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Keiji Mumei
Keiji Mumei
Stat Page : Green Eyes
Mission Record : Missions
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Asylum Seekers Empty Asylum Seekers

Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:35 am
Keiji and his parents had lived happily with the Jaws of Grimma for nearly ten years before Axell Florent came and shattered their peaceful existence. Before joining up with the group they lived in the quiet seclusion of the Tachibana forest for nearly 15 years. The dense foliage provided a natural barrier against the outside world, and they had built a small cabin to live in peace. They fled from The Wolf back to their cabin but knew it would not be a long term solution. With no allies to protect them and the threat of violence constantly looming, Keiji and his parents knew that they had to leave their home and seek asylum elsewhere. They had heard of a hidden village in the mountains called Hoshigakure that offered refuge to those in need, and they decided to make the journey there. They knew it would be dangerous and that they could possibly be turned away, but they felt that they had no other options.

Keiji and his parents began to pack their belongings, trying to take only what was essential for the journey ahead. They packed food, water, and warm clothes to keep them safe from the cold mountain air. Keiji watched after he had finished packing his things as his parents worked, trying to keep his own fears at bay. As they prepared to leave, Keiji's parents told him that they would be traveling for many weeks through dangerous terrain, and that they would have to be cautious and vigilant every step of the way. They explained that they were seeking asylum in Hoshigakure, and that they would be relying on the kindness of strangers to help them on their journey. Keiji listened intently, trying to absorb everything that his parents were telling him. He knew that the journey ahead would be difficult, but he also knew that he had to be strong for his parents. Finally, they set out on their journey. They followed the path that they had walked many times before, but this time it felt different. The forest was quiet and still, and Keiji couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

They walked for hours, stopping only to rest and eat when necessary. They tried to avoid the main roads, staying hidden in the dense underbrush of the forest. But even with their precautions, they could feel the danger growing closer with every step. As they traveled, Keiji's parents shared stories of their own childhoods, trying to keep his mind off of the dangers that they faced. They told him about the village of Hoshigakure, and the people who lived there. They spoke of the kindness and compassion of the villagers, and the safety and security that they could offer. Despite the dangers that surrounded them, Keiji began to feel a sense of hope growing within him. He began to dream of a new life in Hoshigakure, a life without fear and violence. But their journey was far from over. They had to cross treacherous mountains and navigate through dense forests, always staying one step ahead of those who sought to harm them. Keiji's parents led the way, always vigilant and watchful for any signs of danger.

At night, they would set up camp in a small clearing, building a fire to keep them warm. Keiji would sit with his parents, watching the flames dance in the darkness. They would share stories and jokes, trying to keep their spirits up despite the trials that they faced. But even with their best efforts, the dangers that surrounded them were growing more and more intense. They were forced to take longer and more difficult routes, and the food and water that they had brought with them were running dangerously low. Finally, after weeks of travel, they caught their first glimpse of the village gates of Hoshigakure. Keiji's heart swelled with relief and gratitude as they drew closer. The village looked like a haven, a safe harbor in the midst of a storm. As they approached the gates, the guards looked at them skeptically, which was expected considering their current state. They waited patiently for the guards to acknowledge them and ask whatever questions were needed.

[WC - 701]

Last edited by Keiji Mumei on Sun Apr 16, 2023 3:19 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added brackets to WC)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Asylum Seekers Empty Re: Asylum Seekers

Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:26 am
Hoshigakure had a setting out of a fairytale where fields of blue, red, and golden roses stretched as far as the human eye could see. The market was bursting with people, and the wines smelled so good that one could get drunk just by breathing the air. Everyone wanted to taste the upcoming glory of the spring before it fled. Perhaps that is why the Bronze Gates of Hoshi had made such an attractive destination. 

The presence of Ronin and free riders in the town, looking for work and a place to stay. The refugees who had arrived before them had brought stories of dark times and looming danger, and it seemed that even the seemingly idyllic town of Hoshigakure was not immune to the troubles that plagued the land.

