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Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~ Empty Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~

Sun May 07, 2017 5:10 pm
Everything hurt.

His vision blurred and his body screamed. Come to think of it, there may have been another, fainter scream behind the pain, the dull throb in his head masking most other noises. Even the peace and quiet of Void seemed nulled by the feeling that rebounded through every nerve ending in his body.

He had returned to Void from the ruins of the village where he had met, beaten and sealed the beast. Of course, his return had been less than graceful, his body collapsing to the ground upon materialization. Nekoda and Kalamity had promptly rushed to his side, helping his numb body to it's feet and almost dragging him to the ever familiar onyx throne. He could barely move himself. Over the course of the next few hours, the two Yuumei would cater to the young ANBU, the boy passing in and out of consciousness before his eventual fading back in to reality. Feeling returned to his body, and as pained as he was, he could move. Given about another hour or so, he would return to normal, save a massive migraine headache.

His next actions would, arguably, cause him more pain than sealing the beast had. The boy needed to report to the kage. Depending on Xyxer's mood, i could go painlessly, or the encounter could turn needlessly bloody. The boy would fade back to reality, leaving Void and coming back on the edge of Kirigakure's sea. He would take the boat he had left in, returning to the familiar shore of the mist's mainland.

Heading straight to the Kage building, the boy would make his way through the streets and into the building, only stopping as he reached the doors to the office. The boy would knock twice, though he doubted it was necessary. The man probably knew his chakra signature well enough by now to recognize who was behind the doors.

If he was given a go ahead, the boy would enter the office and walk to the desk of the kage, crossing his arms as he crossed the room.

"Xyxer. I've returned from investigating the disturbances of Kirigakure's coastline, as well as the odd buzzing sounds people had been hearing far off. If you've got time to hear the report?"
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Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~ Empty Re: Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~

Sun May 07, 2017 5:17 pm
Once he was alerted about the presence of Altar within the village, he had his network of shinobi continue to inform him about his movements and his actions, yet it seemed to be rather convenient for him. He was coming directly to the chambers of the Mizukage from what was being relayed, which perhaps demonstrated that he truly was beginning to understand his role within the village, and his role within life. When he entered the chambers, he knocked on the door of the Mizukage after ascending the staircase before knocking on his door, which had Xyxer nod his head towards his personal ANBU. Wraith opened the door for Altar to walk in through before shutting it behind his body once he made the movement. Once he was inside, Xyxer waited for the tradition before he would speak to him, "What news do you bring?", yet as he said this.. something felt off. Something was different, and Gyuki's fury seemed to spike.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Sun May 07, 2017 5:36 pm
The boy would kneel to tradition, awaiting Xyxer's words before standing back to his feet.

"The cause of the disturbances was some sort of... giant insect like creature. It resembled a rhinoceros beetle, with six wings from it's back and a long, green tail." the boy would say, pausing a few seconds before continuing. Something was... off in the room. Both Altar and Xyxer were at ease, Wraith was as nonchalant and almost confusingly non-existent as ever, and yet there was a very hostile feeling in the kage's office. Tension hung in the air, and most of it hung between Altar and Xyxer.

"I'm not sure you'll believe me, but seeing as you are in possession of a sword that goes back into legend, you may yet have reason to. It seemed to be one of the nine tailed beasts, the bijuu of legend. If I remember the stories right, it was... Chomei, the seven tails." the boy would say, uncrossing his arms and placing his right hand over his stomach.

"And after defeating it, I sealed it inside myself. I figured it would be better to keep a beast like that contained as opposed to letting it run free and wreak havoc as it may in the wild, especially as close to the village as it was. The beast, oddly enough, is capable of speech now that it's sealed, though it seems none too happy to be contained."

