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Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

So many mission's, So little time. Empty So many mission's, So little time.

Fri Sep 15, 2023 10:27 pm

The Mission's Building was busy that day, dozen's of Ninja's moving in and out, taking mission's other's just gazing, It was always so very common, simple missions, though then there was the A-Rank's, Mission's were split among different rank's the highest being S, but below that were A-Rank's such difficult missions typically, and someone finally considered themselves ready for them, perhaps they were in over their head, it wouldn't be the first time, surely, and this could very well be the last time, but who truly knew. As the Uchiha began collecting mission papers reading them, looking for mission's around the village specifically, she'd eventually gather 3, all of which seems rather intertwined how lovely. Moving too the desk clerk too confirm the selection's the two would talk slowly about the mission's selected, most of them involved strange incident's kidnapping's, people with odd Jutsu, the final one seemed the most worrying, though for now it was time too get moving, the Clerk had registered the missions and with that the Uchiha exited the mission building checking their gear in preparation for the mission's, perhaps this wont be that difficult, Maeve could certainly make locating things from up above easier. It would be one of the first time's they've been summoned since the contract was formed, hopefully they remembered they even had a contract. Walking down the stairs and stretching Xena would slice her thumb open on the blade of her Ninjato, wincing a bit as she began weaving the summoning signs, the signs were simple for this technique, as she finished them she'd place her palm on the ground, a large circle filled with signs appearing, before with a cloud of smoke a raven would appear, looking around confused slightly by the movement too this location.

"Hello Maeve, I require you assistance for a little bit if that's fine with you."

Xena would comment before the bird would begin their conversation telepathically, asking what Xena needed. The conversation was simple really, Xena wanted Maeve too check the general area while she walked around, and alert her of anything important, it shouldn't be too difficult for the time being at least.


-35 (Summoning)

Current AP: 1250
Hakudōshi Hyūga
Hakudōshi Hyūga
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

So many mission's, So little time. Empty Re: So many mission's, So little time.

Fri Sep 22, 2023 5:55 am
It starts out slowly to the east. Just a shift in the sky, reaching up from far behind the mountains, spreading lines of a deeper blue. If she keeps sitting there, and she will, it will shift further, the blue mingling with an ever-growing haze that wavers into a softer shade of golden-green, like a transparent curtain, before it all goes tipping and spilling over into a harsh, rich crimson, flooding the valley with a blood-red dawn.

Zarina checks her footing, pulling herself up that last bit of the way so she can lean against the branches, turning her face towards the rising sun. Here, in the heart of the woods, where the trees stand almost bark to bark, boughs curling together so tightly that she could walk across the canopy like a carpet, nary a light reaching down beneath the leaves, giving the forest floor an air of perpetual gloom. She likes it that way, much prefers not to see what lies beyond, the vastness of a world that has almost lost its meaning. Almost. Dawn is the only time she allows herself to do so, to climb to the top of the highest tree and watch the night turn into day. To ascertain, in the manner of someone who has been asleep for too long, that everything is still in place, the Earth is still turning, and it will be another quiet day below.

In the moments she retained from another time, dawn was a relief, an end to the grip of primal fear that took a hold of men when they were lying in a pitch-black hole, clutching at what may well have been twigs for all the good they were going to do, listening to the staccato of their own breaths in the darkness and praying that they would remain the only ones. Dawn was something to be greeted, celebrated even, a joyous kind of collective relief sweeping through the ditch at something that should have been a matter of course, but wasn't. She remembers different dawns, long ones, gray ones, brilliantly piercing ones, and she remembers thinking them beautiful in the way an amnesiac knows that a portrait of a person used to mean something, but now...

Shaking her head out of her stupor, she looked down at the gauntlet in front of her. That contents that lie within tells her the information that was requested for her aide. ‘Ah, Xena. The Uchiha beauty.’

