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Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Welcome to Hokage Rock - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Hokage Rock

Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:49 am
''true its not our problem, you're right.'' responded Nokino, her face now going back to being cold. In truth, she wanted to extand a hand to calm the situation, and calm the others around. She figured if she was kind, maybe the others would see this situation as not a threat. But as they still seemed to panic and Okisho tended to them, Nokino couldnt help but be back on her guard. As Okisho ordered the stranger to remove her hood, Nokino agreed, and put herself by the side of the acting authority, this instance being the Uchiha beside her. 

As she got closer to him, she turned and whipsered in his hear, quietly enough to not be heard by anyone else.

''Well to be honnest I dont care about her story, i wanted to only calm the situation.''
said Nokino to Okisho.

Seeing how the situation extended more and more into awkwardness, Nokino looked at Okisho doing his business, going over to the crowd, and back at the weird purple haired girl, standing there a bit clueless on what to do next.

''Well thats... awkward'' tought to herself Nokino, seeing as they were all alone now.

without more words, she snickered at the situation, and turned her back to Kurai, and went back to where she was at first, leanning on the stone railing to watch the view over the hokage Rock monument, peering into the flickering distant lights of the village, and turning from time to time to see what Kurai was up to, and if Okisho was comming back to her to resume their discussion as it was before an arrow interupted them. After a while, she signaled to Okisho to come back, and she reunited with him to continue to talk and get to know one another.
Kurai Koutaishi
Kurai Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Phantom
Mission Record : Records of the Phantom
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Welcome to Hokage Rock - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Hokage Rock

Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:48 am
There was a sense of fear and dread that was slowly become more palpable to Kurai. The two Konohagakure shinobi were considerably more serious though it was to be expected of them, especially when her stray arrow could have done damage. It was almost like fate for her arrow to have landed between the two but it was obvious that there still needed a show of faith though she was unsure how it would play out. She moved her hands outward showing then, palms out as she wanted to indicate there was not going to be any funny business from the kunoichi. “I am aware that although my rationale for being here is not adequate in most eyes nor is it an excuse, I mean no harm. I am here on good grace and I do not wish to bring dishonor on the man who was kind to me during a tumultuous time.” She declared as she moved her hands to help lower her hood.

Under the moonlight and stars, her purple hair shined like fabric under the night’s light and sky. Though her hair would indicate good care and lack of a rough life, the rest of her features would indicate otherwise. Stitching on her face and around her neck were instantly visible and exposed for any onlooker who could see her face and not just her silhouette. She stared at Nokino who moved more fluidly between Okisho who was tending to the crowd which began to gawk at the huntress and the railing where the series of unfortunate events for Kurai began that night. She just wanted peace and as much as she held back her voice and thoughts, she truly did not wish to remain upon this rock much longer than she was. At this point she was at their mercy though with the crowd dwindling and what remained now invested, the huntress moved to put the light in a way to cover the features for those who were not close enough to see in more dim lighting.

Her heterochromia eyes subtly watched the two’s reactions. She was fortunate that Goto did not make a scene about her appearance and in fact knew of her heritage, more than she did in fact. Hopefully the monster that she was cursed to be was not general knowledge of the shinobi in Konohagakure. Yukio and Asami were not antagonistic towards her immediately though her encountering them were under more dire situations than a stray arrow. She cursed under the illuminated night that she wandered too far and stayed too long. She needed to pick back up her travels and hopefully find more information about her sister sooner rather than later. Konohagakure had offered refuge for a time but the dichotomy of its force was not something Kurai found comfort in. If there was a presence like this then maybe her family would not have had to resort to fickle scams to survive. Either way, she did as requested of her.

WC: 500, TWC: 2,000
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218700

Welcome to Hokage Rock - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Hokage Rock

Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:47 am
After tending to the audience, their demeanor now on the calmer side, Okisho, quickly made his way back to the two ladies. His own aura matched that of the other villagers, less ridged. "Well, that's that. Everyone seems to be in a better mood", he said. His mind retraced the words Kurai spoke before he departed, it seemed genuine enough for him to believe. Perhaps it was indeed an honest accident after all?

