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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO) Empty Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO)

Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:32 am
Tsuki no Meido E rank:
Gnome body Knows E rank:
Lost and found E rank:

With a loud groan, Takeshiyama, Kaito the Oni, flopped into a chair set up just a little way from the self-made Dohyo….which resulted in a groan of the chair’s own as well.  Reaching up he removed the band that had kept his hair tied up in a top knot causing the black mess to fall onto his shoulders.  The sun shone brightly; clouds having taken the day off it would seem.  What had been a brisk morning had turned into a warm evening.  So warm he opted to take in the vitamin D, removing the top half of his kimono as he reached down and pulled up a few papers that had been dropped off.  Sweat beaded across his body, a symptom of his workout within the ring.  If there was one thing, he missed it was a partner.  He could perform the movements, the dance, but without a partner it was difficult to feel the back and forth….the ebb and flow that all combat provided.  Several of the trees had lost their bark because of his tachiai.  Still, he thought a problem for a different day.  Perhaps he could put his own notice out for a partner as a job he thought as he started leafing through the papers.  

They were all notices of different jobs listed that needed performed.  Simple freelance work, nothing like the previous endeavors deep within the mines….something he was swearing off for as long as possible.  Flipping through the papers there was a request to clean a nearby shrine to some spirit or another, an investigation into a troublesome bit of garden guffaws, and a missing kite.  The pay was modest at best, but it was enough to pay off the remainder of the rent he needed to supply to Junko, and allow the more sizeable payoffs and items he had begun to collect.  In truth he wanted the items and money to potentially pay a local craftsman to build a sauna on the property…..or perhaps an actual one room shack so he could get out of sharing a room….at the moment he wasn’t sure which he wanted more.  

The shrine was to some boar spirit, and was located a couple miles from the house, near the ruins of Tengagakure.  The garden troubles were instructed to be investigated at night, and the kite….well you just keep your eyes to the skies for such a thing.  With that in mind, he figured he had a little time, so leaning back in the chair causing the wood to groan just a little more he’d close his eyes and enjoy the sounds of nature and the hustle and bustle of the house before he got up to go to work.  

TWC  - 453
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO) Empty Re: Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO)

Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:42 pm
Jun had a rather late start this afternoon, she had been out most of the night drinking and playing card games at the local bar. Thankfully while there, she wouldn’t have to spend too much ryo, since she looked like Junko most of the men she encountered would purchase the drinks for her. Though she was growing rather bored with her nightly adventures, she needed to do something to fill her time up. The day prior she discussed doing some work in the surrounding area with Junko, but her creator was unfortunately very busy and was unable to spend a day with her quite yet. Junko however would recommend that Jun take some time to forge connections with the others who lived in the home.

As she climbed out of her bed, she would feel a throbbing headache shooting pain through her skull. She probably shouldn’t have drank as much as she did the night before and was now highly regretting it. Slowly she’d get dressed in rather simple clothes, though she wished to wear her black and red suit it was way too hot for her to be in such attire. Instead, she would pull on a tightly fitting sports bra and a loose, dark green crop top. Then she’d pull on a long brown skirt that started just below her waist, that stopped around her ankles. Her long, emerald-green hair would be allowed to lay naturally with wavy curls down her back. After slipping on a pair of comfortable sandals she’d head out of her room.

After looking around for some time, it seemed as if most people had gone for the day. However, she soon came across Takeshiyama who looked as if he was taking a quick break from training in the hot sun. She took a moment to wonder if he had any work lined up for the day, she was growing bored of just staying home most of the time and figured Junko couldn’t be upset if he was Jun’s escort. Soon she would work up the courage to approach him, though Junko had nothing but kind things to say about the man, she was still a bit intimidated by him.

While she approached she’d have one hand in a pocket on her skirt, and the other was waving happily at him. After closing the distance she began to speak to him, her voice was similar to Junkos but slightly higher.

”Good morning Takeshiyama! Well, I guess good afternoon. I hate to bother you, but are you planning on doing some jobs today? Junko suggested that I start working a bit more, so I’d like to join you if that’s alright, I promise not to get in your way too much”

She’d offer him a welcoming and inviting smile, similar to Junko the air around her seemed to be electrified with positivity.