Remnants of a written request. Footprints and ink spillage. Mere remains and vestiges. Zarina followed one fragment after another, trying to grasp at those illusory shadows that were brought on by the broken beams that fell upon the land from the sunlight. For a time, she felt like she was chasing ghosts. The cool breeze whisked upon her cheeks, giving a subtle reminder of the attractions of the early morning of summer. A rejuvenation. Just like the sun shining through the storm. If only humanity could reach that state.

Continuing her path forward, the trees disbanded their unified front into a large opening. The sun rays directly hitting her could also be felt in her veins, as if she was one with the celestial body. Perhaps, she could be. Gazing around the area, she took note of the landscape. Most notable, a lake sat in its midst. Pristine waters so clear that the only source could be that of a spring. Songbirds could be heard in the distance singing their hymn songs awakening the world around them. If heaven was a place, this would be a close second to that recognition.

As the morning went on, Zarina found herself somewhere on the outside of the admin building, she found the simple pleasure of a hot cup of tea and a good view did wonders for her often-scattered mind. This particular morning, it was a small cup of apple tea and the view of bustling village life from where she stood that presented itself. Leaning against the wall as she waited for a closer time to meet up with Xena inhaled deeply and tried her best to block out the sound of a couple individuals already yammering away.

Turning her gaze, she was met by the individual she was partnered up with. Well, whether or not she knew it yet. Or perhaps it was her that requested her assistance, whatever the case may be, Zarina would simply watch the girl as she summoned a crow to communicate silently with. The girl would then walk off with the said bird, which made her only chuckle a little bit. 'Oh, how she could be so oblivious sometimes.' Shaking her head, she quietly followed behind her for some time before she would make her presence known.

“Wow, just going to ignore me and not even say a hello. Thought we were much closer than that, Xe.” Zarina would speak out to the Uchiha, waiting for her to turn around before shifting her expression from a pitiful dog to a sly smirk. 

TWC: 836
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

So many mission's, So little time. Empty Re: So many mission's, So little time.

Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:10 pm
As Xena walked forward, the heel of her sandal catching the ground, her arm was about too throw forward too give Maeve something too take off with before they cawed at her freezing her in place, Maeve had noticed someone before Xena had, and looked deep at the individual, as if staring through them, the raven's eye's felt almost, magical, beyond that of a dojutsu, though finally Xena managed to get her footing and turn too see why the hell Maeve stopped her, which was around the time Zarina spoke giving Xena a immediate vocal recognition too work off. A certain Hyuuga, didn't they want too spar a while ago... Xena never showed up too that... They were busy, which is too likely say they were a coward, looking now fully at them that was all the confirmation they needed. That face, shifting from a saddened one too a sly one, Xena could only snicker softly at it smirking back at them, resting her off hand in her pocket as she kept her other hand up in a wing position too hold her bird she simply began talking.

"I wasn't... aware you were here, whoops." Xena would shrug a bit. "What uh, what brings you here? Were you still looking for that spar?... sorry i couldn't make it, my... father, had other plans for me that day..." Xena attempted to keep a straight face though it waned quite a large bit as she said that. "I could probably do it tomorrow though! Wouldn't wanna keep you waiting too long y'know?" She'd comment further as she continued making eye contact, such pearly lavender eyes, the Byakugan were always pretty. Though she found Zarina's too give a sense of calming for some reason, who knows why.

It was around this point that the Raven had jumped from Xena's arm onto the ground, gazing at Zarina walking around them looking them over, the usual, well, if not unexpected for a bird. It was a large bird, far larger then a normal Raven, giving it's S-Rank summon status all the more meaning, as it finished looking over Zarina it began staring at Xena as if too say. 'Really? Her?' Too which all Xena could do is look back with a face of 'What!?' truthfully they were having a entire side conversation in their telepathic link, what about well, wouldn't you like too know. It eventually walked its way back too Xena's side and Xena finally spoke after scowling in the way a friend would at another friend.

"This is Maeve, their uh, their from the forest of dreams, nice place, calm place." Xena would comment before Maeve would peck at her leg. "Ouch! Alright damn, so uh, they ain't comfortable with you joining the link, y'know? Sorry bout that." Frankly Xena was happy the feeling was mutual, her own mind runs wild sometimes and who knows what might slip in the telepathic link. "Anyway uh, what does bring you here?"

