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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions) Empty Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions)

Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:37 am
Mission Info:

Denkiteki hadn't been able to stop thinking about Tengakure since he had experienced that strange dream of it. He hadn't been there since before its destruction, and even then the last time he had arrived he had barely made it through the gate. The village that had once taken him in as a refuge, elevated him to its leader, and then branded him as a traitor after he abandoned them. Finding himself fixated on this point in his past Den decided to make his way to the ruins of the village, to pay homage to the place that had taken him in after his home had been destroyed.

It wasn't too difficult for Den to make his way to the island nation. It had been years since he had traveled there so he couldn't teleport to the location, but he was able to acquire funds from what was left of the Akatsuki to buy passage on a boat. The only problem that Den had to face was that of hiding his identity. The more he traveled the more likely he was to be recognized, and he couldn't imagine things ending well for him if that happened. For the time being he had decided to start wearing a simple wooden mask not completely dissimilar from a hunter-nin's, painted white and with two black marks that would appear to be eyeholes. The mask of course wasn't as durable as an actual piece of equipment however so he would need to be careful if he got into a fight.

Upon arriving in Moon Den decided that he should try and perform some small services for the locals so that they wouldn't be too suspicious of him. It didn't take him long to find an old woman who needed help picking out and carrying some groceries, as well as going to some other shops to get items for self-defense. Seeing as Den was dressed in a mask and black Ronin Robe the old lady thought he would be helpful enough with the latter task.

Den found himself lingering in the woman's living room as the woman waited for another person who was going to help her with the shopping. While they waited the woman asked him several questions about himself, from his name to what business he had in this country. He kept his answers brief, not wanting to divulge too much about himself.

"You can call me Takehiko. I'm here to explore the ruins of Tengakure, the shinobi village that was once here. After I help you with your tasks do you think you could point me in its direction?" Den knew where the village was of course, but he hoped he would be able to fool the woman into thinking he was a complete foreigner and not one of the former military leaders of the nation.

At one point while waiting the woman would walk off and Den would find himself alone in the living room, his enhanced senses and chakra sensory not picking up any other entities nearby. Taking the opportunity to enhance his senses further Den would perform the hand seals for Absolute Focus and Minds Eye of the Kagura. His hands would quickly move at 90 speed, performing the tiger, boar, dog, rat, rat, dragon, boar, monkey, and then horse seals in order to amplify his chakra senses to a power of 135 and extend them out to a total of 25 meters. The former Tenkage hoped he wouldn't need the technique but he figured it would be better to be safe than sorry. As someone who employed stealth whenever possible, he was wary of being taken out suddenly and without warning. His hand seals were performed with his back to the only window in the room so he wouldn't be visible to anyone outside, and the woman walked back into the room sometime after he finished the sequence of hand seals.

TWC: 653
-30 for Absolute Focus (B-Rank)[Cooldown starts next post]
-34 for Minds Eye of the Kagura (Power 135) [1/5 posts used]
+10 from Natural Berserker
Net -54 AP
578/632 AP left
1/6 Nature Stacks
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions) Empty Re: Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions)

Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:44 am
Junko was slowly getting more comfortable in the small town she now found herself staying in. She was consistently helping her neighbors, town officials, and travelers passing through and now was starting to get a bit of a reputation. Emi and Akira had also begun spreading the word that she was looking for work, so recently people had been coming to her home and asking for assistance. The day prior a little old woman wearing well-off attire and carrying a cane came knocking on her door.

The old woman said that she was a friend of Emi's and that while they were catching up over tea Emi had mentioned that Junko was looking for work. She explained that recently it had been getting harder for her to carry her groceries and other miscellaneous things back home from the market, and she needed somebody to help her. She also mentioned that her son previously was helping her, but he had been so busy with work recently that he didn't have time. After lamenting about her life for some time, she informed Junko that there were a few different stops she wanted to make and that she would like to go the next day. After Junko agreed, the woman thanked her and then soon left. The rest of the day was uneventful, she did some small tasks for Emi and Akira but nothing too notable.

The next day came soon enough and Junko prepared herself for the day. After making some breakfast, getting a bath, and brushing out her hair she finished her preparations for the day and headed out towards the old woman's home. As she got close she could see a quaint one-story cottage with a beautiful garden in the front yard and knew this was the old woman's home. As she approached the door she straightened herself up and knocked softly at the door.

