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Formation of Team Hana Empty Formation of Team Hana

Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:52 pm
Searching the ancient ruins (B rank mission)

It was another glorious day to be a shinobi in the land of the leaf! Today was a special day for the young small statured genin. It was mission day, but that was not the only reason it was a special day. Today was also the first official day of Team Hana! Zainketsu had just been informed that he was now officially a member of a three man cell.  He was curious to see who exactly these members were and what they could do. He wasnt going to have to wait bery long, Hana had already been assigned their very first mission!

Ruins were recently discovered in the forrest surrounding Konohagakure. The job of the team was to investigate the ruins to the best of their ability and to report back with what they found. It sounded pretty straight forward. He couldnt understand why the village had it ranked as a B rank mission. Were they expecting trouble of some kind? It was probably best not to get complacent!

The formation of Team Hana was not the only hot news the young Uchiha recieved recently. The village was preparing to host a variation of the Chuunin exams in the next couple weeks. Zainketsu didn't know much about the ordeal but the invitation he recieved clearly alluded to a competition amongst his peers for the chance to get promoted. Becoming a chuunin would be like a dream come true for the young Uchiha, but honestly he didn't feel that he was ready for all of that! He was still very young and the competition was bound to be stacked. The few genin he met were all very capable and would put up one hell of a fight. This would easily be the greatest challenge in his life so far!

He tried to brush the exams out of his mind for the time being. There would be a time and a place for that. He had a mission to focus on right now! He came up the village gates and waited just outside for his team to arrive. He did a quick run down of his person to make sure he had everything he needed. His katana was on his hip and partially hidden by his black cloak. His ninja pouch hung on his left thigh filled with shuriken, kunai, and explosive tags. He nervously began fiddling with the white bandages around his wrists before alternating to adjusting the headband tied around his neck. As he stared out across the gates he analyzed the villagers as they passed by. His eyes were not like those of an ordinary child. They were a burning crimson color that had three tomoe orbiting around his pupils. He was currently trying to practice maintaining his sharingan at all times, a task much easier said then done. He tried to put a smile on his face to seem more approachable and friendly but the combination of his weapons, red eyes, and pale skin made him seem more devilish in appearance then he would have liked.

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Hakudōshi Hyūga
Hakudōshi Hyūga
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Formation of Team Hana Empty Re: Formation of Team Hana

Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:40 am
It starts out slowly, to the east. Just a shift in the sky, reaching up from far behind the mountains, spreading lines of a deeper blue. If she keeps sitting there, and she will, it will shift further, the blue mingling with an ever-growing haze that wavers into a softer shade of golden-green, like a transparent curtain, before it all goes tipping and spilling over into a harsh, rich crimson, flooding the Land of Fire with a blood-red dawn.

Zarina checks her footing, pulls herself up that last bit of the way so she can lean against the branches, and turns her face towards the rising sun. Here, in the heart of the woods, where the trees stand almost bark to bark, boughs curling together so tightly that she could walk across the canopy like a carpet, nary a light reaching down beneath the leaves, giving the forest floor an air of perpetual gloom. She likes it that way, much prefers not to see what lies beyond, the vastness of a world that has lost its meaning. Dawn is the only time she allows herself to do so, to climb to the top of the highest tree and watch the night turn into day. To ascertain, in the manner of someone who has been asleep for too long, that everything is still in place, the Earth is still turning, and it will be another quiet day below.

Shaking her head out of her stupor, she looked down at the scroll unraveled in front of her. That contents that lie within tells her the information that the Kage has already told her. Meet at the village gates to wait for her team, then head towards the country border and investigate the newly found ruins. Considering the size of the country and rank of this mission, it could last an entire day. Already set up with her arsenal and tenting gear just in case, she simply jumped from the tree and headed towards the village gate.

On the journey she wondered who the individuals that made up her newly formed team would be. Given her rank, she figured there would be a senior officer considering the ranks of this mission. While patrol missions were not foreign to her, this would be the first time she would set outside the village to investigate ruins. With her Byakugan and medical ninjutsu, she figured she would be the supporting and scouting person for their mission. She could only wait to see who her partners that made up her team would be.

Finding herself at the entry to the village, she showed the guards her mission stamps to allow her to depart the village. Seems she was the first of the duo to arrive, she thought as Zarina's eyes scanned the area. She then proceeded to lean up against the wall and cross her arms to wait for her partner. Looking down, the sunlight radiated off her silk-like black hair as the light kissed off her and her porcelain skin. While she normally would wear her black jacket with blue threading. She now wore her butterfly haori with her head band tightly pressed hanging against her forehead. Black shinobi attire attuned with white, knee-high boots, she was prepared for her mission to begin.

Zarina shifted her weight from one foot to the other, allowing her body to resettle from the weight. While she wasn’t entirely leaving the country, the mission would still take a day; but also, knowing her luck, they could even encounter danger. As of lately, all the major villages have been quietly meddling from behind the scenes. It was either a faith of goodwill or the calm before the storm. Well, she couldn’t say all things have been good as the attack on Tanbogakure, the village from the north, and Sunagakure, to the west, was still fresh and prominent. Bringing up her arm, she rubbed the back of her neck as the sun began to rise higher in the sky. It was between seven and eight in the morning; so, if they were lucky, they could get to the ruins just before nightfall. 

However, her thoughts were obliterated by the sound of approaching footsteps. Shifting her gaze upwards, she was met with a rather basic individual. Long, silky black hair with crimson red eyes that only the Uchiha adorned. While there was a huge abundance of Uchiha circulating in the village, this must be the one assigned to her team.

Walking up to the individual, she would announce herself, “Uchiha, Zainketsu.” She would stop only a few meters from the boy, offering a kind smile, “hello, I’m Hyūga, Zarina. A pleasure to finally meet you,” Zarina softly said as she gave a slight bow in the presence of one of the prestigious Uchiha. Raising back up, she proceeded to talk, “seems we are lacking one more person. Have you met them yet or is this an all-around first-time meeting.” She chuckled for a second. “Anyway, you have everything in preparation for the journey ahead?”

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