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Stat Page : Zain
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Adventures of the student hidden in the leaf Empty Adventures of the student hidden in the leaf

Mon Sep 04, 2023 4:27 pm
Mission: Valuable Assets

Zainketsu strolled down the street. He was holding a box full of food and had a back pack full of drinks. He was headed down to the poorer side of the village to pass them out. The young Uchiha was given an assignment to pass them out to those less fortunate.

As he walked through the slums he began to grow appreciation for all that he had. He didn't realize how bad others had it. He really was blessed in more ways then one. Many of these people were dirty and made up of only skin and bone, not an ounce of fat could be seen. Children ran through the streets in their ragged clothing, Their innocent laughter was encouraging. It was good to see that they were not letting circumstance keep them down.

Zainketsu began doing what he was asked. He went from person to person handing out supplies. Each person was vastly different. Some were old, others young, all were appreciative. He found their stories to be fascinating. Some used to be ninjas who could no longer fight. They had the most exciting tails. It was a little disappointing that the village did not take greater care of them. Veterans who fought for this village shouldn't be out here living on the streets! He decided in that moment that if he ever became hokage then would change all of that!

He had quickly started to realize that most of these people were not in the slums due to their own choices. A lot of them were victims of circumstance. Many were orphaned due to ninja conflicts, other were just born to the wrong family. Zainketsu could have easily ended up here if he were not an Uchiha. It really did make his heart thinking about it. The young Uchiha had a big heart. He was determined to use his skill to help as many of these people as he could. With each item handed out he felt his heart grow a little bigger from their genuine gratitude. The smiles they gave him burned there way into his memory banks. At first he thought this task was a little beneath him, now he felt honored and privileged to get to do it.

It wasn't to long until he ran out of supplies. He could easily have left knowing his job was completes. He felt compelled to stay though. He was truly enjoying himself. He watched the other kids kicking a ball across the street. Zainketsu had been so caught up in training recently that he was starting to forget what it is like to be a regular kid. Intoxicated in the moment he decided to join them.  He was far more skilled then any of them from his training. He played keep away for hours. He laughed hysterically with them as they struggled to get the ball back. He reveled in their amazement at how good his ball handling techniques were.

After hours if playing the sun finally began to set. Zain knew that this was his sign to go home. The thought actually saddened him a little bit. He would have come back to do this more often. This expierence was truly rewarding for him


Wc 537

Last edited by Zain on Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Zain
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Adventures of the student hidden in the leaf Empty Finding furry friends (E rank mission)

Mon Sep 04, 2023 5:23 pm
Finding Furry friends

Zainketsu once again found himself roaming through the village with another menial task. It seems this time an oversized squirrel was wondering around the village disrupting the natural balance of things. He heard whispers that it was last seen in the Okinaga district. Apparently it was stealing food and taking it back to its hidden nest. He knew it resided in the closest park but he did not know where. The young Uchiha was hoping to follow it back to its nest. 
The young Uchiha posted up on a rooftop over looking the bustling district. Citizens flowed in numbers from merchant to merchant. It was hard to see much of anything through all the commotion.
Where are you little guy? Come on out and play you stupid squirrel?
Almost on command a loud scream erupted from a lady below. Panic started to pick up around a certain cart. It was only for a brief second but the young Uchiha saw a flurry brown critter shoot out from one cart and under the next. The citizens screamed and panicked as they parted to give the humongous creature a wide berth. A couple of people tried catching it or hitting it with whatever they were holding. The squirrel was too fast though, it dodged and weaved between the silly humans effortlessly. Zain was impressed at how fast it was for being so big. It looked to be about the size of a small dog
The boy did a front hand spring off the roof and landed gracefully on the ground. He bolted towards the cart the squirrel was now under. The creature was smart. As soon as Zainketsu got close it took off down the street and out off the market area. The Uchiha quickly bolted after it. Even with his unnatural skill he could barely keep up with it. He chased it from street to street until the park came into site. 
He slowed his pace just enough to watchand the squirrel bolt into the trees. He wanted the squirrel to feel like it evaded and pursuit. It approached a large above ground tree root. The boy noticed there was a large hole under the root that was hard to see. That must be where it had been nesting to avoid detection. The squirrel stopped and began looking around. If Zainketsu did not know any better he would say the squirrel was checking to see if anybody was watching.
The squirrel struggled to fit his body in the opening. After a minute of struggling it was soon out of site. Zainketsu took this opportunity to set up a trap using his shirt and some loose branches.  He hid himself on a close branch and waited for hours for the squirrel to re-emerge. It was nearly dark when the rodent showed its face again. It looked around nervously to make sure it wasnsafe before fully coming out.
Zainketsu made a couple hand seals and preceded to cast a genjutsu on the squirrel. He didn't know if it would work, he never tried this on animal before. In theory though it should work exactly the same again. They had Chakra and senses just like any other person