He sighs, looking towards Kurai. "If the person you're looking for is here, perhaps you should try the Okinaga District. It's the downtown area full of vendors, bars, and highrises too... Plenty of things to do there. No gambling though, unlike Tanzaku Town. If I was new here, and needed to keep myself fed while planning my next move, that would be the spot I'd choose.", the pause marked after his mentioning of the highrises highlighted his distaste for the amount of new money coming in to the village. The highrises in place now, which were newly built a year or to ago, marked the beginning of the end.  

He turns towards Nokino, looking up to her. He still wasn't use to it, the crick in his neck now newly formed from looking upwards for a long period of time. Just how did they do it, he wondered? He couldn't imagine himself being any less taller than what he was, well until now of course. Life sure had a way of humbling those without warning.

"A lot of herbal shops too, right, Nokino?", he said while taking in the aroma. It was weird, tolerating the presence of a smoker. Usually, the smell would force him to part ways. But her violet eyes seemed to capture his attention, causing him to stare in anticipation to her next comment should she have one.
TWC/ 2008
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Welcome to Hokage Rock - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Hokage Rock

Sun Dec 17, 2023 3:02 am
As Okisho talked some more to the purple haired woman, the situation about the arrow seemed to have toned down to what it was before the incident, and she seemed to need more help in the end than being a menace like Nokino and Okisho tought she was. As Okisho got closer to her, Nokino too wanted to say a bit of advice regarding the search of her sister, at least to give a bit of a good impression as the interaction was awkward, but she wanted to finish it on a good note.

''Yeah I think Okisho is right. Otherwise, she isnt in the village, so maybe you ought to go ask in taverns and places where travelers are, they are bound to have heard a few rumors or story from abroad.'' Added the tall Iburi woman to the advice of the Uchiha man. 

As he got closer, she got time to see his feature more again. If it wasnt for the heels, he was as tall as her, wich was rare but she liked it. He had very nice looking features, wich made Nokino smile. She was a strong woman, not afraid of getting what she wanted and not as discreet or subtle for a woman like society expected from a lady normally, as she was more direct than delicate, more intense than subtle, with more drive and dominance than submissivness. As Okisho asked about the herbal cigarette she was smoking, Nokino looked away from him for a second, took out the cigarette from her mouth as she exhaled a small puff while starting to smile, her purple gaze set uppon the horizon, before bringing the smoke back to her lush and plump lips, and bringing back her intense piercing purple gaze toward the uchiha own eyes, not afraid to make eye contact.

''I grow my own plants actually. This pack is a blend of Blue Lotus, Jasmine and roses. Its good, stimulate my senses. You want one?'' Said in a calm way Nokino, still leaning her tall and muscular figure on the stone railing as she took out a cigarette of inside her vest, twirling it in her fingers before reaching out to hand it to Okisho. 

''So whats your story Okisho? How come the Uchiha clan is everywhere in this town, but I had never seen prior to this moment their most handsome clan member?'' Chuckled Nokino as she smiled, her gaze slowly looking over Okisho from head to toe, from up to down slowly, with her eyes finaly getting all the way back up towards his, locking again their sight, her smile getting larger, as she liked what she saw and wasnt shy of saying it.
Kurai Koutaishi
Kurai Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Phantom
Mission Record : Records of the Phantom
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Welcome to Hokage Rock - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Hokage Rock

