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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Three Hours to Summer  Empty Three Hours to Summer

Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:52 pm

Three Hours to Summer  OHaxiPD

Ayato stood in the water gardens, surrounded by the damp ground and the sound of raindrops falling. He couldn't help but find humor in the situation, as the Gazebo that the Hoshimura had destroyed was now being used as a ceremonial altar for Zraix. It seemed ironic that it would also serve as a place to welcome another individual into their fold.

Amidst these thoughts, Ayato's mind briefly wandered to Isaribi, wondering how she was faring in the confines imposed upon her by the Nova Corps. He pondered the fall from grace she had experienced and acknowledged that such misfortunes were an inherent part of the world. Ayato recognized his role in enforcing the practices and laws inside his village and outside of it as a responsibility he would soon undertake.

Ayato had sent a messenger to Zraix, summoning him to meet him. The messenger took the form of Yasha, one of his most trusted members of the Nova Corps. Yasha exemplified the ideals and dedication expected from the Nova Corps, prioritizing service to the village over personal interests. Ayato believed that this level of commitment was crucial for their village to endure and be remembered throughout history.

As Ayato awaited Zraix's arrival, he took note of his appearance against a pool of water. Despite the hot weather, his black raven hair crowned his head, and his lilac eyes seemed to possess an ethereal quality in his serious demeanor. He wondered when Zraix would arrive and, more importantly, whether he cared about the fate of their lost Hoshimura clan member.

WC: 250
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Three Hours to Summer  Empty Re: Three Hours to Summer

Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:27 pm
Raindrops fell in rhythmic fashion throughout the water gardens, the sound reminiscent of the calm but spirited energy carried across the land of Haven. Zraix approached the water gardens with a nervous anticipation as he was summoned there on the orders of Ayato Hyuuga, sworn protector of Hoshigakure- a man he had much respect for and at the same time a complicated past with. He wondered what the reason for this impromptu meeting was, perhaps he wished to deliver information so important that it had to be heard in person or maybe he was being reprimanded. Regardless of the reasoning, he knew it carried weight simply by the fact that a member of the esteemed Nova Corps hand delivered the summons- the young swordsman had only had the privilege of meeting members of this group in passing and on no occasion was he able to speak with one. The Nova were renowned throughout the country of Haven and even throughout the world so this was no small gesture- it could be said that joining the ranks of these distinguished protectors was a goal of any up and coming shinobi and Zraix was no exception to this.

The young shinobi sported ronin robes comprised of a darkened blue top and blackened bottoms- at each side of his hip he had a blade, on his right was his refined katana and on his left, a wakizashi. He approached the Hogokage at a steady pace as his footsteps left a trail in the dampened ground, each step bringing him closer to the purpose of this meeting. Upon closing the distance between the two to 5 meters he would speak, "Lord Hogokage, you summoned me? I got here as soon as I was able to." He would await a reply or any sort of acknowledgement from the man as the rain continued to fall.

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Three Hours to Summer  Empty Re: Three Hours to Summer

Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:46 pm

As the white-haired Hoshimura approached the water gardens, the rhythmic pattern of raindrops filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere in the land of Haven. Zraix wore Ronin robes with darkened blue tops and black bottoms. Two blades adorned his hips—a refined katana on his right side and a wakizashi on his left. He approached, leaving a trail in the damp ground with each step, steadily closing the distance between them. Once he reached five meters, he spoke, addressing Ayato as the Hogokage with respect and eagerness. The rain continued to fall as Zraix spoke, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation.

Anticipation for the unspoken question about the purpose of this impromptu meeting. Delivering vital information required a face-to-face conversation or a reprimand for past grievances.  The fact that a member of the esteemed Nova Corps had hand-delivered the summons indicated that it carried significant weight. And even if its purpose had been left open-ended, its importance was not.

Ayato's lilac eyes met Zraix's gaze, acknowledging his presence.  He took a moment to absorb the significance of his statement before responding. "Yes, I did. I mean to bring you back into the fold." The words carried a weight of intention and purpose. Ayato recognized Zraix's skills and loyalty, despite their complicated past. He believed in the potential within Zraix and saw value in having him by his side once again.