WC: 480
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO) Empty Re: Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO)

Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:52 pm
He never saw the wave, but at the voice he would look up.  Expecting to see Junko, he was surprised to see a different woman.  Though he had met everyone in the home in varying degrees he was still getting used to the fact that several people in the home all looked amazingly alike.  At least in the event of Junko and her sisters it was familial, some of the others like Kitsu and Ren....well it was.... weird.  He hadn't ever developed enough interest to actually ask about it, rather letting it mull over in his mind. Still, it almost never failed to catch him off guard and keeping them, all straight was more difficult than his training at times.  

"I was just thinking of doing just that..."  He would say in a low rumble as he sat up.  Their height despite him being seated was almost eye level as he took her in.  The hair was probably her most distinguishing feature, but it was more than that.  It was that same air that her sister had, that made them seem simply happy to be here no matter where here was.  He considered himself to be an overall positive person, but what they had put him to shame.  With a groan he placed his hands on the arm rests of the chair, pushing up so he could stand.  

At over a foot taller than his green haired companion and 3 times her weight, they made an amusing pair.  Reaching down he put on the training shirt that he had brought out, a simple thin shirt devoid of sleeves.  He'd then gather up his mess of hair tying it in a loose top knot while he told her about the jobs that they had.  Going over the shrine cleaning, and the kite lookout before helping watch a garden come nightfall.  

"Nothing too exciting.."  He'd say with a shrug, "But if you want to come along who am I to refuse."  He'd saw with a warm smile somewhat at odds with what could be considered a monstrous man.  If she was willing, they would set off for the small shrine keeping their eyes open for any kites stuck in trees, there had been a cat or two but that wasn't the job so he left them up there.  

As they walked, he would mostly let her talk about anything that came across her mind.  As for him he would provide answers as needed, still getting used to the folks around the house he had not begun to open up with them as he had with Ren.  Though he had spent significantly more time with his roommate than anyone else.   Even with that said, he was looking forward to the finishing of his one room house out by the Dohyo, the carpenter had even agreed to make the small sauna attached.  It had cost him a small fortune, but with the mining jobs that Ren had continued to insist they did he could afford it.  Unconsciously he flexed slightly as he thought of the mines and how much work they had put in stealing the materials from the earth.

They'd soon arrive at the small shrine which was nothing more than a 5mx5m segment of cobbled stone within the forest.  At the center a 4 foot high statue of a boar surrounded by flames was carved into some kind of stone.  The statue had some graffiti on it, and the grounds around it was littered with trash.  They weren't far from the ruins of Tenga, and it seemed that a lot of the debris could have had its origins there.  

"You aren't nervous, are you?"  He'd say to Jun as they finally arrived at the shrine.  He'd glance around remaining relaxed.  He'd heard from the others that they had run into issues before with the bandits or creatures that originated in Tenga, though he had yet to have any experiences that caused him to worry.

TWC - 1114
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO) Empty Re: Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO)

Sun Mar 03, 2024 4:10 am
”Then I guess we’re like-minded in that regard.”

She’d say as his large, imposing figure rose from his seat, feeling slightly nervous about their upcoming venture. Jun gave him a small bow and thanked him profusely as he agreed to let her come along, she was excited to go out and see some of the views the others ranted and raved about. As he stood to his full height she couldn’t help but be impressed by how tall he was, he probably was the tallest person she had ever seen. From what Junko had told her, however, he was like a giant teddy bear. Both he and her creator seemingly got along well enough, so any anxiety she felt about their jobs would quickly wash away.

As he began to tie his hair up he’d tell her about the upcoming jobs, nothing too difficult to handle. However, she did think about maybe keeping the kite if they even could find it in the first place. For now, though she’d flash him a big smile and look excited as she spoke once more.

”Oh thank you thank you thank you! I promise you won’t regret bringing me along, I think we’ll have a great time!”

She was significantly more cheerful and bubbly than Junko but was seemingly just as kind-hearted. After collecting the required cleaning supplies the two of them would be off toward the shrine. Due to her uncertainty about being away from the house, she’d walk rather close beside him occasionally bumping into him but apologizing after every instance. From this close distance, he could easily smell a bit of alcohol that lingered on her if he tried.

While on their walk she would be enraptured by the beautiful landscape around her, occasionally she’d ask to stop to take in the scenery but would continue on upon his request. She’d speak a bit about herself, revealing that she had a bit of a headache but would insist that she was alright if he inquired. At some point, as they walked past a small patch of moonflowers, Jun would pick up two of them. She’d slide one behind her right ear, allowing it to sit nicely on the side of her face. Turning to Takeshiyama she’d offered the other one to him with a sweet smile hoping that he’d indulge her. If he decided to take it she’d clap softly and thank him once again for bringing her along. If he denied it she would simply toss it off to the side with no hurt feelings.

