure enough he saw Ren going up the stairs with Kiko, already slightly in tears. He shook his head and walked farther into the house. He went into the shared bedroom where he would put the meteor from his sack under the bed, where he had seen Kitsu also had been hiding them

When he was done hiding his meteor, he would walk back out of the house. He breathed in a good amount of the island air before letting it go. He was glad that the drag of a task was over and now he was going to be able to move forward and look at other things and do something other than watching Ren fall apart and Kitsu kill people, as entertaining as all that was, it did get old after a while. He had snagged a bit of money from Ren's wallet, knowing that he was loaded after he had discovered the meteor or something.

Sakoshi didn't really care where Ren's money came from, all he cared about was taking it so he could spend the money in the village. He walked through the village, seeing several kids playing in the streets, a sight he was fine with, but he had to admit he did enjoy the sight of bodies falling when the life had been sucked out of them by an arrow to the neck. There was just something about their suffering that was quite humorous to the young poet.

When he would arrive at a restaurant that seemed like it would be good enough for him to spend money that wasn't his, he entered. It was a rather nice place, and it was open for brunch. The hostess would guide him to his table, and tell him that his server would be right with him. To which he would nod and tell her that he was appriciative towards her. She smiled and walked away. He would then spend the rest of his morning eating the food that would be brought, and then the rest of his day simply wandering around with no particular goal in mind.

WC: 2503
TWC: 2503

Completion of a S rank mission
+20000 ryo (doubled from beloved presence) (Going to Ren Kurosawa)
+1 Meteoric Iron
+100 AP (doubled from beloved presence)
Current AP bonus = 50

WC claims:
+2500 towards Telepathy Seal (complete)
Dumping remaining 5 WC
+25 Vigor (bringing it to 95)
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Let the blood spill Empty Re: Let the blood spill

Sat Mar 02, 2024 2:08 pm
Why were these days beginning to run into each other? Kitsu was on Ren's mind constantly, and if it wasn't for his beloved Kiko, he would truly fall apart. He was constantly worried about what he was doing, if he was in trouble, if he was in pain. He rarely if ever knew what was going on in his mind. He hadn't seen anyone take so much pleasure in killing before. It was almost as if it was someone else entirely ripping those arrows through the air and impaling the flesh of the bandits. He knew that the bandits were a source of problem for the village and whatnot, but still, it bothered him.

He found himself lying awake next to Kiko in their bed. Her soft breathing was the only thing that kept him from going completely insane. He would have her wrapped in his arms, and he wouldn't dare to move away from her. Her body was always so warm, especially against his bare skin. Jun rarely came home during the night, so he was okay with dressing in almost nothing while in bed with Kiko. He would nuzzle his face against the underside of her jaw. He would brush his lips against her soft skin and kiss her gently to not wake her up.

He knew that he wanted to get his clones ready for the day, but he was fairly certain that Kitsu was already out of the house. He would slowly get out of the bed, and he could hear the discontent grunts from his beloved Kiko. He would smile, lean over the bed once more, and kiss her on the cheek. He would stare at her perfect lips for a few moments. They beckoned to him, and he craved nothing more than to feel her lips pressed against his again.

Ever since their date a few days ago, where he had brought her to a point of kissing him. He couldn't stop himself but to think of just how perfect her lips truly were, but he held on to his integrity. He was going to wait to kiss her again until she was awake, he wanted to make sure that he wasn't just simply having the best fever dream possible. He would grab the blankets and cover her with it, whispering that he would be back soon. She would have a contented sigh escape her while he left the room, fully robed.

When he left the room, he would go downstairs and he would begin to make him and Kitsu some breakfast, but it was then that he would hear Sakoshi walk out of the room. He turned around and saw Sakoshi walking up to the kitchen table. He looked pretty tired, as if he had barely slept. Ren would begin speaking with him, and he would hear that TAkeshiyama's snoring had woken him up again. Ren apologized and decided that he was going to be making them some breakfast, to which Sakoshi would agree.