With a somber expression, Ayato replied, his voice carrying a touch of empathy, "Being a Hoshimura is no simple task in the Land of Haven." He understood the implications of being a Hoshimura in the Land of Haven, where the clan's history was marred by conflict and hardship. The Hoshimura had faced their fair share of challenges, and their path had not been easy.

"I  trust that you understand the importance of this decision. Your skills and dedication are needed, and I believe you have the potential to make a significant impact. Will you join me, Zraix, and again stand as a member of Hoshi's finest, protecting our village and its ideals?"

[WC: 353]
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Three Hours to Summer  Empty Re: Three Hours to Summer

Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:28 pm
Zraix could hardly believe his ears upon hearing the words of the sovereign and sworn protector of the Land of Haven- he almost had to take a moment to fully grasp the weight of this proposal. "An official invitation by the Hogokage to rejoin the ranks? This is so sudden.. but." Zraix would think to himself as he maintained eye contact with Ayato- a brief moment would pass along with a breeze of wind that carried ample drops of rain causing them to collide gently with the faces of the two men. Zraix would speak before any of these raindrops had the chance to leave his face and meet with the ground "You honor me with this proposal Lord Hogokage. Though sudden, I dont question your decision." Lowering his right knee to the ground the Hoshimura would kneel with his head bowed before he continued. "I graciously accept this offer. I won't let you down"

He would await the response of Ayato before raising his head to speak again ""I am curious though. Is there a pending issue or task you would like me specifically to address? Also I have a request for you if I may ask." Coming back to a standing position he would brush off the bottom of his ronin attire and continue "Your skill as a shinobi is obviously renowned throughout the world and I would like to study under you to a degree if possible?" The young Hoshimura understood that what he asked of his leader was no small task as he was undoubtedly busy but if he could secure any sort of teaching from a shinobi of this caliber, he could surely ascend to new levels and accomplish the goals he has planned.

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Three Hours to Summer  Empty Re: Three Hours to Summer

Wed Jul 05, 2023 6:05 pm

Ayato observed Zraix's reaction to the invitation, understanding the gravity of the proposal he had just made. He maintained a composed demeanor as he waited for Zraix's response. The raindrops added a momentary pause, but Zraix soon spoke, accepting the offer with gratitude and humility. That was what set this one apart. "That was what set this one apart." Ayato thought compared to some members of the Hoshimura clan, who might possess a more prideful and stubborn disposition, like Vaenar, that one-eyed kin-slayer. The Kage acknowledged this distinction in his thoughts, recognizing the significance of Zraix's attitude. At that moment, Ayato felt a flicker of hope. Here stood a Hoshimura clan member willing to set aside personal pride and work towards a common goal. It gave him faith that unity and cooperation were not out of reach.

The Hogokage nodded, acknowledging Zraix's acceptance. "You possess a rare quality, Zraix. Your humility and willingness to work together for the greater good are admirable. We can bridge the divide through individuals like you and forge a stronger future." As Zraix kneeled before him, Ayato's face betrayed no emotion, but his voice was filled with respect and gratitude. . "Rise, Zraix, as a man of the Village Hidden in the Stars."

As Zraix stood and composed himself, he inquired about any pending issues or specific tasks Ayato wished him to address. Ayato considered the question before responding, "At the moment, I have no pressing matters in mind. However, you will safeguard the village and represent our values within and outside our borders. The details of your tasks will be communicated to you as they arise."

When Zraix requested to study under Ayato to improve his skills as a shinobi, the Hogokage took a moment to contemplate the request. He understood the value of sharing knowledge and helping his subordinates grow stronger. "As your leader, I am responsible for supporting your growth like I had the honor to do for Tsunayoshi before you.  " Ayato recalled the journey of Tsuna, from being a legitimized bastard to becoming the heir and champion of the Haven's Tourney. He had witnessed Tsunayoshi's growth and determination firsthand, which profoundly impacted him. Ayato knew that Tsunayoshi's accomplishments had earned him a rightful place within the Nova Corps. This association made Ayato very familiar with the arts they excelled in.

