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Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218700

Buttons and Bows Empty Buttons and Bows

Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:58 am
Within the Okinaga district, known for its litany of shops and restsurants, Okisho is seen sauntering down the outside mall; his eyes visually prying each and every clothing store. He had a big day coming up, his date with Nokino; the violet eyed amazon who stole his attention at Hokage Rock. Ever since then, he couldn‘t get her out of his head. It was her predatory eyes, accompianed by the hazy of smoke, that drew him closer. Despite the fact that Okisho didn‘t like, nore care to smoke at all!

Nevertheless, his persuing eventually led with him ending up in a simple clothing store; nothing high end of note. He wasn‘t in to designer brands, or the latest trends. If it had logos, Okisho won‘t touch it. It pretty much summed up his wardrobe.

As for his own attire, Okisho is a minimalist, nothing too flashy and void of any logos. He is seen wearing a simple all light grey shirt, and a pair of dark navy-blue slacks which stop at the top of his ankles. A single ninja pouch concealed underneath his black shirt. His shoes are standard issued shinobi editions, revealing his toes and back ankles. His shinobi headband is tied tight against his forehead, but not so much to cause any discomfort.

The store was pretty clutter today, along with new styles, and quite the number of shoppers. Was everyone planning to go on a date this week? He sulks, trying to navigate through the many clusters of busy shoppers who stood in the middle of the walkpaths. They were clearly in their own world. Throughout the maze of people, he takes note of a few faces. Some of which he went to the academy with. It was nice to see his fellow classmates, out and about all grown up. Time flew by quick.

Finally, there he stood; glass eyed. Before him, stood a wall, adorned with what seemed to be a million shelves of neatly folded clothing. What was he to do? What would he end up choosing? What would Nokino approve of? The combinations were endless. His anxiety manifested the phantom image of Nokino, staring down with narrow eyes from above the wall of clothing with her arms and legs crossed. Her glare, which was seemingly quite harsh, grew ever so weary of the lapse of time it took regarding to which piece of clothing he‘d choose. His heart was riddled with a violent storm, it thundered within him.

“…Why did I have to go to Hokage Rock on that night?”, his gloomy expression painted his face clearly with indecisiveness. He teemed with doubt, and was in need of help. He never thought he would need help with dressing himself, given his basic style of attire. He looks around to see if he could flag down a store associate…, or anyone else.
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

Buttons and Bows Empty Re: Buttons and Bows

Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:41 am
Yukio waved goodbye to the shopkeeper as he exited, the small bag of items swaying in his hand as he walked out and down the crowded street. The Okinaga district was in full swing as hundreds of Konohagakure civilians and shinobi alike flit to and fro, going from shop to shop in a mesmerizing dance of Ryo. Yukio had a few errands himself to accomplish here, the first of them done. He was surprised he had been able to get away from missions and training to get them done.

'Let's see, next on the list was...ah! There it is.' Yukio entered the small boutique clothing store that sold his favorite casual wear and was greeted with a packed storefront. Sighing, he made his way into the interior and began browsing. As he looked at the various clothing against one wall, one of the other patrons caught his eye. He wore minimalist clothing in dark colors, and his raven hair made Yukio immediately think Uchiha. 'Tch, Uchiha are always so broody. Just once I want to meet one who's bubbly and energetic.' He approached the shinboi (the headband was the obvious giveaway, but the shoes always tell) with the practiced ease of an extreme extrovert. "Is there something you might need help with, Shinobi-san? My name is Yukio, Senju Yukio." Yukio gave the shinobi a big grin and extended his hand in greeting. "I shop here quite often and, if you'll forgive me, you look somewhat out of your depth." Yukio thought the man looked familiar, but couldn't quite place his face.

WC: 261
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218700

Buttons and Bows Empty Re: Buttons and Bows

Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:23 am
His search was over, his prayers answered as he honed in on the rather tall brown haired individual. Who happened to be a Senju at that. A clan, not only revered in their own right, but with quite the history that has crossed path with his own. Nevertheless, the aura coming off of the jovial Senju was welcoming, so acknowledging the gesture with a firm handshake with his right hand, he smirks back; greatly appreciating the assistance for he so greatly needed it. He could feel his anxiety wane away, the smile from his new company helped greatly.