He would keep cooking for a while, still thinking about Kitsu. He would speak to Sakoshi about Kitsu, but he seemed rather fine with the way that Kitsu had been acting. He said that he was just glad that they weren't the ones being targeted, to which Ren did agree. He was glad that he had a strong sense of justice with his killing. So at least that was a positive to the whole situation. Even though he didn't like how easy it was for his darling sweet Kitsu to take a life, he was at least happy that he was taking lives of the wicked, rather than the innocent.

But of course that would bring in a whole new set of questions. Were these bandits truly evil? Had they done anything to deserve death? These people could just be misguided, or starved for affection. He knew that he had seen some of the bandits do horrible things, but he wasn't sure if maybe that was only a few of them. He couldn't bear thinking about it any longer so he suppressed the thoughts deep into his mind and he began thinking about the day ahead. He sat down with Sakoshi and he would ask if he would like to go with them to the craters once more to gather more materials.

Sakoshi would accept nonchalantly, as if he didn't truly care. Ren did appreciate the casual nature of Sakoshi and how easy it was for him to just shrug things off. Ren had been like that for a long time. He was able to simply forget about so much during his travels, just let so many awful things roll off of his shoulders. But it wasn't until he had taken his first life that he was starting to notice the change within his own mind and body.

He was starting to take things personally, to take his life seriously and to heart. He didn't want to have anyone else be harmed because of him. But of course that didn't happen as when he got here, he had only hurt more people with his genjutsu and his poisons. There was so much that he was doing that he would have never dreamed of doing before, and not everything was for the greater good. Or at least that's how it felt. Sakoshi would ask to go wander for a while, and Ren told him for only a little while as they were going to be leaving very soon.

Sakoshi would accept, eat the last of his breakfast and leave the house. Ren would begin cleaning the dishes, he wanted to have an answer from Kitsu about what he had been doing in the forest. Just what was going on in his mind, but he was concerned that he wasn't going to be getting that any time soon. The clone was far too mysterious, far too mischevious. He was starting to think his name was far too appropriate for him. But he didn't believe him to be a trickster, just a naive boy who didn't know what he was doing, but that didn't seem to fit either.

Ren knew that he needed to get going if he was going to be able to get to the craters before the bandits were able to pick clean what was left. So he ran up to Kiko's room, grabbed his knapsack, kissed his darling Kiko one more time before he would leave the house. He would call out for Sakoshi to meet back with him at the house, and luckily for Ren he was still quite close by.

Sakoshi would return to Ren and around that time, Kitsu would be coming out of the forest. He would wave to Kitsu, beckoning him toward them. He would comply and Ren would catch a sight that he wished he hadn't. He was still wearing the same clothes that were now dry with blood, even covering his face and arms. Ren would ask him to clean up, but Kitsu would deny the request. He stated that if he was going to fight more bandits and get covered in their blood again anyway, there was no point in cleaning himself. Ren would sigh and tell them to just go. He couldn't handle the conversation any longer.

The three would then teleport back to the crater where they would have seen the meteors before. When they arrived, they would see bandits already beginning to run towards the meteors as they arrived. Ren didn't even get the chance to react, Kitsu had already drawn three arrows and began firing them rapidly into the crowd of bandits. One by one they would begin to fall, and Sakoshi would begin clapping him, applauding the massacre that was happening.

Ren didn't really do much this time, he simply accepted the fate of the bandits, as he knew they would die and there wasn't really much he could do about it. There wasn't really any talking to the bandits as that had never worked, but there also was no talking to Kitsu as he was so determined to taking out all of the bandits. So he simply walked over to the meteors and began to gather samples of the rock that was there. He cringed at the sounds of the squelching of their bodies as the arrows would impale into their bodies, but he tried his best to simply think about something else during the massacre.

He watched Kitsu have no emotion during the time that he would kill the bandits. He simply stood there, firing arrow after arrow, not flinching, not blinking, not caring about the life that he was taking. It wasn't something that he could truly get used to, so he decided to look away again. But the sound was ever present in his mind, echoing through the walls of his brain. He saw as the bandits began to run away, and a sense of relief washed over Ren's body as he was thankful that the killing would stop.

But he was wrong, Kitsu went over to the ridge that they were running over and continued to let the arrows fly. Ren asked him to stop, to let them leave. But Kitsu completley ignored him. He continued to fire the arrows, and with each loosed projectile, he would hear another bandit scream as he could feel his life drain away from his body. Ren would lean back on the rock, he wouldn't be able to see the death continue. He wouldn't be able to bear it.

