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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Clones New Look Empty A Clones New Look

Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:34 am
Posting as Kiko

Kiko was growing rather upset as most of the natives continuously referred to her as Junko. They did look exactly alike, so she couldn’t fault them but too much for the recurring slip-up. She had been pondering for the past few days about how she could change herself to look slightly different, wanting to stand out more. Junko had recently given both Kiko and Jun a rather large sum of Ryo to do as they wished with it. It did make Kiko feel better however that Junko gave her double the amount that she had given Jun.

She couldn’t help but feel a bit rebellious towards her creator, she knew that Junko wanted them to all be “sisters” but Kiko didn’t feel that kind of bond with her. If anything Kiko saw her more of a mother, as she often would take care of her when anything happened. She also often saw Junko and Ren spending large amounts of time together, which made her slightly jealous. Ren was so sweet and caring towards Junko, but she seemingly didn't feel the same or at least didn’t show it like she should.

Ren seemingly worshiped the ground she walked on, and acted as if Junko could do no wrong in his eyes. He wrote Junko songs, and poetry, then dropped every ambition he had just to prove his commitment to her. Kiko couldn’t help but be upset with her creator, if Junko intended to not be with him why was she stringing him along? She couldn’t understand the complicated intricacies of their relationship and it frustrated her to no end. If she found a man as committed to her as Ren was to Junko, she’d stop everything for him and give him whatever his heart desired. For a while, she would daydream of a happy life with Ren, though she knew that it would never be her reality.

After some time she made her way into the village, she had made an appointment to get her hair dyed in order to stand out a bit more. She was also planning on getting herself a few tattoos from a local that she had heard of before. As she made her way into the salon, a woman behind the counter would greet her. After discussing with the woman about how she wanted her hair to look, the woman would question her decision. This made Kiko a bit frustrated as she had decided that she wanted this look a few days ago.

However, the woman listened to her and began working on her hair. Kiko had asked to completely bleach her long hair, turning it white instead of the jet-black hair Junko had. She also requested that a portion of the bottom and a bit of her bangs be dyed a bright pink color. Thankfully the stylist was competent, and though it took hours to completely remove the color from her hair, she was able to achieve the look she was going for.

She’d take a few moments in the mirror examining herself intently, she couldn’t help but understand why people were drawn to Junko's stunning appearance. After a bit of staring at herself, Kiko would turn and thank the woman, then after handing over the proper payment she would head to her next destination. Heads turned and followed her as she walked the bustling streets, more than when she looked just like Junko.

Soon she would come upon a rather small building that had a sign posted on the door that only said “Tattoo” on it. She’d make her way inside to find a gruff young man standing behind the counter, looking at some kind of book. Kiko would speak to him, and explain that she wished to have a bit of work done. The man agreed and pulled out a thick book with some designs he had previously made. She flipped through the page, trying to find a few that caught her eye. After some discussion of price, they had come to an agreement. She had found quite a few designs that she wanted, though was unsure of where to put them. Knowing that Junko would be upset with her if she got one on her face, she refrained and opted for matching ones on her chest and shoulders, then she requested that one be placed on her right lower hip.

As the man got to work Kiko enjoyed the feeling of her flesh being poked at and agitated. She nearly fell asleep a handful of times. The first one that was completed was the floral design that started just below her collarbones with vines that traveled down her arms, stopping just above the elbow. The flowers looked to be moonflowers of various sizes, but the ink was only black. The final one was a very intricate tattoo of a dragon interweaved with the same moon flowers that dotted her collar. Most of the body would be hidden when wearing pants, though its head could be seen peaking out above her waistline.

After he was finished, the man would give her some basic care instructions and a cream to put on it regularly. After paying the man she would return back to the streets and begin heading to her final destination. She wanted to ditch the clothes Junko had bought for her, it’s not that she didn't like them, it was simply because she wanted the freedom to choose. As she walked, she could feel the sun beating down on her body, the ink now in her veins burned slightly as she roasted in the light. Thankfully the clothing store was close, and more importantly inside.

She’d enter the store and find that there was nobody behind the cash register. However she could hear some movement from a back room, so she decided to have a look around. Kiko found herself attracted to simpler clothes than Junko, where her creator desired to be flashy and ornate, but Kiko was the opposite. She’d find a normal t-shirt that was cut off right just below her chest that seemingly had the sleeves removed. For pants, she found a few different styles and decided to purchase them all, she wanted a new wardrobe after all so she wasn’t concerned with the amount.

As she looked around an old man would come out from the back room and sit at the counter, he’d patiently wait for her to approach before asking if she found everything alright. After some discussion, Kiko was able to haggle the price down significantly and then handed the man the money. After the transaction was complete she’d thank the man abe begin the walk home. She’d move quickly, hoping the exposure to the sun wouldn’t ruin her recently added tattoos.

Upon arriving home, she would find Junko and present herself. Though shocked Junko would support her decisions, even going as far as telling Kiko she was gorgeous. Junko unconditionally supported Kiko in her transformation, and this put her at ease. She had been worried that Junko would be upset, but as usual, she kept a relaxed and warm demeanor.

The two of them would share a quick snack before Kiko decided to take a nap. Her body was sore from the tattoos that now covered a portion of her body, so she excused herself and went to her room. While there, she found Jun also taking a nap in her bed on the opposite side of the room. After changing into something more comfortable, Kiko would climb into bed and swiftly fall asleep.