Soon the door swung open revealing the small old woman smiling up at her happily. Soon she invited Junko in, and they began walking into what looked to be a living room. Her home was as cute on the inside as it was on the outside. She had a varying array of knickknacks and bobbles on multiple shelves and display cases. Also, it smelled like fresh linen and baked goods.

Walking into the living room she found a man waiting for them. He was dressed rather suspiciously, but she wasn't planning on mentioning it for the time being. Instead, she smiled at the man, gave him a quick bow, and introduced herself.

"Well hello! It's lovely to meet you, I suppose we'll both be helping with shopping duties today. My name is Junko, and you are?"

Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions) Empty Re: Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions)

Tue Jan 09, 2024 1:30 am
Den felt the hair on the back of his neck raise as he detected a sudden potent chakra enter within his sensory range. A coldness briefly gripped the Tenkage, the sensation localizating in a space beneath the base of his neck, as he took a deep breath and prepared himself for combat.

The sensation was overtaken by confusion almost as quickly as it arose. The blind man hadn't detected the strange purple chakra since the odd dream that drove him to this place, the woman who had fought alongside him against nightmares. He hadn't believed the woman when she told Den that she was real, but it seems he was foolish for thinking he was safe in his dreams. The former Tenkage wasn't sure if the chakra being the woman was a relief or more concerning than a random hunter-nin coming to kill him. At least if it was a hunter-nin he could decide to run away and escape if necessary. In this case, his curiosity drove him to want to interact with the woman and discover how she had invaded his dream.

His curiosity only grew when the woman walked into the room, her chakra fluctuating slightly when she noticed him but not in the way he expected. There didn't seem to be any recognition in the way she regarded him, and while Junko seemed suspicious of Den it didn't seem to be because he had nearly attacked her just before leaving the dream. Den wondered if perhaps the woman couldn't detect chakra yet, or if she simply hadn't bothered to memorize his during their encounter.

"I'm Takehiko, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you won't mind my intrusion, I've just recently traveled here and found myself in need of some money. Do you happen to know where these shops are that we will be visiting? I'm afraid that I'm mostly just here to carry stuff, though I'll do my best to help choose a katana of quality." Den did his best to try and sound more upbeat and helpful than normal, not wanting to further unsettle Junko or the older woman. He assumed if he acted stand-offish that they might decide they didn't need the company of a strange masked man.

As Den talked with Junko he continued to examine her chakra, noting that it seemed to be more potent than in the dream. He couldn't get an exact gauge of her capacity but he reckoned it was beyond his. Though physically the woman didn't seem that large Den could feel her presence looming over his own and the older woman who had just brought her into the room.

WC: 443

-17 for Minds Eye(2/5)[135 Power]
+10 for Natural Berserker
2/6 Nature Stacks

Absolute Focus (1/3)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions) Empty Re: Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions)

Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:19 am
While the man spoke she couldn't help but feel a sense of recognition. She couldn't place exactly where she had heard it before, however, she traveled often so she believed that maybe they had crossed paths at one point. The suspicion for the man left as quickly as it came, with what he had worn she expected him to be standoffish and quiet however that didn't seem to be the case. Just like many passing through here he just seemed as if he was a traveler down on his luck, like he said just looking for work. She had been in his shoes previously and didn't want him to feel as if she judged him for it so she kept an open mind.

After he finished speaking she would respond in a kind voice, saying...

"I don't mind at all honestly! I'm kind of relieved that I won't have to carry everything by myself. Your company is happily welcomed. I have been staying here for some time so I have a pretty good idea of where all the good places to go are, so I'll gladly lead the way."

After finishing exchanging pleasantries Junko and the old lady began leading the way down a well-worn dirt road that led into a small village. If Takehiko chose to follow them, she would try to make casual conversation with him. She explained that she was a traveler as well, and only recently found herself staying on moon. She didn't divulge too much information but didn't want to be walking in awkward silence either.

Soon they approached an open market near the center of the small village, various stalls with food, herbs, clothing, weapons, and more were set up in long rows. Nearly anything could be found here, but for the time being their first stop was grocery shopping. Due to the woman's poor eyesight, she wasn't able to thoroughly look over the different vegetables she wanted to purchase. So Junko assisted her in examining each item she requested, ensuring the produce wasn't rotting or damaged in any way. She requested that Takehiko hold the basket for them, and soon it was nearly overflowing with different fresh food.