Hakudōshi Hyūga
Hakudōshi Hyūga
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

So many mission's, So little time. Empty Re: So many mission's, So little time.

Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:13 am
“No need to fret over the small things,” she said to the Uchiha in a gentle tone as she took her place next to her. “And you don’t need to explain anything to me, I get that you are a busy lade.” She spoke with her eyes softening with each word she pronounced. Zarina understood the shinobi life was a strenuous one, and with Xena being a Uchiha, she has it more than most. She most likely doesn’t have a lot of free time, if any at all. “Plus, whenever you have time, just let me know.”

That’s when the blackened creature upon Xena’s arm descended upon the ground looking up at her, almost as if it was studying her and all her insecurities. The raven stood about one meter in height which was sort of concerning for her as she never saw a bird, let alone a raven of that size. Well, besides Zunair’s phoenix’s which were massive. Whatever the case may be, they stood there in silence for a moment as Xena and the bird made eye contact, almost as if they were talking with their oculars. Zarina could only wonder what they were communicating about.

Xena then made a scowl that was almost in the form of a smirk before she introduced Zarina to the feathery individual. “Well, nice to meet you Maeve. I’ve heard of the Forest of Dreams. It used to house the small village known as Yumegakure back in the old age before its destruction. Used to control and submit the creatures that roamed around it. Bet you’re glad to be rid of such dictators,” Zarina smiled towards Maeve before it pecked against Xena’s leg.

“Still, no need to apologize. Your link is your bond, I would never want to intrude.” She said as she turned her vision back upon Xena. “As for why I am here, I’m joining you on those missions that you just acquired. So is Himari.” Zarina chuckled before showing her the conformation upon her gauntlet. “So, on another set of missions all three of us partake together! But for now, I suppose we will wait for her.”

TWC: 1,194
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

So many mission's, So little time. Empty Re: So many mission's, So little time.

Sun Oct 15, 2023 12:50 pm
Toward the west side of the village's outskirts, Himari, alongside the company of her mother, was tending to their paltry garden in their backyard. It was not too long ago when the young kunoichi proposed that they spruce up the look of their home by first installing a flower garden as a start before they move onto the front yard. However, the thought of expanding their current garden would have to be put on the back burner. At present, the current assortment of florets that decorate what once was baren earth and tufts of lime-green grass is a collection of daisies, violets, tulips, and hollyhocks, the latter of which was her mother's favorite and the same ones she gave noticeably special attention to than the former aforementioned, a tell Himari picks up on and decides to engage to replace the ambient thrums of nature renew with chorus chirps, audible buzzes, and soft rustles of abundant fauna.

"I don't think I've seen flowers like those before," The Genin starts, drawing her attention toward the white and pink-petaled bloom. "What are they?"

"Ah, those are the Hollyhocks," Nozomi answers, her voice airy and light. "They're a type of perennial flower, but they can also be annual. It depends on the climate, but we're fortunate enough to have the right conditions here to grow them." She gently caresses one of the petals between her thumb and index finger. "I should take you to the Aoi Matsuri next year, I think you'll like it. It's a festival held every spring where the locals gather to celebrate the blossoming of the hollyhock to protect us and our bounty against the elements."

"A festival, huh, sounds fun!" Himari appends, her interest piqued.

"Indeed, and they're the same flower your name derives from, too. Maybe that's why I chose that name for you."

"Really? Why the hollyhock specifically?"

"Mhmm," Nozomi bobs her head. "Your... father and I wanted a strong, yet beautiful child, and the hollyhock symbolizes growth and rebirth. When we attended our first Aoi Matsuri together, he picked up one of them that had fallen from one of the floats and gifted it to me, saying that the two of us would be just like the hollyhock and that we would grow and flourish."