When Kitsu was done, Sakoshi would ask him just why he felt the need to keep firing at them when they were running away, but he would also ask why he left one alive. Kitsu would respond that he was using this as a means to send Kurogane a message. A message that they were going on the offensive with their forces, and no longer going to be waiting for them to fight them, but he was leading the crusade against his own forces to put them in their place. Ren was able to appreciate this, and at least felt somewhat at ease when he heard the plans that Kitsu had for Kurogane and his bandits.

Sakoshi and Ren gathered the rocks while Kitsu had gathered his arrows, pulling them from the now dead bodies of the bandits before him. When they were all prepared to leave, they joined hands and Ren would teleport them back to Junko's home. They would all leave their meteor pieces at the house and they would go their seperate ways. Sakoshi went deeper into the village, and Kitsu would of course go back to the forests. Ren would go back up the stairs and he would go lie with Kiko who had decided to sleep in today.

They would talk a bit about what had happened today and the massacre that had happened. Kiko at first apologized for what had happened, but Ren just wasn't as phased by it anymore. He felt like he had already lost Kitsu to the fight against Kurogane. But truth be told, he was always a bit different, even from the beginning, but now it seemed the void between them was only growing wider and wider and there was so little that he could about it. They just lied there in bed for a while and cuddled.

After a while had passed, they would both leave their room and go down the stairs. Ren would have her sit at the table in the kitchen, and he would make her a nice lunch as it was passed noon at this point. They would eat together and talk about different things. He still had that nagging feeling of despair about his poor Kitsu, but he was beginning to come to grips with the facts that he could do nothing about it. He had created them, but there wasn't any means of him taking away his free will, so for now, he would enjoy having him on their side of the battle.

WC: 2015
TWC: 2015

Claims: (Doubled from BP)
Completion of S rank mission
+20k ryo + 5k from 100 AP conversion = 25k ryo added
+1 Meteoric Iron

WC Claims:
+20 vigor (bringing it to 115) for Sakoshi
+2000 towards Sensory Spec for Sakoshi (complete)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Let the blood spill Empty Re: Let the blood spill

Mon Mar 04, 2024 7:04 pm
Kitsunagi Kurosawa wrote:[spoiler="Mission details"]
WC: 2002
TWC: 2002

Completion of a S rank mission
+20000 Ryo (doubled from beloved Presence)
+2 Meteoric Iron (One from mission, one from Mining Skill)
+100 AP (Doubled from Beloved Presence)

WC Claims:
+1869 towards Archer's Calling (Complete) (Previous Progress)
+133 towards Flower Garden (133/1500)
40 AP from word count (2000 / 10 = 20 * 2 = 40)

Current AP bonus: 456
AP bonus after this is approved: 596
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Let the blood spill Empty Re: Let the blood spill

Mon Mar 04, 2024 7:05 pm
Ren Kurosawa wrote:
WC: 2015
TWC: 2015

Claims: (Doubled from BP)
Completion of S rank mission
+20k ryo + 5k from 100 AP conversion = 25k ryo added
+1 Meteoric Iron

WC Claims:
+20 vigor (bringing it to 115) for Sakoshi
+2000 towards Sensory Spec for Sakoshi (complete)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Let the blood spill Empty Re: Let the blood spill

Mon Mar 04, 2024 7:05 pm
Sakoshi Kurosawa wrote:
WC: 2503
TWC: 2503

Completion of a S rank mission
+20000 ryo (doubled from beloved presence) (Going to Ren Kurosawa)
+1 Meteoric Iron
+100 AP (doubled from beloved presence)
Current AP bonus = 50

WC claims:
+2500 towards Telepathy Seal (complete)
Dumping remaining 5 WC
+25 Vigor (bringing it to 95)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Let the blood spill Empty Re: Let the blood spill

Mon Mar 04, 2024 7:06 pm
Daiki wrote:

Specialty to ST 2,000/2,000
188 Lost
+20 Vigor
10,000 Ryo
Meteoric Iron+1
+50 AP
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