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Training of the clones (P,NK) Empty Training of the clones (P,NK)

Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:07 am
Kyo had just awoke from his deep sleep in his bed that he had finally got a day ago. It had been a day that Maku had sent the silent threat to him as well. Since then Kyo had been learning jutsu left and right since he was a Genin now. He himself had successfully learned multiple jutsu the mist power being his Rock Pillar Spears. Today he was going to learn the Shadow Clone technique that the Kage of the old days were masters of. Or so the history books had said in the Academy. There was one even fluent in creating over thousands of them at one time. Naruto Uzamaki was the name of the Seventh Fire Shadow who could create thousands of shadows. Kyo got up from his seat on the bed and moved it all of the way to the far end of the all to begin his training. He closed his eyes and began to perform the handseals of Shadow Clone jutsu that he had seen on the scrolll of the jutsu a day before. After performing the handseals successfully without directing towards his hand he had begun to think that he had the hang of performing the seals now.

Kyofu then began performing the hand seals while at the same time sending pulses of chakra through out his body and into his hands to make the jutsu successful. After performing the last hand seal Kyo would scream " Shadow Clone Jutsu ". But nothing had happened, he expected a clone or two to appear to the side or in front of him. He looked behind him and didn't see any clones." I wonde what I ddi wrong " Kyo whispered to himself. He knew for sure that he had performed the handseals correctly and moved his chakraaroumd swiftly to avoid disruption in the jutsu." Ok I will do it again " Kyo said aloud as he began to swiftly perform hand seals while simultaneously directing chakra through out his body to make the jutsu a success.

After performing the last seal which was only one hand seal the Clone Seal. When he performed the clone seal instead of screaming he thrusted his hand forward pushing all chakra towards his hands. Two smoke forms appeared in front of Kyo, when the smoke had disappeared to exact copies of himself stood in front of him." Hello Shadow Clones " said Kyo.


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Training of the clones (P,NK) Empty Re: Training of the clones (P,NK)

Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:33 am
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