"Yes! I mean, yes. I'm Okisho, and yes..., I'm in trouble waters at the moment.", he sighs while adjusting his headband, nervously trying to not only muster up the courage to admit that he was trying to impress a certain someone, but also admit that this rather taxing occasion would happen to be the first date in his life! He gathers himself, taking a few glances back and forth between Yukio and the wall of despair. Amazing how such simple gathers could cause such vexing feelings. His pride was getting the best of him, but this was the answer fate responded with. He was in no position to pick and choose.

"I, am meeting someone.", he pauses, snapping his gaze towards the wall of clothes. He purses his lips, as he tried to force out the next part. He felt rather small doing this, but with another glance towards the great big smile, his high shoulders dropped a bit into a more relaxed comfortable form. He felt he could be a little bit more, open.

"I... have a date with someone I just met who I have no clue who or what she is, let alone what she does for a living. She just showed up out of no where, towering over me with her great piercing violet eyes, peering into my soul", he steps to the side, almost beginning to pace a bit while continuing his confession to his Senju Savior. It was as if he was in therapy, putting it all out there for his more knowledgeable peer to examine. "I just offered to take her to a Hookah bar, since she loves to smoke it seems. Night and day if I can a chimney; she's tall like one to- ", his attention was robbed by a conversation off to to the right in a nearby cluster. Talks of perfume and cologne forced him to ease drop. "Do I need that too, cologne? It's just a Hookah bar right? But it's my, and our first date..."

He snaps back, attempting his collect his thoughts. "You mind helping, Yukio?", he asked in a calm demeanor. He was kind of glad he wasn't like this around the rest of his team, so vulnerable, especially Tenshi. Okisho had a feeling that Tenshi would hold this high above head and would never let this go. Himari, well, she would most likely run her mouth and tell everyone and Okisho can't have that happen before the date even happened.

For now, he waits, for  now he was at the mercy of Yukio Senju.
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

Buttons and Bows Empty Re: Buttons and Bows

Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:40 am
Yukio paid close attention to his fellow shinobi as he both introduced himself and then began to explain his predicament. 'Ah, Uchiha Okisho. He graduated before me, but I believe we are both still Genin. In fact, I think he is also taking part in the upcoming Culling Games.' As he listens, his grin slowly fades to a slight pursing of his lips as he stands in thought, processing what the older Uchiha had said. 'He's...he's going on a date with Nokinol-sensei?!' Yukio gave Okisho a subtle appraisal as the man paced back and forth, going on and on about his mysterious infatuation with Nokino.

"Alright Okisho, I'll help you out. Funnily enough, Nokino is my sensei...or, well, at least I think she still is. We both got in a spot of hot water with the village leadership and I haven't really seen that much of her since then, unfortunately." Yukio shook his head to clear his thoughts. Looking at the Uchiha, he smiled broadly and nodded once. "Okay, first things first. Yes, Nokino likes to smoke, because she's a member of the Iburi clan, but I don't know if a Hookah bar is the best place to bring her. I would recommend a nice dinner first, Nokino absolutely loves food, so something like that would be a great first impression. Then, the hookah bar afterwords to unwind, digest, and maybe have some drinks after would be good." Yukio placed a gentle hand on Okisho's shoulder and guided him nearer to the wall of fashion before them both.

"Now then, we need to talk about what you're going to wear. Above all, Nokino wants you to be yourself, so wearing a nicer version of what you already like and own is totally fine!" Yukio grabbed a couple of different items from the store, fitted slacks in black and navy blue, along with a couple of nice black tops that would work with either pair of pants. "However, with your paler skin and dark hair, warm color tones are also an option for you. I take it you don't often go for clothing outside of black and navy blue much?" Yukio didn't even wait for the Uchiha to respond as he moved over to a section of clothing containing what he had described. Some blue slacks and a pair of darker khaki's joined the pile, and then some shirts in shades of forest green, brown, and burnt orange as well. "These will compliment your skin tone and bring out your eyes. With that said, Yukio passed the ever growing pile of clothing into Okisho's arms without warning.

"Well, go on then! Go try them on and lets see what you like!"

WC: 450 | TWC: 711

Okisho Uchiha likes this post

Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218700

Buttons and Bows Empty Re: Buttons and Bows

Sat Feb 03, 2024 12:47 pm
“Your Sensei?”, that was an interesting development. What a small world, running into one of Nokino’s students before the big day. Ideally, Yukio was the perfect wingman. Who’s best to get the inside deets? Okisho does however raise an eyebrow about the comment of the two having complications with the higher ups. What could the two have done to warrent such attention? He wanted to press on it, it could reveal some interesting facts but Nokino, but now wasn’t the time. He was still focused If it was that serious, the odds of the two walking around freely within the village would be very slim. Besides, he’d just seen her a day ago.

