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Hibiki Sato
Hibiki Sato
Stat Page : Nightmare Circus

Mission Record : Mission Records
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Puppetry Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Clanless
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10925

Sato Hibiki - Books, Books, Grunts Empty Sato Hibiki - Books, Books, Grunts

Tue Oct 31, 2023 8:58 pm
E-rank Mission: Books, Books, Books
E-rank Mission: Research Grunt

Hibiki arrived at the location of his next assigned jobs with less enthusiasm than he usually brought to new missions. Hibiki was proud of his selection of skills, but the tasks ahead even put doubt and apprehension even in his bright and sunny disposition. He looked up at the building that he tried to avoid most and swallowed a lump in his throat before opening the door and stepping into the Thunderpeak Campus. Hibiki headed to the front desk and obtained his first orders. He groaned silently when he was informed, he was on repair duty and begrudgingly began gathering the tools needed to carry out the necessary repairs and arranging them neatly on a desk. He checked then double checked the list of tools needed and the set off into the dreaded maze of shelves to seek out scrolls and books that required repair. Hibiki lost his way several times but managed to return with an armful of scrolls and books whilst muttering curses under his breath before placing them on the table and grunting in annoyance when several scrolls fell to the floor.

He slumped into the chair and began gently picking at the bindings of the damaged sections and cleaning them, cutting away and rotten paper and ensuring none of the contents were damaged. It took Hibiki a long time but regardless of how mind numbing he found the task he wanted to do a good job so put his focus entirely into his work. Most of the scrolls only required some light repair though there were a few more heavily damaged and so required more focus and precision. The most damaged he had collected and placed in separate basket for more professional hands than his own to attempt. Hibiki was fairly precise and had a good mind for things like stitching and wood carving, but he still had his limits. He carried the basket over to the designated section a few floors down a and away from the general library. He left the basket on a desk and shrugged before leaving, it looked like the place he had been told to leave them and he was sure they would be found eventually even if it was the wrong place.

Hibiki returned to main library floor and began returning books form the little trolley and groaned audibly as he began trying to navigate the library to find the right sections for each book. He often got lost and many times he questioned why anyone needed so many books. He vaguely wondered whether they could just create one giant book to store all the knowledge but quickly decided it was silly. There was no way it would work as only one person could use it at once and he didn’t want to imagine how big it would have to be. Probably half as big as the campus at least. As he wondered he heard some students laughing uproariously and saw a nearby scholar shush them quiet only to be pelted with screwed up bits of paper before backing down. Hibiki bristled and used the transformation technique, appearing as a particularly grumpy and imposing looking teacher he had seen pass by earlier. “If you have time to be causing trouble in the campus then you have energy to burn! Get outside and run 3 laps of the campus Now!" He tried to channel his best impression of his mother’s tone with the combat instructors voice and it appeared to do the trick as the students fled quickly. Whether it was to do the laps or to avoid them was unclear but Hibiki was happy that he had succeeded in scaring them off. He released the transformation and nodded to the scholar before turning to walk away. “Wait. You’re a Genin right? Thanks for getting rid of them, I didn’t want to cause too much of a scene. I don’t suppose you are free are you? I could do with some assistance in my research”.

Hibiki looked to his cart and back to the stacks of scrolls piled next to the scholar. “Thanks, but I have to make sure these books and scrolls get back properly.” The scholar glanced at the trolley and scanned the few renaming contents. “Hmm that’s a shame, I was hoping to have some help reading all these.” He gestured to the scrolls and smiled coyly. “Ninja mission scrolls, far too many battles and exciting adventurers. Not really my taste but I understand if you would rather put the books and scrolls back. Truthfully, I would much prefer that job.” Hibiki’s eyes darted between the scrolls and the trolley, eyes hungry to read about other missions outside the village. “I guess I could help you out, but I don’t want to get in trouble for not doing my other job.” The scholar smiled and walked over to the trolley. “Well tell you what, you start reading the mission logs and make notes on any unusual techniques or bloodlines mentioned and I can get the rest of these put away. Will be good to stretch my legs and I can probably get them home fast than you can."

Hibiki didn’t argue and quickly began trawling through the mission records making a list of any techniques or skills that sounded unfamiliar just in case any of them seemed relevant. He did not spot anything that he could identify as a special bloodline but wrote anything he could think of juts in case there was something he might have missed. He spent longer on several of the missions that were based outside the country, reading and re-reading any descriptions or locations names and trying to commit them to memory. Hibiki even grabbed a clean sheet of paper and made lists of places and which county they were in. he was about halfway through the first pile when the Scholar returned to his seat and began reding through the over piles. Stopping to look at Hibiki’s notes and smiling. Clearly Hibiki had listed some techniques that were well known or recognised but then he consoled himself in the knowledge that not coming from a ninja family meant the only techniques he knew about were ones he had personally seen or actively sought out to learn. He continued for another hour or so and though the reports were occasionally interesting though eyes had begun to ache from reading and he had begun doodling puppet designs idly, his attention slowly switching more to the latter as time went on. The scholar seemed to notice and spoke up. “Well I think I can take the rest from here. Thanks for your help and take this note to the mission hall and collect some payment for your hard work.” Hibiki took the note and almost ran from the campus waving goodbye as he jogged away with a smile on his face and clutching the paper with puppet doodles and the list of countries, towns and locations visited.

When he arrived home, he looked for a map and began making notes. When a the voice of a familiar old man pricked at his ears from the inn below. He dropped the amp and ran down the stairs two at a time. Old man Amaya had returned and he had a promise to keep.

TWC: 1,218
Claiming mission rewards:
- 2000 Ryo
- +10 ap
Claiming stats:
+ 12 Vigor - 1200 - 1200/1200

Claiming Jutsu:
- Puppetry Amplifier (C-rank) - 1000 - 1000/1200
- Body Flicker - 200/500 - 1200/1200
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Sato Hibiki - Books, Books, Grunts Empty Re: Sato Hibiki - Books, Books, Grunts

Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:10 pm
Sato Hibiki wrote:TWC: 1,218
Claiming mission rewards:
- 2000 Ryo
- +10 ap
Claiming stats:
+ 12 Vigor - 1200 - 1200/1200

Claiming Jutsu:
- Puppetry Amplifier (C-rank) - 1000 - 1000/1200
- Body Flicker - 200/500 - 1200/1200

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