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Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! Empty A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem!

Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:21 pm

The day had just started, and here she was, already at the task, with a cleaning cloth in hand scrubbing the railing around the large Mizukage monument dedicated to Xyxer. The sun was rising, and the seagulls squwacked away, in true symphony with the sound of the waves hitting the shore of the islands. As the fresh air of the morning filled Izu's lungs, and nose with a saline odor, she could feel the coolness and refreshing effect of breathing in the sea air along the morning dew, and the mist of the morning. This was, after all, among her favorite temperature to be out, but boy oh boy was it early! But, it was the assigned mission, and she wouldnt be able to do so too late in the day, as the place would be filled with tourists and visitors, strangers and citizens alike. Fortunately, she wouldnt be alone to do the task of cleaning, nor the other missions that she was assigned to in this fine day on the islands of Kirigakure. 

''Well I guess the others will be there in a few minutes or so... hmmm, I'm wondering who they paired me with this time...'' Said Izu out loud to herself, looking at the bright orange and yellow reflection on the waves from the sun piercing trough the thick mist hidding the islands.
Heibon'na Ogawa
Heibon'na Ogawa
Stat Page : Miss Generic
Mission Record : Heibon'na Sightings
Taijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 71750

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! Empty Re: A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem!

Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:14 pm
Heibon'na had awoken early that day. It was a foggy and long day ahead as she was selected to accompany some rather important people of the village, real shinobi! The academy always encouraged to find time to shadow and watch genin alongside those of higher rank should they be available to accompany or mentor the missions they were allowed access to. Heibon'na had been reserved about going that route since typically high-profile genuises attempt to get a leg up but she was behind due to her age while being a student so she figured it would be a good time to at least get an idea for what it was like for properly trained shinobi to be like. Thankfully enough it being early in the morning just like her classes, Heibon'na was happily ready to go though she was not the first to arrive at the designated meeting spot, Xyxer's monument.

In her standard uniform for the academy, Heibon'na arrived without much noise outside of the clack of her footwear against the stone pathways of the village. The sun's crest illuminated much of the area around the monument and there present cleaning already was a slightly above average height older teen than her. A forehead protector upon her head and a washcloth indicated she was one of the shinobi that had the missions she was assigned to help with and shadow. "Excuse me cousin, good morning!" Heibon'na began before offering a greeting of her own in high spirits for the day, "My name is Ogawa, Heibon'na. My family's name is Ogawa, as in small river." She elaborated on as she gestured out towards the smaller islands that made up the Land of Water. "My family were fishermen primarily between some of the smaller islands before I enrolled in the academy. It is a pleasure to meet you." She added in bowing towards the genin. "I've been assigned to shadow and aid during your missions today and I will be of glad to be of help." The young middle of the road teenager would greet Izu with respect befitting someone of her station as a Kirigakure no Sato shinobi. As an aspiring one herself, she was excited to see what Izu would do to incorporate her own knack and talents into the day's affairs. There was much to learn from such an encounter and Heibon'na was excited to be here today.

WC: 400, TWC: 400 | TMWC: 626 / 2,500
Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! Empty Re: A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem!

Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:51 pm
After a shine of the sun right in the eyes making Izu miss a single second of the streets she was looking at, another teenage girl was suddently there, approaching the Xyxer monument plaza with a rag in her hand too. She was smaller a bit, and also younger than Izu herself, but in her personna, she seemed very younger. After all, Izu had a difficult childhood, or should we say was robbed of her childhood at a young age, making her more stern and more mature than usual for her age. But nonetheless, she tried to make good impression on the girl that seemed quite energic and zealous to become a shinobi.

As the girl approached, the blonde hyuuga saw better that she wore a school uniform akin to the one she recently wore too a few years back. Ah not again... It was the second time in the same week that Izu was assigned with students of the academy instead, doing small missions of low ranking instead of more dangerous missions, the one she liked... Well, it is what it is. After all, she blatantly disrepected the Mizukage in his face more than once, showing that she didnt appreciate the status of Kirigakure being a puppet state to Hoshigakure, the land hidden amongst stars. As she waved at the girl, she introduced herself. Her name was Heibon'na Ogawa. She said she basically came from the more rural and fishmonger hamlets of the smaller islands farther down the coast of the main isle. This made Izu smile. FINALLY a girl that wasnt all posh or from a city, but that knew how to live out there, traditionnaly from the sea, and to fish.