“We both got in a spot of hot water with the village leadership and I haven't really seen that much of her since then, unfortunately.” - Yukio Senju

Okisho Uchiha will remember that.

Not shortly after, readying himself for the privileged information, he was bombarded with a tsunami. Wave after wave, he was educated on the creature to be known as Nokino. The Iburi comment was a bit racist, but he was pretty sure he meant no ill will by it. Who could, with a honest to god smile like Yukio?

He wasnt surprised either that she was a foodie, Nokino, smoked alot. He remember her saying that it was just simple herbs, but Okisho knew better. He knew that she had to be loading up the pre rolls with something else after hours. Being a Sensei is not an easy job, people needed to cope. Life was hard enough as it is, besides, there were plenty of functioning Pot smokers in the village. One of them just happened to be Nokino. Okisho didnt know if he was being honest to himself. Rationalizing all her habits just to spend time with her, her influence was already corrupting him. He needed to stay strong and keep his form, or else he could lose himself.

“I see…perhaps a buffet? Or maybe one of those prime steakhouses on the eastend near the Akimichi District”, he rubs his bare chin as he pondered where to take her. Juggling the need for her to feed, along with which restaurant would be well suited. He was then swiftly guided back towards the wall of dispair

“Whaah?…more?” It was too much too soon. Forgetting that this was indeed the main reasoning to why he was here. He could feel his heart rate rise once again, almost undoing all the placating Yukio had done before.

“Yeah, I don’t like bright colored clothes. Stereotypes or not, it’s just not my thing. Yukio? Yu - Yukio!?”, he said as he maneuvered his line sight from the left to the right, as the stack of clothing within his arms grew only higher and higher. When the deed was done, Okisho was seen standing wide legged. He seemingly managed to balance the tall stack of clothing, for now. He sighs while looking for the fitting room.

Despite all his worry, he couldnt give up. The prize at the end of the road was way to valuable to pass up. He narrows his eyes as he prepares for his mission.

“Right, lets do this!”, the air around him shifts as his focus hones in on the nearby fitting room. He waddles over to the fitting room, lucky the door was open to allow him to place the clothes down in the booth with ease. After so, he creates four hand seals with a single hand. He was skilled in casting jutsu with half seals, a trick he learned from on of his peers in the Uchiha District when he was in the academy. Tiger - Horse - Ram - Clone seal, a single shadow clone spawns within the room. Okisho vacates the fitting room and shuts the door, allowing the clone to act as the fitter.

With Okisho, and presumably Yukio standing next to him. The clone inside, uses the clone jutsu to spawn clones wearing different attire according to what Yukio laid out. And now it begins…

The klieg lights that hung above the area outside of the fitting room shined bright as the new dressed clones phased through the closed door(just images, no physical form), and displayed their new form to both Yukio and Okisho; the fashion critics.

As he scans the four models, he was somewhat drawn towards the one furthest to the left “Hmm, I like the one to the far left”, he sad, pointing towards the one who clearly wore the same clothes as he did, just inverted. “The forest green coat is a nice touch”, he slowly shifts his gaze towards Yukio for approval. The quicker this was solved, the faster he could move on to the other subject at hand, the place to dine Nokino.
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

Buttons and Bows Empty Re: Buttons and Bows

Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:34 pm
Yukio agreed with Okisho's choices of restaurant, adding a seconded suggestion to the steakhouse in the Akimichi district.

Yukio nodded as Okisho wisely used his shinobi training to expedite something he clearly didn't enjoy putting much time into. As the clones began showing off the clothing, Yukio and Okisho together quickly formed an idea of what good attire would be. "I think we should focus on the dark colors you enjoy, and find ways of adding pops of color to them. This way you can add some variety and spice to your wardrobe without having to abandon your preferences." Yukio stepped back into the labyrinth of clothing and pulled out the dark blacks and navy blues the Uchiha enjoyed, but this time they sported a splash of color here and there, either through patterning, subtle logos, or simple designs. Nothing crazy, but perfect for subtle accenting. This could then be paired with other accessories of the same accent colors to further pop and tie the ensemble together. After several more minutes, he and Okisho had settled on a set of attire that was to the Uchiha's satisfaction and that satisfied his desire of dressing to impress, as it were. As the two headed out of the building and were about to part ways, Yukio paused to shake Okisho's hand goodbye. Assuming he did so, Yukio would flash him another winning smile while shaking his hand and imparting one final helpful bit of advice.

