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Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

Facing One's Demons Empty Facing One's Demons

Fri Sep 08, 2023 1:00 pm
It was finally time. A deep sigh escaped from his lips as he turned to the two behind him, both a different person yet the same. He knew that this would be his course of action and in the end it almost felt bittersweet somehow. Earlier he sat the hat of the Kazekage down on the desk and returned to his normal attire. There had been no words in regards to why he had made this his final decision, but his own sense of right and wrong told him that he needed to face his own actions if he was ever going to move onward. In his left hand had been a scroll that was had the stipends that were supposed to be sent to Konoha and to the right had been a scroll he had sealed 100,000 ryo in. The scroll in the right hand would have been given to the taller of the boys behind him and with a deep sigh he had sent a pulse, a ping even to his brother in Konoha. It would seeming feel as if Ishimaru was wanting to be summoned by him and if Aoki deemed it fit he would. Once he was summoned to Konoha, Ishimaru would then press his hand onto the ground to summon his two sons 3 meters behind him. At that point he would give a nod to the both of them and shortly after they would leave the building to peruse the village while their father had dealt with his business.

Before speaking the scroll that had been in his left hand would be placed upon the desk of the Hokage before he took in the sights and let out a small breathe,” Seems you’ve done well with the place… But you must know why I am here right…brother?”

Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Facing One's Demons Empty Re: Facing One's Demons

Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:57 am
Upon this particular day, Aokidanza was within his office, alone. Yachiru was tasked with something private, something that would shake the very foundation of the lead village to its very core. He trusted little with such a task, but knew well enough that Yachiru would not see failure. A wrench at his core could be felt. The Senju would pause, clarifying the forceful pull that he was feeling. The demon, with his Astaroth donned, Sharingan hawking behind the 14 eyes giving sight up to 270 degrees. The feeling was familiar to him, he knew of whom desired to be summoned, but as for the reason, that still eluded him.

Crimson transmutes to violet, several black rings replaced the tomoes that were honed around the pupils. Sitting behind his desk, he would look one meters before him, beyond the desk a fuijutsu-like array manifests in the surface of the floor, a smoke shroud of pure white scentless smog would appear and immediately reveal none other than Ishimaru. His appearance, or rather attire was slightly altered.

The Shinkou held something in his hand, a scroll from the looks of it. Was this a payment drop? Ishimaru took the liberty of summoning two others that he would immediately send to take in the sights of the village. As they left the door was closed behind them.

The air of the room shifted as the Shinkou, Aokidanza’s sworn brother began to speak. His words reached the ears of the Demon, as he note the scroll being placed on his desk and then some.

I’ve merely done what you seem to have failed at, brother. And as you surmise, I do. So help me understand, you thought it wise to absquatulate from the role that I so graciously bestowed upon you? I must admit, I do not understand your pawky. It is as if you seek to anger me. Not once have you failed me, but twice? Certainly even you can see that this is irrefragable. Hm, in case you do not grasp my meaning, how can I put it into words that you may understand.

His voice sounds distorted, replaced with the voice of one-thousand demonic voices at once in perfect harmony. An eerie air circulated the demon as he analyzed the situation and reached for the best words to get his point across.

The Yuumei and the Shinkou shares a symbiotic relationship, no? Where you as the Shinkou provides sustenance for the Yuumei and in return it provides power to you. Imagine if either of the two were to fail the other, what do you think would happen? I wager that either of you would find yourselves bumfuzzled, would you not agree? Or is your panglossian nature getting the better of you?

He said, his eyes on Astaroth rotates and flick from side to side as they all honed in and focused on him.

AP: 1967/2000
Rinnegan: -10 AP
Natural Berserker: +10 AP
NE Stacks: 1/6

Rinnegan Summon: 33 AP
Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

Facing One's Demons Empty Re: Facing One's Demons

Tue Sep 19, 2023 10:14 am
"Maybe you were just better suited to be leader than I. Ever leaf serves a purpose and perhaps I have seemed to have served mine. Though that would be wishful and naive thinking," the word sat with him for a moment as he pondered his very nature before he sat in that very seat. Naive. Dumb to the ways of the world and its working, but today he was oddly at peace with it all. The distorted words that came from his brother in blood did not confuse or even miss their mark as he refused to drop his head and kept his eyes on Aoki not as a sign of disrespect. No it was a sign of the utmost respect that he held for him. He knew that he had failed him one too many times and that was why he was here today. Failure begets punishment and it was high due for his. He had failed in many things in life, but the culmination of the present caused him to think, ponder on what would or perhaps could have been if he had succeeded. Well no need in thinking about that now.

