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Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! Empty Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones!

Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:57 pm
Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! BzeHFJE

Mission Name:  Konoha Academy: First days at school
Rank: E
Mission Location: Konoha Exclusive, Academy

Challenges: Arc
Task: Its your first day at school! may you be a young ninja in the learning setting step for the first time into the Konoha academy, or a older kid returning to it, the first day of school is always stressfull and eventfull: meeting new classmates, new teachers, talking about the exam as well as what kind of ninja one will be! What an exciting day!

Word Count Requirement: 500
Reward:Ryo1250 Ryo / AP 6 AP

Character Requirements: Be a Konoha student!
Character Exclusive:

Nokino waited in class, prepared to a fault, with her desk all well placed, the class all clean, waiting for the last minutes before the start of the day of class. As she stood to welcome the student, she was standing tall, at 6'2, and muscular, being a woman of stature, well shaped and feminine at the same time. She had fair skin and long straight blonde hair, a unbothered look on her face, and her eyes were of a pale purple hue, acompagnied with a scar on her left cheek. Her atire was her usual Black body suit without sleeves, where the pants conveniently shaped into her ninja sandals, and her green flak vest on top of it, addorned by her famous Fire sleeves, baggy and with fire patern. As the students entered the class, She noded at them, her arms still crossed, and her intimidating and authoritarian look was of stone, not moving when the class slowly filled itself with each and everyone of those students. There were students of all ages, backgrounds, and of all genders, sitting randomly, for now, in the class. As the bell ringed, some arrived late, and Nokino greeted them with a face of disapointment and at the same time of dire consequences, making them feel small and punished without her even moving or talking. She waited until all students were in the class to introduce herself.

'' 'Aight class, Shut up and listen. My name is Sensei Nokino. Not ma'am Nokino, not miss Nokino, and not just Nokino either. In this class, we will learn the art of the shinobi life, and the reality of the world of the ninja. If you dont respect me, the rules or the art of the shinobi, I will fail you. Now, get in front and introduce yourselves, age, clan if any, name and what kind of ninja you breafly want to be! 'aight?'' said Nokino with her voice full of authority, smoking in class and waiting for students to proceed.

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Emiri Uchiha
Emiri Uchiha
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Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! Empty Re: Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones!

Thu Nov 23, 2023 12:56 am
Emiru had woken up that day for probably the first time in a while excited to see what would happen but also immensely terrified of the unknown involved in going. Snapping herself out of her nervousness she got up and took care of herself putting on her outfit for the day, a pair of slightly worn white pants with some light scattering and a black long sleeve shirt with sleeves way too long for her. She made sure to at least somewhat mess with her hair though it seemed to have a mind of its own, the charcoal colored mess resembling that of a rough pencil sketch with a pair of blue blue eyes underneath. Before leaving the house she made sure to pick up her most treasured possession, a tattered white rabbit stuffed animal with one black button and one green button for eyes. Seeing as she was all ready to go she went to the entrance of her apartment and put on a pair of old black boots, each just slightly too big for her. 

She approached the entrance of the academy her grandpa had told her so much about and stared in wonder. Entering the grounds she saw a pair of people as she walked by, one a boy almost as short as her standing just 2 inches taller at 4’9 with red hair and another guy much taller with blonde hair and hazel eyes both of them seemingly laughing at something. She started walking away from them as she heard the red hair one yelling, “Where are you going with that stuffed animal little kid! You are far too young to be here, go back home no one wants to see someone as dirty as you here right, Junji?!” 

Junji added on, “Yeah you are right, she should just go home, you hear that rabbit girl? Just go back home, someone like you can’t learn anything here." The two voices seemed to cover over each other as they just spouted off more and more insults. Emiri attempted to do the thing her grandpa had told her to do in this situation and spoke up for herself, “T-this STUFFED animal is Mr. Cottontail and he’s my friend, it’s not like I’m stupid I know some things! Look, I'll show you.” Emiri put her stuffed rabbit on the floor and made the hand sign for ram as a puff of smoke appeared beside her, once subsiding a clone of herself appeared before it vanished in the next second. 

For a second she thought that they might think that she was fine but she simply heard Junji scoff as he stated in a slightly higher tone, “BIG deal, look every student learns that in like their first year, Riku let’s get out of here class starts soon!”. Dejected, she picked her stuffed rabbit up and headed towards her classroom. Looking in she saw the teacher, an intimidating woman with blonde hair and purple eyes, it seemed she had the right classroom. She made sure to sit down in the back to avoid attracting attention and hit herself underneath her stuffed animal. She heard everybody enter as she heard the teacher address the class.  

After hearing the teacher she softened her stance in her seat a little and looked around seeing if anyone else was going to go first. It seemed like no one else was going to go first so nervously she got out of her chair and headed towards the front of the classroom. She lowered her stuffed rabbit as she spoke, “H-hi everyone, I’m Emiri Uchiha and this is Mr. Cottontail, I’m 13 years old and t-the type of ninja I would want to be I suppose would be someone who helps others and SOMEONE who can get stronger to protect everyone else, and someone who can become confident in themselves.” said Emiri getting even more flustered, feeling everyone’s eyes on her. She then turned her head towards the instructor, feeling intimidated. 

