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Stat Page : Zain
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 500

Zain's First day Empty Zain's First day

Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:07 am
Zainketsu approached the academy entrance with trepidation. He was as nervous and anxious as he had ever been in his entire life. He was so amped up about attending his first day at the academy that he could barely sleep the night before. His dark black eyes had big rings around them that gave him the appearance of a raccoon.

Today was a big day for him. He did not want to disappoint anybody. He felt that his family name alone carried with it certain standards and expectations. Zainketsu had virtually zero expierence or training. He had chosen to forgo the academy a year ago when he was eligible. He hated the thought of being a ninja back then. It was the furthest possible thing from his mind. It wasn't until the incident in his family recently that he had a change of heart. He knew the basics pretty well in theory. He was pretty intelligent and read up on a lot of information throughout his life. It was the application part that made him nervous. Hopefully he was not embarrassingly far behind his fellow classmates.

He approached the doors to the main building and passed into the main hallway. He walked down until he found the correct classroom. He took a deep breath and entered the room with as much confidence as he could muster. There were already a dozen kids littered through the room. Each one was vastly different looking then the next. Some Zainketsu knew in passing, others he did not.  Even though Zainketsu was slightly older he was small in stature for his age. Due to this he seemed to be about the same size as everyone else. He was actually smaller then a couple of them. He took an empty seat in the middle and just tried blending in with the other students.

After about fifteen minutes the rest of the kids had finished filing in. The room was noisy with chatter and was buzzing with excitement. It was hard to make out individual conversations throughout all the commotion. Zain eyed them all individually with the utmost interest. He studied their faces, what they were wearing, how they moved. His eyes couldn't help but try to pick up every minute little detail. He was virtually trying to record as much sensory information as his eyes would let him. This had always been a habit of his. Hopefully one day he could activate his sharingan and see beyond what normal people could see. That was the dream!

The classroom suddenly fell silent at the drop of a dime. A tall mysterious looking woman entered the classroom. She had long flowing blonde hair that was done up nicely in a ponytail, and the greenest eyes anyone had ever seen. The long x shaped scars on the right side of her face made her outstanding beauty come off in a menacing way. She wore a traditional chuunin vest that hid her slender form. She gave off a commanding aura that quickly had all the students on the edge of their seats.

Listen up newbies. My name is Akira. I will be your instructor for today. The life of a shinobi is a hard one. It is filled with pain and despair. It is not meant for those who are weak of mind or spirit. It is a cruel world out there and it is up to you to claw your way to survival. Many of you will die. Those who live will probably have to endure the loss of some of your closest comrades. Only those of you that can learn to adapt quickly and can overcome less then favorable odds will succeed in this harsh reality. The road to being a ninja is a long and arduous one that is filled with heartache and struggle.

That is why today I have a special assignment for everybody. I will be giving every student a Scroll. Each scroll contains a different jutsu. You are to study the jutsu in the scroll and attempt to master it to the best of your ability. Each student will have exactly three hours to practice said jutsu. Once the time limit is up we will move towards physical application. StudentS will be paired with one another. The two sides will battle each other in physical combat. The only rule in this contest is that you are not allowed to kill your opponent. If you lose your match you will be expelled from the academy. No exceptions will be made.This may seem harsh but these are the types of trials and tribulations we shinobi face every single day.

Audible disbelief echoed throughout the classroom. Just about everyone was shocked by the instructors announcement. Zainketsu immediately felt nauseous. His stomache tied itself in knots. He was not prepared for his first day to go like this. He had been so excited and now his heart was filled with nothing but dread. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he got kicked out before his journey even started. Most kids seemed to share the same sentiment but there were a couple who seemed confident in the challenge. The biggest of all the students was easily the loudest and most rambunctious of the group. He looked to be about five years older then everybody here. He was ambitously making claims that he would pulverize anybody who was unlucky enough to be paired up with him. Given his size and confidence, Zainketsu didn't doubt that he could hold his own quite nicely against the smaller competition.

