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Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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Directionally Challenged [Mizu] Empty Directionally Challenged [Mizu]

Fri May 26, 2023 3:35 pm
One would suppose that, as a wanderer, a person would have the skills to navigate the wilderness and have a good grasp of direction. That was not the case with Saya, who - by dumb luck - managed to find her way around most settlements, towns, and villages. For some reason or another, the purple-haired woman could not orientate herself correctly when it came to choosing the right path  of her next stop. Often times she would end up in the next town over, or going round and round in forests or other wild areas. This usually led her journey to be more than perilous by her lack of funds and resources to last her appropriately when it took her more than the customary amount of days to reach "Point B."

Travelling as a civilian, she found, was a lot harder after resigning as a kunoichi.

Strangers would harass her simply because she was an easy target - short and seemingly lacking in strength. Men, women, and children alike would approach her, using every method in their repertoire to lower her guard around them. The adults were practically predictable, almost always trying to overpower her with brute force or with numbers. There were times when they would attempt to threaten her as well, but having being raised in Kumogakure under the regime of Youka,  such endeavors did not pan out too well for them. It was not difficult to escape those type of people and Saya had no qualms in exerting more drastic means to come out on top. The children, however, were the ones that tore her apart.

Living as a civilian and interacting with ordinary people - parents and the elderly - who had children had shifted her perspective in regards to the younger generation. Saya had always viewed children, whether they were studying to be a ninja or noncombatant, to be held to a certain standard. She grew up knowing that in order to survive, one had to take it upon themselves to become stronger. However, regular children, she discovered, were anything but resilient nor did they have the innate determination to do anything for themselves. Spoiled was what they were, and it had annoyed her that the adults in their lives allowed them to remain as they were. Long story short, Saya ended up keeping in touch with a couple who she had helped during the trek to Hoshigakure, and their baby had taken a liking to her. Unfortunate things happened and Saya had been devastated by the outcome.

Guilt from that incident continued to plague her, almost always skewing her judgement when it came to children. Saya closed her eyes and rubbed at her forehead, trying to push that particular memory back. There was a more pressing matter to attend to - she was lost. Again.

The entire reason why she had chosen to head towards the Hot Springs country was to, well, destress and figure out what to do now. Sneaking into a hot springs business was easy enough to do, but getting to a big enough village that couldn't quite keep track of their customers was harder to do. Honestly, she wasn't quite sure how she ended up in a temple. It seemed empty and unkempt. Was it abandoned? The dirt and random dead leaves littering its floors seemed to indicate so. However, something else told her that that belief should be false.

Saya stepped further inside, clutching her luggage closer to herself. The sun had begun to set outside, coloring the skies in oranges and reds. She frowned. Considering that she did not know where she was and how close she could be to civilization, it would be wise to settle down for the time-being. Quickly, she picked out a corner of the temple floor that would block out most of the outside elements and afford her some kind of hiding space if others were to enter the building.

In a good ten minutes, Saya had found some dry branches and kindle to build a fire from. The temperature wasn't too cool yet but the young woman knew that a fire would help soon. Dressed in a blooming camellias pattern on a dark navy yukata, Saya idly stared at the crackling fire.

"What do I do now?" The question was quickly followed by another. "Where do I go from here?"

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Directionally Challenged [Mizu] Empty Re: Directionally Challenged [Mizu]

Fri May 26, 2023 10:44 pm
Having had more activity around the temple than expected Mizuki had taken it upon herself to check the temple of Jashin more regularly - not an exact schedule so she wouldn’t be expected - but often enough she could keep an eye on it herself until a more routine monitoring system was established. It was on one of these evening excursions she noticed yet another change to the idle temple - this time a faint smell that drifted on a wind. Burning wood, the smoke from dead wood hit her nose - causing it to wrinkle in displeasure as her face turned toward the source.

Following the source she found one of the entrances to the temple with freshly made patterns of disturbances on the ground - shifted limbs and a clear enough path through the filth that led to a small fire blazing as best it could considering its size. Wearing such a dark red she nearly blended in with the darkening surroundings - and with whoever was huddled by the fire staring into the flames she would go unnoticed. Sighing internally she felt the need for the extra security more and more - another wayward child wandering too close for comfort. Turning from the entrance she would slide through the five hand seals in a second as she morphed into the wall - the breath of darkness broken almost instantly as she rose from the ground a few feet from the fire, facing the… girl.

A quick scan of her made her cross her arms across her chest and stare down at her with an expression of exasperation. What was a girl dressed like her, and luggage at her side, doing here? The whole scenario had her at a loss for words that all she could manage out was a barked, “What are you doing here?” The whole scene before her eyes was so absurd that she couldn’t even construct a possible reason for what she was seeing.

wc 322

Jutsu Used:
Mayfly - 100 AP
Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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Directionally Challenged [Mizu] Empty Re: Directionally Challenged [Mizu]

Sun May 28, 2023 12:07 am
No sooner had the questions left her mouth a figure arose from the ground, startling Saya with an additional question - one that seemed to relate to her current state of contemplation. What was she doing here? In this temple? This life? If anything, she should have faded away into background the moment she had walked way from Tanbogakure, whether was a year before now or just a few days ago. It was just so that some sort of entity deemed her worthy enough to continue her story, whatever was left of it.