“C-can I go sit back down p-p-please, Teacher Nokino?” she said, squeezing her stuffed rabbit closer to her chest.

WC: 684

Last edited by Emiri Uchiha on Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:21 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Was informed I could start it earlier in time wise (got permission from thread starter to edit))
Hakaku Koutaishi
Hakaku Koutaishi
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Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! Empty Re: Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones!

Sat Nov 25, 2023 6:29 am
Hakaku woke up unusually early, looking out his window to find that he had risen before the sun. Most days, he'd lay back down and get the extra sleep. Today, he wouldn't even try. He was dealing with a plethora of feelings. So, he'd sit against the window and reflect as he waited for the day to peek over the horizon and orange to overtake the night sky. Curled against the windowsill, he'd allow himself to introspect.

Growing up, when he wanted a moment to himself like this, he'd go to the maple trees in the forest behind his home. Well, his former home. He hadn't been there for a while; he hadn't seen a maple tree since his parents defected. It felt wrong to think about that night. Hakaku promised himself that he'd move on, but today was special. He'd finally get to start his journey to being a shinobi. A journey that would reunite his family once again, this time being the last. His parents had spent his whole life driving him away from it, and even now, they were tainting what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life.

Those words quickly ended this train of thought. Today was the happiest day of his life. He wouldn't let himself mourn the family that left when he had one asleep in the other room. He'd smile and turn to the wall that divided their rooms; as he did, he'd see the first ray of sunlight shine warmly against it. He'd gently raise his hand and watch its silhouette press against it. In his own way, it was a silent gesture of appreciation. He'd quietly jump up, stretch, and wordlessly walk to the kitchen.

The white-haired boy knew he'd at least have another hour before his aunt and uncle woke up. He'd begin working on breakfast. Cooking was an activity Hakaku hadn't been able to do since he was injured when he moved in. Nevertheless, it was always his favorite chore growing up. He remembered they had leftover salmon from last night, so he decided on his favorite, Ochazuke. Steamed rice with plenty of savory ingredients, partially steeped in green tea. He'd take his time, a luxury that allowed him to make the dish look yummy and inviting. As he finished a pot of morning tea, Hakaku heard a door open.

It was his aunt, still in her pajamas. Her expression changed in waves: tired, confused, surprised, excited, settling finally on joy. She'd come over and give her nephew a hug and a kiss on the forehead. Hakaku chuckled and hugged back, causing his uncle to stumble into the doorway. He'd mumble, "You're awake this early?" before going through his own movements of confusion, bemusement, and pride. As the sun rose further and light began filling the room, they'd enjoy a family breakfast.

Afterward, his uncle would collect the dishes and clean up with a warm "Thanks for breakfast, kid." Hakaku would smile and nod before excusing himself to get ready. Once ready, he still had plenty of time to arrive at school 30 minutes early. He'd get lunch from his aunt and have some last-minute checks from them before heading off. As he went, he heard something from his aunt, surprising him and his uncle.

"Have a great day, my son."

Once the shock wore off, he'd give a huge smile before responding. "I'll do my best, mom." He'd then get going, finally arriving at school half an hour early.

Contrasting her was the woman who stood in the classroom. This woman was tall, intimidating, and cold. Despite this, Hakaku felt only admiration. Nokino was a ninja on the job. Her energy was intense, but this was what the ruby-eyed boy expected. He'd smile and bow to her before taking a seat in the front of the class. He waited far too long for this. Now that he was here, Hakaku wouldn't miss any detail of her instruction.

He'd observe his other classmates as they entered. He expected them all to be younger than him but was surprised to see that there were people of all ages in class. The variety was encouraging. He thought he would be nearly double the age of his classmates, but he fell somewhere in the middle. An idea that gave him hope that maybe he wasn't too late. This anxiety quickly replaced itself when he saw his sensei glared at the students who came in late. He would make it a point to keep showing up early. Other students whispered and murmured amongst themselves. Hakaku remained quiet, partially to observe his sensei further and partially because he had no friends to talk to. He wondered if he was wasting the opportunity to make friends with his silence. The thought of introducing himself to strangers left him paralyzed with anxiety.

He wouldn't have time to beat himself up. The blonde-haired instructor soon silenced her class. Afterward, she commanded attention with her authoritarian opening words. Hakaku immediately began taking notes, writing down everything he needed to remember. He'd also write her question down. What kind of ninja he wanted to be? He wondered if she was looking for a specific answer or one more personalized. Hakaku would allow another student to answer first. Maybe that would give him the answer he desired. Or, at least, a precedent to follow. He was a little surprised to see who answered first.

She was a girl slightly younger than he was, though she still carried a stuffed animal with her. Was this normal at their age? He never had any stuffed animals, so he'd give her the benefit of the doubt and say this was probably normal. What truly surprised him was someone who seemed so shy was the first to respond. She revealed herself to be an uchiha, a clan of legendary prowess. He would keep his eye on her. Hopefully, she'd continue to surprise him. Her answer intrigued him. Her goals as a ninja seemed tied to her desires as a person. To find her confidence and become strong enough to protect others. Simple, but they'd serve her well. At least, they wouldn't waiver easily.