Mon Dec 18, 2023 10:57 pm
Kurai would nod with consideration of the present affairs. It was a rough time and night even with the sky above being so elegant and pristine in respect to the world. The thoughts offered by the Konohagakure shinobi seemed reasonable and although was not her intention to look any further into the village, she was looking for a place to simply relax and reflect on the past affairs that had recently transpired. She gave a moment after their recommendations as it appeared they two took a turn towards focusing on each other giving her a moment to think about what transpired and the issue it may have caused. "Thank you two for your consideration and compassion." She voiced, the sound flowing like a gentle stream through the forests of the land. She would bow once more, "With all that has happened I will likely aim to investigate and ask around at the locations you have presented. I shall retire for the evening and take up the search in the morning. I will also likely inform the man who allowed me in as so to be respectful of the village." She added in figuring this would help also appease any extended hostilities. She had a feeling that Goto would find the occurrence more problematic but felt it was best, to be honest and truthful given the situation that was present. With her hood down, some of the villagers that remained gawked at her as her gaze shifted to avoid the looks.

Her hair was pleasantly clean but the parts of her body that were visible were not normal and were slightly misshapen with the stitching on her body being prevalent upon her face. A small sigh escaped the huntress' lips as she looked towards the path down. "I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused. I wish you two a wonderful rest of the evening. The stars themselves seem to shine brighter up here. Unfortunately, I won't be enjoying the same luxury in the future." She added, her voice beginning to trail off in thought before she began to depart. Her thoughts were mixed with her sister, the interaction that just happened, and the kindness the village had shown her thus far. Many moments lingered on her mind but only a few stuck out to her. She decided that it would be best to be upfront with Goto upon her departure from the village of the mess and to offer an apology for causing trouble on his behalf. Her eyes closed upon reaching the staircase and she slumped a bit. 'It would be easier to just disappear sometimes but I feel like if I were to do that there would be more issues.' She thought to herself as she began to depart to the place of residence she had taken up while within the village. The advice the genin offered was reasonable, but one she already exhausted many times before in different villages to no avail, Konohagakure was also the same.

WC: 500, TWC: 2,500

[Attempting Exit]
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218700

Welcome to Hokage Rock - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Hokage Rock

Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:07 am
And then there were two, the hunter trails off into the distance with a sullen aftertone. “To never enjoy the luxuries such as this again”, it was a strange phrase he fixated on for a while. But, his attention was robbed once more by his fellow kunochi. He too stared at the marveling product made by nature. The way the stars reflected of the violet eyes of Nokino, as the two gazed upon each other, complimented well with the slight breeze that brushed against the two. The breeze only accentuated her looks even further, a slight gasp escapes his lips.

He eyes the cigarette offered to him, a vice he really didnt parttake in. Infact, aside from his sweettooth, he really didn’t have any. A rather basic life, following his everyday routine due to his military parents. He waves his right hand infront of him slightly, “No thanks, I don’t partake. The only vice I have is a Sweet Tooth.”

He then receives another compliment from Nokino, he smirks at the comment. But also found it rather hard to believe that she herself was single. Perhaps she got out of a recent relationship? He obviously took note of her eyes, checking him out up and down. She was clearly interested.

“Thank you…, you don’t look bad yourself in that outfit”, he takes in her magnificent form from head to toe. Tenshi wouldn’t believe it if Okisho himself told him that he was getting hit on by such a ln Amazon like being.

“I’m just a genin, of team 212. I’m actually going to participate in the chunin exams. What about you?”, he remains as he was, eager to hear her speak.
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Welcome to Hokage Rock - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Hokage Rock

Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:55 am
As the girl left, Nokino couldnt help but think it wasnt the last time they would see one another, and she remembered her face and name. But for now, her attention was focused on the Uchiha men. As he denied her herbal cigarette and admited to being a sweet tooth, Nokino shrugged, being fine with each having unique vice and indulging in different pleasures. As Okisho returned the compliment to Nokino, he too eyed her from top to bottom, being impressed probably by her stature and the type of woman she was. After all, she had stunning features, and was quite well shapped too, as well as tall and muscular. 

He also informed her that he was a genin, from team 212! Nokino flinched at the mention, as she knew who that team was, she just didnt know he, Okisho, was the remaining member aside from Tenshi she met recently in his shop and Himari she met a lot of time ago in her first missions in Konohagakure. Suprised, Nokino too explained who she was in the hidden leaf, answering Okisho question.