As they began getting the food checked out and bagged the old woman and Junko discussed different recipes that would work with the items she purchased. Thankfully she was shopping for only one person so she didn't have an overbearing amount immediately. The old woman also had a hard time counting out her Ryo, so Junko assisted with that as well. After the exchange with the groceries, she then led them to the next stop on their list, a weapons shop. She knew the ones on display here in the market were nothing compared to the quality that the local blacksmith produced, so she took them to a small shop that was only a few minutes walk from the market.

As they walked she pointed out some other shops, decent places to eat, and the local bar. She wasn't sure what the man's interests were, but she was attempting to be as helpful to him as possible. She knew when she visited a new place often times people would be cold to her, and she would quickly be overwhelmed by all the new things in her surroundings so she felt obligated to try to assist him.

Total WC 1,012
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions) Empty Re: Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions)

Tue Jan 09, 2024 4:02 am
Den was pleasantly surprised to find that the woman's suspicion of him seemed to vanish as they began talking, the woman's chakra growing relaxed and not feeling as overbearing as the conversation went on. Den still felt it loom over his measly amount of chakra as they made their way out of the door, but now the purple energy felt as though it hugged the space around it instead of anxiously pressing against it. As they made their way down the streets Den found himself admiring the light hues of Junko's chakra when it was in a relaxed state. The lilac energy almost felt contagious to Den, the former kage having to chastise himself to remain alert and not be fully engrossed in the conversation with the two women he now traveled with.

As they made small talk Den could tell that the woman didn't want to reveal too much about herself. He wondered what her angle with that was, given that she had revealed her true name when meeting him again. There was the possibility that she had employed a technique that had bypassed his mind's eye and had also been lying when they met in his dreams, but that didn't seem too likely. He continued to ponder other possible explanations for her as they made their way through the market, holding out a basket so that Junko could put the groceries inside. As they walked through the streets Den focused on Junko's chakra fluctuations, the rainbow of color chakras within the crowd going to the peripheral of Den's perception as he tried to discern the woman's motives and to see if she was perhaps fooling his senses.

As the trio were finishing up their business Den held out the basket for Junko to put one of the last vegetables in. As the woman got close the scent of lilacs drifted towards the blind man, and the smell brought forth a scattered memory from the far-off dream. The former Tenkage suddenly remembered that he had kissed this woman in his dream, as he had been losing control of himself. Guilt started to grip him as he realized he had assaulted the woman twice during that strange dream. If he was able to find a moment alone with the woman later he would have to reveal himself and apologize. He didn't intend to tell her his real name but he at least wanted to inform her that he was the monster she had met and that he regretted accosting her.

As they finished up gathering groceries the woman and Den followed Junko to a nearby blacksmith to get her the proper equipment she needed. Den was a bit confused by the woman's desire for combat boots and a weapon, but in the end, he couldn't fault her for wanting to learn to defend herself in this world.

As they traveled Den would listen to Junko as she listed off some of the local hotspots as well as some shops that might be of interest. Den wasn't interested in a lot of the places she pointed out but he thanked her for the information as it was provided.

As they reached the blacksmith Den was glad to hear that the man was aware of the old woman's request already and that her combat boots were already made. Den was surprised to see a pair of sabaton produced from behind the counter and given to the woman, who seemed ecstatic to have acquired them. Putting them on the woman would turn to Den and Junko and remark that no asshole was gonna poke holes in her feet now!

Den didn't want to press the woman for the story behind that remark, so unless Junko asked he would interject and ask the woman if she was ready to train with some weapons. The former Tenkage was taken aback by how gleeful the woman became as she suddenly started picking up different weapons, swinging them about as Den and the blacksmith called out at her to be careful. The woman called out for Den and Junko to join in and the former Tenkage sighed, deciding to take her up on it after getting the blacksmith's approval.