''Well met Heibon'na. I'm Izu Momochi. So you are like me uh? From a rural family, not too rich, mainly fisherman living of the sea? Its good to see people still close to nature, to the ocean, and its sources. I love fishing myself, and the smaller islands too. The tasks of today wont be much in terms of big missions, but i'll still teach you a few tricks if you want. Lets first wash that pedestal, okay? Here. The soap is over there. Put some elbow grease into it.'' answered Izu, her face a bit unbothered but still smiling from the similarity with this Small river girl. 

As they worked a lot scrubbing and rubbing the statue clean, Izu was getting warm in the hot sun of the humid morning. As she removed her vest to tie it at her waist, she looked at Heibon'na, and asked her a few questions, trying to also give her a basic lesson.

''See Ogawa-chan, this is why its important to do that type of work... A ninja, at the basics, must work and do sometimes unpleasant things. He must also do what is necessary for the glory and honor of their village. This time, its scrubbing a monument for the honor of one of our past Mizukage. One day it will be something else. See the lesson here? good! Keep scrubbing that part there.'' said Izu, taking a pause to give a few scrub into a spot before going again. ''So what motivates you to become a Kiri Kunoichi? And also why did you call me cousin?'' added the hyuuga girl, her face confused a bit, sweaty from the hard work. As she waited for the answer, they had both finished scrubbing the monument, and in a swift weaves of handsigns, Izu summonned a large splash of water attop the monument, making all the soap and remaining dust and dirt wash away, leaving the monument clean and shiny, with the water going down the cliff into the ocean, making only a light rain fall onto the girls bellow.

''That was a good start! Now lets go to the market, i'll buy us breakfast and we can do the next mission at the same place.'' said Izu, contemplating their good work.

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! WQdadjV

As they walked to the markets, the streets were now busy, deep into the morning. Izu walked as if she grew up in those markets; chaotic, ever-moving, cacophonic, vibrant, alive, too alive. With Heibon'na following her, they arrived at a small boutique, with the shopkeeper at the front, opened all up like a garage door, with crates of fishes and seafood. Izu approached the man and with only a chin move upwards, the man brought them in the back of the shop, passing fishmongers, butchers and cooks alike, all actively doing their job of chopping, prepping, seasoning and cooking produces and seafoods of all sorts and shapes. As they arrived in the backyard, large piles of salt were on the ground, alongside shovels and small bags. 

''Here Heibon'na, take one and lets fill the bags. Toto please bring us two specials! thanks!'' yelled Izu to the man who was gone as fast as he brought them here. A few minutes later, he came back with two plates filled with half the plate of rice, topped with edamame beans, and on the other side an assortment of fried clams, grilled whole fish and fresh uni, urchin flesh fresh and brightly yellow. As they ate and shoved the salt into the bags, Izu waited for Heibon'na to ask questions, as she figured a student would have a lot and wanted to leave her the place to ask and talk while doing their jobs.
Heibon'na Ogawa
Heibon'na Ogawa
Stat Page : Miss Generic
Mission Record : Heibon'na Sightings
Taijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 71750

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! Empty Re: A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem!

Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:57 pm
Upon arrival and introduction, it became clear to Heibon’na that she was assigned to a rather energetic Genin. Not that it was a problem but with how early it was, it was a wild surprise. Once Izu took a breathe and she herself had a moment to speak, she gave a warm smile as her mother taught her and laughed lightly. “Yes indeed it seems our origins share quite the similarities. I’m from a small fishing hamlet myself so I’ve been on a few outings to help my family out. I can’t wait to see what I can learn today.” She said in affirmation towards her senior as they washed the monument. Izu’s deposition seemed inclined to be one of the more talkative types from the beginning which was not something she had not worked with in the past but it was amazing to see someone so energetic still committed to the menial labor that the village requested of the Shinobi from time to time.

Upon being asked her motivations, Heibon’na stopped scrubbing for a moment, her gaze falling down a bit. She shook her head and smiled, “My father was a Shinobi. Our family has been struggling recently financially so I felt it was best to try to become a shinobi to help.” She said with conviction and affirmation of her role and presence there that day. Her smiles radiated a level of contentment and satisfaction in her being there. “Our hamlet refers to everyone as cousin. There’s only really about fifteen to twenty families that makes it up. Not many families go there to settle so most of us are cousins by some proximity to each other so we simply extended the term.” Heibon’na explained as she put in some of that elbow grease that Izu was referring to. Once done, it was time for… breakfast? Heibon’na shrugged and smiled following her active senior