He used his false surrounding techniques to make his trap look like a giant acorn. The squirrel approached nervously but couldn't resist the temptation. As soon as it touched the acorn the trap sprung and ensnared the squirrel. Zain quickly pounced on the critter. Once he had it fully secured the only thing left to do was  bring it back to be examined. With any luck it would be released peacefully back into the wild by morning. 


Wc 612
Stat Page : Zain
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Adventures of the student hidden in the leaf Empty Re: Adventures of the student hidden in the leaf

Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:42 pm
Patrol Training (E-Rank)

Zainketsu found himself in the Okinaga district. His dark attire and jet black hair allowed him to seamlessly blend into the dark shadows that made up the village rooftops. It was still multiple hours before morning, the only light sources came from a couple street lamps that were generously spaced across the village streets. The roads were virtually empty. It was eerily quiet, a stark difference from regular buisness hours.

The young Uchiha had been on a mission to patrol the streets. It was only a practice go. There were no real stakes on the table. He was supposed to be getting a feel for what being a real ninja is like. So far all he felt was boredom! He understood the value and necessity of them, he just wished there was a little more action involved.

This was the first of four stops on his route. So far the east side of the market district was calm. Nobody could be seen, no voices heard. He checked around the stored and the carts to make sure no Tom foolery was going on. Everything was checking out. He doubled back around just to really make sure everything was in clear. He wouldn't put it past one of the instructors to try some shenanigans to make sure they were actually patrolling and not just screwing around. He didn't want to fail for something stupid.

Once he was absolutely sure everything was as it should be, the young Uchiha moved on. He headed towards the north side of the market. He zipped from one roof top to the next with the utmost stealth. His small body made it easy to keep the noise to a minimum. His piercing black eyes gazed up and down the alleys and streets as he went.

He was just coming up on the northern part of the market center when he heard a loud crash coming from the closest alley. His palms immediately grew sweaty. His heart rate quickened as he tried to mentally prepare himself for what it could be.

The young Uchiha landed on the closest roof top to the alleyway. His eyes scanned the street with Vigor. It was empty except for some debris and a bunch of tash cans. Out of the corner his eyes he noticed one of the cans move just ever so slightly. The boy rushed over with kunai in hand. He took a deep breath and moved the can. He was prepared to stab whatever was hiding behind it. A vicious hiss erupted as a mangy gray cat swiped at him and then scurried away.

Stupid cat!

After a deep exhale he regained his composure. He quickly got back on task and surveyed all of the north market. He did his due diligence before heading over to the west market. The cat incident made him hyper aware of everything. For some strange reason it made him take the assignment a little more serious.

The west side was pretty silent also. There was nothing of real interest to report. Zainketsu was surprised he had not encountered anything of value yet. With everything in the clear he made his way to his last and final spot on his route. As he headed south he was surprised to see three people slinking through an alley. All were men. It was odd that they would be out so late. They still had a little over two hours till morning. The whole thing reeked with suspicion. It was clear they were trying not to be seen. They darted from one building to the next, using the shade as cover. They were clearly not ninja. They lacked obvious skill and subtly

Zainketsu landed on a large tree over looking the people. He used the leaves and the darkness of night to stay unnoticed. He was curious to see what was happening. The men stopped in front of the back entrance to a tiny little shop. The shop was one Zainketsu knew quite well. It was a weapons store that specializes in Katanas. Zainketsu knew good and well the shop owner left to get new rare materials a week ago. He had told him so in person. The shop was not supposed to open back up for a few more days. It was pretty clear now what these jerks were up to. They were thieves! It was hard to tell if this was a test or part of his assignment. Either way he knew what was going to have to be done.