Himari couldn't help the grin that spread across her lips. She's never heard the full story behind her name's origin, and the thought of her parents being in love and hopeful for their future together brought her joy. However, she feels a wave of melancholy wash over her when she notices her mother's facial expression remains stoic. For as long as she can remember, it's always been a sore spot to discuss her father and any such stories that surround his presence. It makes sense, the least Himari wants to give her mother is any reason to upheaval wounds healing and healed if she can help it, but given her age, it'd only be a matter of time until the conversation itself finds its way. What words she'll say next, she'll need to choose them tactfully.

"You really loved him, didn't you, Mom?"

"I did. Still, do. But," Nozomi's voice trails off.


"Sometimes, love isn't always enough."

Himari quickly grew silent, maybe it was a mistake to broach the topic of her father so soon and yet, the curiosity in her grew. Maybe if she knew more, just that tiny little bit of information she could eke out from her, she could help mend things back to the way they used to be between them. Whether or not the idea in and of itself is far-fetched and the two would or may rather never come to terms with their differences, she wants to at least make the attempt and try.

"Do you... ever regret it? Falling in love and having me?"

"Never," Her reply is instantaneous. "Regardless of everything, you're the best thing to have happened to me. And even though I'm not the best mother, I'm trying, and that's all that matters. Because you're worth it."


"But, enough about me. I recall you mentioning that you and a few of your friends are to meet at the administration facility for another mission outing. Xena and Zarina, I believe? I'm sure you're excited to see them again. You should go ahead and prepare yourself. They'll be expecting you."

"Right. Thank you, Mom. For everything."

"No, thank you, Himari. For existing. Now, go on."

She stands up and hugs her mother, before making her way to her bedroom. There, she changes into her uniform, grabs her ninja tools and secures them on her person, then made her way outside.

"Well, here's to a good day," Himari said, taking a deep breath and exhaling, a smile forming on her lips before striding over to the mission facility to adjoin with her Xena and Zarina. Thereupon her arrival, when the distance between herself and the duo is approximately 10 meters, she waves to them and chants. "Heyya! I hope I didn't make you all wait long, I was gardening with my mom in our backyard since it could use a bit of color. How's it been?"

WC: 864
TWC: 864

Last edited by Himari Hyuuga on Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammatical changes and fixes)
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

So many mission's, So little time. Empty Re: So many mission's, So little time.

Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:52 pm
Eventually their third would arrive, moving a bit too the side she'd face off at Himari giving a soft wave, frankly she wasn't exactly sure what too say, besides they had 3 A-Ranks too do, did they already know. Perhaps she should go over them just in case.

"Well, our missions all revolve around a group of kids, someone taught them some really weird or dangerous Jutsu's and in the chaos have kidnapped some people, im afraid i don't have too much information but, I'm sure we can get some from the kids. Unless you two have other idea's cause im fresh out honestly."

Upon saying such Xena shrugged as maeve took flight before landing on Xena's head damn near making her fall over. Looking up with some confusion Xena just saw Maeve looking back down at her, with what could be considered a pout Xena blew some air too get her bangs out of her face before looking at the two Hyuuga.

"I planned for Maeve here too find the kids but with you two here im sure you're Byakugans could come in handy ya know? Could be a chance for Himari too use them on a real mission!" With that Xena would smirk facing Himari with a look of 'I know you can do it!'.

WC:217 TWC:1073
Hakudōshi Hyūga
Hakudōshi Hyūga
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

So many mission's, So little time. Empty Re: So many mission's, So little time.

Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:41 am
A warm and inviting smile caressed the lips of the Hyūga swordswoman at the sight of Himari. Even though she could be described as Zarina’s cousin, she was not immediate family, but she was family, nonetheless. Gratitude and sincerity have not, and most likely will not, be a strong suit that is exhibited within the clan. So, Zarina does her best to try to have a kind, more gentle nature when it comes to those that have warranted it…those that deserve it. Therefore, Zarina deemed Himari fitting for it because: one, she has always been nothing but kind to Zarina; two, like all families, whispers and rumors circulate about why she was secluded with her mother to the outskirts of the village. But those were just rumors; therefore, Zarina didn’t dwell on them for she would like to get to know her all on her own.