Den began to pick up some of the basic ninja gear, grabbing kunai and shuriken with the familiarity of someone who had wielded them since childhood. While Den was no weaponry expert he wasn't without talent in the art of using ninja tools, and as he practiced throwing he found himself not performing dismally. He was dismayed by how slow he was but it couldn't be helped, the damage that had been done to his body over the years had left him no longer a claimant for the title of fastest shinobi. As the kunai and shuriken whizzed through the air towards targets at 90 speed he hoped that he wouldn't draw too much attention. He didn't want someone seeing his display and deciding he might be a fun fight.

The old woman kept Den and Junko at the blacksmith's for some time, the basket of groceries put off to the side as Den started to pick up some melee weapons and swing them around to test their weight. As he tested out the different options the blacksmith had Den found that he still had an affinity for swords. Perhaps not in the sense of being talented but they felt right in his hand compared to other weapons.

As they finished up the old woman called Junko over to help count money for her purchase. Den stood off to the side as he waited for them to finish the transaction, picking up the basket of food so that they would be ready to go. As the old lady finished her purchase she would beckon Den over and have him pick up her sword so that he could carry it in his other hand for her while they made their way back to the old woman's house. Holding the sword by its scabbard in one hand and the basket in the other Den would follow the woman down the street and back to her house. Assuming Junko went with them Den would find himself continuing to focus in on the woman's light purple chakra, the blind man having to fight off waves of calm that seemed to want to wash over him whenever he let his guard down.

TWC: 2,165

-17 for Mind's Eye(3/5 posts used)[135 Power]
+10 for Natural Berserker
564/632 AP
3/6 Nature Energy Stacks

Absolute Focus (2/3)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions) Empty Re: Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions)

Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:15 am
Upon walking into the blacksmith she greeted the man behind the counter. A few days prior she had been the one to originally put in the request for the old woman so she was sort of familiar with the blacksmith. She introduced the old woman to him and began exchanging pleasantries. Eventually, the man grabbed a pair of sabaton from behind the counter and handed them directly to the old woman. Immediately she lit up like a child opening a gift on their birthday and slipped on her new shoes.

Shocked at the woman's proclamation Junko couldn't help but let a soft chuckle escape her mouth. She couldn't help but feel pity for any who attempted to poke holes in her feet now. Like a kid in a candy shop, the woman excitedly rummaged through the various weapons placed on display. Junko could feel the anxiety building within the blacksmith but he reassured him that they would be able to pay for any damages that happened. This wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't the whole truth. However, it did seem to reassure him enough to allow all three of them to try out a few of his products.

Junko really only relied on her tanto while training, so she seemed like she was having a hard time handling any of the heavier items. She almost immediately gave up trying out any of the tools she was unfamiliar with, mostly due to not wanting to seem incapable to Takehiko. Regardless of who the man said he was, she couldn't help but feel he was watching her. For what reason she didn't know, but she didn't want to seem like a potential easy target.

She observed him for a little while while he tried out some of the tools. He was faster than her that's for sure, and she couldn't help but wonder what else he was capable of. She was definitely intrigued by him, but wasn't sure if it was for good reasons. Soon she turned her attention back to the old woman and decided to help her try out her new katana.

For a few moments, Junko practiced blocking with her tanto while the old woman attempted to assault her with a katana. Junko had to admit that this old woman was oddly capable for her age. Most others barely could walk, but she could potentially hold her own against someone less experienced. Though she didn't have a lot of real combat experience, she had been training for some time. For the few years she lived with her father, he had taught her the most basic techniques but nothing too advanced.

Soon the old woman began to grow tired and wanted to finish her purchase. Once again Junko assisted the woman in counting out her ryo, and they both thanked the blacksmith for his time. Junko exchanged some words with him before the three of them left the building. She noticed that Takehiko was the one actually carrying things as the mission requested, so she felt a bit guilty not assisting him however she didn't say anything.

While walking back she attempted to keep a conversation going, mostly talking about recent happenings on moon but nothing too interesting. Upon reaching her home, she allowed the two of them in and had them leave the grocers in the bag on a wooden table. She then instructed both of them to wait in the living room, so Junko waited there. If Takehiko joined her she would attempt to make small talk for a few moments before she heard the old woman call out her name. Asking Junko to help her with something in the kitchen.

She excused herself from the conversation with Takehiko and wandered into the kitchen. There she found the old woman divying up the ryo she owed them. She mentioned to Junko that she would be giving her a little bit more ryo than the man, to ensure that he would have a good meal for the night. Her cheeks were a bit red but all she could do was bow graciously and thank her for her generosity. Walking back out into the living room the woman handed both of them their pouches of Ryo and thanked them profusely for help.