Reserving WC claims

New Face Claim:

Tattoo Reference:

Last edited by Junko Tsukiko on Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:23 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Added correct link to profile for Kiko/ Exited thread)
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A Clones New Look Empty Re: A Clones New Look

Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:28 pm
Junko Tsukiko wrote:Posting as Kiko

Kiko was growing rather upset as most of the natives continuously referred to her as Junko. They did look exactly alike, so she couldn’t fault them but too much for the recurring slip-up. She had been pondering for the past few days about how she could change herself to look slightly different, wanting to stand out more. Junko had recently given both Kiko and Jun a rather large sum of Ryo to do as they wished with it. It did make Kiko feel better however that Junko gave her double the amount that she had given Jun.

She couldn’t help but feel a bit rebellious towards her creator, she knew that Junko wanted them to all be “sisters” but Kiko didn’t feel that kind of bond with her. If anything Kiko saw her more of a mother, as she often would take care of her when anything happened. She also often saw Junko and Ren spending large amounts of time together, which made her slightly jealous. Ren was so sweet and caring towards Junko, but she seemingly didn't feel the same or at least didn’t show it like she should.

Ren seemingly worshiped the ground she walked on, and acted as if Junko could do no wrong in his eyes. He wrote Junko songs, and poetry, then dropped every ambition he had just to prove his commitment to her. Kiko couldn’t help but be upset with her creator, if Junko intended to not be with him why was she stringing him along? She couldn’t understand the complicated intricacies of their relationship and it frustrated her to no end. If she found a man as committed to her as Ren was to Junko, she’d stop everything for him and give him whatever his heart desired. For a while, she would daydream of a happy life with Ren, though she knew that it would never be her reality.

After some time she made her way into the village, she had made an appointment to get her hair dyed in order to stand out a bit more. She was also planning on getting herself a few tattoos from a local that she had heard of before. As she made her way into the salon, a woman behind the counter would greet her. After discussing with the woman about how she wanted her hair to look, the woman would question her decision. This made Kiko a bit frustrated as she had decided that she wanted this look a few days ago.

However, the woman listened to her and began working on her hair. Kiko had asked to completely bleach her long hair, turning it white instead of the jet-black hair Junko had. She also requested that a portion of the bottom and a bit of her bangs be dyed a bright pink color. Thankfully the stylist was competent, and though it took hours to completely remove the color from her hair, she was able to achieve the look she was going for.

She’d take a few moments in the mirror examining herself intently, she couldn’t help but understand why people were drawn to Junko's stunning appearance. After a bit of staring at herself, Kiko would turn and thank the woman, then after handing over the proper payment she would head to her next destination. Heads turned and followed her as she walked the bustling streets, more than when she looked just like Junko.

Soon she would come upon a rather small building that had a sign posted on the door that only said “Tattoo” on it. She’d make her way inside to find a gruff young man standing behind the counter, looking at some kind of book. Kiko would speak to him, and explain that she wished to have a bit of work done. The man agreed and pulled out a thick book with some designs he had previously made. She flipped through the page, trying to find a few that caught her eye. After some discussion of price, they had come to an agreement. She had found quite a few designs that she wanted, though was unsure of where to put them. Knowing that Junko would be upset with her if she got one on her face, she refrained and opted for matching ones on her chest and shoulders, then she requested that one be placed on her right lower hip.

As the man got to work Kiko enjoyed the feeling of her flesh being poked at and agitated. She nearly fell asleep a handful of times. The first one that was completed was the floral design that started just below her collarbones with vines that traveled down her arms, stopping just above the elbow. The flowers looked to be moonflowers of various sizes, but the ink was only black. The final one was a very intricate tattoo of a dragon interweaved with the same moon flowers that dotted her collar. Most of the body would be hidden when wearing pants, though its head could be seen peaking out above her waistline.

After he was finished, the man would give her some basic care instructions and a cream to put on it regularly. After paying the man she would return back to the streets and begin heading to her final destination. She wanted to ditch the clothes Junko had bought for her, it’s not that she didn't like them, it was simply because she wanted the freedom to choose. As she walked, she could feel the sun beating down on her body, the ink now in her veins burned slightly as she roasted in the light. Thankfully the clothing store was close, and more importantly inside.

She’d enter the store and find that there was nobody behind the cash register. However she could hear some movement from a back room, so she decided to have a look around. Kiko found herself attracted to simpler clothes than Junko, where her creator desired to be flashy and ornate, but Kiko was the opposite. She’d find a normal t-shirt that was cut off right just below her chest that seemingly had the sleeves removed. For pants, she found a few different styles and decided to purchase them all, she wanted a new wardrobe after all so she wasn’t concerned with the amount.

As she looked around an old man would come out from the back room and sit at the counter, he’d patiently wait for her to approach before asking if she found everything alright. After some discussion, Kiko was able to haggle the price down significantly and then handed the man the money. After the transaction was complete she’d thank the man abe begin the walk home. She’d move quickly, hoping the exposure to the sun wouldn’t ruin her recently added tattoos.

Upon arriving home, she would find Junko and present herself. Though shocked Junko would support her decisions, even going as far as telling Kiko she was gorgeous. Junko unconditionally supported Kiko in her transformation, and this put her at ease. She had been worried that Junko would be upset, but as usual, she kept a relaxed and warm demeanor.

The two of them would share a quick snack before Kiko decided to take a nap. Her body was sore from the tattoos that now covered a portion of her body, so she excused herself and went to her room. While there, she found Jun also taking a nap in her bed on the opposite side of the room. After changing into something more comfortable, Kiko would climb into bed and swiftly fall asleep.


Reserving WC claims

New Face Claim:

Tattoo Reference:

Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

A Clones New Look Empty Re: A Clones New Look

Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:14 pm
WC Claims:

+12 Strength
1960/2000 Beloved Presence previous training here
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

A Clones New Look Empty Re: A Clones New Look

Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:24 am
Kiko Tsukiko wrote:(EXIT)
WC Claims:

+12 Strength
1960/2000 Beloved Presence previous training here

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