As the boy spoke, he could feel the insect becoming agitated, slowly becoming more and more hostile towards... something in the room. The anger was directed at Xyxer, yet... not him. Something else. Something inside him?
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Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~ Empty Re: Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~

Sun May 07, 2017 5:51 pm
The description of the creature seemed to cause another burst of hatred from Gyuki as his rage started to become untethered, festering within the male like a boiling pot. This male.. the one before him.. he had the audacity to seal the bijuu's brother inside of him? It angered Gyuki greatly, which caused him to froth as he shouted within Xyxer, causing him to squint a little as if he was experiencing a migraine, "This impetuous child dares to seal my kin within him, as if he is worthy?! Is this a tradition within your shinobi, you fool!?" Gyuki roared, which confirmed what the boy was saying. It certainly was a bijuu that he currently housed within his body, and he had been capable of sealing it within himself without any additional help.. or at least, that's what he would have Xyxer believe, whether he truly believed him or not was not too important at the current point in time. 

He'd nod along before speaking once more himself, "It took you longer than I thought it would, Altar. Congratulations none the less on your success. This beast within you.. Chomei, you say.. what does it say to you?" Xyxer inquired rather ambiguously, curious still as to whether this was the same feeling that was experienced by others with the curse.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~ Empty Re: Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~

Sun May 07, 2017 6:11 pm
Wait... it had taken him longer than expected? Hadn't he one punched the beast to unconsciousness? Well, there was all the time he had wasted in Void, going in and out of consciousness, trying to regain control of his body... yeah, that was probably where all the time had gone.

The boy would shrug before replying. "Thank you, Xyxer. Sealing the beast proved harder on my body than I thought it would." The boy would think for a few seconds on what to tell the kage about what the bijuu said.

"Awww, poor Oxtopus is all riled up. He always one of the worst of us at keeping a level head. It seems your leader hasn't fully mastered keeping the cephalopod under his thumb. He may be just as bad of a jinchuriki as you! Actually, he seems to at least have worked at it. So you're still the worst."

"It tends to be very passive aggressive in manner of speech. Most of what is says are petty insults and the like. Perhaps it wants me to be weak so that it can escape." the boy would say, placing a hand on his chin. "Nearly none of what it says is useful, really. It can be quite annoying."

"It also says you have one as well, Xyxer. An octopus, a cephalopod..." the boy would say, trailing off.

"Gyuki. It says the one you possess is named Gyuki. That would have been the eight tails, if i'm remembering the stories correctly." the boy would say, paying little mind to the beast talking in his head.

"Gyuki. Gyuuuuukiiiiii. I know you can heeeaaaaar meeeeee. Talk to me, brother."
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Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~ Empty Re: Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~

Sun May 07, 2017 6:51 pm
Xyxer continued to grow restless with the conversation as the animosity between the pair continued to grow tense, causing the naturally violent instincts of the Mizukage to become more realized. He had no need to harm the male before him, in fact, it was much to the contrary. In a rare change of events, he did not want to harm Altar, but the desire was starting to feel overwhelming as the power of Gyuki continued to work through every fiber of his being, and the will of the beast was seeping it's way into his own, melding the two ever so slowly.

Fidgeting in his stone throne momentarily, he tried to notice any physical ticks of Altar, yet none were apparent. Was he this weak willed that Altar had more control over his bijuu than he did himself? That idea alone started to flair the hatred of the male as he huffed a little, resembling an ox that was about to charge, yet he controlled the feeling momentarily by tilting his head to the side, nodding his head, "Yeah, that's right. Hachibi does the same with me." Xyxer stated quickly, attempting to get the words out as quickly as he could while continuing to not afford the bijuu the respect it desired.

"See how he barely twitches, Xyxer? He's superior to you. He doesn't even consider you an equal, let alone a leader. Teach him. Show him." The beast continued to poke at the male's insecurity. When ever he had been looked down on before, he had responded with an excess of aggression and violence, and his desire to harm Altar started to grow with the beast's words.. yet Xyxer understood he was being manipulated by the beast. That he shouldn't harm him, he was doing nothing wrong.. but Gyuki desired it. Perhaps he could release Chomei this way, who in turn would release him.. free from their mortal vessels. "Are you going to let him disrespect you like this? Like a craven?"

The rage of Xyxer continued to surge, his hands gripping on the arms of his throne until his fingers and hands turned a deathly white themselves. He knew that if he was to stand, he would strike the male even if he did not truly desire it. "So, Altar.. how do you do it? How do you keep it so under control.. how have you done better than I have?" Xyxer snarled somewhat, and it was clear that the feeling of belittlement was getting the better of him, much like a dog that was being encouraged by it's cruel owner.