Taking the pouch from the woman, Junko placed it in a small bag that was wrapped around her waist. After finishing the conversation and saying their goodbyes Junko would leave the woman's home, motioning for Takehiko to join her. If he agreed she'd begin walking back in the direction of the small village. Before going too far she would turn to him with a smile and say in a sweet voice....

"I know you said you're tight on money right now, and that really wasn't the best-paying job so I thought I'd tell you about some of the other places that are looking for help. There's an adoption center just on the outskirts of the town that's currently in bad shape, and they're looking for people to assist in its repair. Also, they need help taking photos of the dogs, so they can try to get them adopted faster. Obviously, you don't know me so if you deny my offer there's no hard feelings, okay?"

The woman patiently waited for his response, as she looked around she noticed storm clouds forming over them. It looked like it was going to start raining within the next few hours, so if they were going to do the mission it would need to be fast.

WC: 925
Total WC 1937
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions) Empty Re: Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions)

Tue Jan 09, 2024 4:18 pm
Den mostly listened as the woman and Junko made small talk, answering questions when asked but rarely interjecting. He kept up the cheerful, kind demeanor as they traveled but felt that the women were comfortable enough with him now that he didn't have to be chatty. The blind man followed them back to the old woman's house and put the bags on a table in the kitchen. He then handed the woman her new katana and headed into the living room as instructed, understanding that the woman didn't want him lingering while she went and got her money.

The former Tenkage smirked underneath his mask as the elderly woman called Junko in once again, his first guess being that the woman needed help counting the money again. The smirk grew and the blind man found himself suppressing a chuckle as he heard the elderly woman tell Junko that she was going to be getting paid more. He hadn't expected that, but couldn't fault Junko for whatever she had done to secure the extra payment. Taking his pouch of ryo from the woman Den wasn't too worried about the money, he still had some contacts who would be dropping off some extra cash for him soon.

As he went to leave he sensed Junko beckoning for him to follow her back to the village. Deciding that he should at least inform her that they had met before Den took her up on the offer. They both started walking the worn path back, their pace casual. As he kept pace with her Den struggled with how to word the revelation he was about to give the woman, the encounter was so odd that he wasn't sure how best to explain it. He also still wasn't entirely sure if she caused it or if some other force had pulled them together into a shared dream.

As he contemplated this Junko spoke up first, offering to help him get a couple of other odd jobs if he needed the money. While money wasn't his objective, Denkiteki did want to establish this masked Ronin persona as helpful. Den happily accepted the offer.

"That would be perfect actually, I need as much money as I can get."

Den followed the woman to the outskirts of town if she was willing to lead the way, his senses eventually picking up the run-down adoption center once they got within range. He would let Junko lead with the introductions, not wanting to bring too much attention to himself beyond his outfit.

It didn't take long for Den to figure out what needed to be done. If Junko was alright with getting the animals he would set about nailing the boards back into place. Despite having been raised as a shinobi Den found such work to be somewhat relaxing. As he set about putting the boards back he remembered the academy he had framed himself some years ago, far off to the west in the land of Haven. He had set the foundation and frame of it himself when he had been permitted to make the academy, using wood release to make most of the materials. Here he didn't want to reveal himself as a Wood Release user though, so he worked with the materials provided.

Compared to the sturdy wood release infused wood he had used these boards were flimsy, so Den found them quite easy to work with once he got used to them. He wasn't an experienced carpenter by any means but he was competent with a hammer, even now while blind. Eventually, he made his way to the roof as well where he began to patch holes that would have caused issues during the approaching rain storm. As Den worked he kept his pace rather slow, moving at a pace expected of a normal human rather than going about setting the nails at superhuman speed. It took him longer to get the job done but it allowed him to enjoy the work a little. He also didn't have to focus on the work so much that he was less aware of his surroundings, capable of keeping his mind's eye technique active as he worked so that he could remain on the lookout for any hidden chakra.

As Den finished up the repairs he would take a sigh, almost wishing that he could see the results of his labor. He doubted that it would be considered a professional repair but it would be good enough for the night at least. As he hopped down he found that some of the people at the adoption center were ready to take pictures of the animals.