“Welcome, Himari, no worries about the time. It’s good to see you well. Hope your garden grows with abundance,” she said as she proceeded to give Himari an honorable bow in her presence. Raising back up, she started to speak once more, “but it’s been good. Can’t really complain.” That was a lie. Every mission she’s been on has continuously pushed her to the brink of death. From deranged robbers, killer Uchiha’s, and devilish monsters. If it wasn’t her being catapulted to her breaking point, she watched her friends suffer. To Kouga going missing, Tenshi bleeding out, to Arutemisu being sucked in through black portal to only just spit out his sister. All that on top of Zunair dying put a lot of pressure upon her shoulders and heart. But she was fine. Wasn’t she?

“What about you, Himari? How’s your mother doing?” Zarina flips the conversation back to Himari as those dark thoughts begin to slowly cascade down in the back of her mind. Giving a subtle sigh to try to disperse those memories, but they were futile. Perhaps, with time it’ll get easier; but for the time being, she’ll have to make the most of it.

As the time for pleasantries and greetings subsides, Xena gets straight down to business giving a rundown on the missions. Children have learned to cast jutsu that are seriously bizarre and can’t be replicated to missing individuals - which must have stemmed from the recent raid upon the district - so it seems these missions seem to collaborate with each other. “That’s alright, Xena. From what I’ve noticed, it appears to me that administration has been omissive lately. To conclude, we should probably be extra cautious.” She said as her hand found its home upon the hilt of her sword, as she began to walk slowly towards their destination only for her to stop and turn around as Xena crow, Maeve began to ascend to the skies.

“Well, I’m sure having Maeve would be a great help; but you could be right, there could be a chance Himari could utilize the Byakugan.” Zarina snickered as she turned around to walk again. The first place to look is the slums of Konoha, once again. It seems there's always trouble in this place as a few of the missions prior to these had made her dwell within this district. Hopefully, the children will give insight as to who took the individuals and what they have planned for them.

As the trio walked, the trip was immersed with playful banter and small talk. Something that Zarina isn’t really accustomed to, so it was nice. Very nice. It took her mind off all the things that had been happening around her; so perhaps, she should delve into some girl time more frequently. That is if they would reciprocate that time being spent. Whatever the case, the girls continued forward; and as they continued forward, so did the district which they were in. Finely built buildings, cheerful melodies to run down shacks and animosity. There was no denying the fact that these were the slums. Most of the buildings during the previous battle here were still under construction, even with the few Senju running around to help. Well, they were no help here, of course, because they had other matters to attend to. “So, where shall we begin?”

TWC: 1,541
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

So many mission's, So little time. Empty Re: So many mission's, So little time.

Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:24 pm
Himari giggles softly as Zarina gives a bow to her, she isn't sure what to say besides, "Thank you!" She was happy to see her and Xena again after all this time, she had been so busy with training lately that she hadn't really seen anyone since her most recent escapade with Tenshi and Arutemisu. A visitation would appear to be in order as she rarely receives an opportunity to engage with her kinsmen, more ashamedly one she knows no further than simply being acquaintances. But Zarina's immediate disposition to her makes it clear that the door remains an open, communal channel to solidify their bond together.

"My mother's doing well! She's been working on some new plants lately, and I'm helping her out! It's nice to be able to help her out ya'know? I should introduce you two to her sometime, I think it'd be nice for her to know some of my friends! Oh! And I'm happy to be on this mission with you two again, it's been ages!" She gestures with both hands, waving overhead. Lowering them, she turns to listen to Xena's breakdown of the mission details they've been assigned: as a three-man cell, they're designated to resolve three high-ranking missions about a band of misfits who were taught Jutsu beyond what would be considered reasonable for their age and skill bracket. And worse yet, an undetermined number of them were kidnapped amidst the chaos. Himari had her theories as to how the two incidents may correlate to each other, but to draw anything decisive would risk what chances they have now of rescuing them. They'll have to play it all by ear until they come face-to-face with the aftermath and any ensuing evidence left behind, or at least where they can locate some of them. Whichever comes first.