"Chomei! It has been a long time since our last encounter. What has this wretched creature done to you?" Gyuki spoke to the Bijuu telepathically, due to their natural link. In this world where both Xyxer and Altar lacked any comprehension, they would be able to communicate easily.. free of the burden of talking through fleshbags.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~ Empty Re: Welcome to Mayhem ~P, NK,~

Mon May 08, 2017 7:47 pm
Strange. The man in front of him seemed to struggle against some invisible force, as though gravity itself was exerting a higher level of pressure on him than anyone else. He looked to be in pain, and his words were rushed.

Xyxer's knuckles turned white as his hands gripped the throne tighter and tighter, threatening to crack the stone beneath his hands. The man asked him how he controlled it, how he had it under better wraps than a kage could.

"Xyxer, I-" the boy would begin, hoping to calm the man down. Something was troubling him. But of course, something was troubling Altar as well. A burst of bright colored pain went through his mind, and everything blanked. His thoughts stopped, his mind ceased logical thought. In an instant, the beast had taken control. The boy's chakra would flare incredibly, mixing with the insect's own, becoming distinctly discernible from Altar's natural chakra.

The young ANBU would grasp at his head, reeling for a second before seemingly regaining his composure and letting out a guttural roar.

"There is no control here!" the boy... no, the beast would say, the voice sounding as though it was trying to tear itself from his throat, gravelled and yet at a higher pitch than Altar's typical voice. Chomei was at the helm of the boy's actions now, and it showed.

Everything in the boy screamed to leap across the desk in front of him now and tear away at the man who had imprisoned the Eight Tails. And so he would. The boy would jump from his current position just in front of the middle of the desk, in a mindless attack, a lunge for the throat of the man seated behind it. It was a simple attempt, really, with no thought of what to do after. Right now, all the boy wanted was to hurt the kage.

"Too many years, many too many. This... child, caught me while I was reckless. But it seems this was a lucky turn of fate, as i've happened upon you captured in the same village!"   the beast would say to it's kin, getting flashbacks to being aptured by the boy. All it had taken was a single blow. Was he truly that weak? Was he unaware? Or was the boy that strong? The beast would pause for a few seconds on these thoughts before continuing.

"So, I propose we see whose jinchuriki is stronger. I have ready control over this one, so instigation is no problem. Best case scenario, if we get lucky, one of them dies and we're set free. Worst case, we're stuck as we are currently..."
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Wed May 10, 2017 6:25 am
As Altar's speech started to break off after addressing him, Gyuki continued to internally taunt the male, twisting his wills and desires to continuously become more identical to his own: Destruction, causing suffering, murdering.. this was the will of Gyuki, quickly binding with the mindset of Xyxer during the fleeting moments that passed between the beacons of power. Somehow, Altar's voice got even higher pitched which surprised both Xyxer and Gyuki as neither of the pair believed it could have reached an octave higher, yet they had been bewildered by the influence of Chomei on his vocals, yet, in the end, it made little difference.

Gyuki had been paying attention to all of the aspects and he was not to be bested by any Bijuu, for he would not lay down and take a beating regardless of who it was attempting to bring the pain. He would not be humiliated, even if it meant he had to harm a fellow Bijuu to cement his place as a strong, capable creature. The tension was something he was used to seeing, and it was such a familiar sight in his raging brethren. The entire time that he had made Xyxer clench the sturdy stone housing him, he'd been using the flexing of his muscles to already get the blood pumping through his body, exerting throughout himself and limit the blood flow in his hands so that he wouldn't feel the pain as much as he would normally. It had all been a part of the beast's destructive plan in order to enable the violence he was about to wreak.

Not one to be caught flat footed, as soon as Chomei's intent to leap was confirmed Gyuki would immediately stand from his current position on the throne, being fully stood by the time Chomei had started the execution of the jump, yet it wouldn't serve much purpose other than not receiving a lap dance from Altar. With the creature leaping towards him, his right hand would soon find itself striking forward as he was above the desk, Altar's own arms further away than his own due to Xyxer's natural reach advantage of a few inches. His right hand would have the full intent to simply land a haymaker on the left side of Altar's face in what would likely rearrange the entirety of his face and end the fight right there and then if it was not to be avoided. His left hand remained poised, ready to strike once more at any interference the male may make to try and avoid the wrath of Gyuki, the eight tailed beast.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Fri May 12, 2017 7:00 pm
Everything slowed down.