Once she was finally to sit down, Hakaku would stand up to go next. He had carefully considered the task and found an answer he could commit to. He'd stand before the class and pause for a moment. The eyes on him caused his heart to race, but he wouldn't let it affect him. He took a deep breath to steel his nerves before speaking, his voice calm and confident.

"Good morning, my name is Hakaku."

He'd bow before continuing with a soft smile.

"I'm 14 years old. I'm from the Koutaishi clan, and..."

He'd pause a split-second. Uncertainty flashed over his features before resolve steeled him. He'd continue with more passion in his voice.

"... and I want to be the type of ninja who progresses ninjas. A master student who learns, applies, elevates everything taught, and uses it to hone others. Most importantly, I want to be someone who stays true to their morals and serves their village with all their being."

Fearing ending up long-winded, Hakaku would stop there. His eyes would wander around the room, worried about how he came across. He was sure of his answer regardless of perception, but this didn't stop him from caring about how his classmates perceived him. He'd manage to keep the worry off his face until his sensei finally allowed him to sit down. With a quick bow, he'd hurry back to his seat. He would then lower his head a moment to compose himself. He was grateful to have gotten that out of the way early. Now, he could focus on getting to know his classmates instead of worrying about how he came across. He'd keep his head lowered to avoid drawing attention to himself. Despite this, he'd keep his eyes and ears pinned to the front of the class. Even if he was anxious, he was still eager to meet the rest of his classmates.

Yuma Hyūga
Yuma Hyūga
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Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! Empty Re: Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones!

Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:44 pm

Yuma would be one of the first students to have arrived to class at the beginning of the day. He had awoken early, making sure to eat a hearty breakfast before collecting his school bag and making his way towards the school. The events that had befallen him a few days prior still echoed in his mind, and it was because of his recklessness that he had been removed from Nara, Kataru's classroom and added to the roster under the tutelage of Iburi, Nokino.

This would not bother Yuma, in fact, it was a blessing in disguise. The woman could easily have given him a much bigger punishment or even had him expelled for his breaking into the academy after hours to train on his own.

As Yuma entered into the classroom, he took note of its cleanliness and organized state, being quite impressed but not at all taken a back by it all. Nokino had been methodical during their previous training, and the Hyūga boy would expect no less in her teaching abilities. Upon his entrance he would bow to Nokino before walking up the steps to take a seat towards the back of the classroom, where he sat planted with his arms crossed above his chest and his legs propped upon the top of the desk. He would watch out for the other students as they too entered into the classroom, but many of them did not catch his eye other than two of them; a white-haired boy seemingly around his age and a girl who carried a stuffed teddy bear with her. Yuma, wanting to meet his new classmates, was about to go up to them and introduce himself, but Nokino would be the first to speak as the last of the stragglers made their way into the room. Yuma was not deterred like he had previously been by the woman's introduction, and he would listen as the other students introduced themselves before him.

The first to go would be the girl with the teddy bear. She would introduce herself as Uchiha, Emiri. The girl seemed quite anxious and nervous, especially for an Uchiha. Perhaps deep down, much like Yuma, she was worried about the legacy of her family and falling into the folds of history along with the rest of them. Next to go would be the other boy that Yuma took notice of, who introduced himself as Koutaishi, Hakaku. From the way the boy described himself, he was almost reminded of Nokino; someone who wanted to elevate those under them to a higher level. It was a noble goal, for sure. Yuma would let just a few more people go about their own introductions before he sighed and walked down the stairs with a cocky stride.

"Yo," He started once he was finally standing in front of the teaching podium at the front of the classroom. "The names' Yuma. I'm fourteen years old and a member of the Hyūga clan." Yuma would cross his arms over his chest and lean back against the podium. "My goals as a shinobi are not a noble as some; wanting to raise the next generation or to protect those around me. Instead, my goal is to stand out from the rest of my famous clan; to break away from their conformity. I want to make a name for myself, and to be seen as an individual rather than a member of a world renowned clan." Yuma paused for a moment as he drew out his right arm and pointed at the classmates that sat before him. "You will all remember my name, and I'll make sure of it."

WIth his small lecture over and done with, Yuma would begin walking back up to his seat in the back of the classroom. He kicked his chair back, propped upon the top of the desk and crossing his arms over his chest yet again as the rest of the students finished their introductions and class could finally get underway.

WC (POST) = 668 WC
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Isamu Inuzuka
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Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! Empty Re: Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones!

Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:41 pm
Isamu wasn't really looking forward to returning to the Ninja Academy today. He was annoyed that he was returning instead of graduating. Someone like him who was a part of a Clan. Someone like him who followed in the footsteps of great Ninja! And yet, he failed to pass last year. And here he was again, all over. A failure.

Grumbling he burrowed his head under his covers as a wet snout came to greet him. Followed with a wet tongue. As his Ninken, Shiromaru, began kissing his face rambunctiously. "Alright, alright.... I'm up!" He mumbled though his frown turned into a small smile as he pet the white puppy. He couldn't hate Shiro after all! They're best buds!