"Remember Okisho, be yourself and Nokino will have an excellent time!" As he shook Okisho's hand and spoke, wooden vines snaked out of his arm and wrapped tightly around the Uchiha's arm, locking him in place. Yukio's face dropped its warm countenance, shifting from the friendly and jovial nature he once wore to that of a heartless monster. His eyes faded to black, his irises golden, and the skin on his face began to darken to gray as Yukio let out just a touch of the Curse Mark's power. He spoke once more to Okisho, his voice taking on the disturbing double-timbre of his Curse Mark Transformation. "If you hurt her, I will use your body to feed the trees in my garden, Okisho-kun~." His warning delivered, his face returned immediately to its previous form and the warm smile once again lit his face. He released Okisho's arm and stepped back slightly, giving his normal winning smile.

"Anything else I can help you with?"

WC: 407 | TWC: 1,118
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218700

Buttons and Bows Empty Re: Buttons and Bows

Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:50 am
"Uhmm, right...", he said while rubbing the back of his head. He was set in his ways, thought he did try to change; at least that was something. Moments later, with Yukio even more hands on, the two managed to get an attire that was well suited for the night. He nods while examining it, it wasn't too much or too little, it was just right. Dispelling his clone, and the rest of the images, the two were now seen outside of the store. The brown recyclable back was in his left hand, swaying in the wind. His attention focused on Yukio as he throws more words of encouragement with his killer smile.

"Yeah, perhaps I was too much in my head. I was worried I wouldn't be interesting enough if I didn't do everything by the book per se. I'm just so new to this. I thin-", his words intercepted by Yukio's extended hand. Of course, after all the help that was given, he would return the gesture. The trusting Uchiha, unknowing locked himself in a solemn warning.

His arm was immediately ensnared, The earthly vines held him in place, a testament to Yukio's clan powers. The morphing of his appearance was that of the devil. He'd never seen anything like it.

The Uchiha's blood started to boil, he was ready to retaliate. Anyone could have foresaw this, the never ending battle of chaos between the Senju and Uchiha. What one thought was an archaic conflict left in the past, was all but lies, revealing itself to be the status quo. But the words uttered from Senju, were not of hatred, but of love. Yukio's love for Nokino was more than the apparent bond between student and master. He couldn't help but empathize with the genin. He wasn't exactly clear on the history between the two, but was evidently clear that Yukio cherished Nokino.

He nods, with a stern face as he locks eyes with him. No words, or monologue. Just a stern universal gesture that would confirm what was said, and honor it to the best of his ability. After the vines retracted, he pats down his arm wit his left. The bag still in tow as he does this. He then gives a long stare towards Yukio, who seemed to have forgotten the little episode he displayed just now. "You know, that's quite the smile you got here, you caught me guard. That normally never happens. You're like, Dr.Jekyll and Hyde." nevertheless, like water off a duck back, Okisho had no choice but to move on.  

"Well, lets see. Start with dinner, the Steakhouse. The Hookah lounge to finish it off..., I think that's everything.", he said while regaining his form. "So ow did you and Nokino get so close? I know that you still consider her to be your Sensei, but it seems to more than just that.", he gazes towards Yukio as he waited for an answer. he felt as if he was being interrogated by Nokino's family. The other sibling that always disapproves of anyone who wasn't part of the family.

Senju Yukio likes this post

Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

Buttons and Bows Empty Re: Buttons and Bows

Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:50 pm
Yukio was pleased to see Okisho take his warning to heart. 'Nokino probably wouldn't like that I did that, she'd think "I can take care of myself Yukio!" but I don't want to see her hurting. For such a short time together, we've been through a lot.' His thoughts trailed off, his face falling to a more neutral countenance when Okisho posed a question to him. He looked over the Uchiha. He had clearly had a reaction to Yukio’s actions, he was visibly angered immediately upon being ensnared. Yukio wondered why this was the case. Sure, being captured and threatened while someone shows you a demonic visage is probably not the best interaction one could have, it also wasn't the worst either. Yukio was unsure, and didn't want to ask outright about it. Perhaps further conversation would illuminate the issue.