As he leapt across the desk, the eight tailed beast stood and moved his right arm. Gyuki's intention quickly became clear to the lucky beast. He wanted this to be a quick, easy fight? Oh, no, this was a gamble. A roll of the dice. And Lucky Seven always won gambits. There were few things the insect had going for it in this battle, but one was rather clear. The eight tailed beast was sturdier, stronger. But the seven tailed beast was faster.

As he leapt across the table, the voice of Altar, now in the back of his own conscious, tried to yell something incomprehensible to the beast. A seal started to form on the boy's left side, the Thousand Hands seal attempting to block the cephalopod's punch. But Chomei had other plans.

As the movement of the arm continued, the boy would let out a shrill shriek, loud enough to deafen the weak bodied, and strong enough to push Gyuki away. The sound would produce small, slightly visible waves in the air, almost like waves of heat from blacktop.

The eight tailed beast would be pushed back and knocked down by the screech, most likely toppling over his own throne, and as a momentary lapse in control, the beast would grab the edge of the kage's desk, halting his own forward momentum, instead coming to a halt in a crouching position on top of the desk.

It was now that any onlookers would notice a sheer crimson veil beginning to cover the young ANBU's body, the beast's chakra seeping out. From the veil, a single crimson tail would take form. 

The beast would snarl in it's perch on top of the desk, before jumping to the left of the throne off the desk, using it's right hand to rotate itself to face the eight tailed beast. The lucky bijuu would let the ANBU's invention aid it in the fight, two Thousand Hands seals forming from his shoulders, one on each side, the arms attacking in a flurry at Gyuki, quickly extending to range enough to attack the kage, aiming punches at the man's head, chest and stomach.
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Sat May 13, 2017 7:00 pm
As of late, Xyxer had been having more peculiar experiences outside of his body; like a stranger looking upon himself, witnessing the actions he performed. This had happened ever since he w as a child, yet he could not properly explain these lapses in his judgement, and his visions. Yet as he momentarily lapsed from his body to acknowledge the punch thrown by Gyuki and the retaliation of Chomei, it seemed.. more defined. He was picking out more details in a vastly reduced period of time. The feeling of suction started to overwhelm him as he was pulled back into the host body to witness the arms attempt to block the punch that had been thrown.

A screech that almost matched the exact same frequency as Altar's regular pitch emerged from his throat, and Xyxer would almost question how his throat had not been torn asunder from the power of it, yet he put that down to the male simply having put in work using his throat for other activities. The arm that had been used to punch simply recoiled to brace from the screech without much other damage being done. Of course, if the glass behind him shattered, this would likely result in the ANBU being executed for property damage.

Yet, Xyxer would not allow himself to succumb to the beast in front of the creature before him. He himself was a monster, and he had to maintain an aura of control when around others to properly exhibit that feeling. Calculating, callous, ruthless.. they were all known to be his traits, yet what was calculated about a brawl in his office that would alert others to the tensions there? What would be ruthless about allowing Altar to escape with his life during the fight? No, if this fight was to continue, one party would have to die otherwise the moniker as a monster would disappear, unless he killed his ANBU.

Still, the two ANBU beside the door remained knelt as Xyxer had not given them any orders, nor any gestures that they had picked up on to assault the male from behind. They also knew that Xyxer would likely execute them themselves if they interfered in a one on one fight, as that was his way.

Once Altar started to halt his movement on the desk, and before the arms had been fully conjured, Xyxer would suppress the will of Gyuki out of defiance and simply declare in his regular tone, albeit forced, "If you continue with this attack, I will be forced to kill you and feed your body to my dogs. Think wisely, Altar. Nanabi." Awaiting a response, if it was one that lead to more fighting, he'd simply go ahead with it with full intent to kill Altar and subdue the bijuu afterwards for a new host.
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