She had no mother, disappeared soon after her academy graduation. Her father-figured sensei, Senshi? Reported to have had an honorable death. Teammates? Max had become Raikage then was overtaken; Renji was a mystery and probably dead too when the regime changed in Kumogakure. There had been another friend - Sakana - but they had lost communication as soon as they were hit with Senshi's passing. The twins? Nothing was known about Komon aside from haven taken his wife (did they ever actually get married?) and the baby, to some place she would never know about. In which case, that was good, because having unrequited feelings for a taken man was never a good thing. Komori had been the only one she had discovered; it was almost by fate that they met so soon after her departure, but what happened to him? Did he defend Tanbogakure; was he even still in the village; is he still alive or did he kick the bucket elsewhere? With no one to cling to, the question that is being asked so desperately within her was:

What was she doing here?

Saya inhaled sharply, reflexes slow as she pushed herself off her knees and used the momentum to side-roll a few feet away. Her hands automatically reached for the weapon pouches that were no longer by her waist and by her thigh. Old habits really do die hard. Hands empty and bereft of kunai, she gave a weary grin, "A very good question. Something I've been asking myself for the past few years."

It must have looked quite ridiculous to the obviously stronger woman. The responsiveness to her emergence had been stagnant but it did indicate a certain level of shinobi training, which became more apparent when Saya's hands drifted to where one would keep their equipment. Just as much as Saya displayed an abhorrent level of ninja skill, the kunoichi standing before her was intimidating, dressed in what she supposed to be a crimson kimono. The expression present on her face didn't seem all too welcoming. Perhaps she should have responded in a serious manner rather than sarcastically. The old her would have been outraged by her lack of manners and respect.

"Though I don't think that's what you meant," Saya continued, not sure if her head will end up rolling on the ground within the next few seconds due to her attitude. "But it's quite evident that I'm just settling in for the night. Don't know where I am and don't know where I'm heading, you see. I just figured, you know, big building equals nice shelter."

Her meager fire crackled, and the wind by the entrance of the temple whistled.

TOTAL WORD COUNT (TWC): 724 + 540 = 1264
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Directionally Challenged [Mizu] Empty Re: Directionally Challenged [Mizu]

Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:30 pm
Eyes boring into the girl as her response came jolting and of course a bit taken aback - though her movements were languid she created some distance between them, reaching for a weapons pouch that wasn’t there. Quirking her eyebrow slightly she couldn't help but scoff, one for the reaction and two for the location this girl chose for settling down. If there was any worse spot to choose it would be here - too open and you couldn’t watch all the possible ways in. She was a sitting duck at best.

Heaving a sigh she raised her eyes to the heavens, cursing her healing heart, before relaxing into a more casual stance. “Seeing as how this has got to be the worst place to spend a night, why don’t you come with me. I have a place you can stay til you figure out where you are headed.” Giving a slight shake to her head she would turn from the girl walking casually away, the only indication she expected the girl to follow her being the glance over her shoulder - the blazing white of the Byakugan prodding the girl into action. “Stick close or stay behind.”

She would continue to move silently - if the girl chose to follow she would find a winding path in front of her; no direct path taken and often times crossing over familiar ground before coming upon a wall of mist higher than you could see in the dark. Taking the girls arm firmly she would quietly inform her, “This will be unpleasant for you, don’t pull away.” Pulling the girl through the veil would be tortuous for her - throwing a black nothing over every sense at her disposal - only lifting when the two reach the other side and her hand quickly releases her. “Welcome to my home.”

[EXIT Temple]
[Entering Yugure]

Last edited by Mizuki Ohta on Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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Directionally Challenged [Mizu] Empty Re: Directionally Challenged [Mizu]

Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:48 pm
The offer of a better place to stay at was suspicious, but Saya looked around her surroundings - wind still blowing through and dust on the ground. It didn't bother her much on where she slept; she was a wanderer, after all. But it was the possible danger that plagued at her senses. This temple did not give much of a good defense if someone were to enter. A perfect example? The lady in front of her. Saya sighed and quickly gathered her things. The white eyes and bulging veins around them was clearly a sign for her to get going.

"Oh-kay... Thanks, I guess?"

It wasn't because she trusted her. This was more of a survival thing. As much as she hated it, against other shinobi, Saya was nothing but a fly to be swatted. So, of course, with her pack organized she stood and nodded to her guide. It was probably best to stick to someone who didn't kill her right off the bat. Maybe she'll find purpose in someone else's company. Rolling her shoulders and following the lady closely (because that was the instruction given and definitely not because she was frightened of the dark shadows), she said, "I don't think I'd want to stay here longer than I need to if I can get something more than a cold hard ground."

As they moved through the sinuous trail Saya inhaled sharply when she felt a grip on her arm but she didn't resist. That was surprising as Saya didn't think the temple or building was that big, though it should have been obvious to her that assumptions like those would get her into trouble. Either way, it seemed as if they had reached their destination by the warning given. Almost immediately after, everything went black. Saya felt her body almost stiffen and pull back. Luckily for her, the nomad was great at following orders and listening to caution.

The odd and unpleasant sensation stopped, and all of her senses returned. Saya blinked and had to take a few breaths to shake herself from the shock. Once she collected herself, she looked around.

"Whoa... "


TOTAL WORD COUNT (TWC): 1264 + 356 = 1620

CLAIMING: 1600/100 = 16 stat points to Chakra
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Directionally Challenged [Mizu] Empty Re: Directionally Challenged [Mizu]

Sat Jun 03, 2023 6:59 am
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