Zainketsu watched as they pryed their way into the backdoor. They all looked at eachother with glee and filed into the shop. They clearly did not know they were being watched. Zain had seen enough at this point. Test or not he would follow procedure. The young Uchiha was instructed to signal by flare if anything occurred. The color of flare was to signal perceived threat level. The colors ranged from green to red. If one identified a ninja of any rank he was to flee and notify his superiors immediately. From there the instructor would come to assist or get aide accordingly. Zainketsu considered these guys minimal threats so he grabbed his green flare and launched it into the sky. The burglars were completely unaware. They were already roaming inside of the stoor. Zainketsu leapt off the building and snuck into the building behind them.

These dummies are not even gonna know what hit them!

The young Uchiha shrank low to the ground as he crept up behind them. One of the men had a lantern that was lit.He took out his kunai with one hand and grabbed another out of his pouch with his other. He flung flung both simultaneously in different directions. One hit against a large suit of armor on the opposite side of the room. The other hit the lantern center mass causing it to explode and the light to go out. The men quickly clamored back and fourth in a panic frenzy. The young Uchiha was on them almost instantly. His searing red pair of red eyes darting around was all any of them could see.

He buried his fist into the first man's stomache before using the man's shoulder as support to propel himself ibto the air with a front spring. He continued to flip around and used his now downwards force to deliver a mean kick to the top of the second man's head. After following through he landed gracefully on the ground. He used all the kinetic energy he just built up to spring forward and hit the third guy square in the cheek with a devastating spinning kick. The entire process happened so fast that all three bodies hit the ground almost simultaneously.

The one who got hit in the stomache was the only one still conscious. Zainketsu walked back over to him. He was about to begin interrogating him when the instructor arrived on scene. She was a tall long haired blonde lady. She had scars on her cheek that made her immense beauty look wild and fierce.

Nice going kid, that was fast! I just saw your flare a second ago. Not bad for an academy student. Glad to see all my lessons are paying off

I do got to say that real patrols could be a lot more dangerous. Even these guys could have caused bigger problems for you. Dont judge off of appearances. Its ok to get help if needed. Its all about risk management!The police corps are on their way to grab these guys. Not much left for us to do. Go ahead and call it a night kid. You've earned it!


Wc 1284
Stat Page : Zain
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Adventures of the student hidden in the leaf Empty Re: Adventures of the student hidden in the leaf

Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:17 pm
Claiming for three posts.

1st post = 537 Wc
E rank mission: Valuable Assets
1,000 Ryo, 5 Ap

2nd post = 612 Wc
E Rank mission: Finding Furry friends
1000 Ryo, 5 ap

3rd post= 1284 Wc
E rank mission: Patrol training
1000 Ryo, 5 ap

Total word count = 2,433
Total Ryo =3k
AP: 15


24 chakra (2,400 spent, 33 wc discarded)

Transformation Technique (250 wc)

One Handed Seals(2k Wc)

Sharingan 2nd Tomoe
(183 Wc)

Previous training done Here and Here for 248 wc.

2,433 spent, 0 discarded
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Adventures of the student hidden in the leaf Empty Re: Adventures of the student hidden in the leaf

Wed Sep 06, 2023 12:46 pm
Zain wrote:Claiming for three posts.

1st post = 537 Wc
E rank mission: Valuable Assets
1,000 Ryo, 5 Ap

2nd post = 612 Wc
E Rank mission: Finding Furry friends
1000 Ryo, 5 ap

3rd post= 1284 Wc
E rank mission: Patrol training
1000 Ryo, 5 ap

Total word count = 2,433
Total Ryo =3k
AP: 15


24 chakra (2,400 spent, 33 wc discarded)

Transformation Technique (250 wc)

One Handed Seals(2k Wc)

Sharingan 2nd Tomoe
(183 Wc)

Previous training done Here and Here for 248 wc.

2,433 spent, 0 discarded

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