A new group today approaches the gates. One of the guards bid them a halt, and the travelers complied with a well-mannered behavior. A man stepped up, wore black armor, had golden hair, and an eyepatch over his right eye. A saber tooth cloak danced behind him as he moved. On his hip, a sword with a golden hilt was sheathed. The man was Toneri Hyuuga, Jounin, and brother to the Kage.  

Toneri looked at the weary travelers and frowned slightly, noting their ragged appearance and worn-out clothing. He stepped forward, his tone firm but not unkind.

"Greetings. I am Toneri Hyuuga, Jounin of Hoshigakure and commander of the gate guard. " Toneri looked closer at Keiji and his family and noticed their tired and desperate state. He realized they must have been through a lot to reach the village gates. With a stern but understanding look, he approached Keiji and said, "What brings you to Hoshigakure? Why have you taken such a difficult and dangerous journey?"

[WC: 299]
Keiji Mumei
Keiji Mumei
Stat Page : Green Eyes
Mission Record : Missions
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Asylum Seekers Empty Re: Asylum Seekers

Sun Apr 16, 2023 3:18 pm
Keiji felt out of place in this seemingly ornate world, he had a hard time taking it all in, but was hopeful for the first time in a while that they could finally find safety. Keiji’s face of hope turned to a concerning look when he noticed a pirate approaching them from the gates. He had never seen someone with an eyepatch, as that had only been something he had heard in the bedtime stories his mother and father would tell him before going to sleep. This man seemed more regal however and couldn’t possibly be a pirate if he was the commander of the village gate guard as he stated. He also seemed nicer than the pirates Keiji had been told about.

Keiji approached the man and bowed his head and his mind began to race, why am i bowing my head? What the hell is happening right now, I guess I just gotta roll with it now. This must be more of my parents' stories messing with me. He had heard hundreds of stories of knights and castles, but thought it was all made up and fantasy. Clearly it wasn’t though as this seemed to be the place these stories were based upon. So maybe this “guard” in front of him truly was a pirate, Keiji could never really know for sure unless he outright asked him, but he couldn’t take a chance in offending his new host in the off chance he wasn’t a pirate.

Keiji raised his head from the bow and looked the man in his eye. Keiji motioned to his parents,”we have traveled over the last few weeks from a cabin deep within the tachibana forest on the run from a madman.” Keiji paused for a moment thinking how truthful he should be as he knew that the Jaws of Grimma had run-ins with this village in the past. While the stories weren’t wonderful, Keiji and his parents had nothing to do with those skirmishes and attacks. He quickly decided that honesty was the best policy, better to tell them everything now and have it all in the open then for them to find out things later and think they were keeping secrets.

Keiji sighed, “we were members of the Jaws of Grimma, we joined up with them a little over 9 years ago.” A tear streamed down Keiji’s face, “we fled them a few months ago when our leader was murdered by that madman we are trying to stay away from now, Axell Florent.” Keiji wiped the tear from his face and looked back to the Hyuuga before him, “we are here seeking asylum as we fear it is our only hope at survival.” Keiji paused and examined the Hyuuga’s face to see how he was taking in the information. Keiji bowed his head again, “please can you help us?”

[WC - 477]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Asylum Seekers Empty Re: Asylum Seekers

Sun Apr 16, 2023 6:20 pm
Keiji stepped forward, grateful for the chance to explain their situation. His family and Keiji had been traveling for weeks, fleeing from danger in their home village. "We seek refuge and protection within the walls of Hoshigakure." He had heard this story a thousand times, but he listened attentively to Keiji's version, and his expression softened as he heard about his and his family's hardships. He could sense the pain and fear in Keiji's voice, which touched him deeply. 

Toneri nodded in understanding and said, "I am sorry to hear about the loss of your leader, and I understand your need for asylum. Rikke wasn't it, he and my brother had differences, but he was a well-respected warrior, unlike Florent. Hoshigakure welcomes all who seek refuge and will do everything in our power to provide you with a haven. You and your family are no longer alone, and we will stand with you in your time of need."