Soon they’d come upon the statue they were tasked with cleaning, unfortunately, it looked to be in pretty rough shape. Vulgar graffiti could be seen on different parts of the boar and the flames surrounding it, and different debris and little speckled the ground around it. It didn’t look like a hard job, but to her, it seemed to be a rather dull task so she wasn’t too enthusiastic to get started. Part of her wanted to neglect her duties, and instead relax on one of the nearby beaches, though she figured Takeshiyama had set his mind on completing the job.

He’d turn to her and ask if she was nervous and she’d blush slightly as she gazed up at him. A light pink color was beginning to form on her porcelain skin as she smiled up at him. She didn’t want to admit it but she was nervous. Junko had warned her many times about coming to the ruins and had told Jun of the monstrous creatures that lurked around the surrounding area. However, Junko had also told her that Takeshiuama seemingly was a strong combatant so that put her mind at ease slightly.

”No I’m alright, if I was alone I’d be terrified but with you here I feel a bit safer. Junko told me about how you handled yourself when you two first met, which I think is rather impressive! I can’t believe you took on all those guys yourself, you must be incredibly powerful! They totally would have gotten me if I was in that same position”

She’d giggle slightly, embarrassed by her lack of strength compared to the man before her. After they finished speaking Jun would pull her long green hair into a high ponytail, not wanting it to get in the way of her work. If he was looking as she put her hair up, he’d notice a small tattoo of a small spider on the back of her neck. She quickly got to work using cleaning products they brought with them to scrub the statue. For an hour or so she would meticulously scrub every bit of graffiti that she could find.

She was just about finished when she attempted to stand up from a crouched position, however, as she stood she smacked her head against a bit of the carved fire around the boar. Quickly she’d return to the crouching position, with her knees brought to her chest she’d cover the spot where she had made contact with the statue with both of her hands. She’d mumble a bit, chastising herself for being so clumsy while small tears began forming in her eyes. The pain from the bump mixed with her splitting headache was nearly unbearable for her.

Total WC: 1372
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO) Empty Re: Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO)

Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:17 am
The walk with the woman was pleasant, even if he had to scold her for apologizing so many times.  Her positivity seemed to be even greater than her sisters, and perhaps it was for this reason he felt like he could smell a sweet something or other on the wind….it made him think of the ceramic jar of sake he had stashed away on his room.  

He couldn’t help but break down from his defaulted craggy look into a smile.  It was difficult not to when the green haired woman seemed so enraptured by just about anything. The views, the flowers, all of it.  For this reason more than any other he took the moonflower that she offered and stuck it into his topknot.  There it sat between the two horns that jutted up through his hair.  

He’s ask about her nerves, and she would go on about feeling alright.  In truth it confirmed more than the blush creeping up her skin that she was a little worried.  She recounted a story of when he had first arrived that he had already mostly forgotten about.  He’d chuckle along with her, and put a ham sized hand on her shoulder, the weight of it a bit more than he had meant too.  “Such tales are generally exaggerated; but I can promise there is nothing to worry about.”  He’d say confidently before removing his hand.  “After all, we are together, what could happen.”  

Kaito had always been a man of confidence.  Sometimes warranted and other times not so much.   Still, his nature couldn’t allow him not to try and put the woman at ease.  Even if he was a bit outside his depth with small talk.  His life as a wrestler, the constant turmoil amongst the clans of Ushitori that demanded strength….he didn’t often small talk with anyone.  It wasn’t nerves, simply inexperience that had been honed with age.  The opposite of what likely should happen.  

Together they’d fall into a grove making their way through the muck that had become of the shrine.  He casually wondered who the spirit was, and why it was worthy of a shrine in the first place.  He kept these thoughts to himself as he had long ago learned such inquiries where often not received  well no matter the intent.  

Soon the place wasn’t looking half bad he thought, when he heard the familiar sound of a head cracking against something hard.  A sound he’d often heard in the stables though it was often skull to skull, and in this case it appeared to be skull to stone.  

“Now now…”. He’d say in a low voice filled with gravel.  “You mustn’t talk in such a way to yourself….you’re inner warrior hears it.”  He’d have a gentle smile as he rubbed his hands together, almost a feint green light seeming to come from them. She might recognize it as the healing hands jutsu, though it wasn’t how Takeshiyama had learned it.  To him it was a natural gift of healing touch…..a poor education byproduct perhaps but it didn’t lessen what he was able to do with it.  