Den very quickly found himself regretting this job, as he was in charge of lighting. There wasn't too much that Den struggled to perceive without his eyes but that was unfortunately one of the things Den currently couldn't detect. He found himself near aimlessly moving around light fixtures as the photographer grew frustrated with him. As the photo shoot went on Den was able to somewhat figure out some good positions, but only by trying to recall when the photographer was happy with the angle previously.

The former Tenkage couldn't believe that this ended up being the longest job. He hadn't realized that in the wake of the mass migration from Tengakure, there had been several pets left behind and that to this day the animal shelter was struggling with those animals as well as strays that had been born in the aftermath. Countless animals were brought in and their picture taken as soon as possible, but the sheer number of them caused the shoot to take over 4 hours to complete. By the end of it, the photographer had nearly had enough of Den and was starting to think the blind man was messing with him.

As they finished their work Den walked over to the owner of the center seemingly anxious to get paid, though in truth the reward wasn't that substantial to him. As he took the money the owner told him that it looked like it was going to rain pretty bad soon and that there was a spare bedroom in the house behind the adoption center if Den or Junko needed a place to stay.

Realizing Den hadn't made any arrangements for a place to stay since his arrival he would gladly accept.

"Thank you, sir. I'll make sure to be out once the rain stops or first thing in the morning."


-17 for Mind's Eye(135 Power)[4/5 Posts used]
+10 from Natural Berserker
557/632 AP Remaining
4/6 Nature Energy Stacks

Absolute Focus (3/3)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions) Empty Re: Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions)

Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:26 am
Contnent that the man had agreed to her offer, she led the way to the adoption center. Before they managed to make it there, a rather large, scruffy-looking black dog ran up to the two of them. Running quickly right towards Junko, not with ferocity, but with love, the dog jumped up on its hind legs and attempted to give her a hug. Junko laughed and accepted the "attack" but was caught slightly off guard due to its weight, and fell to the ground, but began happily petting the dog who was now just standing beside her. She assumed that this had been one of the animals that escaped the shelter, so after loving on him she stood back up and led him to the adoption center.

Upon arriving at the adoption center, she introduced both herself and Takehiko to what seemed to be the owner. He was rather short and unremarkable in appearance but acted kind. After Junko returned the dog, she informed the man that they were there to assist with the handful of missions that he had recently posted. He began lamenting to the two of them about how 3 dogs remained loose in the village, and due to his old age, he was unable to catch up with them.  After discussing it with each other Junko decided it would be best for her to roam around the village in the hope of finding the animals, and for Takehiko to remain here to patch the building up.

She then grabbed some leashes, and a handful of treats to attempt to sway the loose dogs to get close to her. After saying her goodbyes to the two men she headed back outside. Looking around the facility she was able to find what seemed to be dog prints leading into the village. Since dogs liked to be in packs, she assumed that they would all be together. Taking off into a jog she followed the paw prints into the village and soon came upon the three of them. They had managed to find their way behind a rather busy restaurant and began tearing into the garbage.

She couldn't help but laugh, at least the dogs had good taste. After using the treats as a lure she was able to collar and leash the three of them. Feeling bad about the mess they made Junko decided to inform the restaurant of the mistake. She promptly offered to clean it up on behalf of the adoption center and also placed a rather large food order. She figured as a surprise for both the old man and Takehiko she would bring some soup back, so they could all eat together after the day's work was completed. While waiting for the order to finish she began cleaning up the garbage from the bags that had been ripped open. Thankfully there wasn't too much so it didn't take her very long.

With the garbage cleaned up, the dogs collected, and dinner finished Junk began her walk back to the adoption center. She held all the dog's leashes in her right hand, and the bags containing the food in her other. She was extremely thankful that the dogs didn't really pull her, or else she was sure she'd spill the food. Soon she found herself back at the adoption center, and seemingly just in time as Takehiko was finishing some of the repairs.

After putting the soup away for later she quickly changed what she was doing and began assisting in posing and styling the dogs. The photographer had brought along a handful of props that could be used to capture the perfect picture so making the animals look cute was relatively simple. However, she couldn't help but chuckle as Takehiko had a hard time understanding what the photographer was asking him to do. It was kind of funny to her to think Takehiko was just messing with the poor man.