Toneri placed a comforting hand on Keiji's shoulder. "I will allow you to enter the village, but you will eventually need to speak with the Kage and provide more information to him. Follow me to your temporary lodging."  

He turned around and nodded to a grizzled, bearded man. "Harold, you have the watch." Toneri would lead Keiji and his family to their temporary lodging. He arranged for them to receive medical attention and provided food and shelter. Over the next few days, Toneri and the village leaders would also take steps to strengthen the village's defenses and prepare for potential threats. But first things first.

As Toneri walked away with Keiji and his family, who assumingly would follow. He couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of finding a lead on Axell Florent. He knew that the situation was difficult and that Keiji and his family needed his help, but he couldn't shake the thrill of the hunt.

Toneri decided to keep a close eye on Keiji and his family, hoping to gather any information about Axell Florent. He waited for the right opportunity to ask Keiji more questions, hoping that he could find a clue that would lead him to his target.

[WC: 360]
Keiji Mumei
Keiji Mumei
Stat Page : Green Eyes
Mission Record : Missions
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Asylum Seekers Empty Re: Asylum Seekers

Sun Apr 16, 2023 8:59 pm
Keiji let out a sigh of relief when Toneri’s hand found his shoulder, he felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he could finally relax just a little bit. Before he could become fully relaxed he felt a sharp pain to the back of his head, he turned and looked at his parents. His mother was staring daggers at him. “How are we supposed to join a village when they don’t even know our names?” ,she asked Keiji sharply. Keiji blushed with embarrassment and looked back to Toneri. “Apologies for my rudeness, my name is Keiji Mumei, this is my father Kado and my beautiful, loving mother Aiko.” Keiji ducked as he felt the breeze of his mothers ferocious arm swing over his head, he knew it would be coming quickly after his sarcastic introduction. While he may have said those things in jest in the moment, there were never truer words spoken, both of his parents meant a lot to him and anyone who witnessed their interactions would be able to tell as much.

Keiji nodded to Toneri and followed behind him closely, taking in as much of the village as he could, he had never seen a village or community as well built or as extensive as Hoshi. When Toneri mentioned that they would need to meet with Kage to provide more information, Keiji knew what kind of information they would need. While he couldn’t provide them with much he would provide what he could. “I assume your Kage wants information on Axell Florent? While I can't tell you much about his current whereabouts, I could show you on a map where I last saw him and even take you to that spot if necessary!”

Keiji and his parents continued to follow Toneri through the village, Keiji had a hard time believing that they finally made it to their destination and it was everything they had hoped for and then some. Hopefully it wasn’t too good to be true though, he would have to see how the meeting goes with the Kage, before feeling truly at ease. “Just so you know we don’t expect you to protect us with nothing in return. My father is a master carpenter and my mother is an exceptional nurse, and I have abilities that I would be happy to offer to Hoshi to assist in the protection of the village!” Keiji stopped himself before he began sounding desperate, but decided he should clarify himself before finishing. “I only mean to say that we are all willing to do our part and pull our weight to earn our place here.”

Keiji rubbed the back of his head, slightly embarrassed at what he deemed as an outburst. He smiled awkwardly at Toneri but continued to follow until they stopped at what appeared to be an apartment. Keiji motioned to the apartment,”Is this where we will be staying?”

[WC - 489]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Asylum Seekers Empty Re: Asylum Seekers

Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:54 pm
Toneri listened to Keiji's introduction and couldn't help but smile at his interaction with his parents. It was clear that they were a close family. "It's a pleasure to meet you all, Keiji, Kado, and Aiko," Toneri said with a slight bow. 

When Keiji mentioned that he could provide information on Axell Florent's whereabouts, Toneri's interest was piqued. "That would be incredibly helpful, Keiji. Any information you can provide us with would be greatly appreciated. And as for your offer to contribute to the village's infastracture, we always need skilled individuals like your father and mother."

