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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Malik’s Madness
Mission Record : Malik’s Malicious Missions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 30000

Strengthen those bones Empty Strengthen those bones

Tue Sep 26, 2023 11:12 pm
As Malik awoke that that, he felt as if something was off. His limbs were sore and his back was stiff, it was as if he had spent the entire night carrying a large boulder around town. He groaned as he forced himself to rise from his comfortable bed and began his preparations for the day. After a very long and cold shower, he would finally feel more like himself, the icy cold water helping him wake up and feel rejuvenated. He was initially going to be looking at the mission board to find some work, but instead decided that today would be a good day for him to train. Quickly making his way upstairs into the main room of the Inn, he would not stop to chat, instead making a beeline for the Hoshi Advanced Training Facility. He moved like a man on a mission, with many villagers gasping and jumping out of his way as he passed by. The large mountain of a man rarely even noticed them, his tunnel vision ensuring that the facility was the only thing on his mind. He arrived very shortly, not even giving the entrance guard so much as a nod before entering the empty facility.

He would usually feel disgust at the lack of enthusiasm by the village's Shinobi, the large man had come to expect that they would be filling this room out as they attempted to improve upon their skills. But instead he was actually rather relieved by it all, less Shinobi meant more room for him to train. More room for him to go all out. As he began to perform his stretches, the large man would visualise his upcoming training regiment, attempting to focus on what aspects of his performance he would need to work on the most and how he would go about doing it.

TWC: 309
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