Soon 4 hours passed by, and Junko could hear the rain beginning to pour down on them. She was thankful that the patches that Takehiko put in seemed to repeal the incoming rain. Soon the photographer's session came to a close, and upon completion, payment was given to both of them. Happy with her day's work Junko pocketed the money and helped the man pack up any equipment that he had brought. Due to the rain, the photographer planned to leave his belongings at the adoption center, and after ensuring it was all packed away correctly he wandered out into the storm.

Soon conversation broke out between Takehiko and the owner and payment was being distributed. She was gracious of the man's offer but couldn't help but think that her home was only a few miles away. Though not wanting to worry about getting sick she happily took him up on the offer. She was a little nervous about sharing a room with Takehiko, only because he was a stranger. However, she'd rather chance it with him, than end up with a cold that could keep her under the weather for a few days.

After receiving payment from the man, she thanked him and mentioned the food she had gotten earlier. Soon the trio would make their way into the home behind the center, it was a modest one-story building, that seemed like the perfect size for the man. Assuming Takehiko followed them, Junko would offer to heat up the things she had purchased from the restaurant for the three of them. The man gave her a quick tour of his kitchen, and she quickly went to work.

After about 10 minutes had passed Junko informed the two that dinner was finished, and portioned out a bowl for each of them. If Takehiko decided to sit and eat with them Junko would jokingly remark that if the soup wasn't to their liking then it wasn't her fault. Throughout the meal, Junko attempted to make conversation, but she could clearly see that the man seemed like he was ready for sleep. After they had completed their meal, Junko cleared the table they were sitting at and promptly washed their dishes as well.

The man thanked Junko for her help and showed them where they would be sleeping for the night. In the guest room, there was one large bed that was pressed up against the wall, and a few other pieces of furniture. The man grabbed a handful of blankets, and some extra pillows and placed them on the bed, said good night to the two of them, and made his way into his bedroom. Now left alone Junko looked toward Takehiko and said in a soft voice

"Are you tired, or would you like to stay up for a little bit? I'm not sure what we'd talk about, but it could be interesting to get to know each other a little bit. We are going to be sleeping in the same bed together after all. Also, I call sleeping closer to the wall"

As she spoke she sat on the edge of the bed and began untying her boots. After saying the last remark Junko chuckled a bit, she didn't want the man to feel uncomfortable so she was trying to make light of their situation. She assumed that he didn't want to be in this situation, and was trying to make the best of it.

Total WC: 3,169
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions) Empty Re: Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions)

Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:35 pm
Den had planned to try and talk to Junko as she was leaving, but he was surprised when she took the man up on his offer as well. The prospect concerned Den slightly, sharing a room with another shinobi while traveling could often prove dangerous. The former Tenkage recalled an encounter that had occurred not long after he had left Tengakure when he and two others had hidden together in a shack to get out of the rain. He had met a seemingly kind woman then too, and she had drawn a kunai on him and threatened to kill him. That woman had been far weaker than Junko, and Den much stronger than he was now. The encounter had been brief, with Den opting to destroy the wrist of the hand that had been raised against him. The former Tenkage wasn't sure if he would get so lucky as to pull the same maneuver off should Junko suddenly reveal herself a foe.

But not all of Den's encounters with strangers had ended in bloodshed, and from what Den had sensed it seemed that Junko was a kind spirit. He couldn't tell yet if she was naive or resilient yet, he found that those who treated others well often fell into either category. They either hadn't suffered and thus thought kindness was supposed to be given freely, or had suffered so much that their acts of kindness were a desperate rebellion against the world. Most fell into the cruel or uncaring category once they had suffered, wanting to inflict their suffering back upon the world or simply trying to avoid suffering altogether when possible. Den felt he fell into the uncaring category, as he often hid away or left when struggles began and he didn't often go out of his way to help others without some sort of benefit.

Deciding to risk it Den followed the other two back to the house, hearing Junko mention that she had gotten food earlier. It didn't take long for the three of them to enter the man's small abode. Denkiteki approached a chair off to the side and sat in it as dinner was prepared, his mind's eye still on alert in case something happened. As Junko set about preparing the meal Den braced himself for it. For the past several years Den had been living with two of the best chefs in the entire world, at this point most other food tasted bland to him at best.