As they arrived at the apartment, Toneri nodded in response to Keiji's question. "Yes, this will be your temporary residence until we can arrange a meeting with the Kage. Please make yourselves at home, and I will be back shortly to update you on the meeting arrangements." Toneri gave a slight bow and left the family to settle in.

Keiji and his parents entered the apartment, taking a moment to take in their surroundings. The apartment was small but clean and well-maintained. They could hear the sounds of the bustling village outside, but the apartment felt like a peaceful haven. If Keiji, Kado, or Aiko walked over to the window and looked at the village - They would seem that their long journey was over, and perhaps they'd finally found a haven.

[WC: 230]
Keiji Mumei
Keiji Mumei
Stat Page : Green Eyes
Mission Record : Missions
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Asylum Seekers Empty Re: Asylum Seekers

Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:12 am
Keiji and his parents did just that! They strolled up to the window and peered out to the rest of the village in awe of what they saw. The rest of the village seemed just as ornate as what they had seen from outside the village gates and on their lovely walk from the gates to their apartment door. During the walk over Keiji hadn’t really been able to take the time to enjoy the sights, but now he took in as much as he could. Keiji and his parents stood in front of the large window, overlooking the rest of the Hoshigakure village. The view was stunning, with the sun setting behind the mountains in the distance, casting a golden glow over the rooftops of the buildings below. Keiji and his parents had fought hard to get to this, and to see the beauty of what they hoped would be their new home village, was almost breathtaking. They appreciated the small but vibrant community that stood before them and were instilled with a sense of pride in making the most of their current situation. As they looked out over the village, Keiji's parents pointed out different landmarks and buildings. They could see the bustling marketplace, where vendors sold fresh produce and handcrafted goods, and the dojo where young warriors trained in the art of combat.

Keiji was fascinated by the different aspects of the village, and his parents were happy to be there as well, they had so many questions but knew they would all be answered in time. They wanted to learn about the history of Hoshigakure, including the struggles and triumphs of the other villagers. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Keiji smiled as his parents told him it was time to get some long needed rest. But Keiji was reluctant to leave the window. He wanted to stay and take in every detail of the village, to memorize every building and street. His parents smiled at their son's enthusiasm, knowing that he was starting to understand the importance of coming here and trying to start a new life. As they walked away, Keiji turned around one last time to take in the view. He knew that he was lucky to start a new life in such a beautiful and vibrant place, and he was determined to make the most of it.

Keiji approached Toneri and bowed his head to him again, “thank you sir for this opportunity, we will not let you down! If it’s alright with you we are going to rest up from our long journey and take some time to clean up. But tomorrow I will be happy to answer as many questions as your Kage has and assist in any way I can to bring in that madman.” He looked back up to meet Toneri’s gaze to see how he would respond. If he was deemed his request he would bid farewell to his generous host and help his parents get situated before turning in for the night. Today had been an incredible day and Keiji was excited to find out what was in store for him with this next chapter of his life.

[WC - 535]
[closing here and will start a new thread for the kage meet up in due time! Also im not sure if im doing the Black Threads claim correctly since i already know the d-rank version, let me know if i need to change it!]

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Asylum Seekers Empty Re: Asylum Seekers

Mon Apr 17, 2023 3:42 pm
Toneri smiled at Keiji and nodded his head. "Of course, Keiji. Take the time you need to rest and get settled in. Soon we will begin our plans to capture the rogue ninja and bring peace back to Hoshigakure. Your help will be greatly appreciated." Toneri then turned and left Keiji and his parents to rest.

He had always dreamed of being the man to bring Axell to justice, and now he had brought people into the village with the information that he could pursue that dream. He knew the challenges ahead but was determined to work hard and capture the rogue ninja that had caused so much harm.

[WC: 110]
[TWC: 700]

Claims for Toneri:
500 WC to level up Split Second [V7.2] from B to A-rank with a 50% Max discount for jutsu the original knows. [750+500 = 1250/1250]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Asylum Seekers Empty Re: Asylum Seekers

Mon Apr 17, 2023 3:44 pm
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