With a gentleness at odds with his hands he lightly touched the top of her head, his hands almost encapsulating her whole
Head, they slowly moved over her, the pain slowly easing until it was completely gone.  “Better?” He’d ask simply.

TWC - 1675
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO) Empty Re: Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO)

Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:34 pm
Jun looked up at him while his hand was placed on top of her head, a few tears rolled down her cheek as she flashed him an embarrassed smile. Unlike her “sister” Kiko, Jun wasn’t too grateful and often found herself tripping, falling, stumbling, or managing to hurt herself one way or another. As the pain began to leave her, she would close her eyes and would nuzzle her head into his hand with a content smile. Once it completely subsided she’d speak up before he removed his hand.

”Honestly Takeshiyama, I don’t think I have a little warrior. I’m not much of a fighter after all, and Junko has requested that I stay away from the more difficult missions for the time being. Thank you so much for making me feel better, even my headache from my hangover is gone!”

After he removed his hand Jun stood up once again, making sure to not hit her head like last time. As they got back into the flow of cleaning the shrine, Jun would attempt to keep up small talk. Asking about his travels, the things he’d seen, and what kind of fights he had been in. She seemed extremely interested in knowing everything about him, though she wouldn’t push for information if he was unwilling to give it. If Jun had learned anything from her creator it was that foraging strong connections with others was the key to success. Also with Junko and Kiko out of the house, she was beginning to grow quite lonely, so was eager to make new friends.

She would finish cleaning off the statue meticulously for the next hour or so but was extremely careful not to hit her head again. To ensure this she would cover her head with her hand and stand very slowly, to an onlooker this could be seen as funny. She knew if Kiko was here, she surely would be making fun of her. After she was done she would assist Takeshiyama with any of the other tasks that remained before taking a step back to admire their job well done.

Soon they would complete their mission, and Jun would offer him a high as they looked over their hard work. By this time she had worked up a bit of a sweat as she wasn’t used to being outside in the heat for this long. She’d use the corner of her crop top to wipe some of the sweat from her forehead, exposing the sports bra underneath momentarily. After putting her shirt back down she’d turn to her companion with a bit of a tired smile on her face and would speak once again.

”Well that wasn’t too bad, again thank you for bringing me along! It’s nice to get out of the house sometimes ya know?” She’d giggle happily before continuing. ”I assume you know where to go for the next mission right? So you lead and I’ll follow alright? Maybe we’ll even see the kite on the way there!”

Jun would wait until he was ready to depart, then would follow him like a lost puppy to their next location.

Total WC: 1905
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO) Empty Re: Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO)

Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:27 pm
“I’m not sure that’s true.”  He would say with a thoughtful expression.  Her comments on not having an inner warrior belayed someone distanced from the shinobi life, or the crueler aspects of the world.  It was a harsh place and though he saw his fair few fights, he was worldly enough to know of the wars that made his bouts look like children’s games.  “It’s not about just the fights you might think, but all the battles we wage.”  He’d give her a smile and return to their work.  

Time passed quickly especially with the ever flowing River of questions originating from Jun.  He would answer most of them, detailing his travels as they had started in the land of demons, and moving through a great many countries. The biggest common factor being that the majority of the places he mentioned and described lacked a full fledged shinobi stronghold.  Though there were some, he avoided the major countries where war and those out to make their names practiced more commonly.  It was still amusing to him, that here in a place like this there was little known about him and his profession.  While in other lands or areas he could have hardly sat down for a meal without being recognized.  Still as they finished, he mentioned the coming Basho on the other side of the island and how it was sure to bring in many just like him.  

They’d admire their work, and Takeshiyama would admire other things as Jun wiped the sweat from her face, cheerily asking what their next assignment was.  Coughing he would look up, and see that the majority of the day had come and gone.  “Near town, there is a large garden, it seems to be being disturbed at most nights.  We will simply stake it out and see what we can find for them.”  He’d shrug at the simplicity of the job.  “Money is money I suppose.”  He’d say with a grin.  “Maybe we can finish early and stop by for some sake.  If you’re willing?”  He’d finish it with a question. He’d heard her mention a hangover, and though such a malady wouldn’t stop him from a good time, he wanted to offer her an out.   “I think they even have karaoke tonight.”  He’d finish a wider smile on his face.  

With that they would leave the newly cleaned shrine.  Though he did not look back, if Jun did she would see a single boar emerge from brush and walk into the shrine watching them go, it’s eyes seeming to glow with something more than just curiosity.  