To answer the questions set upon him he would relax his form allowing himself to speak with both clarity and understanding, not allowing a semblance of a lie or mistrust to come from him," It would cause a dissonance, a disharmony in the connection and relationship. As one cannot exist without the other in some context, it would cause both host and power to become...unstable. As for your earlier question, No. I have never sought to anger or cause you to... well the deed has been done. I came here not to step on the opportunity you have given me to redeem myself, but to accept the punishment of failing you. I do not seek redemption in this life...perhaps that would be too bold and as you put it... cater to my panglossian nature, but instead to provide one last act that can do good. The punishment only befits the crime isn't that right Lord Hokage?," the words came out as someone who had come to terms with their mistakes, but did not make any excuses to it. Whatever happened today would end one life, but as his ended two more began in his place.
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Facing One's Demons Empty Re: Facing One's Demons

Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:21 pm
I see…

Was all that he said to his brother. It would seem that Ishimaru understood the situation fully, and because of that Aokidanza was more than capable of fulfilling his next steps. Calmly, removing the mask to reveal his face, the Rinnegan fully active. The Demon sat the mask upon the desk before him, between them.

By now, I must presume that you are fully aware of how I deal out punishment. It is because of this that I will not rob you of seeing my face one last time. Yes, the two of us could settle this in combat, but you and I both know that it would be a futile effort on your end. But an effort, nonetheless. And yet, I see no reason to get your hopes up. You may have failed me as the Kazekage, but you’ve made a lasting impression on me as the previous Hokage. And for that I will always remember you as such. Farewell, And Ishimaru Shinkou. One of the three legendary Sannin of Konoha. Gluttony of the black flames of negativity. Brother of Aokidanza.

From behind him, materializes ten orbs of pure chakra, pitch black, five inches in both height and width. Passively these ten orbs levitates behind the Demon in a circular formation maintaining a distance of thirty centimeters max. One of the orb, by means of mental command, almost instinctively, motioned behind the Shinkou. It then shifts into attack mode, at which case it takes to form of a staff that it geometrically took shape for. This staff would pierce through the back of Ishimaru’s skull at a speed and power of 150, instantly killing his as it enter his brain, stopping to prevent and exit wound and keeping the eyes intact. Ishimaru knew of his failures and offered up his life for his punishment. He would die painlessly and quickly, should he not move from the path of the orb/staff.

The Demon would watch as the eyes of Ishimaru fade as his soul departs. Standing and making his way around the desk to collect the staff with his right hand and securing the body of his brother with his left.

You have become complacent, Ishimaru. You were not a failure because you could not succeed. You were a failure because you were comfortable in place you were in. But you will serve me better in your death than you ever did in your short-lived life. You will become an extension of myself.

The Staff would then shift back into an orb at its base size and return to its formation with the others behind the demon. The Demon would then retrieve a corpse scroll from his armor and set it out upon the desk, while touching the corpse and forming a seal as he then sealed the body of Ishimaru inside of it.

The Demon would then return to his seat, looking to his gauntlet he would channel his chakra to signal for Goto to come to the chambers. He wished to speak to him about what just took place. And what was next to come for Sunagakure.


If you really need me to map out the ooc use and stuff I will.


Mid-Thread claim. Upon the death of Ishimaru I am claiming his corpse and all claimable possessions on him.
Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

Facing One's Demons Empty Re: Facing One's Demons

Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:46 pm
The words were all that he needed to hear as he gave a small smile, as small as it was he was filled with relief in the solace that his death was at this point earned. It was a truly morbid thought but his mind flashed back to his sister knowing she would be devastated but knew that in the end he had done it according to how he always was. Any wrong had to be corrected no matter the result or the punishment. As the mask was removed he met the eyes of his brother not by birth but by blood and battle and nodded as he kept his eyes straight and took in a deep breath. As the orb moved to poise behind him he would offer one last sentence or two to the demon in front of him,” Only one path ends but another always opens. Carry on the will of our home and continue to do it well brother. Though my vessel expires my soul shall always stand with you,” as he concluded he would feel only the initial stab before the lights within his eyes grew dim, the Yuumei within them slowly ebbed before dying out completely. For a moment  the black and blue wisps would slowly raise from his body before dying out like a flame. His mortal life had ended but his life within the yuumei would be eternal.

Within the depths of the village his two living clones would turn toward the village proper and breathe a small sigh, Nuraihyon specifically. Unlike his brother he could see the final trails of the Meiton swell into a ball over the Hokage building before wisping away into nothingness. He knew what this meant but he knew that at least for him he could commune with his father through the vast expanse of the Yuumei.

310 Wc
TWC 1312
13 Stats
1300 words toward unlocking Meigan

Claiming Death of Ishimaru Shinkou will calc word count and other things on his stat page
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Facing One's Demons Empty Re: Facing One's Demons

Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:10 am
Aokidanza wrote:

Mid-Thread claim. Upon the death of Ishimaru I am claiming his corpse and all claimable possessions on him.

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