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Hibiki Sato
Hibiki Sato
Stat Page : Nightmare Circus

Mission Record : Mission Records
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Puppetry Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Clanless
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10925

Unknown vagabound at the gate  - Page 2 Empty Re: Unknown vagabound at the gate

Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:04 pm
Hibiki frowned as Zansu struck at the vagabond sat across from him. The attack and accompanying words were threatening and a little more heavy handed than Hibiki would have preferred. Hibiki’s eyes narrowed and his smile disappeared when the vagabond spoke however. Especially so when his intonation and tone of voice changed. Hibiki glanced at Zansu before returning his level gaze on Yoto, sensing the change in demeanour and the potential threat of violence.

“Would you kindly come stand next to me Zansu san and please can you refrain from striking this man further. Unless he makes any violent moves towards us or says something that might endanger the villagers we should not be too rough with them. If you are unable to restrain yourself then please could you at least wait just outside the door? I am not asking you to leave the room at this stage, to be clear. I do not think it is a good precedent to bully visitors with physical displays.” Hibiki spoke again to the vagabond and his voice was also a little colder though it did not likely have as much impact as he imagined. He still appeared as a little more than a child after all.

“Your complaint has been heard but you must understand your position here and understand very, very clearly. I am your judge, jury and if required executioner in this room. I wish to be fair and give you a chance to explain yourself fully. Know that I do not approve of my colleagues overzealous methods but understand that until we deem otherwise you are considered as a potential threat to this village. In this room you have no choices but the ones I allow you to have. You are free to feel about this any way you wish. The point in you talking is to convince me that you are safe to be allowed entry into the village or even allowed to leave the village freely, but most importantly, whether I will allow you to leave this room at all.”

Hibiki allowed his words to sink in before continuing and he continued to maintain the hidden seal of confrontation and watch the vagabonds chakra in the event he attempted to begin a technique and Hibiki was ready to strike first. He was uncertain precisely how strong the vagabond was but he would do his duty regardless. Even if he could only save Zansu by buying time it would be worth the sacrifice in his eyes. He took comfort that death in service of the village was a noble end and he was sure that if he faced it bravely that Raijin and Fuujin would bless his passing. If Zansu moved to stand behind Hibiki as he requested then she would easily spot that he was holding the seal of confrontation with his left hand below the table.

“You do not give orders or ultimatums to me here and I suggest you lower your voice now and take a moment to steady yourself. Understand this is a stressful situation and this may be new to you, but for us the security of our village and its people is our highest priority so I hope you can understand that. I will ask one more time, please describe the tactical glove item you wished to purchase including its name if known, please describe the poisonous concentrate including the name of it that you believe could be found only in our village then please place the scroll on the table and advise what is stored inside. Please do not raise of issues or complaints. Just answer our questions and then hopefully you will be free to enjoy the rest of your day. Whether that is inside the village or not will be dependant on your answers. If you do not cooperate fully I will have to take you into custody and should you resist I will cut you down, it will give me no pleasure to do so but discomfort is an easy price to pay for my villages safety.”

Hibiki sat ready for the vagabonds response and was prepared to use several techniques at a moment’s notice, relying on his activated chakra sensory to give him a chance to react before the vagabond sat across from him.

WC: 704  TWC: 2939
Zansū Rayu
Zansū Rayu
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Raging Storm
Mission Record : mission Log
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Unknown vagabound at the gate  - Page 2 Empty Re: Unknown vagabound at the gate

Thu Feb 22, 2024 12:33 am
As the man yelled in pain as she twisted his hand and dislocated it, Zansu kept pressing to cause more pain, with the man getting less and less patient and explaining how he wouldnt stand being tortured for a simple trade and culinary experience. He even said that as long as she would be there, the traveller wouldnt accept to talk or answer questions. Rapidly, Sato replied to the man, but first adressed his message to Zansu. He was asking her to let go of the man, and that hurting him like this wasnt acceptable. Zansu frowned, and her teeths gnashed together, her jaw tightening from silent anger. As she looked at Sato, her expression was one of annoyance and insult. 

''Let go the disgusting man who touched me in a seductive maner without my agreement?! I shouldve broken both his hands...'' Said Zansu, her tone agressive and angry, first toward Sato, then toward the man, before releasing his hand from her tight and strong grip, before going toward the door of the room. Before she would exit to not cause further complications and to ease the tension, Zansu turned toward Sato, and got back to her natural facial expression.

''You doin' good. I dont want to disturb the interogation, i'll wait by the door.'' Said gently Zansu toward the young guard of the gates of Kumogakure, before getting out of the room, standing beside the door, still leanning on the wall with her arms crossed, lending an ear to listen if it would go bad, but not interveening again.