The rest of the day would pass as they walked to the garden, despite Kaito’s large steps he seemed to keep pace with Jun, perhaps just lazily walking to keep the pace down.  He’d enjoyed the company, he hadn’t necessarily expected it to be as such.  Though many individuals lived in or near the house he had mostly kept to himself outside all the work Ren continued to find for them.  Still his pockets were lined at this point, and that was slowing down.  

While they waited outside the garden in their lookout vantage point they would see many culprits to the garden.  The fence it seemed wasn’t as secure as the farmer had assured him.  Hares, a boar, and more seemed to come and go through different tiny holes with ease.  Chasing them off Kaito had even found the kite crumbled and buried within one of the hares nests.  Handing it to Jun he would congratulate her on missions complete, before once again extending the offer for a drink and….if the drinks where strong enough, a song.

TWC - 2287

1k ryo X 3 missions + 4K ryo for rank X 3 + 5ryo X 3 X 50 = 15750 total ryo claimed.

1750wc for - B rank
500wc for - D rank
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Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO) Empty Re: Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO)

Sat Mar 09, 2024 12:52 am
Takeshiyama would inform Jun of the upcoming missions, in all honesty, she wasn’t looking forward to being out and about the rest of the day. Though her headache was gone, she was still recovering slightly from the night before. She would perk up slightly as he mentioned stopping somewhere for some sake after they had finished the job for the day. Jun became even more excited at the mention of karaoke, though she had never actually learned any music herself she figured it may be fun to at least watch. As he finished speaking Jun would give an agreeing nod before happily speaking once more.

”Oh I’d absolutely love that! Junko doesn’t like that I stay out rather late, so I’m sure she’d feel better if you were with me. I’m not much of a singer, really all the music I’ve ever heard was from Ren and Junko, but I’d be willing to try!”

They would soon leave the shrine and begin heading towards the next mission location. Thankfully it was a rather easy walk so they made it there with no issues. While walking Jun would continue to ask him questions about himself, if he asked any in return she would attempt to respond in a “normal” way. Seeing as it had been only 2 months from her creation, she didn't have too many life experiences to share with him but she would try regardless.

As it began to get dark, Jun would wait silently beside Takeshiyama and wait for the culprits to show themselves. She was having a rather difficult time being silent as she wanted to keep talking with him, but she knew that this mission required that she keep her mouth shut. After some time of sitting in silence, they would see a variety of animals attempting to break into the garden. It seemed as if the fence was rather poorly made so it was easily accessible. While chasing a hare from the garden, the creature would become stuck. She was a bit apprehensive to attempt to pull it loose, though her heart broke slightly as it attempted to free itself. Jun would free the hare, and upon picking it up she would kiss it lightly on its head before releasing it once more.

After chasing off some of the animals, Takeshiyama would present the kit to her, and inform her that he had found it in one of the hare's nests. She’d sight a bit as she looked at the destroyed kit now in her hands, she was planning on using it maybe one day if they had found it intact. Jun would give him a bow as he congratulated her on a job well done, and she would congratulate him as well. He then would suggest that they go out for some drinks now seeing as their jobs were complete and she would immediately accept.

She would inform him that she wanted to go home and change first, and then they could head out if it was alright with him. Jun would remark that she was feeling a bit gross from sweating so much earlier and was dying to take a quick shower. If he accepted her request the two of them would head back to the house together.


Total WC: 2453

Mission Rewards:
1000 Ryo x 3 missions  = 3000 Ryo +15 AP

WC Claims:
+24 Chakra
1000/1000 Healers Reach C Rank Previous training here
1607/2000 Beloved Presence
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO) Empty Re: Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO)

Sun Mar 10, 2024 6:35 pm
Takeshiyama wrote:

TWC - 2287

1k ryo X 3 missions + 4K ryo for rank X 3 + 5ryo X 3 X 50 = 15750 total ryo claimed.

1750wc for - B rank
500wc for - D rank
Discarding the remaining 37 words

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO) Empty Re: Of the Moonlight in your Eyes (IO)

Sun Mar 10, 2024 6:40 pm
Jun Tsukiko wrote:

Total WC: 2453

Mission Rewards:
1000 Ryo x 3 missions  = 3000 Ryo +15 AP

WC Claims:
+24 Chakra
1000/1000 Healers Reach C Rank Previous training here
1607/2000 Beloved Presence

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