The instructor began walking down the rows. She stopped in front of each student and eyed them thoughtfully for a second. After a moment of inspection she would reach into the satchel she was wearing and remove a rolled up scroll. She would then pass the scroll to the student and be on to the next without uttering a word. Every now and then she would hand one of the kids a projectile along with their scroll.

She continued this way for a couple moments before finally reaching Zainketsu. She eyed him with the utmost interest, Her penetrating gaze immediately made him uneasy.

let me guess....Dark hair...Dark eyes.....

She leaned over real close to him. Her neck was practically touching him as she craned over to look at the back of his shirt.  She let out a little laugh at the sight of his family crest that was embroidered into it.

You must be this years Uchiha! Just so you know a fancy name won't get you very far around here! Nobody gives a rat's ass what your name is in the real world. Grow strong or die young.....It's your choice!

There was a little bit of venom in her voice. She sounded almost angry with him. It felt almost personal. He knew his clan carried with it a certain reputation amongst other ninja. He could tell from that moment he was going to be judged twice as hard as everybody else. It was clear people already had certain expectations and prejudices for his family.

The instructor proceeded to hand him his scroll and was off to the next kid without another word. He nervously unfolded it. His heart dropped to the floor when he saw it.

Genjutsu! I can't do that. It's a D-rank no less. I've never done a single jutsu in my life.  This is impossible. Isn't the school supposed to be teaching me this stuff? Isnt that why you go to stupid school in the first place? She has to be screwing with me, I just know it!

The jutsu was called The Mist servant technique. It was a genjutsu that caused others to see copies of himself. The copies were slow in movement but would multiply any time they take damage. It sounded really useful. The seals seemed simple enough, it was only boar and then rat. The problem was practicing it! Without a partner how was he supposed to go about telling wether he was doing it right or not.

At this point all the other kids began spreading out throughout the room. Each trying to claim as much space for themselves as they can. They all individually began working on their craft. It seemed everyone got a different jutsu. Some were working on ninjutsu, other taijutsu. Some were clearly progressing much faster then others.

Zainketsu began practicing the handsets and molding his Chakra. With no other instructions he had to practice by feel alone. He felt defeated before he even started. Almost an hour of his time splipped by in what felt like momentd. As he looked around at all the other moments. A eureka moment had finally washed over him. Nobody said he couldn't use the other students as targets to practice on.

He surveyed the classroom and found a kid on the other side of the room. He was working diligently on whatever jutsu he was given. It was hard to tell what he was working on but it had quite a few handsets involved. Zain began forming his own seals and molding his Chakra. His eyes burned into the kid as he tried to will the genjutsu on him. He analyzed every minute action the kid made to see if his technique had any effect. To his dismay the kid just carried about his buisness like nothing was happening. Zainketsu tried again, this time he adjusted the way he molded his Chakra. Unfortunately the results were exactly the same.

Damn. This is not good. I'm going to fail!

He had no choice but to keep trying. He must have made a dozen different attempts. Each time he tried a slightly different variation in how he molded his Chakra, but was getting the exact same result each time. His time was quickly running out and he had not gotten anywhere.
He was borderline about to quit until he remembered WHY he wanted to be a shinobi in the first place. Failing was not an option here. Not for him! It was not a want but a MUST. After steeling his resolve he braced himself to try again.

He began making the needed handseals and eyed his target with as much focus as he could possibly muster. His eyes tingled slightly as they virtually pierced the unsuspecting boys soul. He let his Chakra course throughout every cell in his body. Upon casting the jutsu he immediately felt a pulse of energy course through him. To his surprise the boy he was targeting looked up and started talking to someone Zain could not see.

What do you want? Why are you walking all slow like that? Hey cut it out, you are freaking me man. Take one more step and I'm going to pop you right in the face!

The boy was yelling at someone Zainketsu could not see. He looked completely freaked out. He took a step back as if to create space between him and some invisible person. Once his back was against the wall he began swinging at air. With each punch he looked even more terrified. He started looking side to side as if a gang of invisible people were surrounding him.  The student was clearly freaked out and was now as pale as a ghost.