Following Izu through the market space of Kirigakure was a wild and crazy change. She was still adjusting to the change of pace and lifestyle but she typically took it as she went. Upon arrival of the designated location, Heibon’na saw the shovel and bags and heard Izu give the sound off that they had arrived. Happily grabbing a shovel and bag to begin the process, the special that Izu had ordered with a tantalizing amount of food and variety of proteins. Heibon’na’s silver eyes widened at the sight of the plate. She turned to look between the task and the hearty meal that was offered to her. The average grade student happily accepted the gesture as she scarfed the food down at a steady rate in between shoveling the salt into bags. With her mouth filled for the first bag she shoveled, her brain was just happy to be fed such a wonderful meal. “Thank you Momochi-senpai.” She said before taking another bite, “I believe it’s fair to ask in kind, what motivates you to be a Shinobi of our fair village?” She asked with another shovel of salt being shoved into a sack. “What do you mainly focus on as a Genin? Any specific style of missions? Have you met the Mizukage?” She began to ask in between shovels and bites of food. She felt that she would be best to ask in rapid succession unknowing when she would get a chance to speak once Izu began once more. Heibon’na felt this was a good pace for her as she progressed through the missions with Izu. She was ready to learn and perhaps see the village through another set of shinobi eyes.

WC: 600, TWC: 1,000 | TMWC: 2,139 / 2,500
Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! Empty Re: A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem!

Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:52 pm
Izu listened to the stories and origins of Heibon'na with a attentive ear, wanting to respect the student and seing a bit of herself in her, at least the part about being traditionnal. As both girls shoveled salt and ate their lunch while talking, Izu noticed how she was way more talkative and energetic than normaly, being a discreet girl and secretive person, not easily oppening. This was probably because she saw a bit of herself in that girl, and was feeling weirdly open around her, a thing that never happened before. Oh well, its not the end of the world, but realizing it made her retract a bit, getting back to her cold face without emotions showing and with a more stern and stiff body language.

As the girl helping her shovel the salt asked questions, Izu listened first, wanting to focus on the task and then answered, as Heibon'na took a break to eat a bit or two.

''Im a ninja because i want to live up to my name, and to become one of the most efficient killer of the hidden mist. I want to become a hunter-nin, but ultimately, i want to be one of the legendary swordsman of the hidden mist. I did met the mizukage. But easy on the questions now, some info im not too keen on sharing, or its prohibited.'' Said izu in a dry tone, focusing with more shoveling of the salt.

''There. We are done for this one. The next one is a real mission. Follow me.'' Added Izu as they both finished their shoveling and left the backstore of the shop, to walk and run in serpentine alleys, stopping into a dark one where no one could hear them.

''Okay, now that we are in a safe place, let me explain. This mission are two in one. We will need to practice our stealth capabilities as its a core aspect of the hidden mist shinobi. Walk silently, control where your gear touch stuff, your breathing, etc. I'm quite trained in the mater, so i'll observe your way of doing so. To practice it in a real setting, we will be doing a sabotage mission. Some of the richers merchants of Kiri still support an old regime, and we need to infiltrate their warehouse on the dock and destroy the supply. There should be 6 crates in total. This mission require us to not be seen doing so, understood?'' Whispered Izu to Heibon'na, serious and cold, now back to her usual self.

As both girl approached the docks area, Izu walked without producing a single sound. She had total control of her movement, and was even more sneaky and silent than a house cat. After all, she was a true hidden ninja of the mist, a practicionner of the secret silent killing technique, so practicing stealth for her was as natural as walking, since she trained for it almost all of her life. While doing so and approaching the warehouse, Izu was on the lookout to not be seen, activating her byakugan, and still observing the stealth capacities and way of doing so by Heibon'na, analyzing every details. Fortunately, the approach with a silent ninja with a 360 degree gaze made it quite easy to sneak in. As both girl made it inside, Izu waited on Heibon'na to take the initiative, noding to her to find a way to dispose of the crate and make it look like an accident or something of the sort. 

Izu saw multiple ways of doing so: over them was a lamp that could cause a fire, wich would destroy the crate but potentially cause greater collateral damages too. Another option was to destroy a specific pilar of the dock, making the whole flooring of the building to tilt an an angle, wich would slide the crates into the water, sending them sinking into the depth of the dark and muddy waters of the harbor. There were surely other options, too as the place was filled with harbor equipments and close to the water, so izu simply stood guard to be sure nobody saw them while she waited on the plan of Heibon'na, testing her capacity to learn and think in the way of a hidden mist shinobi.

Once the sabotage was done, both girl escaped as sneakily as they entered, and met in another part of the docks, slipping into the crowded street of the busy fish markets of earlier by an alley, seemingly integrating themselves into the crowd. A few moments later, Izu would give her analysis and point of view on the performance of the student regarding stealth and the sabotage.
Heibon'na Ogawa
Heibon'na Ogawa
Stat Page : Miss Generic
Mission Record : Heibon'na Sightings
Taijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 71750

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! Empty Re: A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem!

Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:53 am
Heibon'na nodded at Izu's words. It was clear and concise though it seemed to her that Izu had a small soft spot for the underdog. As much as she was from a fishing village like herself, Izu seemed to also respect the discretion of what it meant to be a shinobi. The young academy student understood the intention and inflections of the words that Izu stated and shifted in tone once she answered the questions. She remained silent and went about the need and duty that was required of her. Next up was something a bit more encompassing of the needs of the village in a discreet manner. Picking up the queues that Izu was providing, Heibon'na was quick to give a simple and firm nod in affirmation to her superior in this situation.

Once they had arrived at the intended destination, it was clear that Izu's shift was locked in for the situation. Remaining as quiet as she could, no words came from Heibon'na's lips as the only sound was the soft patter of her footwork. Her outfit itself did not inherently lead to stealth but being of softer material it was able to help dampen the noise she made in contrast to how silently Izu moved about. The famous silent skill of Kirigakure no Sato shinobi was shining in this manner. Spending a few moments once they were settled into a safe spot, she looked over the options available. The first two that came to mind were the lamp that was present and the post for the dock. Both were rather straightforward of a method and both could be seen as having merit but Heibon'na had a different thought in mind. The total count of 6 crates made it quite a large task but the workforce itself seemed minimal.

With the options present she felt that the simplest method was to simply remove the crates from the equation altogether. She saw a cart on their way in that was shipping something else out from the same location and had just unloaded. With that in mind, she gave a small nod to her senior as she dropped down to a safe spot before using the transformation technique she had learned in the academy to become a dock worker in appearance. Her strength was attributed to the disguise as she began to grab a crate lifting it and moving it to the cart. With the lack of supervision in the place and the shipment being more under the radar, it appeared that there was not going to be an issue as she took the approach of sabotage as being quite different than what was expected. People were surveying the dock for something more devious or dastardly but not another worker loading up a cart for departure. Once loaded, she got onto the cart turned to look back toward the warehouse, and gave a firm nod before leaving. She swiftly once out of the district dropped it off at the nearest place that could use a surplus of supplies before returning to the designated meetup spot.

WC: 515, TWC: 1,515 | TMWC: Enough / 2,500
Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! Empty Re: A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem!

Sat Dec 23, 2023 12:12 am
Heibon'na suprised Izu with her method of sabotage, that was to say the least, not orthodox in any shape of form. Instead of destroying said cargo and stocks, she simply moved it under the guise of a local warehouse worker, making it a loss to the target as aimed, and a win for another merchant, giving it back to the economy of Kiri. Izu was impressed, that a student thought of such a creative thing to do. As both girl splitted their path to meet later in a alleyway, Izu raised her hand toward the student, giving her a fist to bump as a gesture of approval and respect.

''This was a really original and good way of disposing of them.'' Whispered Izu to Heibon'na, her faint corner smile being enough of a gesture to show that she appreciated the work of the student and tought she would be promissing once she was a fully fledged ninja. 

As both girl got out of the alley, Izu brought the younger student to a special event taking place in the middle of the market place, amidst the stands and shops filled with produces fishes and various spices and foods. It was an accuracy contest. There the owner of the place had targets, and a pile of Kunai, shuriken and senbons, ready to be thrown. A few ninja and citizens tried their best to beat the marksman of an owner at his own game and win the prize money, but none were able to do so, the owner being himself a retired ninja of the hidden mist. Izu knew this of course by seeing and observing his form and way of throwing, a forme of professionalism, and skill. But as she grinned at the sight of an easy win for her, Izu gestured to Heibon'na to follow her to the stand. 

''Hey Ogawa, do you think you can beat him? Watch closely, I'll show you how to throw weapons like a true hidden mist shinobi!'' Said Izu as she pulled her own senbons from her ninja pouch. Without even signaling her presence, the blonde hyuuga activated her byakugan in the middle of the crowd, very far from the target and the marksman stand. As she saw with a clear vision everything and everyone all at once, the kunoichi aimed for the center of the target with not one nor two, but 8 senbons. She threw them in rapid succession, and out of nowhere, seemingly arriving from the crowd, each and everyone of the acupuncture senbons lodged themselves perfectly in the middle of the target at an incredible speed, lodging so close to one another that they touched and bloted out the bullseye of the target. The marksman was ghasping, suprised and startled by the shot from so far he couldnt even see who threw them. As Izu made her way trough the crowd, she poped out of the sea of bystanders, presenting herself to the would be expert marksman, a smile on her face and holding her hand before her in a gesture of 'pay up' as she looked at the defeated man.