''Well thanks a lot for the compliment. I dont usually dress this way, i'm more often in my kunoichi outfit. As for my position, I am a genin too, albeit I mainly occupy other tasks. Im working at the academy as a teacher and im also working on a school reform, and I'm a candidate to be the next school headmaster. Aside from this, I also am in a team, team Mirai. In fact i'm the sensei of team Mirai.'' Answered the tall Iburi, proud of her acomplishment for such a young age, proof of her determination.

''Oh and I'll also be participating in the Chuunin exams for sure. Can't wait to see you perform. Aside from that, what do you say we go take a drink in the following days? Get to know one another, ease the tension of the upcoming exams, right?''
added with a smile Nokino, acting flirty and taking her courage in her hands to ask out the tall man.

As she waited on his answer, Nokino smoked while looking at the shimering lights of the distant village, never sleeping and filled with activity. How it was good to live in Konoha!
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218700

Welcome to Hokage Rock - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Hokage Rock

Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:56 am
Okisho didn‘t recall ever making a wish to a star in the past, but it seemed to tonight he would be granted a wish alot of men in the village wanted. It was a bit odd at first, as it was customary for the man ro ask out the woman. But something was different about her; he realised this the more she spoke to him. She seemed more assertive then most of the woman he dealt with in the past. A strong aura that was crash into anything and anyone who would get in her way. Regardless, he got over it real quick. For he would be a fool to reject her advance. Who knows where this would lead… the uncertainty pleasant company was most certainly pleasant.

He gives a long pause, staring into the violet eyes of the Amazon before speaking. With all the information he gathered about Nokino, he knew just the spot to suggest. “Sure, I actually know a spot in the Okinaga district. It’s called Sakura Savior, you’ve heard of it? It’s the Hookah Bar, on main st. Alot of genin and folk around our age hang around there. It’s own by Sakura Corp”.

Sakura Corp, for all your shinobi and family needs!

After moments passed, the lawn now almost completely empty of it’s lounging villagers, this shit are you doing get this Okisho steps a bit closer to Nokino. He could feel the warmth teeming from her body, as well as the smoke that brushed his face. He puts up with it for now, his awareness still robbed by her captivating beauty.

He sighs at the sight of the nearly empty lot as it was now almost clear above the Hokage rock. He didn’t want this to end and who would want it to? “I don’t want this night to end just yet, can I walk you home?”, his tone was clear and concise. Yet, his heart was beating irregularly. He just wanted a little more time before the night ended.
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Welcome to Hokage Rock - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Hokage Rock

Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:38 pm
''A hookah bar? Count me in!'' Answered Nokino, her face smiling both with her mouth and eyes. This was a good moment. And an even better match. But, still she was taking this slowly. no need to rush towards something that could prove good right? As she reflected on how this evening unfolded, in the end, it was positive. Oh of course they were shot at by a weirdo with a bow, but in the end, what kind of chemistry doesnt start with a few sparks?

As they continued to spend the evening together, talking and getting to know one another better, Okisho knew it was getting late, and suggested to get Nokino back, accompagnying her to walk home.

''With pleasure.'' answered Nokino. As they walked together, Nokino grabbed his hand gently, in a subbtle way that wasnt her normal direct and blunt self. With him she found herself be delicate, toughtfull, kind almost. What a weird thing.

As she smiled looking at him, hand in hand, Nokino walked slowly on purpose, trying to make this moment as long as possible to fully enjoy it.
Kurai Koutaishi
Kurai Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Phantom
Mission Record : Records of the Phantom
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Welcome to Hokage Rock - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Hokage Rock

Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:43 pm
Kurai Koutaishi wrote:WC: 500, TWC: 2,500

[Attempting Exit]

[Full Exit since neither attempt to stop me.]

WC Claims: 2,500 wrote:25% Max Stat Reduction
1,500 WC Towards Chakra Sensory
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