That's it! I can't deal with this. The pressure is already to high. I'm not cut out for this. If this is what ninja have to go through then I want no part in it. Im not cut out to deal with freaks like you. I QUIT!

The boy bolted to the exit without another word. He refused to look at anybody on the way out. Zainketsu had mixed emotions on the ordeal. He felt bad for scaring the kid but was also ecstatic that his genjutsu worked. He felt accomplished. It was just in the nick of time also. A few minutes later the instructor signaled for everybody to stop what they were doing  and to gather round.

Zainketsu nervously made his way to the front of the class. He was confused as to why they were stopped. They still had over twenty minutes left of their allotted time. He really could have used that time to perfect his technique.

Listen up class. One of the first rules of being a ninja is to not trust what you are told. Mission parameters are constantly changing and not everything is going to be fair.  You guys must always be prepared for the unexpected if you hope to succeed around here.

Now let's move on the physical portion. When you are told step forward. On my signal you are to use what you have learned here to defeat your opponent. Again no killing is allowed. The match will be deemed over when one party is no longer able to continue.

The first two students were a medium sized boy and an unnaturally large girl. The two bowed respectfully at each other before beginning to exchange blows in hand to hand combat. Zainketsu was fascinated with how they moved. They were pretty fast for students. He was worried that if he blinked he would miss something. So he stood and just stared at them intently. His eyes zipped back and forth as he tried to pick up every subtle detail. The fight was more evenly matched then he would have guessed. The boy tried numerous times to hit her with a shuriken jutsu. She parried skillfully with a kunai of her own multiple times. For a split second it looked to everyone else that one of the shuriken hit her square in the chest.

Zainketsu noticed from watching intently that she had made a hand seal right before it happened. She then poofed into a cloud of smoke. In her stead was an ordinary log. She reappeared behind the boy with her kunai to his throat. She was declared the winner. None of the other students noticed when she switched judging by the reactions and applause. Was he really the only one?

Multiple matches came and went as he waited patiently for his turn. Zainketsu felt like with each match his eyes were growing sharper. The students seemed to get slower and slower each passing second. The individual hand seals they were using for their low rank jutsu became clearer with each user. I'm truth if it was not for the anxiety about his own match he would have been bored to death with the pacing. His heart did break watching the losers faces. The realization of  being kicked out of the academy on your first day was hard to swallow

After what felt like an eternity it was finally his turn, he was last. He had been so caught up watching the matches he didn't realize that the only other person who had not gone was the gigantic loudmouth kid from earlier. His heart dropped for what felt like the tenth time today. Of course hw would draw this asshole as his opponent. He had a sneaky suspicion the instructor had planned it this way. Zainketsu stepped forward and bowed in respect. The big oaf did not bow, only laughed.

You guys are really gonna put me up against this pipsqueak? Looks like I have nothing to worry about. This will be over before you know it. I'll try to not make you cry too much.

His confidence irritated Zainketsu. He wanted nothing more to win this match solely to shut him up.  He took up his fighting stance with his right fist bent at a 90 degree angle near his hip and his left hand up by his face. He spread his legs about shoulder length apart. His opponent did not even bother to take a stance. He charged directly at Zainketsu like a bull in a China shop. He was much faster then he looked. He was already in the young Uchiha's face before Zainketsu could even think about casting his jutsu. He barely got his hand over in time to block the strike. The force of the attack sent him sliding backwards nearly 5 meters.

He didn't even have time to recenter himself before the bull was charging for a second time. Zainketsu narrowly evaded the first strike but a follow up knee drove all the air out of his chest. Just like that he landed hard on his backside and skipped across the ground. He doubled up in pain as he gasped for air.

What a joke. I don't even need any jutsu to beat you. Your pathetic. Go back and cry to your mommy and leave the fighting to the big kids!

Rage exploded inside Zain. He immediately harbored so much hate for this oversized bully. His mother had just died recently. She had been injured in battle and her body was mutilated for her kekkei genkai. Her internal organs had failed her though Zainketsu will always believe she lost the will to live when his older brother died shortly after. He still couldn't shake the look of her eyeless smile the last time he saw her. It was her last words that changed his heart and made him want to become a shinobi.