A few minutes later he was washed and dressed as he played with the idea of skipping out on his first day while he brushed his teeth. Glaring at his reflection, he realized that would be a bad idea. With his parents and the old smoker hag, Grandma Nokino... Just thinking of her set a sour taste in his mouth. She was such a spoilsport! And incredibly scary too! He really hoped she'd kick the bucket by now with her old age! So they could replace her with a better Sensei!

His basic needs were met, and he greeted his family at the kitchen table. As he sat down to eat some rice and paired it with some grilled fish, and some tamagoyaki. He stayed quiet and rolled his eyes as he heard an unwanted warning from his mother about "behaving". And while he was scared of her wrath, his dad's quiet disappointment was much more terrifying.

Luckily, he was out on a mission today, so HA!

"Bye Mom, bye sis, bye bro!" He said in a hurry as he made himself scarce. Anything to avoid a lecture... Having decided to take a more leisurely stroll around the village. It was only natural that he was the last one to be accounted for. He quietly sat down, his hand on his face. As he listened to the last person to introduce themselves. Hah... Did he really need to do this? Standing up he made his way to the front of the class and gave a lazy and unenthused wave.

"Yo. I'm Isamu, part of the Inuzaku Clan. I'm thirteen. This is Shiromaru. The kinda ninja I wanna be is the kind that is remembered throughout Konoha and beyond. Also, don't be afraid of the old hag, Nokino-Sensei. She's all bark and no bite." He stated with an amused smirk before moving at a quicker pace back to his seat to avoid Sensei's wrath. He knew he'd get in trouble, but he was not in the mood to even be here. What's the worst they can do to him? He hadn't been expelled yet!
WC: 476
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Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! Empty Re: Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones!

Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:03 pm
With a few kids arriving late into class, Nokino looked at them with a gaze of fury, making them scared enough to not do it again. At least, that was her goal. But after her speech, the kids started to present themselves, like instructed to. Nokino sat on her desk, on the right corner, crossed her legs, waiting and watching from the side the presentation of each and every student, one by one, in front of her and her desk, but mainly, in front of the class.

The first one was a small bean, a very shy young girl of Uchiha descent. She was almost visibly shaking from the shyness of being first, since no one proposed themselves to present themselves in front of the class. Nonetheless, she at least got the courage to go first. As she walked toward the front, Nokino was she had a small hare plushy with her. ''By chakra and all the Hokages, are we allowing kids like that now?'' Tought to herself Nokino, sighing audibly. As she listened to the presentation, Nokino smoke her cigarette with almost anger. This was a profession she cared deeply for, something that was brutal, deadly, and honorfull. When she wanted to produce hardcore and ready to die for their lord shinobi, she was expecting some motivated kid. This one tho, was a wimp incarnate. Her spine and character was as soft as an overcooked ramen noodle. This give Nokino hanger, but in the end, she calmed herself. ''common, you've trained weaker than this. Only need to break them to toughen' em up. All in due time.'' Said nokino to herself in her head, as she exhaled the cigarette smoke, and exasperation at once.

''Welcome Emiri Uchiha. Being a protector and getting strong is a good goal. Sit back, 'aight? Also, you are in the world of grown ups and ninja now. If you bring ''MiStEr CoTtOnTaIl'' in class again, I'll put it in the trash, 'aight? NEXT!'' Said Nokino with a cold look and face, mocking the name of the stuffed animal. She could keep it at home, but this wasnt the place for it. Beside, Emiri would definitely get bullied for it, and Nokino wanted to prevent bullying and for them to be focused on learning, not defending themsleves from bully when it could be prevented by not exposing one's vulnerability and soft spots. 

As the next kid arrived after Nokino yelled next, he seemed way more confident. This child was a bit older, and had white hair. Maybe a Hatake? Who knows. Well he was about to present himself, and for once, Nokino didnt have a bad feeling or impression. His attitude reminded her of herself when younger and she liked it. With a faint smile, Nokino looked and listened. This kid knew where he was going. He had assurance, thought before speaking, a rare trait of intelligence too few present in young folks, and knew what he wanted in life and as a shinobi.

''Teaching and helping others to grow and learn, and to help elevate the levels of shinobis in the village is a great goal. Its the one i'm thriving in myself. Its a great way of serving our lord Hokage. You'll have a lot to learn, and to listen to, Koutaishi. Show me that seriousness and willingness, 'aight? Now go sit back. NEXT!'' said Nokino, still smoking and siting on top of her desk. She was impressed, and eager for this student to show their resolve. Teaching was one thing, but teaching to someone who wanted to become a sensei too? That was luxury and like a sweet gift for Nokino!

But, as the next one got up and walked toward the front of the class, Nokino's smile faded a bit, seeing who arrived. It was Yuma Hyuuga. They had met prior to this, as he was a transfer from another class, after making a deal with Nokino. Indeed, she caught him training after school hours. He had broken into the school at night, and was trespassing. As a deal, Nokino told him he would be in her class now, and she would train him personnaly from this point forward. He was a rebel, but at least was interested in progress and studying as well as training, not only in breaking rules. He introduced himself in a less formal way for sure, but in a passionate way nonetheless.