''Nobody is more acurrate than me in kirigakure. Heibon'na, im sure you can learn from that! Try and beat the man now too!''
Said Izu, as she took back her senbons from the target, leaving it free for the student to shoot at, along the marksman.

As she watched the display, Izu didnt think much of it, counting her gains of the day, and waving goodbye to the student as she finished the competition, regardless of the result. Without more words, she parted ways, going to her house and walking under the setting sun thinking about this full day, and about the promissing student Heibon'na.


TWC: 2543

  • +5 E rank missions done
  • +5500 ryo
  • +28 bonus AP (new total=470)

  • claiming at 25% the following :

  1. 421 going toward Hidden Arms to acquire it from this Thread
  2. 2122 remaining WC going toward Clan Pureblood (2122/2250)

Last edited by Izu Momochi on Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:29 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edits to remove milestone for covert mission to claim it on stat page)
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! Empty Re: A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem!

Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:31 pm
Izu Momochi wrote:

TWC: 2543

  • +5 E rank missions done
  • +5500 ryo
  • +28 bonus AP (new total=470)

  • claiming at 25% the following :

  1. 421 going toward Hidden Arms to acquire it from this Thread
  2. 2122 remaining WC going toward Clan Pureblood (2122/2250)

Heibon'na Ogawa
Heibon'na Ogawa
Stat Page : Miss Generic
Mission Record : Heibon'na Sightings
Taijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 71750

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! Empty Re: A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem!

Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:14 pm
Heibon'na was happy to hear that her ingenuity was appreciated and well-received. It was a surprising result, to say the least, as she was unsure if that was going to work. It seemed to her that Izu had taken a small liking to her which was appreciative to know that she was in favor in some capacity to the procedures that the village went with. The maneuver that Heibon'na went with was something she had read in one of the books that was offered for optional reading, taking an enemy's advantage and turning it for yourself. However, the situation the book described was nothing like the small-scale mission they went under. It was a wonderful afternoon at which point came the last of the couple of missions that were left to complete, the marksman competition. Izu indicated that they were going to showcase their skill first before the student as a demonstration. Heibon'na nodded giving Izu a thumbs up and smile, "You got this Momochi-senpai!" She declared knowing full well if Izu's gear that was on her body was any indication, it would be an easy win for the Kirigakuran Shinobi.

It was surprising to see Izu begin to throw the senbon from her pouch from within the crowd. It was rapid and sudden but the accuracy was deadly, to say the least. Looking towards the genin, Heibon'na noticed the veins near her eyes began to tense up and focus on the surroundings. It was clear that it was likely Izu's bloodline at work though Heibon'na was not fully sure of the extent of the capacity of her senior but it was clear that her declaration once she revealed herself was probably true. She was not aware of any big named shinobi with the accuracy that Izu showcased just now. When she called her up from the crowd, Heibon'na moved swiftly to step up to the plate. Her own capacity for marksmanship of weaponry was not at the degree that Izu's was but a simple kunai challenge was suitable for the student. Offering the man first after being shown up to that degree had him flustered as he fumbled even picking up the ninja tool. Heibon'na kept focus, not ridiculing the man further from the embarrassment that he had suffered already. The man was a mess and his shot against the target was within the 3rd ring from the center, giving Heibon'na an easy win after watching Izu's throws. As much as she did not have the same capacity as her senior, it was clear that she was at least able to replicate a bit of the proceeding. She bowed before waving and departing from Izu for the evening. Throughout the day Izu had demonstrated and helped her also learn and directly show ways of maintaining stealth. It was a thorough day of learning for the young student as she was happy with the results.

WC: 485, TWC: 2,000 | TMWC: Enough > 2,500


Mission Rewards wrote:+5,500 Ryo
+28 AP,  317 AP + 28 = New AP Total of 345 / 1,000
WC Claims wrote:2,000 WC

+10 Chakra
+10 Speed

500 WC to upgrade Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden from C to B
1,500 WC towards Shadow Clone
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem! Empty Re: A day in the land of Mist: Kirigakure mayhem!

Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:13 pm
Heibon'na Ogawa wrote:
WC: 485, TWC: 2,000 | TMWC: Enough > 2,500


Mission Rewards wrote:+5,500 Ryo
+28 AP,  317 AP + 28 = New AP Total of 345 / 1,000
WC Claims wrote:2,000 WC

+10 Chakra
+10 Speed

500 WC to upgrade Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden from C to B
1,500 WC towards Shadow Clone

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