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Jiraijin Hōzuki
Jiraijin Hōzuki
Stat Page : God of the Tides
Mission Record : The Quest to Glory
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 13550

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Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:36 am
Jiraijin Hōzuki
Jiraijin Hōzuki
Stat Page : God of the Tides
Mission Record : The Quest to Glory
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 13550

Bonds Empty Re: Bonds

Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:37 am
Training was over, galavanting around Kirigakure completed Academy Missions was a thing of the past. Jiraijin’s Shinobi headband shone brightly, polished to a mirrored effect, not a single scratch or wear and tear on either the wrap or the headband itself. The Hozuki was effectively an unused weapon, a virgin to battle and Shinobi life. Today was when that was all going to change, in his hands were several mission scrolls which he collated over the week, they were all essentially bookings in advance and Jiraijin, on a seperate map, had made great effort to plan a few days for the mission to be completed. First up they would meet at the Central HQ and meet up with a famous architect, his gathering point was widely known and the hope was that Jiraijin would be able to pick up on the trial of anyone attempting to follow him. The final destination would lead to an outskirts village, one near a mountain pass where Jiraijin would have to infiltrate a cave.

Returning home from this he was signed up to a selection of Patrol missions. Through-out all of this he was to journey with one of his closest companions, Ichikai Uchiha, a newer Shinobi that he had met whilst in the Academy, apparently she had passed shortly after Jiraijin and Kai did too, she too would meet up at the HQ and together set off on the mission. A small rucksack sat across his back, containing food and supplies for him as well as camping equipment, a tent and torches that would be used as a perimeter.

As a veteran of a handful of practice patrol missions under the watchful eye of a Genin, this was a unique opportunity to start to progress his professional career, as a fully fledged soldier he was expected now to take the role both more seriously and to bare in mind that anything that happened was fully on him to be responsible for, his eyes lit up when he read this mission.

The first mission he was assigned on was to patrol the village headquarters, the Kage Building - it was a place known for its high level of security as well as important, it was likely one of the most defended buildings in Kirigakure. The assignment would provide Jiraijin with the opportunity to learn from the best, learn the tricks of the trade in an environment that would be safe but important. Here he would also meet with Ichikai, Jiraijin set up outside of the building and waited for his comrade.

WC: 427
TWC: 427
TMWC: 427/16,000
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