''Welcome to my class Yuma. I hope you'll behave. Its a great goal to become famous, and you have the right reason to want it, to be known as Yuma more than as Hyuuga. But don't fall into vanity, or stupidity, otherwise you'll only be known as 'the student who got failed by Nokino', 'aight? Go back in place now. NEXT!'' Said Nokino as a reply to his speech. He would be one to watch for sure, but a potential danger to the village integrity, as fame seeking can often lead to recklessness. 

The others student all presented themselves one by one, up until the last. This one, was one of those who arrived late into class. Nokino remembered him. She would forever remember him. She could even spot him in a crowd of a thousand kids. His name was Isamu. She had teached him previously, last year to be exact, but she failed him at the genin exam. Full of bravado, and always accompagnied by his dog, this Inuzuka kid was back, for better or worse. As he arrived toward the front of the class and presented himself, Nokino looked over him with eyes of almost killing intent, her pale purple glare sending knives and fixing the kid without flinching. He too, wanted as a goal to be famous. But as he neared the end of his presentation he said something that made Nokino freeze for a mere instant. 

''d o n t   b e   a f r a i d    o f    t h e    o l d    h a g,   N o k i n o - S e n s e i .  S h e    i s    a l l   b a r k   a n d    n o   b i t e.''

Immediately as he said that, Nokino eyes shifted toward him, her face now malicious and almost creepy as she looked at him like she was about to murder him in front of the whole class. With a motion so swift that almost none could see it, Nokino's hand left her flak vest pocket, and lunged at the back of the head of Isamu, slapping him with a strong enough slap that it would send him flying, falling a few metters back on his back. She would immediately go toward him, towering over his to the floor small person, her intimidating look and crossed arms looking down on him with fury and authority. 

''GO BACK TO YOUR PLACE RIGHT NOW. After class Isamu you will wait here and live the consequences of your actions. Speak like that to me again and I will personally tell your parents and the Inuzuka clan how much of a failure YOU are, and how you will never be a ninja. Have I been understood? NOW. Sit. the. fuck. down.'' Replied Nokino, pointing at the place he needed to go back to. She had never encountered a student this undisciplined and disrespectfull. She wouldnt tolerate that type of behavior ever, she made that very clear. She was here to teach them to become and to be exceptional shinobis, but politeness and respect wasnt her job to teach them. If they didnt understand the privilege of being a ninja, they shouldnt become one. Plain and simple. She would explain that to him after class. 

But for now, seeing how everyone must be terrorized from this situation, and seeing that the presentations were done, Nokino got back to her desk in front of the class, and started to talk.

''Sorry for this situation. Being a ninja is something to take very seriously. I sincerely hope this never has to happen again. Now thank you all for the presentations. I hope you all enjoy this semester and learn a lot. Keep focusing on your goal, and on your learning of the ninja way and everything should be good. For today, we will only do the school visit now that the presentations are done. I'll show you the grounds for training, the classes, where the restroom is, as well as the cafeteria. You'll meet the other teachers too, and then it will be all for today, 'aight?'' Said Nokino before making her way to the door, ready to lead the class to make the visit.
Emiri Uchiha
Emiri Uchiha
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Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! Empty Re: Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones!

Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:46 pm
Emiri merely nervously smiled in response to having seen the teacher Nokino bark at her like that she understood that she was noticeably shaken by the sudden outburst of the teacher. Nonetheless she went back to her seat and smiled thinking that maybe if she does what the teacher says maybe she’ll be proud of her. While Emiri sat and listened to the other students introduce themselves. She noted the responses of a few of the students, one being Hakaku, who seemed to have a noble goal and the other two seemed to be very interesting, someone who seemed to want to not want to not be seen as part of their family. The final one was the one that drew her attention the most though it seemed like he had a cute looking dog with him, but the thing that got her the most was him calling the instructor a hag. It managed to actually get her to laugh a little bit though she tried to hide this fact with her sleeves, she thought that this Isamu guy had guts to say the least. 

What she wasn’t expecting was for two familiar looking boys to have been part of the introductions. It seemed like they didn’t see her but they kept very low key not standing out much in what they each said. She thought she was safe as she got up from her seat and proceeded to head towards the door where Nokino was standing, however before she could even exit the row entirely she felt a hand reach for her stuffed rabbit, “TEACH said that should be in the trash, and you know I do happen to agree with her however I think that it deserves some more thorough punishment, don’t you Riku? You know I think we should burn it or tear it apart.” Junji said at first clearly ready to insight something, however it just took one person to escalate it further, the other of the two Riku as he responded with a snide smirk exclaiming “That’s all fun and good however I happen to have a better idea,I think it’s time for some spring cleaning don’t you?” Riku of course enacted his plan, taking a water bottle from his bag and soaking Emiri and her stuffed rabbit. She kind of just sat there giving up a bit thinking that maybe if she didn’t do anything they would eventually go away. This of course wouldn't be the case as they kept teasing her.

WC: 418
Yuma Hyūga
Yuma Hyūga
Academy Student
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! Empty Re: Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones!

Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:10 pm

Nokino made a point of advising Yuma to not allow vanity or his desire to become famous to get to his head. The woman had a point in doing as such too, as unchecked brashness could lead to the boy putting himself into potentially dangerous situations that he just might not be able to live through in the future. With a nod of his head, the young Hyūga would heed the instructor's words of wisdom before heading back up to his seat. On his way up he could hear two of his new classmates snickering to themselves as they pointed at the Uchiha girl from before.

"Little twerp can't go anywhere without her stuffed rabbit, I guess." Said one of them with a chuckle.

"Right?" Replied the other, stifling his laughter so as to not draw Nokino's attention and wrath. "We'll have to teach her a lesson about the real world."

Yuma did not allow himself to pay any attention to whatever it was the two boys were plotting. It was not his place to get involved, and in his mind, the only thing that he had to focus on for now was his eventual graduation. He still had tons of things to learn, both in regard to regular techniques and his clan's fighting style, and Nokino would be the one to help him in achieving these goals quicker than anyone of the other teachers in the academy. The girl Emiri, however, would just have to find out the things to lead her to her goal on her own.

By this point the young Hyūga boy had finally made his way back to his seat in the back row of the classroom, thinking that he was the last student to have completed their introductions. This would prove wrong for Yuma, however, as there was seemingly one more student to go. The boy walked with a dog by his side, and he had two crimson-red claw marks on either of his cheeks. A member of the Inuzuka clan, for sure, the boy seemed rather uninterested in having to introduce himself to his new classmates. Instead, he would make a point of calling Nokino a hag and stating that she seemed worse than what she made herself out to be. Yuma couldn't help but snicker at this, but he was quickly brought back to his calm and collected self as his new sensei ripped the boy a new one for his disrespectful actions. Once Nokino managed to calm herself down, however, she would apologize for her outburst before advising the new students that they would simply be exploring the school's campus for the day. Yuma couldn't help but show his annoyance at this, seeing as he had already spent the better part of three years at the academy, but it was Nokino's class, so he would oblige without fuss.

"You know I think we should burn it or tear it apart.

Yuma would overhear the conversation as he began walking down the rows towards the entrance of the classroom. A bit intrigued, he would focus his attention on the situation at hand as he slowed his pace down to a near standstill. Sure enough, it was the same two boys who had been making fun of Emiri behind her back. By this point the two of them had made a point of snatching the stuffed rabbit from the girl's hands and were throwing it back and forth between themselves. The second boy, seemingly wanting to escalate things, would proceed to remove a bottle of water from his school bag and doused the toy in liquid, soaking it along with the table and floor at their feet in the process. They laughed hysterically as they slammed the rabbit down onto the ground, making sure that it landed in the puddle they had created, and Yuma closed his eyes with a sigh.

'Come on, Emiri,' He thought to himself, slowing his pace even more now. 'Stand up for yourself...'

Emiri, however, would just continue standing there with her head down. She looked as though perhaps she wanted to cry, and Yuma could tell that she had given up. Having been a student at the academy much longer than any of the other newbies, Yuma had seen this sort of thing happen many a time before. In some cases the bullying had led to some of the students dropping out of the shinobi program entirely, and it had always hurt Yuma a bit inside to see it happen. He knew that he had to do something. He could not just allow himself to sit idly by anymore, and as he opened his blank white eyes he would encroach upon the two bullies.

"Leave her alone guys," He said in a relaxed tone, trying at first to quell the situation with words. "She is clearly younger than the rest of us, so let her be."

The two boys quickly directed their attention towards Yuma. They both wore annoyed expressions on their faces.

"What's it to you, Mr. Famous?" The first boy asked with a hint of disgust.

"Yeah!" Said the second boy. "You heard Nokino-Sensei. We have to make sure Emiri here never brings Mr. Cottontail to class ever again, otherwise she'll be kicked from the program." As to make a point the second boy would stomp on Mr. Cottontail, getting dirt all over the toy and turning its once white as snow fur into a murky brown color. This action would make a fire burn behind Yuma's eyes as he looked down at the rabbit before turning his attention back to Emiri, who still bore a helpless expression on her face. Words were clearly not going to work on these guys, and Yuma had been drawn to his boiling point. In quick fashion he would focus some Chakra into his now open palms. Without warning he then proceeded to slam his right palm into the boy who had stomped on Mr. Cottontail, drawing the air from the boy's lungs as he fell down to his knees while grasping at his chest. The other boy would act quickly, throwing an off-balance right hook at Yuma's face, but thanks to the Hyūga's rigorous training throughout the years this would be easy to dodge. Yuma would arch backward and the boy's fist would just barely brush his brow. Turning sharply on his heel, Yuma would position himself in such a way that he too could slam his right palm into this boy's chest.