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Hibiki Sato
Hibiki Sato
Stat Page : Nightmare Circus

Mission Record : Mission Records
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Puppetry Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Clanless
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10925

Unknown vagabound at the gate  - Page 2 Empty Re: Unknown vagabound at the gate

Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:53 am
Hibiki watched the vagabond and listened without giving and further facial cues. The flippancy with which the vagabond treated the interrogation was disturbing and Hibiki was close to arresting or striking down the stranger several times as he spoke, held back perhaps by lack of experience and hesitation to kill the vagabond in cold blood. Hibiki’s anger slowly built up however and he was not impressed with the visitor even when he had finally answered the questions. “Had you simply answered my questions like you just did you would have already been in the village by now, instead you raise protests and deliberately try our patience. I am aware of the items you wish to purchase and you are correct, they are available for purchase. Now I must decide what to do with you and you flagrant disregard in how you have composed yourself during this interview.” Hibiki paused and glanced to Zansu as she left and gave a slight nod, who was clearly very angry.

Hibiki could understand why she was so hostile considering the vagabond's reaction which Hibiki himself found very distasteful but he could not deny that Zansu had struck the visitor unprovoked first. Had Hibiki been in the vagabond's situation he would have the intelligence not to bite back and simply accept it in silence before answering the questions posed. Clearly the vagabond had no real knowledge of a real ninja village or how cutthroat the world could be.  Hibiki was sure if someone other than himself had been on guard duty the vagabond would likely have been cut down and shipped to the hospital. Hibiki could almost picture him on the mortician's slab as Hibiki organised and weighed organs, or at least what would be left of them.

“I am familiar with the capabilities and potential of puppets. There is no such thing as a simple puppet.” With his right hand Hibiki allowed chakra threads to appear from each finger tip, not connected to anything and only a 1 meter long and stretched up towards the ceiling in a non-threatening manner before allowing them to vanish a moment later. Hibiki's mouth did not move but Yoto would hear his voice as an angry whisper just next to his ear. “I am also fully aware of what a puppet master is capable of. Should you have the skill and knowledge to move more than puppets you will not do this whilst within our village. If you break any rules, show any further disrespect or do not obey my orders, I promise you will die. As a puppet user you should be glad to know that should this occur, your death would contribute towards an exciting breakthrough in my puppet creations for which I have yet to receive any volunteers.” The angry whispering in Yoto’s ear would cease.

Hibiki sighed loudly for the purpose of informing Zansu that his decision made. When he spoke this time there was no anger in the voice , just calm statement of fact. “You will be granted access to make your purchases and enjoy the amenities that the village has to offer, but your actions and manner of your response have not earned our hospitality or trust. You will be escorted by myself as you travel the village. I will remain in open view and at a respectable distance. I give you this final warning, one more flippant remark or protest, one more giggle at our expense or a toe out of line and you will be executed. Anything less than total respect for our village and its inhabitants will be considered as an act of aggression. The ice you are walking on right now is heavily cracked and worn so you should consider your next steps very, very carefully.”

Hibiki rose, picking up his katana with his left hand after releasing the seal of confrontation and allowing his chakra sensory to return to a passive mode. Hibiki Called out to Zansu. “He is being granted access to the village under an escort and final warning s have been issued. Please can you complete the paperwork and ensure his arrival and escort is documented. I will be escorting him in the village” Hibiki gestured for Yoto to leave the room ahead of him and Hibiki would follow 3 meters behind. He was now responsible for the vagabond and would not let him out of his sight for the duration of his stay, ready to deal with the vagabond if he stepped out of line at a moments notice.

WC: 742 TWC: 3,681

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Unknown vagabound at the gate  - Page 2 Empty Re: Unknown vagabound at the gate

Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:30 pm
Yoto Hisashiburi wrote:Y

WC: 478
TWC: 4863

TWC: 4863
Entry to Kumogakure
4862WC: 48 Stats= +32 Chakra // +16 Speed
Puppetry: Slicing threads (2500 WC)
Chakra Infusion (2000 WC)
Wind Release: Starting Breeze (250 WC)

113 WC donated to charity

Hibiki Sato
Hibiki Sato
Stat Page : Nightmare Circus

Mission Record : Mission Records
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Puppetry Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Clanless
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10925

Unknown vagabound at the gate  - Page 2 Empty Re: Unknown vagabound at the gate

Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:05 am
Hibiki followed Yoto out into the village, keeping an eye on him from 10 meters away with chakra sensory active, prepared to leap into action if the vagabond showed any signs of endangering the villagers.


WC: 35 TWC: 3,716

Claiming WC: 3,716

Max stat training at 25%:
- Advanced element: Storm Release - 1500 - 1500/3716
- Skill: Blacksmith - 1500 - 3000/3716
- Jutsu: 716 wc towards Lightning Release: Ground Rod - 716/750 - 3716/3716

Last edited by Sato Hibiki on Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:41 am; edited 1 time in total
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Unknown vagabound at the gate  - Page 2 Empty Re: Unknown vagabound at the gate

Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:44 pm
Sato Hibiki wrote:Hibiki followed Yoto out into the village, keeping an eye on him from 10 meters away with chakra sensory active, prepared to leap into action if the vagabond showed any signs of endangering the villagers.


WC: 35 TWC: 3,716

Claiming WC: 3,716

Max stat training at 25%:
- Advanced element: Storm Release - 1500 - 1500/3716
- Skill: Blacksmith - 1500 - 3000/3716
- Jutsu: 716 wc towards Lightning Release: Ground Rod - 716/750 - 3716/3716

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