" I know Hoshimura excels in swordsmanship; unfortunately, I lack that talent. As for Space-time mother was an expert in it, and the habit seems to have passed to me. Despite best intentions." He only said half-jokingly. As a Hyuuga descendant from the Leaf, Taijutsu had been their bread and butter, pure martial combat, and Ayato was taught in the ways of Gentle Fist since he was old enough to walk. The art of Space-Time was sometimes viewed as a commodity for the faint of heart.

He then offered a reassuring smile. "Remember, the journey of a shinobi is not one walked alone. We are a village, a family, striving to help each other become the best versions of ourselves. I will train with you and impart whatever knowledge I can.
I look forward to seeing you flourish."

[WC:  524]
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Three Hours to Summer  Empty Re: Three Hours to Summer

Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:18 am
He was relieved to hear that at the moment there was no pressing business to be taken care of- he would be able to soak in the moment and enjoy his newfound position and acceptance back into the fold as a trusted shinobi in his village. Although he might not admit it out loud, this was an honor he had dreamed about for some time and he would do well not to ruin his chance to prove his loyalty and devotion. Zraix had always admired the leader of their village, one for his ability to unite those of his village and two for his prowess in combat- he exemplified these two traits while keeping a calm manner about him at all times which was impressive. The young Hoshimura would nod in understanding of his task to remain in the village for the time being- this would work well for him as there was another shinobi he needed to find in their village before he would set out anywhere- an Uchiha who's torch never lit.

He waited in anticipation of the response back to his question to study under the decorated Hyuuga and to his surprise, the answer he received came swiftly and carried better news than he had hoped to hear. Not only did Ayato agree to aid in his training but he mentioned having an affinity towards space time ninjutsu, a coveted art of the Hoshimura clan and a downfall in Zraix's ability. With much excitement he would reply "I won't let you down. It is true that we as Hoshimura excel in the use of weaponry and that is indeed my specialty. But I come to you because... unfortunately I have never been the most skilled in the use of Space Time arts. Much to the dismay of my family."

Ayato would continue to speak and amongst his response mention of another clan member would grace the ears of Zraix, "Tsunayoshi? Wait.. he couldnt mean Tsunayoshi of the Nova Corps." The young shinobi had done his research to an extent on the man who had been mentioned and had heard of his power and formidable nature in battle- he was a Hoshimura just like Zraix though their origins were different to say the least. This was yet another shinobi that he hoped to one day meet but for now he needed to focus on the situation at hand. "Ive heard that name before. Tsunayoshi. He's a Hoshimura like myself correct? And a member of the Nova Corps. I've heard much about him. I didnt know you had a hand in his growth but this only makes the thought of learning under you better seeing as how you know more than a thing or two about my clan." He would pause for a moment before continuing "I understand you are a busy man but please let me know at the soonest when you would be willing to begin training with me. I don't want to waste any time in progressing and I know I can be of more use to the village." he said in earnest.

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Three Hours to Summer  Empty Re: Three Hours to Summer

Fri Jul 07, 2023 5:40 pm

Ayato listened attentively to Zraix's words, noting the admiration and excitement that shone through. He understood the significance of Zraix's acceptance back into the fold and the opportunity to study under him. The mention of Zraix's struggle with space-time ninjutsu, a key part of the Hoshimura clan, caught his attention.

"I appreciate your honesty," Ayato responded, a sense of understanding in his voice. Not every Hyuuga had it within them to-be Neji of the Leaf when they wrapped bandages around their wrists.  "Mastering space-time ninjutsu is no easy feat; understandably, not all clan members excel in it. With dedication and guidance, you can still develop your abilities in the art.

The Kage nodded in agreement as Zraix mentioned Tsunayoshi, confirming that Tsunayoshi was indeed a Hoshimura and a member of the Nova Corps. "Yes, Tsunayoshi is a Hoshimura like yourself, and his growth within the Nova Corps has been remarkable. While all credit goes to him, I have witnessed his progression and guided him when needed. He has become a symbol of the Hoshimura clan's resilience and strength."

