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Kana Mi
Kana Mi
Stat Page : Blodreina
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Nothin but Criminals  Empty Nothin but Criminals

Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:19 pm
Mission Dets:

The underground prison loomed into view. It was a small brick shack that had a hatch door that contained stone stairs, which lead underneath. Kana had already taken the time to evaluate her next move. She was already aware of the security guard that was posted up by the shack’s entrance. It wouldn’t hurt if he had gone missing, would it?

The next few matter of minutes went swiftly by, as the red woman clad in all black executed her plan. 

It began with a simple knock on the door. They was always foolish enough to check. The shack’s door swung open as the security guard peered out, his posture was tense with alert and one of his hands laid against the knife at his waist. But that did him little good. He wouldn’t be expecting her from up above. 

Kana’s body quickly swung from the door frame as her leather boot collided into his face. He didn’t even have a chance to yell from the surprise, as his body slumped to the ground. He was out cold. “My my~ I might as well spoil myself this evening.” Her hushed voice was only loud enough for herself to hear, and possibly any ghosts that may be about. Kana intertwined her fingers into the man’s hair before dragging him up against the wall, propping his back up against it. She crouched down beside him, tilting his head to the side before digging her fangs into his warm throat. Once again her taste buds exploded with the taste of crimson human blood. Once again she did not miss feasting on the rabbits of Tanbogakure. 

Since she had left that place, Kana had been allowed to cut back on her rabbit diet. But she did miss the frequent sake and rice. 

The beating heart of the unconcious security guard started to slow down, until it eventually ceased to even exist. Kana released herself from his neck, her tongue glazing over her bloodied fangs. “I guess it would be best if I disposed of you properly.” She whispered more to herself. It wasn’t as if the dead man would acutally be able to hear her. A second body within the mere week. . Kana felt as if she should be a little more careful with feasting. This really couldn’t become a habit of her’s. 

After disposing the dead security guard, Kana continued back to her assignment. Standing over the hatch door that would lead her into the prison underground. Her lips curved into a smirk as she withdrew the keys that the dead guard had within his pocket. Picking through them until she found the one that unlocked the latch to the hatch door. Easy enough. . 

Her hands wrapped around the hatch door’s handle and she jerked backwards. Pulling the hatch open as silently as she could. There was still a slight squeal as the rusted parts shifted, causing the rouge to clench her jaw. She hesitated at that stop, her eyes staring down at the stairs that disappeared into the dark prison. Waiting to see if anyone would holler or shout out from the little noise she had just caused by opening the hatch. A few seconds ticked by that was only followed by silence. When Kana decided that she was satisfied, she began to descend the stairs. Each foot carefully placed as she plummeted further into the dark surroundings. Kana noted that with each step her surroundings grew more colder. The light above grew dim as the walls was barely lit up by small sconces that lined the stairway, making it easy for the rouge to slip down unnoticed, blending into the shadows like a creature of the dark. She almost pitied the ones that was trapped down here in this cold. Not only that but the air held a strong stench of rotten earth and mildew. The smell was bad enough to cause her nose to twitch in discomfort. 

A few groans and moans could be heard echoing off the walls as she completed the flight of stairs. No doubt the prisoners here was in very poor conditions. The man she was after was quite the lucky dog. 

Kana’s eyes scanned through the poorly lit prison chamber. There was numberous metal cages that lined the walls and some of them had chains that where molded into the walls. She guessed it was to detain the ones that were more difficult to handle.
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