"Gah!" He exclaimed, grasping at his chest as he gasped for air. Seeing as he had thrown an off-balance punch, the boy managed to loose his footing. He fell backwards over the desk in which he had previously sat, falling over it and landing on the floor at Emiri's feet. By this point the attention of the entire class had been drawn to the situation at hand, and some were raring to see a fight break out on their very first day of classes. Nokino was sure to not let such a thing happen, however, and Yuma would resign himself to a non combative state to show that he would not proceed further. It was almost a guarantee that another punishment was waiting for him after class, so he refused to let himself get into more trouble beyond what he was already in. Instead, he would bend down, ignoring the boy's gasps for air, and he would pick up Mr. Cottontail from the floor. He would take a close look at the thing, seeing just how well-maintained and looked after it had been before the two bullies had gotten their hands on it. Emiri clearly cared for it, otherwise she wouldn't have taken such good care of it or risked even bringing it to class in the first place. Inside Yuma was beating himself up for not having stepped in earlier, but that would have to be something that he made up for in the future.

For the time being, however, he just wanted to get this first day over and done with as quickly as possible.

"I think he will be okay after a soak in the bath," Yuma said with a lighthearted smile as he held the rabbit out toward Emiri, hoping that the younger girl would be quick in taking the toy back into her own possession. "But are you okay, Emiri?"

WC (POST) = 1,400 WC
WC (TOTAL) = 2,068 WC


Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! Empty Re: Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones!

Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:17 pm
As all students slowly gathered around the door to leave, Nokino waited on them to get out of the class and make a straight line, ready to follow her trough the education establishment, and complete the visit of the place. She noticed a commotion while the students gathered, hearing a few loud spurs of speech and more. As she stretched her head a bit in the direction to see and hear what was happening, she saw a few kids bully Emiri for her rabbit plushie. 

At first, she decided to go there to stop them, but in the end, she just looked. It wouldnt be a good thing to intervene, as Emiri was on the path of the ninja, and if she wanted to be a true ninja, she would need to figure it out by herself on how to get rid of bullies and ennemies, as teachers and grown up wont be there for her to rely on them in the future and in missions. As the events outfolded, Nokino observed to still give her a chance of being supervised. If the kids would go too far, the Iburi sensei would intervene, but otherwise she watched over the others kids gathering, keeping a side eye on the event. 

But Nokino noticed something else. With her superiror eyesight and also her experience in reading body language and people in general, she could see that it affected another kid beside Emiri, the new Hyuuga kid, the one she recently took into her class as a mesure since he broke into the gym of the academy. He seemed angry with the bullying, looking at them in a way that he wanted Emiri to defend herself too, instead of interfeering. But when the bullies decided to drench in water the stuffed rabbit, emptying their whole water bottle for the day on the soft friend of Emiri, Yume seemingly had enough of them. As they stomped on it on the drenched floor of the class entrance, Yume replied to them, asking them to leave her alone. 

With a swift movement, he hit with his open plam the first kid, sending him gasping on the floor from the pain, and pivoted rapidly to do the same to the second bully still standing. At this point, the whole group of students gathering around the door had turned around to look at the fight. Well it wasnt really a fight, as Yume had beaten both boys with a single strike each, making it more of a beating than a fight trully. As Nokino now looked at them, her arms crossed, towering with her large and tall stature her eyes were squinting, indicating her iminent fury. But, she also had a smile, her upward lips holding her cigarette signaling for once a sing of satisfaction instead of the usual displeasement or disapointment Nokino could so often show. With her smug face, Nokino approached the scene, walking trough the crowd of bystander kids like a tower in tall grass, and stopped at the feet of Yume and Emiri, with the two bullies slowly getting back on their feet from the ground. As she closed in, Yume took back the rabbit from the floor, and gave it back to Emiri, asking her if she would be alright. Before she could answer, Nokino had a few thing to say.

'' 'Aight, 'aight everyone back in line alright? You two, and Emiri plus Yume, you stay here. Everyone else, you get out of class, and wait in a single rank file on the right side of the door in the corridor. I'll be out shortly and we can proceed with the visit. NOW!'' said loudly Nokino to be heard and understood that this wasnt just a directive, it was an order. 

As the class got emptied, remaining only the 4 students causing the commotion, the blond haired sensei closed the door, or should we say slammed it close, and leanned on the door, her arms still crossed. 

''YOU FOUR. ON YOUR KNEES. NOW.'' said loudly Nokino in a tone of repriment. As she looked at the two bullies first, she was going to start with them.

''ARE YOU TWO FUCKING IDIOTS? Ninja need to cooperate. You are all and will all be part of the same shinobi force, for the same village. Rivalry we can deal with but THIS? You BOTH should be ashamed. You both will receive disciplinary actions. As a consequence, you will both write an apology letter to Emiri, and youy will both write TEN TIMES a scroll from TOP to BOTTOM, with the lesson learned here, how you understood, and why you wont do it again, HAVE I BEEN UNDERSTOOD?'' said Nokino with the way of speaking of a drill sergent, her face close to the bullie's, leaning toward them to be sure to be understood. As both bullies were almost crying and just shook their head in understanding, Nokino turned toward the other two, Emiri and Yume.

''NOW. You two. Yume, it seems you quite enjoy putting yourself in trouble eh? You did well today. Standing up to protect your fellow Konoha shinobi and future collegues is the type of behavior I want to see. Also, good showcase of that taijutsu you've been working on, keep it up, 'aight?'' said at first agressively, and then very proudly to Yume with her smile back, showing her approval.