As it finally became time for the food to be set on the table and eaten Den was faced with another dilemma, how to eat without revealing his face. He wasn't entirely sure that Junko would know who he was but the man might, depending on how informed he had stayed of his country's military over the years. It hadn't been quite 10 years since Den had left, so the possibility of being recognized was still possible. The blind man hadn't fully tested to see if the blindfold he wore was enough to hide his identity but he supposed he was about to find out. Taking a deep breath, Denkiteki would take off the mask he wore and partially reveal his face. While his nose and mouth were exposed he still had a rather large blindfold wrapped around the top of his face, his nostrils poking out from the bottom of it and half of his forehead covered.

"Sorry for wearing the mask, I didn't want to alarm anyone with my condition. Some find it unsettling when a blind man walks without a staff or cane." With that Den would begin to eat the meal, hoping that Junko hadn't acquired some poisoned food during her outing earlier. He hadn't detected anything suspicious from her while she was preparing it, and he wasn't sensing extreme anxiety from her now. As Den set about eating the old man didn't seem to grow suddenly suspicious either, making the former Tenkage think that perhaps he hadn't been recognized.

The trio made more small talk as the meal progressed, though the old man seemed tired. Den used the opportunity to ask a bit about the country to get an idea of its current state. He was curious to see if Moon Country had become peaceful since the exodus of shinobi, or if missing ninjas and criminals had taken advantage of the situation to gain power.

As the dinner came to an end Den braced himself to talk to Junko, hoping that she wouldn't be too alarmed by the revelation he had for her. Walking into the bedroom with her and the old man he would wait until they were left alone, standing near the doorway as he removed his swords from his belt.

Once they were alone Junko spoke directly to him again, saying that she wasn't sure what they could talk about but that they should get to know each other. Taking this as the perfect opportunity, Den finally decided to speak up. His demeanor would slightly shift, going from the cheerful and kind disposition he had been faking back to the cautious, guarded stance he had taken when they had met within the dreamscape.

"Don't worry, I know exactly what we can talk about. It seems you don't recognize me, but I'm the one you met in that dream, the one that took place within the Tengakure ruins. Did you invade my dream, or was it some other force that drew us together?" As Den spoke his voice sounded more like the one within the dream, not carrying the cheerful tone but instead sounding serious. Depending on Junko's reaction he would either stay by the door or move towards the bed and sit next to her. As he got comfortable he would feel his Mind's eye technique beginning to falter. He had managed to maintain it for most of the day but as he was growing tired it was becoming a struggle.


-17 Mind's Eye (5/5)[135 Power]
+10 from Natural Berserker
5/6 Nature Energy Stats
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions) Empty Re: Grandma needs a new Katana (Missions)

Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:46 pm
During dinner, Junko made no mention of his condition and seemed not to become uncomfortable by the reveal. While untying her bootlaces, she listened to the man speak to her. Upon mentioning the dream Junko looked toward him and sat up slowly as thoughts ran through her mind. The chakra around her shifted into a dark purple color and seemingly hardened. What once seemed like fluffy cotton candy now seemed hard and ridged, almost like a pressure exuding from her. She knew that he had seemed similar, but couldn't place from where until his tone changed. As he spoke she couldn't help but picture the creature he had been in their dream. The last thing she could recall from it was making eye contact with him, and him racing after her. However, she woke up right before he managed to reach her.

The change in her demeanor wasn't giving off an offensive, or aggressive vibe, but seemed more out of fear and anxiety. She stared at him for a few moments in awkward silence, waiting for him to lash out at her like in the dream. However, at this point, he seemed to be just as confused about the predicament they found themselves in. Soon she responded in a defensive tone...

"I didn't even know people could invade others' dreams, let alone be capable of doing it myself. I don't often dream, so I thought that it was simply that. I often read books where a good-looking man comes to save an equally good-looking woman in her time of need, and you fit that role perfectly. I thought I was just dreaming about something I had recently read. However I felt a bit shaken up afterward due to you rushing towards me, are you going to do that again?"

As she spoke her chakra seemed to relax a bit, realizing that if he had wanted to attack her he would have done it sooner. She slowly finished untying her boots, pulling them off her feet and placing them on the floor beside the bed. She also would now begin removing her equipment from her body, placing her things under the bed for safekeeping.

WC: 363
Total WC: 3,532
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