"So how did you and Nokino get so close? I know that you still consider her to be your Sensei, but it seems more than just that."

Yukio grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as his eyes crinkled from the smile. "Ah well, we just really hit it off. She kind of feels like my big sister, ya know?" He paused, thinking through the training, learning, and missions he and Nokino had gone through. "Plus, you know how it both slaughter some Viper's Fang terrorists in one of the border villages, get reprimanded for abandoning the Village without permission from the Kage, you both receive Corporal Punishment in the form of beatings. It makes you grow closer, right?" Yukio shrugged as if this explained everything. "Hey, it’s getting near lunch time, would you care to grab a bite to eat with me?”

WC: 286 | TWC: 1,404
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218700

Buttons and Bows Empty Re: Buttons and Bows

Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:53 am
His eyes widen at the revelation. Was this what he meant when the two were in a spot of hot water? Going AWOL and then started to murder people on the borders?! He eye lids, flash a few times, before honing in on Yukio. He seemingly leans forward, trying to convince himself that he was indeed real and right in front of him.

“Im sorry, WHAT?!”

Okisho couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he wish he had misheard everything. A sudden chime into a another party’s conversation by mistake. Or even a single slurr of words that changed the who dynamic of a sentence. No, what he heard was true. The two, including Nokino, were nothing but liabilities it seems. A wild bunch who didnt seem to play by the rules, who know what other nonsense the two were up to.

The more he thought about it, he couldnt help but come up with a quick reason to rationalize the reason why they did. Perhaps, Yukio just wanted to scare Okisho off? It would seem he’d do anything protect her. Clear motive. He shakes it off, damning her presence within the mind. It was the hold Nokino had on Okisho that caused him to go out of character. He disliked it, but liked it at the same time.  Normally, he’d cut Yukio loose, and made his way elsewhere. He could still see Nokino, but she was involved in it too. So it would all be an useless attempt, for he would still linger about the ordeal. He needed answers, but disliked the drama that might come from diving down this rabbit hole. He wondered if he should just cut his losses and hit the road. But he knew he couldn’t.

‘Curiouser and curiouser’, said the Uchiha.

He takes a deep sigh.

Moments later, reluctantly taking Yukio’s offer, Okisho was seen in a modest Yatai. He sat on one of the outside stools facing the chef as he performed his magic during happy hour, Yukio would be next to him if he chose to.

During happy hour at this particular Yatai, the food stall served unlimited Takoyaki. It was a batter which consisted of wheat flour, water and eggs with bits of octopus all fried up into a bite sized balls. The best part, in Okisho opinion, was the dark sweet sauce that the balls Takoyaki were topped with along with many other condiments that the consumer could choose from.

He plays around with the last ball, it was his second plate. But, he wasnt exactly done with the food, more so done with the nonsense.

“So if I have it right, you went AWOL, and murdered a bunch of people in a foreign? How are you two not in jail? Let alone in the bingo book?

I mean is Nokino also this crazy too?”, he just found it odd that she would do things like this, when comparing the demeanor she had when he met her at Hokage rock. In hindsight, perhaps it was a little too perfect that someone like her would just pop out of nowhere. Of course she would have a side to her that was unhinged, but maybe shedding a bit more light on the subject might change his views? He holds his lips tight, realizing that he did it again. The curse of rationalizing nonsense, was a dreadful thing.

He leans his head against his palm, his arm propped up on top of the bar table to support his head. His lips remained pursed whole listening to the Senju, should Yukio decide to explain the whole ordeal.
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

Buttons and Bows Empty Re: Buttons and Bows

Fri Feb 09, 2024 10:54 pm
Okisho’s outburst at his revelation is expected, and a little funny to Yukio. He tries to brush it off without much issue. ”I’ll explain more once we’ve gotten some food, let’s eat! I’m starving!” The two made their way through the Okinaga District towards a local restaurant that Okisho knew, Yukio content to follow along after the Uchiha. Yukio was faced with somewhat of a conundrum. He didn’t really want to spread around the dirty laundry of his and Nokino-sensei’s transgressions. At the same time though, it was recent and a pretty big deal, so Okisho would find out about it eventually. It was better, in Yukio’s opinion, to get things out in the open for clarity and transparency, especially if one was interested in pursuing a relationship such as Nokino and Okisho might be.