You bastard!

He dug deep and pulled himself off the ground. His anger and sorrow immediately overwhelmed whatever physical discomfort he was in. He stared down the other boy with a look that could kill. Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes from all the emotion.

you piece of shit! Don't talk about things you know absolutely nothing about. I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET SAYING THAT!

A burning confidence emitted from the young Uchiha. Something was different. He could feel it. The other student now had a glowing aura to him. Every movement seemednlike it was in slow motion.The other kid almost seemed a little rattled now.

what's up with your eyes man? What in the fuck are you?

....your not going to scare me. Bring it on you little freak! You ain't got nothing!

Unbeknownst to Zainketsu, the legendary doujutsu of his clan had awakened. He was subconsciously wielding the infamous sharingan.  The two boys rushed eachother. Zain started performing hand seals as he ran forward. When they were just about face to face with eachother the oversized bully let out a coordinated set of punches and kicks. Each one was packed full of Chakra. This must have been what he was working on, it was a taijutsu fighting ability. To Zains surprise he had no trouble slipping through the attacks. They felt so slow he virtually waltzed through them and effortlessly appeared behind the behemoth.

Zains genjutsu had triggered at this moment. He could see the Chakra around the man's body change to reflect this. You could tell he seemed panicked right away. In his mind he would see a dozen of the little  red eyed Uchihas start to emerge from the edges of the classroom. The bully tried to fight them off but everytime he would make contact with one they would split into two separate individuals. Within moments he was surrounded by a mob of Zains.

The fear in the bullies voice and his very movements grew more frantic  from one moment to the next. His body slowed as he continued to exert Chakra with every strike he took. The omega oaf  lacked the brain power to establish he was in a genjutsu. That was no suprise though. They were all just academy students, how could any one of them know better? are you doing this? This can't be real! What kind of ninjutsu is this? This can't be happening to me!


Zainketsu knew this was his opportunity. The bully looked tired already.  Zain had to strike while his opponent continued to fight off phantom invaders with low morale. He  silently slipped in with his genjutsu variants and walked right up the bully. The techniques naturally slow moving attributes and constant doubling allowed him to approach undetected.

Right when the bully threw one of his last Chakra punches, Zain suddenly accelerated. He used his sharingan to side step the attack and strike at the best possible moment. Zainketsu placed his fist perfectly in the jerks throat. You could literally hear the air get pushed right out of the buffoons wind pipe. With a very audible thud he hit the ground clutching at his throat.

Zain couldn't help but smile. He had actually won. Somehow he managed to have pulled it off. All the other kids were in shock. Nobody could say a word. Even instructor looked in awe. It quickly became clear the the oversized academy student was not getting back up.


The adrenaline quickly passed and Zainketsu's eyes returned to their normal sullen black. The drain from the sharingan was intense.The energy he spent today finally caught up with him. His legs grew wobbly and it took all his strength just to stand. What a hell of a first day! With the matches over the instructor regained control of the class, her authoritative voice sucked all other sound out of the room.

And that's that. I think that's enough for today. I want each one of you to build upon what they learned here today. I hope to see EVERYONE back here tomorrow. Don't be late!

Word count:3571

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Zain's First day Empty Re: Zain's First day

Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:31 am

WC 3571


VIGOR +20 (2,OOO)
SPEED+15 (1500)
Discarding 71

Mist Servant (D rank)(500 wc)
Fale surrounding (C-rank) (1,000 wc
1 Tamoe Sharingan (2,000 wc)
2 Tamoe Sharingan (71/4,0000 wc)
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Zain's First day Empty Re: Zain's First day

Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:23 am
Zain wrote:EXIT CLAIMS

WC 3571


VIGOR +20 (2,OOO)
SPEED+15 (1500)
Discarding 71

Mist Servant (D rank)(500 wc)
Fale surrounding (C-rank) (1,000 wc
1 Tamoe Sharingan (2,000 wc)
2 Tamoe Sharingan (71/4,0000 wc)

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