Ayato recognized Zraix's eagerness to begin training and improve his skills. He appreciated the young shinobi's commitment and desire to contribute to the village. "I understand your eagerness, Zraix. Rest assured, and I will make time for our training sessions. Your progress and growth are important to me, and I will do my best to impart my knowledge and help you reach your full potential."

He paused, considering the logistics of their training. "Let's start with a training session next week. We will focus on refining your weapon mastery and exploring other areas where you can excel. We will also dedicate time to delve deeper into space-time ninjutsu and see how we can enhance your understanding and utilization of those skills."

The downpour continued to rain down from the sky, blanketing the ground in a thin layer of water that seemed to maintain its depth despite the constant conflict with the drainage system. Ayato extended a hand towards Zraix, a warm smile on his face.

"This a training ground, after all."

[WC: 379]

Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Three Hours to Summer  Empty Re: Three Hours to Summer

Sat Jul 08, 2023 1:13 am
The words of the Hogokage served to comfort the Hoshimura a great deal, for he had always carried a level of resentment towards his ineptitude with the Space Time Arts- his swordsmanship was nothing to be scoffed at but he knew that in order to ascend to the next level he would need to tap into his birth right and become a full fledged Hoshimura. "Thank you Lord Hogokage. Im sure that in time ill progress just as you say. Ayato's praise of Tusnayoshi only served to pique the young shinobi's interest more- he had heard much of the man's accomplishments but to be praised by a kage was nothing short of impressive. "I look forward to meeting such a decorated shinobi in the future and who knows? Perhaps i'll find a rival in him if I can advance far enough."

A jolt of excitement accompanied by nerves would race through Zraix as Ayato nailed down a specific time for their training to take place, in one weeks time at the very place they stood he would assume his role as student under the kage. Though he was always up for advancing his skills with the blade he was most excited to begin learning more about space time from the shinobi and without another moment lost he would extend his hand to shake the Hyuuga's before responding, "Consider me there. Ill prepare myself and you have my word that ill put forth my best efforts in these training exercises. The goals I have will take time to accomplish but I do believe this is the first step needed to meet them. Thank you for your invitation back into the fold and this gracious hand in my training." Zraix would smile back as the wind began to settle and the two shinobi made eye contact, this truly was a day for celebration- a day he surly would not forget.

WC- 318
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Three Hours to Summer  Empty Re: Three Hours to Summer

Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:21 pm

Ayato nodded, acknowledging Zraix's appreciation and understanding of the path he needed to take to develop his abilities further. He could sense Zraix's excitement and determination, and seeing such enthusiasm in a Hoshi shinobi pleased him. People with that mentality, willing to mold themselves through training instead of being, kept the village thriving. Hoshi was no place for tryhards who liked the cloth end of their headbands flapping in the wind.

"You have the right mindset, Zraix," Ayato remarked, his voice encouraging. "With dedication, perseverance, and guidance, you can unlock your potential as a Hoshimura and excel in the Space-Time Arts.

As Zraix expressed his anticipation to meet Tsunayoshi and the possibility of finding a rival in him, Ayato smiled. "Nothing more intriguing than a friendly rivalry. Meeting and challenging fellow shinobi is crucial to our growth. It is through these encounters that we push ourselves to new heights. I do not doubt that your paths will cross, and you will push each other to achieve greatness."

Zraix extended his hand to shake Ayato's, sealing their agreement and commitment to the upcoming training session. Ayato clasped Zraix's hand firmly, returning the smile. "
"I look forward to seeing the progress you make

As the wind settled and their gaze met, Ayato felt a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose with Zraix. This day marked the beginning of a new chapter, and Ayato believed in the potential ahead.

"Congratulations once again, Zraix. Celebrate this moment, for it signifies the start of a new path in your shinobi journey. Prepare yourself well, and I will see you in one week for our training session. May this be the beginning of great things to come," Ayato concluded, his voice filled with confidence and encouragement.

The raindrops gradually subsided as the Hogokage and the young Hoshimura shinobi parted ways.

[WC: 304
TWC: 1810]


Crashing Thunder Charge A-rank [1810/1875]

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Three Hours to Summer  Empty Re: Three Hours to Summer

Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:38 pm
Approved for Ayato.
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