He rolled that idea around in his head for a second. For some reason, the idea of Nokino dating anyone set Yukio’s teeth on edge. As he mentally tussled with the idea, he finally chalked it up to just protective instinct. She was his mentor and friend, the first shinobi of the Village Hidden in the Leaves besides his own parents that believed in him. Joined with the fact that his other two teammates both quit the shinobi life before they even had a mission together, and Yukio found himself clinging to Nokino. The more that he thought about it, the more he had done a very similar thing to Tenshi, and that situation was even more of a mess, because it was Tenshi who had administered his corporal punishment! ’Maybe I should see a therapist? I wonder if there are any Yamanaka who are taking on patients right now.’ Yukio sighed silently as the two approached the restaurant now in sight. The sun was high overhead, just past midday at this point, and the main shopping district of the Village Hidden in the Leaves was buzzing with activity. The streets were filled with people moving here and there, shinobi and civilians alike, completing errands and accomplishing the tasks they needed for the day. It was a rare moment for Yukio, when he didn’t have any mission work or training to do. It was nice, he decided. Getting to unwind and just stroll through the village for once. Maybe he’d even make a new friend in Okisho? ’We’ll have to see how this lunch goes.’ He thought to himself as the two entered the Yatai.

The building was somewhat small, and the two shinobi were greeted by the sound of a tinkling chime as they entered into the restaurant. ”Welcome, feel free to seat yourself!” A server called out to them. Following Okisho’s lead, the two sat down at the main counter before the chef on a pair of stools, watching as he prepared food.

”What’ll you be having? It’s happy hour now, we have all you can eat Takoyaki.” The chef was an older gentleman and moved with the practiced ease of someone who had been working his craft for a very long time. Okisho and Yukio both ordered the happy hour special and settled in to enjoy their food in relative silence. Interestingly enough, Okisho seemed to favor the darker sauce, which was sweet, while Yukio preferred the spicy chili sauce. He also used some regular soy sauce as well, but mostly as a palate cleanser than something he enjoyed. That chili sauce was no joke!

Yukio watched Okisho’s face as the two ate together. It was clear the older Genin wanted to ask more about the situation he had first described, and eventually, as the two slowed down their consumption of Takoyaki, he did. Okisho rolled the Takoyaki around on his plate, clearly itching to ask whatever was on his mind.

”So if I have it right, you went AWOL and murdered a bunch of people in a foreign country? How are you two not in jail? Let alone in the bingo book? I mean, is Nokino also this crazy?” Okisho seemed to have misunderstood his originally depiction of the scenario, to which Yukio quickly put forth a correction.

”Woah! That’s not it at all! Let me start at the beginning.” Yukio finished the last of his takoyaki and pushed his plate away, looking into the middle distance as he recalled the first mission that truly made him feel like a Shinobi of the Leaf. ”I had just become a Genin, and immediately after that all that crazy dream world stuff happened, I don’t know if you recall that. Once that was finally quelled, which got me quite a bit of combat experience, Nokino approached me with a set of covert missions we would take on together, a series of 3 B-rank missions that all took place in and around a small village on the border of Fire Country, Hachô Village. This quaint village had become a hotbed of activity. A group of rogue shinobi, the Viper’s Fang, had set up shop within the village and had started terrorizing the citizens. This is a terrorist organization that is obsessed with returning Konohagakure to its ‘rightful’ rule by installing an Uchiha as the Hokage again. They worship, as you can guess, Viper Uchiha, who was a kage some time ago. I’m a little iffy on the details if I’m being honest.” Yukio paused a moment to drink some of his water before continuing on with his tale. ”These guys were getting up to all the usual stuff – banditry, murder, extortion, etc. The issue was, they were posing as shinobi from the Leaf. This led the village leader, who was very beloved by his people, to think we had abandoned him, and so he started fomenting rebellion within the village. Obviously the whole thing was a disaster, so Nokino-sensei and I were sent to intervene. What we didn’t know, at the time, was that we needed permission from Lord Aokidanza to take this mission. Ignorance of the law is no defense from it, so I took my punishment without complaint. I don’t believe Nokino has served her punishment yet, I believe the Hokage had a specific person in mind to administer it. We completed the missions flawlessly, but either of us could have easily been killed by wandering foreign shinobi. We were very lucky to return alive.”

Yukio finished his tale and looked towards Okisho, awaiting how this new information would affect him. He was very expressive, which made reading his body language very easy, thankfully.

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