''Now you Emiri. You need to start fending for yourself. And that plush, you get now why I said to keep it in your house? This aint a kid place. You seriously need to toughen up.'' Said Nokino with a neutral face, seemingly unimpressed with her behavior.

''Now, lets get out and go do that visit, 'aight? I dont want to hear another thing regarding this situation.'' added the teacher while opening the door.

The visit was quite long, taking about two hours so they pressed themselves to walk a bit fast. Nokino presented at first the classrooms. The 3 classrooms were basically all the same copied 3 times. After that it was the infirmary, followed by the cafeteria. After that, the group led by Nokino got outside, seeing the training grounds with wooden poles, stone slabs, practices dummies and the likes. As they went back inside, they visited the second floor, where a shinobi simulation room was, with also a library, and the school headmaster office was. The last place they visited was the place most wide and large, the Gym. Yume and Nokino of course had already been there, but the visit of the gym was always the most appreciated room, as it was were most of the training would take place, having the most high-tech gear and allowing for more with its reinforced structure able to withstand almost any jutsu. As the class all got toward the entrance of school, Nokino gathered once again the group.

''So there it was students! The academy in its entirety. If you do have any questions, i'd be happy to answer them. This conclude our first day of school, 'aight? You can all go back to your houses, and i'll see you tomorrow at 8am in class! bye now!'' said Nokino, waving her students goodbye while lighting herself a new cigarette, her face smiling again as the students were leaving waving goodby too.


+1250 ryo, +6 AP

TWC: 3001

3001wc going toward Rupture (3001/3750)

Last edited by Nokino on Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
Emiri Uchiha
Emiri Uchiha
Academy Student
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Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones! Empty Re: Welcome to the Academy: A new Class of young ones!

Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:36 am
Sitting there on the floor crying, Emiri believed that no one was coming and was beginning to accept the fact that these boys were just going to continue harassing her. As she sat there in silence closing her eyes and continuing to cry she heard some quickening footsteps approaching from behind her. It was the Hyuga boy from earlier who seemed quite resolved to solve the situation as well. He first tried to solve the situation diplomatically however this did nothing to stop the bullies from inflicting more harm on Mr.Cottontail. Emiri merely tearing up in response to seeing her beloved stuffed animal being dirtied so much, she wasn’t expecting what came next.    

The boy had seemed to give up on continuing diplomatic actions and Emiri could see a determination in his eyes to do something? But why would somebody do something like that for her? She watched as the young Hyuga acted quickly almost too quickly for Emiri to see as she watched the two bullies that she had struggled against in the morning being defeated so easily as one of them went falling over the desk, the other one landing by Emiri’s crossed legs, she recoiled a bit trying to escape the situation till she saw Yuma pick up her stuffed animal. He approached Emiri, the rabbit in his hand and attempted to hand it to her.

Flustered, Emiri reached for Mr.Cottontail taking it from Yuma’s hands and looked down toward her feet blushing a little, “T-thank you Yuma you didn’t have to help me but I really appreciate it.” before Emiri could finish responding to Yuma she was talked over by the teacher Nokino scolding the four of them as she had told the 4 of them involved to go on their knees. Emiri was overall embarrassed by the situation but found it entertaining to see the bullies getting scolded that was till Nokino got to her.

Nokino yelled at her telling her that Emiri needed to start fending for herself and that she needed to keep the stuffed animal at home. In response Emiri looked down further disappointed in herself and nodded “I-I understand Teacher Nokino I’ll try to keep him at home” following this the teacher moved on telling them not to mention anything else regarding the situation and each of them walked out, Emiri gripping the stuffed rabbit while also attempting to dry herself off, walking out of the room. The teacher would take Emiri and the entire group on a trip around the school. She marveled at the sights of the school being most interested in the library, a place to study. Maybe this would hold the answers for a way for her to improve herself? Either way the tour concluded with the teacher showing everyone off for the day promising to meet up the next day.

Walking home from the academy, Emiri thought of the past events and hoped to get to know her classmate better and maybe find out what makes him strong. Getting home she walked in the door the place empty and washed the stuffed animal making it clean, she went to her bed laying on the sheets with the stuffed animal in the air, holding it close to her face she spoke to it, “I think I might have met some of those people grandpa, maybe if I learn more about them I can reach that same point of confidence as well.. I miss you grandpa.” she looked sorrowfully at the stuffed rabbit before smiling, “But hey maybe they could be my first friends? I’ll have to work harder starting tomorrow for you grandpa and for me…oh what am I saying, goodnight grandpa…"

[Exit Claims:]
Post Word Count: 621
Total Word Count:1,723

17 points into chakra
1,000 into Vacuum Sphere Rank C 1,000/1,000
350 into  Basic Medical Ninjutsu Rank E 350/350
250 into Mark Seal 250/250

Mission Rewards:
1250 Ryo
6 AP

Last edited by Emiri Uchiha on Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:13 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : realized I made a mistake with which rank medical ninjutsu it was has been solved)
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