Himari bobs her head affirmatively to Zarina's discernment and reaches behind her to unfurl a scroll from her pouch. "You're right! And just in case things get nasty, I've got just the buddy for the occasion." With one of her incisors, she bites down on her left thumb after unraveling the contents of the scroll, tracing her blood along the papyrus, and performs the following hand seals: Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram. When she slams her palm against the surface, a puff of off-white smoke envelopes both forearms until a slug appears on her right shoulder. It's predominantly white in color with three blue streaks that run vertically down the middle and side of its body from its head and taper off at its tail. Its optical tentacles have a slight tint of gray to them and both also have two sensory tentacles on either side of its mouth. Immediately, the slug begins healing the wound on her thumb in seconds before Himari introduces them.

"Hi there, Satsuki," She beams. "I'll be needing your help again this time for something really important. Can you keep my friend Xena here company until things resolve?"

"Of course, My Lady." The slug, in a mono-serene tone, nods her head in agreement before bobbing and weaving its tentacles before her form distorts and vanishes before reappearing onto Xena's shoulder and curling around her neck. "And may I advise caution before proceeding, Lady Himari? Katsuki may grow emulous of your summoning of mine."

Himari snickers at Satsuki's warning. "I'll be sure to summon her next time if that's the case." Upon hearing the other duo's remark about her ability to utilize her Byakugan for this mission, she feels a slight chill run down her spine as she turns back to them with a meek smile. "That is... if it ever decides to work again... But I've been practicing! So it should come more naturally to me, now." After they've all been caught up to speed on the current situation, the younger Hyūga follows Zarina's lead toward, once more, the slums. Strange that she should find herself with a dangerous task within an, otherwise, stigmatized area. It makes her wonder whether such cases of kidnappings and the like occur out in plain sight. It would make sense for the last place anyone would consider checking would be the least likely, also. Maybe they were being misled by the administration's ambiguity of the details they were provided. They could very well be in a more suburban area than what they're led to believe.

She's probably overthinking.

Nevertheless, she indulges herself in the idle chatter amongst them along the way in between. It's not often for Himari to have the chance to have casual discussions with those within her age range, even less so with the same sex. She's been homeschooled since she was young and has only had the opportunity to interact with other children during her time at the Academy. But even there, she was often left out of their activities due to her inability to perform basic ninjutsu. It was a lonely experience for her, but it made her all the more determined to overcome her setback and prove that she's just as capable as anyone else.

Himari walked alongside Zarina and Xena as they made their way toward the slums once again. The slums themselves look like a desolate place, with building after building looking run down and in desperate need of repair, many of them having broken windows or doors, some even having holes in the walls or roofs. The streets were littered with garbage, and Himari could see people dressed in rags sitting on the sides of the road, begging for money. She felt sad for these people, knowing that they had probably fallen on hard times and were struggling to make ends meet. But at the same time, she was also a little bit afraid of them, not knowing what kind of people they might be or what they might do if provoked. As the trio walked through the slums, Himari could hear whispers and murmurs from the people around them, some of them sounding angry or resentful, others sounding curious or even fearful. She does her best to ignore the malignant murmurs.

When Zarina posits the question of starting their search, Himari takes a moment to think it over before responding. "I think we should start with... asking the people here what happened, maybe?" She suggests and turns to face Xena with an inquiring look.

WC: 1,062
TWC: 1,926/4,000
TMWC: 4,540/12,000
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

So many mission's, So little time. Empty Re: So many mission's, So little time.

Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:17 pm
As the sun shined upon the ground, they had found themselves wandering through a forest, the wind blowing calmly around them, Xena mainly kept too herself, not much for conversation, though Maeve sitting upon her shoulder would occasionally peck at her, trying too get her too join in on the two Hyuugas conversation, what was Maeve? Her mom? She already had one of those and one was enough in her opinion, Maeve's response was she clearly didn't raise Xena well enough if she's this quiet, Xena simply rolled her eyes in response which resulted in another peck on the side of the head, if this kept up the Raven might just peck Xena's ear off, sighing she'd eventually open her ears up listening in on what the Hyuuga were talking about. Her mind trying not too wander away, her ears picked up Himari chatting about her family, apparently her and her mother recently were gardening, how quant, that's something she'd never get too do, then again she could only imagine the Hyuuga districts houses were better then the Uchiha's really only the elders have special housing, most of the Uchiha where she lived would live in apartment sized houses with 2 bedrooms a merged living room and kitchen and a bathroom, was simply best too save on space, she never really questioned it, though she did ponder how nice it would be too live in a nice large house, what would that be like, waking up in a proper bed rather then a bed laid across the floor, eating in a full kitchen instead of across the counter sat in the living room, she could imagine some of the larger houses even had personal training places. Alas, houses like those were expensive, way over most Uchiha's budgets, well, those without the special eyes at least, her mind had wandered despite her best attempt not too, how troublesome, Maeve finally broke through the wandering using the link, alerting Xena she was about too walk into a tree, which she just narrowly side stepped, this entire time Xena hadn't even noticed the slug, Maeve did but decided not too mention it, though they did Caw at the slug somewhat, as if too ask what was up.

The main direction they were heading was the slums, a place of filth and poor people, not that the two were the same, filth mostly was referring too trash and the engineering side of Konoha, which mostly just provided more trash, but this was supposed where the kids were spotted, as well as people going missing, as troublesome as the thought was they had too proceed accordingly, Xena thought for a moment before side eyeing Maeve, the raven just shrugged its head flying up into the air beginning too search the ground, their sensory abilities would almost certainly be useful, looking over too the two Hyuugas now Xena crossed her arms moving some of her hair out of her face before asking. "What do you two plan too do? You have you're Byakugan, all we need too do is find the kids for now, that way we'll be able too talk too them, if they wont talk i can just force em too." Xena smiled, saying that as if was a normal thing too say, true they were kids but at the same time Uchiha kids beat eachother up all the time so she didn't really see a difference, besides the Genjutsu's she'd use wouldn't be that bad, she could literally just read their minds, easy peasy, though she did wonder how the other two planned too do this, how would they of planned too find out what the kids knew, perhaps they simply had the same Genjutsu, it was a pretty basic one, even a novice could do it right?

As time passed Xena leaned on a wall listening too the two, whether it was them discussing their plans, or otherwise, Xena in the meanwhile simply talking with Maeve telepathically while they searched, the slums was a heavy maze of ally's with houses carved into them, thieves lurked around every corner or two, frankly it was a horrible place with horrible people, but they were raised too be horrible by the environment, she thought she lived the poor life, but no, this was what being poor was, living on the streets, living in cracks in the walls, living as petty thieves , and then there was the worst kind, the kind that kidnapped those civilians, the kind that just cause trouble no matter where they go, Xena half expected it too be a higher up looking too steal organs for money, something that was common for criminals, organs went for a lot these days, especially Dojutsu, and with the convenience of transplants its become even worse. It sickened her frankly, how Transplants were even allowed, taking the unique abilities of a clan and giving it too someone else, it wasn't right, it never would be right, even if it was too save a life, the same medical ninja could sooner regrow a organ then do a transplant, sighing Maeve finally broke through again, notifying Xena she had found the kids, they were all sat in a ally talking too eachother, mostly about recent games they've been playing, looking forward at the two Hyuuga Xena would state. "Maeves found em, their in a ally a decent ways ahead, they aren't causing any chaos at the moment, maybe they got tired, that or expelled all their Chakra." Shrugging at the two possibilities Maeve eventually flew back before pointing with a wing at the kids direction. "Be careful you two, this place is filled with thief's and muggers. Wouldn't be surprised if we get ambushed," After stating such Xena began walking into a ally.

WC: 965
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

So many mission's, So little time. Empty Re: So many mission's, So little time.

Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:59 pm
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